DIY strip foundation repair step-by-step instructions
In detail: do-it-yourself strip foundation repair step-by-step instructions from a real wizard for the site
Restoring the foundation is not difficult, but time consuming.
You can strengthen the crumbling concrete tape in the following way - pour an additional layer of concrete with good reinforcement around it around the entire perimeter, that is, make a kind of sarcophagus.
At the same time, the new fill must take on the main load and prevent further destruction of the old foundation. To do this, it is necessary to ensure a strong adhesion of the new and old structures. The excavated foundation must be thoroughly washed, otherwise the new fill will not grab with dirty concrete. It is also important to provide reliable reinforcement. For this purpose, I decided to pull the reinforcement cage on both sides of the tape with jumpers-studs passing through the old foundation, for which I made through holes in the tape with a pitch of 50-70 cm using a perforator with a long drill.
The harvested reinforcement rods were first bent at right angles at one end. Then he inserted the rod into the hole and bent the other end. The folded ends on both sides of the tape were tied to the reinforcement cage.
Thus, the frames on both sides of the tape were connected by S- or U-shaped bridges. Each bend of the lintel should be 40-50 mm from the foundation surface. In my case, the reinforcement cage is made of a metal mesh (4 mm thick) with a cell size of 100 * 100 mm, connected in the upper part with reinforcement bars of Ø 8 mm and tightened with jumpers.
The height of the excavated part of the foundation is about 70 cm.If the formwork is placed entirely at once, then it is unrealistic to lay concrete in such a narrow and high form with high quality. Therefore, I decided to pour concrete in two steps with the vertical rearrangement of the formwork.
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For the manufacture of the formwork, I used flat slate lindens. This material is the best suited for this purpose: it is resilient and durable, and the surface of the finished filling is flat and smooth. But the most important thing is that the slate easily moves away from the hardened concrete, and the formwork is easy to disassemble. There is no need to lay polyethylene or glassine, as is done in the classic formwork made of boards or plywood.
The volume of concrete is small, so you can work without using mixers and concrete pumps. The concrete mixer stands next to the formwork, the mixture can be easily thrown with a shovel.
For a quick assembly of a flat slate formwork, I used a little trick. The two panels were temporarily but reliably connected to each other with an ordinary clamp. The main thing is not to forget, after pouring, until the concrete has hardened, to remove it in time.
On the second land, I removed the lower formwork and raised it higher. Since you have to make three tapes in turn, there is no need to wait for the concrete to harden: while the first pouring takes hold, I proceed to the second, and so on. Three tapes on two floors: six days and you're done.
Work is done. The result is a powerful (even too much) new strip foundation, which will stand, uh ... enough for our century!
The result obtained has a small drawback. In the classic version of a stone fence, the width of the foundation should not be greater than the thickness of the brickwork. If these proportions are not observed, the entire fence looks inharmonious. But in my case, there was no alternative.
I will proceed as follows. First, I will fill the foundation up to its upper edge, and finish the horizontal shelves with wild stone.
I tried to analyze why the foundation began to deteriorate so quickly and what my builders did wrong.Carefully examining the structure, I came to the conclusion that, in addition to the banal non-observance of the proportions of the concrete mixture and its poor mixing, there are two more reasons.
Firstly, the workers used unsifted sand with a large amount of clay impurities, which significantly reduces the grade of concrete. In addition, poorly mixed concrete quickly collapses during freeze-thaw cycles in early spring. Secondly, 'the builders - used too liquid concrete, believing that in this way it is possible to fill all the voids 8 of the formwork, and not suspecting that the strength of the structure in this case is sharply reduced.
Well, as they say, if you want to do well - do it yourself!
Having dug up all three strips of the foundation around the perimeter, they found an unsightly picture. Almost two-thirds of the tape's volume simply disappeared, turning into a pile of small pieces.
1.To clean the old foundation, it is better to use a pressure washer. We not only clean the surface of dirt, but also knock out all the gravel, which is weakly adhered to the old concrete, which means that it will not give good adhesion.
2.To tie the frames with reinforcement rods, I made through holes for them in the tape with a pitch of 50-70 cm. For this, I used a hammer drill with a long drill.
3. S- and U-shaped crosspieces were connected to the reinforcing bar with annealed wire. My wire is thicker than usual, and the standard tool for twisting it did not fit. I had to work with pliers.
4-5. Finished reinforcement cage.
6-7. Armopoyas and mesh hug the entire foundation around the perimeter, forming a closed loop.
8. On this side, the formwork is fastened in the form of supports from metal corners driven deep into the ground.
9. And here the short support pegs are simply pinned down with bricks used as struts.
10. Until the concrete reaches a normal strength, it must be kept wet. I watered it 4-5 times a day ido, and after removing the formwork.
11-12. In some places, the distance between the old foundation and the formwork is no more than 7-8 cm. If the mixture is not vibrated, the concrete will not fill all the voids - and there will be many pores. For high-quality concrete placement, I used a deep vibrator.
Cracked foundation The builders poured the strip foundation, and after a while cracks began to appear in it. It's good that they haven't started building the house yet. What should we do? Is it possible to fix everything? If so, how many floors will such a foundation withstand (we planned three)?
It's good that you saved your family budget from wasted expenses. If the foundation cracked without load, then imagine what will happen after the application of 20-30 tons, which weighs a decent dacha. Of course, these cracks will widen and the structures will sag. But in all this there is one positive moment: you must understand why this happened, and fundamentally exclude the very possibility of repeating these mistakes. There may be several of them. First of all, it can be low-quality cement or cement of the wrong brand. Then, the sand could not be clean, but with an abundant inclusion of clay. The wrong dosage of the components could very well lead to your unfortunate results. Incorrect mixing of components in the wrong sequence is also a possible cause of cracked foundations. And of course, this concrete mixture had to be thoroughly compacted with a deep vibrator. Did you have it at the construction site? What weather was your foundation poured in? Perhaps it was extremely cold or, on the contrary, the sun was shining mercilessly and you did not hide the foundation from the influence of these factors? Only after analyzing all these reasons can we take on a new foundation. And this one will smash well a tractor with a mounted hydraulic hammer.
Do-it-yourself repair and cracks in the foundation of an old wooden country or private house: step-by-step instructions + Video
It is not uncommon for the owners of private houses and cottages to encounter the problem of cracks in the foundation. Cracks can appear for several reasons.Let's take a closer look at them and how to repair the foundation of a private house.
They can be conditionally divided into two: deterioration in the bearing capacity of the soil and deterioration in the bearing capacity of the foundation itself.
In the first case, this can happen due to flooding. When saturated with water, some soils lose their bearing capacity. Also, during flooding, soil erosion can occur. This happens in areas where the soil consists of sandy and sandy loam layers.
Also, subsidence of soil consisting of limestones and marls is possible, if for some reason the groundwater has acquired acidic properties, which destroys calcites.
Soil subsidence as a result of mine workings, pumping out of artesian waters, oil and gas production have become very frequent occurrences.
The second reason is the deterioration of the bearing capacity of the foundation itself as a result of factors affecting it, leading to its destruction.
Ground water is one of the factors; ordinary water can cause corrosion of the metal and destruction of the base. Nowadays, acidic and alkaline groundwater is not uncommon, which can destroy the foundation of a house in a few years.
A frequent violation is not observing the depth of the foundation. The foundation laid to a shallower depth than the freezing of the soil is affected by frost heaving of the soil - this is a force that can break the foundation monolith and lead it to cracking.
Also, the reason for the destruction of the foundation is often the use of poor quality materials and savings on them.
To determine the causes of the destruction of the foundation, specialized firms can be attracted, but the cost of such work will be very high.
Do not despair, there are many ways that will allow you to determine the causes of the destruction of the foundation inexpensively and with acceptable accuracy.
This study is carried out in order to determine whether the crack continues to grow, the rate of increase, the nature of the process.
For this, the so-called beacon markers are used. They are made of gypsum or cement mortar with the addition of gypsum. It is very important that after drying it does not stretch and be brittle enough. It is also important that the mortar is firmly attached to the surface of the foundation, without peeling from it. For this, the base is pre-cleaned.
Having prepared a little composition, it is applied to the crack, the layer thickness is made 3-5 millimeters, ten fifteen centimeters long and three five centimeters high.
Place at least two markers per crack. One marker is placed near the beginning of the opening, the second near the end.
After applying a marker, a thin longitudinal line is made on it; it can be made either with a metal ruler or with a spatula. Markers are numbered. The number and date are recorded in the measurement log.
If the process of opening cracks continues, then the beacon also gets a crack. Making measurements of the crack width at certain intervals and making entries in the measurement log, they make a conclusion about the deformation rate of the foundation, about the part of the house that shrinks. They also make a forecast about further destruction of the foundation.
The second method of work on the study of the foundation is the method of digging pits.
Next to the foundation, a hole is dug one meter long and deep to the base of the foundation (pit), the width is determined by the convenience of digging, taking into account the conditions for the production of slopes to prevent soil collapse, or strengthen the walls with boards.
At least two pits are dug in the most problematic places. The method of digging pits is the most informative. Using this method, it is possible to determine the depth of the foundation, the presence and condition of waterproofing, the material from which the foundation is made, as well as the presence of groundwater.
If there is a presence of groundwater, then it is possible to determine what properties they have.To do this, use ordinary litmus tests, which can be purchased at garden stores.
After determining the research and determining the causes of the destruction of the foundation, they begin to repair the foundation with their own hands.
The cause of the deformation can be eliminated, and the destruction is not significant and only cosmetic repairs may be required.
Also, sometimes the deformation of the foundation is so serious that it will not be possible to repair it with your own hands. Or it will be necessary to repair the foundation, the price of which will be comparable to new construction.
There are two types of flooding: the first is caused by the influx of rain or melt water. The second is the rise in the level of groundwater.
In the first case, it is enough to create a shock barrier directing water past the house, and the construction of a blind area at least 80 centimeters wide.
In the event of a rise in groundwater, it is necessary to carry out dewatering. For this, drainage is done. Drainage is a drainage system made in the form of a circuit with pipes laid in a trench and covered with gravel around the house. Drainage of excess water leads to the storm sewer.
Deformation caused by frost heaving.
This type of deformation occurs when the foundation is laid above the level of soil freezing. The amount of deformation depends on the degree of heaving of the soil. Both significant and small deformations are possible.
To eliminate freezing, it is necessary to insulate the foundation. Insulation is carried out to the bottom of the foundation sole. To do this, a trench is dug around the perimeter of the house, then the foundation is waterproofed, the side wall of the foundation is insulated and covered with screenings or small rubble. A layer of insulation is laid on top of the backfill and the blind area is poured.