In detail: do-it-yourself kitchen door repair from a real master for the site
Look with sadness at a sagging door with a sticky lock and peeling varnish? Are you planning to replace it as soon as possible? Do not hurry! The easiest way to make such a radical decision. But why not try to deal with the problem? Most door defects are successfully "treated" at home, without the help of professionals. Do-it-yourself door repair is a real opportunity to save a decent amount of money and once again make sure that a born master lives in each of us.
When do doors need repairs?
While the doors look presentable, and there are no difficulties with their operation, the absolute majority does not even think about the need for regular maintenance of the structure. But from time to time, even the most disgusting and high-tech samples need inspection and preventive manipulations - cleaning the surface, adjusting and lubricating the hinges, coating with special compounds. If you don't, one day you will find that the doors:
sagged and scratched the floor;
hang out on hinges;
do not close well, entering the box too tight;
cracked, cracks appeared in them;
Problems with the box (staggering), decorative outer finishing of the canvas (veneer peeled off, paint peeling) are also not excluded.
Worth knowing! Malfunctions or damage to the appearance of a structure are not always caused by improper operation. Often, the "root of evil" lurks in the quality of the door itself, in violation of the technology of its production.
Strengthening the door frame
Video (click to play).
A box that does not hold well in the opening can be strengthened using such a simple algorithm of actions:
Remove the platbands and door leaf.
Align the box.
Fix the box in the correct position.
Drill two or three holes in the hinge and lock posts (be sure to go deep into the wall).
Drive wood (hardwood) pins or steel pins that have been pre-coated with epoxy into the holes.
Hang the canvas again, attach the platbands.
Note! It is necessary to adjust the position of the box "reckoning" with the canvas - the convenience of opening / closing the door should not be affected.
Troubleshooting hinges
If the door touches the threshold or the floor, closes poorly, dangles, then it may be necessary to replace, adjust or re-hang the hinges.
First of all, check how firmly the top hinge is held: tighten the screws if necessary.
A slightly sagging door can be "put back" using a metal washer or a wire ring put on the hinge pin (this advice is relevant for structures equipped with removable hinges).
None of the tricks work? You can try deepening the recess under the hinge plate (in the strapping bar).
When working with hinges, it also happens that the screws turn and it is impossible to tighten them - especially if you are repairing an old door with your own hands. What to do in this case? Several options are possible here:
Replace the fastener with a longer size.
Seal the screw holes with matches.
Rearrange the hinges slightly higher or lower.
Adjusting the web geometry
Sometimes even a cursory examination helps to understand that door faults are not “hidden” in the box, and not even in the hinges, but in the canvas itself. More precisely, in its geometry.
Moisture can swell or dry out. And also, after several stains or varnishes, an overly thick layer of protective agents may form on it. What to do?
Close the door tightly and evaluate the dimensions of the gaps. If they are too small or missing, remove the fabric from the hinges and sew the harness.
Be careful! Before planing, it will not be superfluous to make sure once again that the matter is definitely not in a deformed box.
Large gaps are not a problem
A door made of undried wood will inevitably dry out during operation. And this can lead to a lot of problems. Large loops between the canvas and the box, the latch tongue that does not reach the striker plate, in general, the sagging structure - you must agree, there is little pleasant. How to proceed?
Rearrange the hinges to pull the door up.
Attach a strip of the required dimensions to the bottom end of the blade, and fit it flush.
Eliminate the side gaps using a strip screwed to the hinge end of the door.
Fill the cracks between the harness and the planks, clean them.
Paint the planks.
Strengthening panels
A cracked door isn't just about gaps. These are also panels that do not fit well in the grooves of the strapping.
In this situation, it is recommended to re-glue the strapping bars. To do this, the door is removed from its hinges, disassembled, thoroughly cleaned of old glue and dirt. Then the bars are connected (glued), the panels are inserted into place and the transformed structure is placed in the clamping device.
Cracks in the door
Do-it-yourself repair of interior doors often involves sealing cracks. You have to tinker - but the result is worth it.
Place the door on the table / trestle.
Remove the obvious coating from the surface - you can use sandpaper, special liquid agents, etc.
Sand the canvas with a fine sandpaper.
Seal small cracks and scratches with wood filler / epoxy glue and sawdust mixture.
Sand the dried surface again.
“Mask” large gaps (including through ones) with wooden inserts greased with glue.
Spatulate visible irregularities.
Prime the entire door surface.
Cover the canvas with varnish or paint. If it is not an interior door, but the front door, the varnish should be applied in at least two layers.
Metal doors are a more reliable structure than wooden ones, however, it is sometimes not so easy to repair it on your own.
The door is twisted
It is impossible not to notice the skew of the door - it begins to scratch the threshold, ceases to close well, its sound and heat insulation properties deteriorate sharply. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon.
The first of them is too much weight of the metal sheet. If the door is made of thick multilayer steel, even the highest quality hinges will one day fail. Do-it-yourself front door repair in this case is extremely difficult. You can try your luck by cutting off old loops and replacing them with new ones.
The second is the natural wear and tear of the hinges. If they are "screwed on" and not welded, then it is not difficult to rectify the situation. The main thing is to find high-quality fittings with a suitable "design" among the assortment of shops.
The third is the skew of the door frame. Eliminated by driving wedges under the base of the structure.
The door is rusted
Especially "gets" its lower part.
To put the rusty metal doors in order, you will have to make a number of rather laborious manipulations.
Prepare the structure for repair - dismantle seals, fittings, etc.
Use a metal brush to remove any rust and any peeling paint.
Sand the surface.
Degrease doors with solvent.
Putty the damaged areas (it is recommended to use a product for cars).
Sand the surface again, aiming for perfect evenness.
Prime the door with a spray primer.
Apply the first coat of paint.
Sand (if necessary) the resulting smudges.
Apply a second coat of paint.
Install the hardware and seal on the dry, repaired door.
Plastic doors are considered exemplary aesthetic and reliable. But with a long service life, some "failures" in their work are not excluded. Therefore, it is still worth knowing how to repair plastic doors with your own hands.
Door handle malfunction
This breakdown is one of the most typical for plastic construction. To replace the hardware, turn the decorative plate at the base of the handle ninety degrees and unscrew the two screws.
If the handle is intact, but it is turned with great difficulty, it is quite possible that the grease has simply dried out. To save yourself from torment, purchase a lubricant and treat all the moving parts of the mechanism with it.
Sagging door
To fix this problem, adjust the position of the door with a hex key. It is inserted into the lower loop and turned clockwise - thus, the canvas rises.
Door closers are mechanisms that are extremely popular in recent years. They are responsible for the quiet and smooth closing of the structure. The devices are installed, contrary to popular belief, not only on massive and heavy office doors or doors to the entrance, but also on the entrance and interior doors.
What malfunctions can overtake "the faithful assistant of silence and comfort"? Can you handle them yourself?
Leakage of working fluid
This breakdown is the most common among door closers. The working fluid begins to flow out through the unpressurized oil seals. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in the winter. It leads to a loss of the door closer smoothness of closing - the device turns into the most ordinary spring. Since it is not possible to disassemble the closer, in such a situation, the replacement of the mechanism is shown.
Rod (lever) breakage
The bar is one of the few door closer parts that can be repaired by hand in case of breakdown. What usually happens to her?
seizure in joints;
damage to the mounting place.
Minor damage to the boom can be repaired by welding. In the event of a serious malfunction, a reasonable solution is to replace the part. It will cost less than replacing the entire mechanism.
If you have a working rod that is suitable in terms of parameters from another closer, you can use it.
Subtleties of adjustment
Long-term operation of the closer definitely affects the quality of its work. Fortunately, most minor defects can be eliminated with the help of competent adjustment.
if the door closes too quickly or, on the contrary, unusually slowly, turn the control valve clockwise / counterclockwise;
the closing speed is controlled by the second control valve;
the tension force of the spring is adjusted with a nut;
to use the closing delay function, tighten the latch tighter with the door open at a right angle.
As you can see, it is not at all difficult to eliminate many door faults. It is more difficult to make a decision about the appropriateness of such actions. If the condition of the doors is too critical or expensive equipment is required for repair, which you do not have in stock, it will be easier and more correct to acquire a new interior element.
Kitchen cabinet door, ripped out fasteners with meat. Can it be repaired?
Another photo of this door! Of course you can! First, glue all the chips of chipboard with PVA glue and press this case well. Then tighten with the same glue all the screws that hold the door hinges, if the screws fly into the old hole, then mix some addition into PVA glue, you can use wood chips. Good luck!
You can repair it. There are two ways.
1 way. If the holes are large, then buy plastic dowels. We drill holes and insert dowels. The dowels are likely to be longer. We cut them to size with a knife. We hang the door on self-tapping screws.
Method 2.If it is broken at all, then we dilute the epoxy resin. mix it with coarse sawdust and pour the mixture onto the damaged surface. After the resin has hardened, mark the holes for the door fasteners. We drill first with a thin drill, and then we drill it to the size of the self-tapping screw. Dowels are no longer needed. It should dry for a day. Otherwise it will crack and fall out. We fix the door. Done. Good luck.
All the furniture (like vodka)) is now made of sawdust. In this case, the screws are probably torn out of the nests, if the seats of the door canopies are intact, then the nests from the screws, carefully, can be restored with sawdust mixed with glue, when hardened, with a drill make holes and reinforce the awnings again. Or, in a furniture workshop, order a board for
new door (picking up the same material) and hang it on the cabinet yourself.
The most reliable way is, of course, to buy a special cutter with a diameter of 30 mm for furniture hinges for a drill. Its depth corresponds to the depth of the hinge. Then make new grooves in the door for the furniture hinge with a cutter. Then screw the hinges to the door with 15mm self-tapping screws, and the second part of the hinges to the side wall. But if you don't want to do all this, there is another reliable and proven way.
Carefully separate all parts from each other (hinges, door, side panel) Thin the epoxy. And you put it all together. Just first make up the door-hinge assembly and let the resin harden, and then screw the door into the same old holes with self-tapping screws, only with resin and leave to harden. It is advisable to fix the door with tape until the resin in the hinges on the side is petrified. This method has been proven since Soviet times.
Any wooden doors can be repaired with your own hands, the main thing is to competently approach this process and get acquainted with the advice of professionals. You can repair doors from materials such as MDF, fiberboard and particleboard. This will require a lot of manipulations, but simple enough, and if you follow the recommendations of experienced craftsmen, it is possible to avoid serious consequences and restore the aesthetics of any wooden door with your own hands.
After some time after use, any wood covering may lose its proper appearance. For example, you may need to patch up a hole in the interior door, which is quite possible to do on your own and even without the help of a master. For this process, you will need to prepare a number of items.
In order to close a hole in a fiberboard door, you must first prepare all the necessary materials for repair
Namely, it is important to have:
Paper, moreover, ordinary and emery, in which the grain size should be more than 150;
Polyurethane foam;
Epoxy or polyester resin, which can be purchased at any automotive store;
Putty specially designed for wood flooring;
Primers for wood;
A special two-component paint and varnish composition and a brush.
First you need to remove the hole. In other words, a hole is initially prepared, which is cut out with a special construction knife. The preparation of such a hole makes it possible to simplify the process of sealing the opening during subsequent work. Next, inside the door leaf, you need to make stuffing of paper or newspapers. Absolutely any literature will do, but only with durable sheets of paper.
This stage allows you to reduce the consumption of polyurethane foam, which will fill the hole. After the foam has dried, you need to cut off its excess in order to level it with the surface of the door leaf. Due to the fact that the foam has a very porous structure, it cannot be called a durable web, and therefore requires the coating of the foam layer with resin. As soon as it saturates the foam at the cut and hardens, then the space of the hole can be considered sealed.The restoration and, in particular, the application of the resin must be carried out with special rubber gloves to avoid getting the compound on the hands.
If the resin gets on the skin, then you need to remove it as quickly as possible with a solvent.
Once you are satisfied that the resin is really cured, you can apply a putty designed specifically for wood. Once it is dry, the surface is sanded with sandpaper. There must be a priming. Each subsequent stage is done only after the previous applied layer has completely dried, which will allow the door to be reconstructed quickly, simply and without consequences. Finally, the door is covered with a pre-selected composition of paint and varnish material.
Many men prefer to repair wooden doors and eliminate defects on the surface of a chipboard cabinet door with their own hands. Thus, you can save a lot of money and restore the former aesthetics of the product, even if he punched it with his fist and a huge dent needs to be removed. How to restore the original beauty of the cabinet?
To repair a chipboard door, you need to prepare glue, clamp and other materials in advance
You need to prepare:
PVA glue;
A medical needle or syringe.
Chipboard, even with the slightest impact during operation, can deform, since over time the canvas begins to accumulate moisture, and not only aesthetics are lost, but also strength. Defects such as cracks and crevices can quite naturally form.
The restoration begins with the removal of all dirt from the surface of the cabinet, after the coating has dried, you need to fill the syringe with an adhesive and fill the cracks with it.
Simultaneously with filling, a clamp must be installed in order to tightly connect the parted edges. If the glue flows out, then immediate removal is required to prevent it from hardening, which is not so easy to cope with. The clamps are removed only a day after work, and then you can carry out filling, cleaning and coating with paint or varnish.
It is very easy to make a covering of an entrance or interior door, for example, veneered or completely wooden, but initially it is worthwhile to figure out how the defects arose and for what reason. Mechanical damage includes those defects that are formed from direct impact on the door leaf. Thus, a scratch, dent, hole or breach may occur.
The main cause of door breakage may be its incorrect installation.
If installed incorrectly, problems such as:
Web skew;
Incomplete adjoining of the door to the door frame;
Too much friction.
Wood and panels made from it are highly hygroscopic, due to which they have the ability to absorb moisture. If production was disrupted during the manufacture, then this can cause serious consequences. With high humidity in the room or if the building is not heated, the structure begins to swell and deform.
The door can dry out over time, resulting in the use of raw lumber in the manufacture of such products.
It is possible to completely unstick the canvas if it was poorly assembled at the factory or completely manually at home. To restore a veneer or MDF door from the flaws made due to improper installation, you should pay attention to a number of the recommendations below.
With a poor door opening, friction increases, and therefore it is necessary to remove the excess part of the canvas from the edge using a planer, after which sanding, painting and varnishing is required. Ideally, the gap between the frame and the door leaf should be 2 mm. If, when closing, the door begins to spring, that it is possible that it rests against a quarter of the box. In this case, you need to trim either the door leaf or the frame itself.In addition, the problem may lie in the illiterate installation of the hinges. The door may sag, and to restore it to its normal appearance, you need to put new washers on the shaft of each hinge.
It is much easier and more convenient to disguise or, in other words, decorate a hole in the door, especially for those who do not have special skills in such a case. Depending on what style is present in the interior, you can close the hole in the door leaf in a variety of ways.
You can fill a hole in the interior door in various ways, which you can choose at your discretion
Place the poster on the surface of the door; it is perfect for a child's room or a room with a lax style. Today, a huge number of accessories are on sale, among which you can choose the most optimal and original decor option. So you can not only hide the defect, but also transform the room.
The glued mirror will look very interesting. Self-adhesive mirrors have literally become the peak of popularity, since they perform exactly the same function as an ordinary mirror, however, they do not weigh down the door leaf, and you can purchase a product of any shape, size and even cost.
One of the cheap and simple options is gluing the most common self-adhesive film, the choice of which in stores with building and finishing materials is simply huge.
It used to be fashionable to hang doors with cloth or collage with photographs. Such decorative design will not only eliminate the problem, but also allow you to show imagination to decorate your home with your own hands.
The design of the door leaf is very simple in its structure, however, the internal configuration depends on which method you can choose for its restoration. Naturally, if the door is made of a solid sheet of wood, then there will be much less problems with it, since holes or dents are unlikely to form.