Do-it-yourself apartment renovation in a new building step-by-step instructions

In detail: do-it-yourself apartment renovation in a new building step-by-step instructions from a real wizard for the site

Image - Do-it-yourself apartment renovation in a new building step-by-step instructions

When purchasing an apartment in a new building, many people tend to choose housing without finishing. This desire is due to the lower cost of real estate and the excellent ability to carry out the necessary renovation work, taking into account taste preferences and available budget.

Decorating and renovating an apartment in a new building from scratch has a number of nuances that must be taken into account in order for the result to satisfy the owners.

The main aspect that the owner of a living space in a new building should know is that the building will undergo a shrinkage process over time, so cracks can form on the surfaces. Walls, ceilings, and even floors will begin to crack in the early years. Experts recommend not to use expensive materials or to use high-quality types of them, which are not afraid of cracks.

In a new apartment initially it is necessary to perform the most noisy and dirty work:

  • installation of plumbing pipes;
  • electric installation work;
  • floor screed;
  • alignment of wall surfaces;
  • installation of stretch ceilings and installation of warm floors.

These works are carried out immediately after receiving the keys. Almost no one lives in the new building, so repairs can be carried out around the clock, without disturbing neighbors and without fear of administrative responsibility.

Competent organization of the space in the apartment provides an opportunity to use the area more efficiently. The installation of all kinds of partitions and other elements, as well as the demolition of walls or the creation of additional doorways in them, must be coordinated with the regulatory and specialized authorities without fail.

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Today, functional studio apartments are very popular, and many owners also combine a room with a loggia. Such rooms look stylish and spacious. When combining a living space with a balcony, a set of insulation measures should be carried out.

Only after obtaining official permission, you can proceed to the construction or destruction of walls and other elements.

At the initial stage, you should clearly formulate the basic requirements for the premises, determine the layout, the number of rooms and the functions assigned to them, as well as the design and color solution.

  • financial opportunities;
  • repair period;
  • shrinkage process of the building;
  • indicator of suitability for moving into the premises and living.

The list of additional works depends on the degree of suitability of the apartment for occupancy. In monolithic buildings, apartments are sold for free planning: there are no partitions and wiring of communication networks.

The preliminary stage includes rough work: screed floors, leveling surfaces, making partitions and other types, and creating soundproofing for the apartment if the owners do not want to hear noisy neighbors.

Image - Do-it-yourself apartment renovation in a new building step-by-step instructions

For proper repair work in an apartment, it is recommended to adhere to certain step-by-step instructions. If any stage is not planned or there is no need for it, then you can simply skip this item on the list, moving on to the next one.

Renovation of an apartment in a new building from scratch requires certain knowledge, experience and skill, so it is recommended to turn to professionals. You should not trust the work of non-professionals, trying to save money.This can lead to even greater costs that can arise in the event of unsuccessful and poor-quality repairs.

You should pay attention to the services of time-tested companies, consult with friends and colleagues who have resorted to such a service.

They buy an apartment from a developer, often conclude a contract without finishing or with a rough finish. This is not only a way to reduce payments, but also to do all the work with high quality. Although renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building is a long and costly business.

If you purchased a property from a developer without finishing, you will need a step-by-step work plan. To a person who is not particularly familiar with construction, the repair procedure is not at all obvious. And since renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building will require going through all the stages, a plan is simply necessary.

Apartment renovation technology in a new building - it all starts with a plan

To determine the scope of work, you need to know where you will start. What you will receive after the commissioning of the object is spelled out in the contract. Therefore, we take it, read it carefully, then you can start planning the order of work. Usually an apartment in a new building without finishing is rented in this condition:

  • Installed windows (usually double glazed windows) and entrance doors (cheap and not very reliable).
  • Unfinished walls (concrete or brick, building blocks), internal partitions - depending on the contract: they may or may not stand.

Renovation of an apartment from scratch in a new building: everything there is - entrance doors, walls, windows, heating, water supply, sewerage and gas

Only the kitchen can have one plastered wall - gas workers require a meter to be installed

Basically, this is all you have before you start renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building. Everything is in its infancy, but all communications have been brought up.

You should immediately decide on the partitions. Decide where and which ones will stand, which ones will need to be removed / moved. If there are already partitions and you are going to redo something, you need to get permission and only then proceed with the transfer. If there are no partitions and you will install them yourself, the contract specifies what materials you can make them from. It is better to adhere to the recommendations, otherwise you can get penalties, and they are considerable.

Developing an apartment plan

After the approval of the apartment plan, you first decide where you will have large-sized furniture, appliances, plumbing, etc. You will need this data to prepare a plan for laying engineering systems (water supply, sewerage, lighting, if provided - ventilation). When the plan is more or less ready, you can proceed with the repair itself. The sequence of actions is as follows:

    Installation, transfer of partitions according to the approved project.

Apartment renovation technology in a new building: we put partitions

Cold and hot water pipes, sewerage

Wall plastering - quality is important

Putty is almost a fine finish

We level the floor with a screed. Renovation of an apartment from scratch in a new building is almost finished

This is the procedure for renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building in general. There are particulars, but they are individual. Then, depending on the situation, shift or swap the stages.

Self-repair of an apartment from scratch in a new building will take a lot of time. If you have it in stock - not a problem. If you want to move into new housing faster, you will have to hire builders. This is where questions often arise. Whom to hire for repairs in a new building - a team that promises to do everything "on a turnkey basis" or individual specialists for each type of work? This issue has already been discussed hundreds of times, but no consensus has been reached. Both options have their supporters. So that you can decide, briefly about the advantages and disadvantages of both solutions.

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Renovation stages in the apartment replace one another

If you hire a team that will do all the work from start to finish, you may not be satisfied with the quality of their work. All promise quality and speed, but few actually do all the work at the proper level. Very often you have to terminate the contract and look for someone who will complete / redo. This task is even more difficult than the search for the first brigade: no one wants to correct other people's mistakes. It is long and troublesome. These are the cons.

The advantage of this decision: the hired people are responsible for all stages of work, up to the finishing (if you so agreed). If you don't like something, you can try to force it to be redone, but it is better to control each stage of the work. The second positive point: repairs are progressing faster, since there is no need to look for performers for each new job. These are the pros.

Another moment of the organizational plan. When drawing up a contract, write down the cost of each stage of work. Then, upon termination, you will know exactly how much to pay. Otherwise, they will begin to prove to you that most of the work has been done, and that nonsense remains.

If you choose to hire separate specialists for each stage of the work, it is difficult to predict the end result. Since you have to complete a certain amount of work and leave, there is a possibility that workers will not try too hard. And each next specialist can say (and usually say) that mistakes were made before him and demand additional payment for their correction. There is only one way out: constant and tight control at all stages of work, clear execution of agreements with clarification of what you want to have at the end of them.

The result is not guaranteed

If you do not do some work yourself, then the total cost of paying for work by individual specialists will be higher. But the plus of such a decision is that you can "stretch" the spending over time. There was money - they did a certain amount of work.

Renovation of an apartment from scratch in a new building has its own characteristics. the new house will “sit down” for several years, the foundation, walls, and ceilings will move. All these movements lead to the appearance of cracks, and they can damage the finish coat. Therefore, there is advice: to use not the most expensive finishing materials, which you will not mind replacing in three to four years with new, better quality ones.

The choice of materials is a daunting task

Most of the questions arise with the tiles laid on the walls and the screed. Cracks in them are most noticeable, and pleasure is not cheap - both in terms of the cost of materials and the price of work. Therefore, the screed is made floating - without connection with the walls, and instead of tiles on the walls in the bathroom and toilet, they are finished with vinyl wall panels.

Tiles on the walls and floors are often laid in the kitchen, and they try to choose the most attractive collections, which cost a lot. There are two ways out. The first is to use a plastic or furniture board instead of a tiled apron in the kitchen, and lay linoleum on the floor for now. Second, lay the tiles, but have a certain amount in reserve to replace the broken tiles. After all, it is not a fact that in three or four years the same collection will still be produced. Yes, even if so, then the color to pick up one to one is unlikely to succeed.

Many of the owners of new apartments simply do not think about how quiet their home will be. Not yet before. But by the time you enter, it will be too late. The current trend in multi-storey construction is to make the construction as easy as possible in order to save on the foundation. Lightweight materials are great, but the problem is they conduct sound well.

Soundproofing in an apartment is an important point

As a result, it turns out that the repair is completed, and you, if you wish, can take notes of the conversations of your neighbors, and they are yours. Far from being a rosy prospect. Therefore, it is worth thinking about soundproofing.Yes, these are additional costs and considerable, but silence is more important.