They buy an apartment from a developer, often conclude a contract without finishing or with a rough finish. This is not only a way to reduce payments, but also to do all the work with high quality. Although renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building is a long and costly business.
If you purchased a property from a developer without finishing, you will need a step-by-step work plan. To a person who is not particularly familiar with construction, the repair procedure is not at all obvious. And since renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building will require going through all the stages, a plan is simply necessary.
To determine the scope of work, you need to know where you will start. What you will receive after the commissioning of the object is spelled out in the contract. Therefore, we take it, read it carefully, then you can start planning the order of work. Usually an apartment in a new building without finishing is rented in this condition:
Renovation of an apartment from scratch in a new building: everything there is - entrance doors, walls, windows, heating, water supply, sewerage and gas
Only the kitchen can have one plastered wall - gas workers require a meter to be installed
Basically, this is all you have before you start renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building. Everything is in its infancy, but all communications have been brought up.
You should immediately decide on the partitions. Decide where and which ones will stand, which ones will need to be removed / moved. If there are already partitions and you are going to redo something, you need to get permission and only then proceed with the transfer. If there are no partitions and you will install them yourself, the contract specifies what materials you can make them from. It is better to adhere to the recommendations, otherwise you can get penalties, and they are considerable.
After the approval of the apartment plan, you first decide where you will have large-sized furniture, appliances, plumbing, etc. You will need this data to prepare a plan for laying engineering systems (water supply, sewerage, lighting, if provided - ventilation). When the plan is more or less ready, you can proceed with the repair itself. The sequence of actions is as follows:
We level the floor with a screed. Renovation of an apartment from scratch in a new building is almost finished
This is the procedure for renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building in general. There are particulars, but they are individual. Then, depending on the situation, shift or swap the stages.
Self-repair of an apartment from scratch in a new building will take a lot of time. If you have it in stock - not a problem. If you want to move into new housing faster, you will have to hire builders. This is where questions often arise. Whom to hire for repairs in a new building - a team that promises to do everything "on a turnkey basis" or individual specialists for each type of work? This issue has already been discussed hundreds of times, but no consensus has been reached. Both options have their supporters.So that you can decide, briefly about the advantages and disadvantages of both solutions.
If you hire a team that will do all the work from start to finish, you may not be satisfied with the quality of their work. All promise quality and speed, but few actually do all the work at the proper level. Very often you have to terminate the contract and look for someone who will complete / redo. This task is even more difficult than the search for the first brigade: no one wants to correct other people's mistakes. It is long and troublesome. These are the cons.
The advantage of this decision: the hired people are responsible for all stages of work, up to the finishing (if you so agreed). If you don't like something, you can try to force it to be redone, but it is better to control each stage of the work. The second positive point: repairs are progressing faster, since there is no need to look for performers for each new job. These are the pros.
Another moment of the organizational plan. When drawing up a contract, write down the cost of each stage of work. Then, upon termination, you will know exactly how much to pay. Otherwise, they will begin to prove to you that most of the work has been done, and that nonsense remains.
If you choose to hire separate specialists for each stage of the work, it is difficult to predict the end result. Since you have to complete a certain amount of work and leave, there is a possibility that workers will not try too hard. And each next specialist can say (and usually say) that mistakes were made before him and demand additional payment for their correction. There is only one way out: constant and tight control at all stages of work, clear execution of agreements with clarification of what you want to have at the end of them.
If you do not do some work yourself, then the total cost of paying for work by individual specialists will be higher. But the plus of such a decision is that you can "stretch" the spending over time. There was money - they did a certain amount of work.
Renovation of an apartment from scratch in a new building has its own characteristics. the new house will “sit down” for several years, the foundation, walls, and ceilings will move. All these movements lead to the appearance of cracks, and they can damage the finish coat. Therefore, there is advice: to use not the most expensive finishing materials, which you will not mind replacing in three to four years with new, better quality ones.
Most of the questions arise with the tiles laid on the walls and the screed. Cracks in them are most noticeable, and pleasure is not cheap - both in terms of the cost of materials and the price of work. Therefore, the screed is made floating - without connection with the walls, and instead of tiles on the walls in the bathroom and toilet, they are finished with vinyl wall panels.
Tiles on the walls and floors are often laid in the kitchen, and they try to choose the most attractive collections, which cost a lot. There are two ways out. The first is to use a plastic or furniture board instead of a tiled apron in the kitchen, and lay linoleum on the floor for now. Second, lay the tiles, but have a certain amount in reserve to replace the broken tiles. After all, it is not a fact that in three or four years the same collection will still be produced. Yes, even if so, then the color to pick up one to one is unlikely to succeed.
Many of the owners of new apartments simply do not think about how quiet their home will be. Not yet before. But by the time you enter, it will be too late. The current trend in multi-storey construction is to make the construction as easy as possible in order to save on the foundation. Lightweight materials are great, but the problem is they conduct sound well.
As a result, it turns out that the repair is completed, and you, if you wish, can take notes of the conversations of your neighbors, and they are yours. Far from being a rosy prospect. Therefore, it is worth thinking about soundproofing.Yes, these are additional costs and considerable, but silence is more important.
Buying a new apartment is a joyful event for any person. It is especially pleasant to get ownership of an apartment in a new building, in which no one has lived before. As a rule, apartments in new buildings do not have any repairs. The owners can see the walls without any decoration, electrical wires and plumbing pipes. To turn rooms with bare walls into cozy and comfortable rooms for living, you need to make some effort, gradually completing a number of important activities.
DIY repair in a new building
This is what a newly built apartment looks like.
Bare walls - plenty of room for action
Do not buy expensive building and finishing materials for the first renovation in a new building. The building will shrink for several years, under the influence of which the finish can significantly deform and even completely collapse. In view of this, experts recommend giving preference to unpretentious and plastic materials.
New high-rise buildings will shrink for a few more years.
Plan your renovation carefully. It is not necessary to draw up many drawings detailing various sizes and important nuances. Simple sketches will suffice. Think about whether you will be redeveloping the apartment, what materials, in your opinion, will best fit into the interior of the premises, where lighting fixtures and sockets should be installed, etc.
Remember: proper preparation before starting work will save money, effort and time in the future.
It is best to start repairs in a new building with a rough surface preparation. Align the ceiling and walls. For these activities, you will need spatulas, a trowel, and different sized rules. Pre-clean surfaces from dirt and dust. Perform leveling with ordinary plaster mixture. Recommendations for the preparation and use of the formulations are usually given directly on the package.
Plastering walls on lighthouses
Throw in the solution along the markup
We do the markings, pull the guide threads and install a few more beacons
We throw the solution onto the new wall of your apartment
We rub the grooves with a solution
Before plastering, the walls must be impregnated with a primer. It will provide a better and more reliable adhesion of the plaster to the surface.
If the thickness of the plaster layer is more than 3 cm, it is recommended to carry out the work in two stages. At the first stage, the surfaces are simply leveled, at the second, they must be carefully ironed.
Apply the first layer of the mixture with a trowel. Thoroughly level the plaster and let it dry completely. Apply a primer to the dry layer of plaster, let it dry, and then apply a second layer of plaster. The application procedure remains the same, but this layer must be smoothed as efficiently as possible. Periodically check the evenness of the plaster with a spirit level.
Piping in a new building
Plumbing installation is a rather difficult stage of apartment renovation
After the surfaces are completely dry, you can proceed to the finishing decoration of the walls and ceiling. However, before that, it is recommended to install plumbing fixtures, and, if necessary, mount (replace) double-glazed windows and doors, so as not to damage the finish in the future.
The rough preparation of the walls has already been completed, therefore, in the future, new door frames and double-glazed windows will not be stained with plaster and putty. If there are doors, dismantle them together with the frame, because new canvases usually come with their own boxes.
Plumbing installation can also be done in-house. Domestic users most often prefer toilets with horizontal outlet. The installation of such a toilet bowl is reduced to its connection to the sewer pipe.The legs are usually rigidly screwed to the floor. Usually, installation instructions are included with the toilet, so there will be no special problems with this.
The installation of the remaining plumbing fixtures is at the discretion of the owner.
Installing an acrylic bathtub
Diagram of connecting the sink and bathtub to hot and cold water and sewerage pipelines
Choosing wallpaper for the room
In the previous steps, you leveled the surfaces and prepared them for finishing, so you don't have to carry out any additional preparatory measures.
For wall decoration in living rooms, wallpaper is usually used. Choose the finishing material for the ceiling yourself. During the first repairs in a new building, it is better to limit yourself to ordinary plastering or painting, because the building, as noted, will shrink, as a result of which the finish may collapse. It is better to use more expensive finishing options within a few years after buying an apartment.
The technology of applying paint to the surface in several layers
When painting walls, fantasize
Make the walls in the kitchen and bathroom at your discretion. Typically, such premises are decorated with ceramic tiles.
In the bathroom, we put tiles on the wall and floor
In the bathroom, we put tiles on the wall and floor
Laying tiles on the wall with your own hands
When choosing a ceiling finish, start from your preferences and available budget. Inexpensive finishes can be done using:
foam tiles.
Styrofoam ceiling tiles
How to glue ceiling tiles
How to glue ceiling tiles
Ceiling tile gluing options
The surface must be leveled before using any of the above finishes. As a standard, putty and primer are used for leveling. Among the more expensive and interesting options for decorating the ceiling, one should highlight:
installation of plasterboard structures. First, guide profiles are attached to the surfaces, after which drywall sheets are fixed to them. Using drywall, you can equip both simple single-tier and complex multi-tiered curly structures. Also, this finish allows you to hide the wiring, elements of the ventilation system and other communications, which is very convenient;
arrangement of stretch fabrics. The PVC film is stretched and secured to the pre-assembled frame. The installation procedure is more complicated than in the case of plasterboard structures, because when performing repairs, it becomes necessary to use a special heat gun;
plastic hinged structures. Also attached to the frame. The main advantages are: ease of installation, high assembly speed, low cost and beautiful appearance.
Stretch ceiling installation diagram
Scheme of a two-level plasterboard ceiling
As a rule, when a newly built house is delivered, there is wiring in it, but there are no electrical appliances, or their quality leaves much to be desired. After finishing the ceiling and walls, proceed with the installation of outlets, switches and lights. Remember the elementary precautions: you can work with an electrician only after the apartment is completely de-energized. Choose the location for the installation of sockets and lighting devices at your discretion.
Remember safety precautions!
Repair in a new building traditionally ends with the arrangement of the floor. As a rule, the condition of the floors in newly commissioned houses is poor. If the house is built of concrete panels and the apartments were handed over in a draft version, the screed must be poured.
Screed cracks (new building)
A screed is a layer of concrete mortar poured over the sub-floor and necessary to level the base. There are several types of this alignment.The most popular and easiest to do it yourself is a wet screed. All work comes down to eliminating irregularities and cracks with a concrete solution.
In a new building, it is enough to make a strong and even screed.
Before pouring the screed, the bottom of the walls should be covered with a protective edge tape.
Allow the screed to dry completely, apply a topcoat of your choice and install the skirting boards.
Buying an apartment in a new building is unlikely to be able to immediately move in to live in it. And it’s difficult to call it an apartment. More like a stone or concrete bag. No plumbing, no amenities, nothing that is customary to see in modern comfortable housing.
All there is is a concrete floor, brick walls, windows and doors that will most likely need to be replaced. The new settler immediately plunges into a long, painstaking renovation in order to create his own comfortable, cozy home.
The main rule in the repair: do not rush ... Moreover, if this is an apartment in a new building. Do not forget that the new house will shrink for about two more years. If you make a quick repair, then cracks can go with the shrinkage of the house. Therefore, everything is done slowly, as a last resort before a major one, a light cosmetic, inexpensive repair is done.
Before starting the repair, a plan is drawn up, including:
Moving walls (except load-bearing).
Apartment layout.
Design and style are determined.
Arrangement of furniture.
Places of installation of electrical appliances (the placement of the wiring depends on this).
Location of plumbing and washbasin (for planning water supply and sewerage).
The types and sizes of interior doors, doorways, threshold heights are agreed upon.
Clarifies what materials the walls, ceiling and floor will be made of.
After carefully planning everything and thinking it over, you can make an estimate, calculate the amount of materials needed and the approximate cost.
Repair should start with dirty work:
Transfer and dismantling of partitions is in progress ... If some kind of rough finish has been performed, all this is removed.
According to the drawn up plan, wiring and pipes for water supply and sewerage are laid ... It is not recommended to save on materials here. Wires and pipes will be embedded, and if they turn out to be of poor quality, it will be very difficult to replace them. To do this, you will have to break the walls and, accordingly, do the repairs again. Therefore, it is better to buy good materials right away, let it cost a little more.
Windows and doors are changing (those that are installed in new buildings are of very dubious quality).
Level the floor if necessary or bring it to one level throughout the apartment, a cement-sand screed is made.
There are many communications in the bathroom: an extractor hood, water supply, and electricity. Repair in the bathroom begins with their installation.
Key Recommendations :
For electrical wiring, only whole pieces of wire are used and with a margin of power. They must be either plastered or located under drywall sheets.
Junction boxes are installed outside the bathroom.
If the water pipes are to be installed in a wall, it is recommended to use plastic or polypropylene pipes. They are more durable and reliable than metal-plastic pipes on corner joints (fittings).
Tiles are traditionally laid on the bathroom floor. You need to pay attention:
After leveling the floor and completing the concrete screed, it is imperative to make waterproofing using a special impregnation or mixture.
When laying tiles, pay attention not to form air pockets.
Do not skimp on grouting. A high-quality grout will get rid of mold and mildew.
Bathroom walls are plastered or sheathed with sheets of moisture-resistant drywall ... Covered with tiles, plastic panels or wallpaper. Many people think that wallpaper cannot be used in the bathroom due to moisture and hot steam, but this is not the case.Vinyl, liquid, moisture-resistant washable wallpaper, fiberglass, are quite suitable for these purposes.
For the ceiling, plastic panels, aluminum profile ceilings, synthetic stretch ceilings are used ... It is not recommended to level the ceiling with plasterboard. Even moisture-resistant sheets will last no more than 10 years in a humid room. The most budgetary way to level the ceiling in the bathroom is a moisture-resistant putty followed by painting.
After the completion of the repair, plumbing fixtures, sockets, switches are installed, furniture is brought in.
Rough finishing of walls and ceilings, first of all, includes leveling the surface.
There are two primary alignment methods:
Wet. Solutions based on dry building mixtures, plaster, putty are used. This method is very laborious and dusty, the thickness of the plastered surface should not be more than 80mm.
When finishing with mixtures, 3 types of mortar are used:
Plaster. It is used in cases where the surface has strong drops. Ceiling plaster is made on the basis of gypsum.
Putty ... Designed for patching up small irregularities, chips, cracks. There is a starting putty (for rough surface treatment) and finishing (for final leveling and creating perfectly flat and smooth walls and ceilings).
Primer. Deeply impregnates the surface, improves adhesion.
Dry. Walls and ceilings are leveled with sheet materials, most often drywall is used. The disadvantage of this method is that the useful area of the room is "eaten up".
Wall and ceiling decoration always starts from top to bottom. When leveling the ceiling, it is necessary to immediately measure the maximum difference in height. If the difference turns out to be more than 50 mm, then it is advisable to use the dry method, especially since here, you can use not only drywall sheets, but also stretch ceilings.
After finishing work with the ceiling, the walls are leveled. Which method to choose is not important. Everyone decides for himself what is more convenient and faster, or based on the price of materials.
Floor work is done last. There are many options for flooring in an apartment:
Ceramic tile. Most often used in kitchens and bathrooms, but can be used in other rooms as well. Differs in strength, reliability, durability. A wide range of prices makes it affordable for all categories of the population.
Parquet. An environmentally friendly type of coating, made from natural wood, but difficult to install, requires additional processing and maintenance.
Laminate. In appearance it resembles parquet, only it is cheaper and much easier to install.
Linoleum and carpet ... Used for quick repairs and cost savings. It has an attractive appearance, soft, warm, but easily deforms and tears, especially if laid on an uneven surface.
This is not a complete list, but only the most commonly used floor coverings. They are all suitable for a residential apartment. When preparing the floor for laying the floor covering, a screed is made. The thickness of the coating and the thermal insulation layer (expanded clay or other material) must be taken into account - this will make the floor on the same level throughout the apartment.
After finishing work with the floor, you can start installing the doors ... It is not necessary to purchase the complete set straight away. If there is little money left for repairs, and there are still many costs ahead, you can buy and install only boxes and platbands to start with. It is not difficult to buy and hang on the door hinges to match the size of the door frame.
Installation of skirting boards - one of the final stages of repair. Even 10 years ago, wooden ones were very popular, and now plastic ones are more often installed. They are more convenient to mount, a large selection of colors, there are skirting boards with a groove for wires.
General Tips:
If you need to save money, you can make repairs yourself, occasionally taking friends for help.
Hire workers only in official firms with a good reputation. There is no demand for free workers working without a contract.
If in doubt, do not hesitate, seek help from friends or specialists. Even if it is a paid consultation.
Be wary of saving. Always remember that cheap material may turn out to be of poor quality and will harm the entire repair.
Adhere to the correct sequence of work.
Try not to stretch the repair for a long period of time. Better to be patient, save some money, and, without delay, carry out all the work. Otherwise, there will be no novelty effect.
After a tender for the repair work, a contractor company is selected. In rare cases, new settlers can choose their own contractor.
As a result of such repairs, an apartment is obtained that is quite suitable for living. Installed sockets and switches, a bulb in a socket, inexpensive plumbing, there is even a stove in the kitchen.
The quality of materials and work performed is far from ideal, and you don't have to choose a design, what is - that is. On the other hand, there is ready-made housing for free, and if you wish, you can save up money and redo the repairs with more expensive materials and to your liking.
The price for apartment renovation consists of many components:
Are the design and project drawn up independently, or will a specialist be hired?
Are the repairs done on your own, or are people hired?
What types of materials will be used?
What are the types of coatings?
Plumbing, wiring, domestic pipes, or more expensive imported ones?
These and many other components affect the final price. ... Therefore, it is possible to calculate the cost of repairs only in each specific case, after drawing up a project and an estimate.
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It so happened in our city that apartments in new buildings are rented mainly in pre-finishing or rough finishing. We will not argue now about which is better, turnkey renovated apartments, in rough or pre-finishing.
Let's take it simply: Roughly finished apartments are an established fact, and we need to start repairs somewhere.
The content of the article:
Acceptance of the apartment
Types of finishing of apartments in new buildings
Renovation of an apartment with a rough finish
Acceptance of an apartment in a new building from a developer is a separate large topic, which I will dwell on in more detail in one of the following articles.
Today, I will briefly say that the first thing you should pay attention to when accepting an apartment from a developer is:
Heating system.
The quality of the walls and floor.
Any defects that you find when inspecting the apartment will need to be recorded in the acceptance certificate and then followed up for their elimination.
In order for you and me to understand each other, we need to define the terms. I have noticed more than once or twice that when I say rough finish, my interlocutors understand by this completely different from what I understand.
New buildings in Anapa are rented in three types of finishes, these are:
rough finish;
prefinishing finishing;
turnkey finishing.
Rough finish, what is meant by this
In Anapa, a rough finish means the following complete set of an apartment:
monolithic walls - no plaster;
floor - without screed;
ceiling - not refined in any way (floor slabs or monolith);
interior partitions from the block - can be plastered, but more often without plaster;
windows - metal-plastic frames;
entrance door - available;
interior doors - no;
electrician - there is an entrance to the apartment, without wiring to sockets;
heating - radiators are installed and connected to the general heating system;
water supply through risers, without wiring to sources of consumption;
a sewerage system is installed, there is an entrance to the apartment;
The prefinish finish looks like this:
there is a concrete screed on the floor;
plaster on the walls and interior partitions (different developers have different quality, but mostly good;
ceiling - not refined in any way (floor slabs or monolith)
metal entrance door;
heating - radiators are installed and connected to the general heating system. If the heating is individual gas, then double-circuit boilers are installed and connected (sometimes the connection is at the expense of the shareholder, sometimes at the expense of the developer);
water supply through risers, without wiring to sources of consumption;
a sewerage system is installed, there is an entrance to the apartment;
installed meters for water, heating, electricity (sometimes an additional installation fee is required)
loggias and balconies are glazed.
Turnkey finishing:
on the floor there is laminate, linoleum, in the bathroom and in the bathroom, tiles;
on the walls and interior partitions, either clean whitewash or wallpaper;
the ceiling is whitewashed;
metal entrance door;
interior doors;
plumbing, in the lavatory, bathroom and kitchen;
electric stove for cooking;
heating - radiators are installed and connected to the general heating system;
water supply is connected to consumption sources;
the sewerage system is installed up to the sources of consumption;
installed meters for water, heating, electricity;
loggias and balconies are glazed.
By the way, in Anapa, only two residential complexes are being rented out in a state of final finishing, these are Gorgippia and Gorgippia Morskaya. However, turnkey renovations in the abovementioned residential complexes take us back to the good old communist times. This is exactly the feeling that arises when looking at striped wallpaper, the cheapest doors, the cheapest plumbing fixtures and window fittings. What is called, economy class, without embellishment!
At one time there was a survey on this site on the topic in which form you prefer to buy an apartment, with or without decoration. Those who like to move into an apartment with a finished renovation won with a minimum margin of 2%.
The rest of the site visitors voted to buy an apartment without renovation. It is for them that we will tell you further, where to start repairs in an apartment without finishing.
It doesn't matter what kind of apartment you have, studio or three-room. Before starting the repair, you need to clearly understand what you want to get in the end, after the repair work is completed.
In other words, it is necessary to draw up a design project and, according to it, draw up an estimate of the forthcoming costs. I have no doubt that many will say, but why would I want it. I already know what I need. Plaster the walls and stick wallpaper on top, laminate on the floor, etc., everything is simple.
I also thought so, until I saw the design projects of studio apartments, look, do not be lazy. Agree beauty! But this was done on an area not exceeding, as a rule, 30 sq. M.
In addition, a design project is not just beautiful pictures, it is a complete calculation of how many materials you need, a selection of plumbing fixtures, lighting fixtures according to special catalogs, which will be at least no more expensive than what you would buy in a retail store.
Therefore, in order for your apartment after the renovation to please you and be as comfortable as possible, and the renovation itself was quick and the money was spent as efficiently as possible, then you should not neglect such an important stage as planning and drawing up a design project.
Renovation of an apartment with a rough finish, or as it is also called, an apartment without finishing looks like this.
The dirtiest jobs are done first:
dismantling of walls;
expansion of openings;
punching technological holes for communications.
Then engineering communications are laid, they include:
If you are not going to master the profession of a finisher in the future, then it is not recommended to do this work yourself, after reading useful articles from the Internet.
If you want the renovation in a new apartment to please you not only with beautiful pictures, but also with the correct hood, lack of dampness, correctly installed doors, properly working plumbing, then, of course, it is better to contact the specialists.
If, however, you want to drink this cup to the bottom, then proceed with the repair in the apartment, starting from the rooms farthest from the entrance, from top to bottom. This is a classic scheme that will help you avoid a lot of mistakes. The last to be done is finishing work in the hallway.
As we have already found out, it is necessary to start repairs from top to bottom. Since there is nothing above the ceiling in an ordinary apartment, then our story about the repair in an apartment with a rough finish, we will start with it.
Stretch ceiling - an excellent solution for those who want cheap and fast. Perfectly flat surface, a huge selection of colors, high speed of installation.
Plasterboard ceiling - allows you to make multi-level structures, relatively inexpensive, installation can take different time depending on the complexity of the selected design.
Suspended ceiling - consists of special ceiling tiles that are installed on a pre-prepared frame. Quickly, inexpensively, allows you to mount any kind of fixtures. It is used mainly in office premises.
Ceiling tiles made of PVC (foam) - fast, cheap and does not require special knowledge. Even an amateur can stick it on.
It's good if in your apartment, which you took in a rough finish, the walls are made only of monolith (concrete). Such walls require a minimum amount to level them. If the apartment has brickwork or expanded clay block, then it will take a lot of work to align such walls.
Method one - leveling or plastering with dry mortar is a proven method of wall decoration. The advantage of this method is the durability and strength of the structure, the disadvantage is the increased labor intensity, the need for worker qualifications and a large amount of dirty work.
Method two - wall decoration with sheets of gypsum fiber board and gypsum board. When properly installed, the sheets are attached to the metal frame, creating a small gap between the masonry and the gypsum sheet.
Finishing by this method has gained great popularity among finishers due to the fact that it allows you to hide any communications in the formed gap, relatively low labor intensity, no dirty work, and at the same time, as a result of work, perfectly flat walls are obtained.
This method allows you to make walls of any type, color and relief.
The disadvantage of this method is the fragility of the walls. If you are a fan of "hammering nails into the wall", that is, you like to repair something in the apartment yourself, then such walls may be a problem for you. With them, you can't just hang a kitchen cabinet anywhere you like. Rather, you can hang it, but the procedure that would take you 15 minutes of time when working with a monolithic or brick wall will take several times more time when working with a wall mounted from gypsum fiber board sheets.
The finishing of the walls in both the first and second versions can be done by wallpapering, painting, decorative plaster, using cork panels, etc.
In the case of a rough finish, the floor must first be screed with concrete. For those who do not know what it is, I will explain. This is a layer of cement mixture, usually up to 10 cm thick, the main purpose of which is to make a perfectly flat floor.
In addition, the screed adds rigidity to the floor, improves hydro and vapor barrier, hides the communications that go under the floor.
A topcoat is placed on top of the screed. There are a great many options for what to lay on the floor, as an option you can consider:
parquet board;
carpet, etc.
Very often you can come across the opinion that repairs in newly built houses are not recommended because of its shrinkage. This is true, the way it is, but true only for wooden, brick, thatched houses.
Monolithic housing construction is beneficial because, firstly, it significantly reduces the construction period of an apartment building, and secondly, the house does not have any noticeable shrinkage, which would affect the repairs carried out.
I understand perfectly well that after reading this material, none of you will run after the old rusty trowel with joyful exclamations - “Hooray, I know how to make repairs in an apartment with a rough finish! ».
This was not the purpose of writing this material. The purpose of the article was to make it clear in what chronology the repairs should be carried out after you decided to buy an apartment in Anapa. Make it clear what and in what sequence to track with the team that you hired, but in no case put a building apron on you and force you to knead the mortar.
Our life drives us into a narrow framework of professionalism, for example, I know very well the market for new buildings and I helped a lot of people find good housing in Anapa, but God forbid anyone see me as a plumber or electrician!
Someone who reads is an excellent cook or car mechanic or, in the end, a banker (what the hell is not kidding). None of us will do the job of a finisher better than a person who already knows how and loves to do it.
So why deprive him of this opportunity? Saving? What do we save when we start to make repairs ourselves instead of hiring a team of workers? Money? This is utopia!
If we spent the time that we spent on self-repairs on improving skills in our profession, we would earn ten times more than the cost of this repair.
Everyone must do their job! And even if any housewife can run the country while she is in her kitchen, but God forbid she be at the helm of the country in fact! I think you will agree with me!
Finally, a video on the topic. Look how he alone makes repairs in an apartment with a rough finish. I couldn't tear myself away!
Video (click to play).