Do-it-yourself gas 3102 body repair

In detail: do-it-yourself gas 3102 body repair from a real master for the site

Before you start tuning Gas 3102 with your own hands, you should decide what exactly you want to do. As a rule, the car undergoes minor modifications to the body and headlights. The interior of the model does not go unnoticed either. As for the technical improvement, here you can also dream up. True, it costs much more than the aesthetic part of the tuning.

Very often unpretentious owners of the Volga complain about disgusting dashboard lighting. Behind the GAZ 3102 scales there are only a few small bulbs that are not capable of high-quality illumination of the shield. Because of this, you have to bend down and peer at the scales to see the indicators. Solving the problem of insufficient backlighting is much easier than it seems. To do this, it is enough to replace the standard bulbs with several LED lights. Such an improvement is often used when tuning the GAZ 3110 and other models of the domestic Volga.

In addition to diodes, you will need to prepare for work:

  • pliers;
  • screwdrivers and keys;
  • double sided tape;
  • sealant;
  • a gel pen or marker;
  • soldering iron;
  • resistors 520 ohm;
  • rubber cambric.

First you need to remove the dashboard and take it out of the car. Taking this opportunity, it can be cleaned of dust and degreased. Next, we start working directly with the scales. We disconnect all devices from the panel and untwist them. We disassemble sensors, speedometer and clock. We remove the scales and carefully detach the arrows. Next, take the scales and erase the white paint from them. Instead, paint the elements with a blue or red marker. Then we take the LEDs and solder the resistors to them. We push the wiring into the cambric so as not to damage it. Next, using a sealant, we attach the diodes to the dashboard and assemble the scales. We place them in place in the dashboard and install the panel in its place in the cabin. Next, we connect the diode wiring to the standard Volga light guide. We start the car and, if the backlight works, we finally fix the shield.

Video (click to play).

Despite the need to completely disassemble the panel, you should not be afraid of such work. As practice shows, anyone can handle this method of improving the salon. The main thing is to act clearly according to the specified algorithm.

Gas 3102 is equipped with good standard optics. The standard headlights of the car have a rectangular shape and a bulge recognizable for the Volga. They do their job quite effectively, however, these elements of the car can be made even better by installing the original glow strips. Do-it-yourself optics tuning, as a rule, is not complete without LEDs. This method was no exception. First, the owner of the Volga will need to make bright strips of diode tapes and acrylic glass, after which it will be possible to carefully install them in the headlights of the car.

For revision you need to purchase:

  • transparent and white matte plexiglass;
  • white diode tape 120 cm long;
  • colored tape 240 cm long;
  • foil;
  • black Oracal film;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • plastic corner.

First you need to cut the corner into equal thin strips and paint them. Next, we take a transparent and frosted plexiglass and cut it into the same strips. As a result, you should get 6 identical strips no more than 2 cm wide. After that we take colored LED strips and glue them under the bottom of the strips. Glue white tapes to the remaining strips. We solder colored tapes to each other. We do the same with white diodes. This is how we made the headlight strips.

Next, we take the foil and glue it to the upper surface of the strips with colored diodes. On top of the foil we glue the black film, cut off the protruding corners. After that, your stripes should look like black sticks. We connect the tape to the controller. First we check the colored, and then the white ribbon. If everything is on, then you can install the backlight in the headlights of the car. To do this, we dismantle and disassemble the Volga optics. On the side walls of the plastic in which the standard lights are held, we apply a little epoxy glue. We immediately apply the made bars to these places and hold them for about 30 seconds. It is very important that the sticks are in the same position in each headlamp.

After fixing the products, it is necessary to check the updated Volga optics again. To do this, we connect the wires from the white tapes to the dimensions, and the wiring from the colored ones to the battery terminal. If you are happy with the result, then you can collect the headlights of the car.

After improving the headlights and installing the backlight in the instrument panel, it's time to work on another problematic element of the Volga - the standard thresholds. These Gas parts are made of a metal alloy, and this material is known to be the most susceptible to corrosion. In this regard, the rapids of the Volga must be protected. For this, both plastic linings and vinyl film are used. It makes little sense to consider the first option, since the linings are very susceptible to mechanical damage, especially when a person with a large body mass steps on them. Moreover, such protection is much more expensive than the same film.

Regular vinyl is more practical to use and easier to apply. You can find a wide range of products in stores in different thicknesses, but 2mm film is best for pasting thresholds. To apply, you also need to prepare warm soapy water, a hair dryer and a small roller.

The most reliable option would be to apply a film under the standard overlays on the paintwork of the Volga body. First you need to dismantle the pads and clean the space under them. After that, we take the film and apply it to the thresholds. We cut off the part of the product we need, leaving 2 cm on each side in reserve. Next, we wet the surface of the thresholds with soapy water and peel off the paper backing from the vinyl. After that, we immediately begin to glue the product. In order to fit the vinyl more tightly in the embossed places of the thresholds, you can slightly heat it with a hairdryer. Do not forget to expel air bubbles from under the film! If you don't like the way you glued the vinyl, you can gently peel it off and reapply it on the threshold.