In detail: DIY lifan repair from a real master for the site
In this thread, I would like to share my personal experience on bumper repair!
Back in early 2012, I got into an accident ... I missed a pedestrian at a bend and eventually hit my car in the rear bumper ... but I wanted to do a good deed!
Many are afraid to repair themselves (including myself), BUT the eyes are afraid, but the hands do!
This is what my bumper looked like.
Now about the repair itself and everything in order.
For repairs, we need:
1) a 100-watt soldering iron, but for the convenience of repair, we need to flatten the tip itself a little and bend it a little, something like this:
Now we remove the bumper itself, thoroughly wash it from dirt (especially in places of damage) and sand the damaged places:
Just try not to overheat ... otherwise the shape of the bumper itself may change!
If this happened ... then immediately you need to drown it back with a piece of wood!
You can see the distance between the grids in the photo yourself!
I first reinforced the inside of the bumper, and then decided to reinforce the outside!
It turned out about like the top photo! Next, we skin, removing excess plastic and not forgetting about the shape of the bumper itself!
Then we start filling! I bought a BODI putty for plastic:
I used only 647 solvent for degreasing, do not try to use R-12 ... it "raises" the paint!
I was repairing the bumper in my apartment, and this putty is VERY even smelly ... keep this in mind!
In short, due to my inexperience and an amateur to do EVERYTHING DEFINITELY ... almost the whole bank left me!
You won't like it there, then here!
Here is the summary of all my work:
I don’t know how to prime and paint ... so I used the service, paying for the primer of the bumper, painting and varnishing of ALL the bumper for 1.5 thousand rubles (primer and varnish them)!
![]() |
Video (click to play). |
I ordered the paint myself, on a computer selection (200 grams, 1 thousand rubles)!
It turned out that it took me 3.5 thousand rubles to repair the entire bumper (with consumables) ... 2012 prices!
Here is the result of the work:
I will then share a step-by-step strategy for replacing brake pads with my own hands, who may come in handy:
The first bell, which informs that the car requires replacement of brake pads, is a creak.
So, getting started, first of all, you need to jack up the wheel and remove it. As soon as you remove the caliper, pay attention to the condition of the boots. In the event that no defects are observed, then there is no point in replacing them, although they are cheap. Then release the brake rails from the caliper. When you are able to do this, sand them with sandpaper to get rid of the rust, and wipe the dirt off with a rag. Next, grease them and put them back, while putting on the anthers.
It often happens that the rails simply get stuck in the bracket, the main reason for this is dirt and moisture. In this case, you have to work a little. The best option is to use a gas burner cylinder. Warm up the guides well and try to unscrew them with a wrench, just do it carefully so that the guide head does not suffer.
Before installing new brake pads, it is necessary to carefully clean the places where they are located. To do this, take an ordinary screwdriver. After that, it is necessary to compress the caliper cylinder with a special device. If you don't have one, then take a simple hammer. Place it on the cylinder and push with great force. If the cylinder is twisted inward, the procedure will be a little more complicated. To do this, you will have to show a little imagination and use the tools at hand. Many people use a large screwdriver or pry bar.
Having overcome this rather difficult stage of work, you just have to place new pads in the bracket, put on the caliper and fix it. To make it easier to tighten the screws, you can drop a few drops on the threads of the bolts with special oil. Tighten the bolts firmly but carefully.
As a rule, replacing brake pads takes 30-60 minutes.
If the doors close behind badly:
[B] 1) option: [/ B]
“We unscrew the“ shackle ”of the lock from the body of the Solano and move it so that it is in the center of the lock.
Then we tighten it a little and slam the door, carefully open it, tighten it and if it is better or move it further, we slam it again. etc.
There is nothing terrible or difficult. "
[B] 2) option (simpler) [/ B]
Tap with a mallet-wooden hammer, without removing the rubber seal from the body, from the threshold to the top of the seat back, with normal force. The sealing gum on the doors themselves, it has been experimentally found that it does not affect the closing.
found the video “Do-it-yourself cleaning Lifan Solano nozzles” maybe someone will come in handy
Eliminating clutch slip on a Lifan Solano car with your own hands
Clutch slip during hard acceleration in 3-5 gears
This malfunction occurs periodically on a car. Sometimes it manifests itself to a small extent, mainly when you need to quickly pick up speed to overtake. The tachometer climbs uphill, and the speed is in no hurry to follow it. There are several reasons for this malfunction:
1. Development on the box shaft on which the release bearing slides - in this case, the repair will be associated with the replacement of the shaft and release bearing.
2. Biting the piston of the clutch slave cylinder coupled with a tight return spring inside it. The clutch basket springs do not overpower through the release bearing and its tab to sink the slave cylinder rod, as a result of which the clutch is not engaged and slipping appears. This malfunction is treated by cleaning the cavity of the working cylinder and replacing the spring with a softer one. It is possible to replace the spring with a spring from the repair kit for the working brake cylinder of Taeta Koroly.
A few comments on this case:
The clutch slave cylinder is too close to the clutch foot. As a result, the clutch foot practically rests on the rubber cover-corrugation of the working cylinder rod.
The cover is fully compressed between the cylinder body and the release foot, preventing the foot from fully moving and engaging the clutch. Moreover, the piston of the working cylinder is completely recessed and abuts against the fully compressed return spring. Our manipulations with replacing the spring and shortening the stem to some extent solve the problem, but in my opinion not completely, since the rubber cover of the stem still does not allow the release foot to move completely and therefore fully engage the clutch.
Perhaps it makes sense to try to rearrange the slave cylinder a little further using a metal spacer plate screwed into place of the cylinder, and shift the cylinder by 5-10 mm. In my opinion, there is such an opportunity. Then there is no need to alter anything in the cylinder.
There is no car that has not been in a car service. This fate cannot be avoided for the handsome, graceful, not devoid of even some advantages over Western rivals, Lifan Solano.
Of course, car services are different. Some, for example, are eager to "increase" the price, others - to "under-treat" the car, not noticing the breakdown, which may turn out to be serious.
So many Lifanov owners come to the conclusion that the best way out is to repair the car on their own.
If you, having sufficient knowledge, skills, and abilities, decided to repair Lifan Solano with your own hands, then remember some tricks:
- due to the specificity of replacing the front brake discs, it is better to carry out this work taking into account the wishes and recommendations of the manufacturer;
- it is better to leave the work with the ignition coil to specialists, because even for an "ace" it is hard work, what to say about beginners;
- when replacing the windshield, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate tools in advance, not forgetting about the capsule and sealant;
- timely get an assistant for repairing brake pipes. This is due to the fact that there is a need for pumping the brakes.
Still, the car service is not as bad as they say about it. In any case, in order to avoid unnecessary risks, it would be much better not to “self-medicate”, but to visit an experienced specialist who can easily diagnose a car and do all the work quickly and efficiently.
It is worth remembering that timely repairs will cost significantly less than if you make a serious mistake during DIY repairs. One or another damaged part can be so rare that its cost will be equal to half the cost of the car.
It so happened that, parking at the house, and not assuming that a shop might be hiding in a snowdrift, he brushed his bumper. Maybe nothing, but the temperature overboard was -32C. As a result, the right side of the bumper is in chips. Since it was not part of the plans to purchase a new bumper, scotch tape came to the rescue. On top of the vinyl film, honestly stolen from work, as it turned out, is not frost-resistant. Scotch is good, of course, but I still wanted to fix the bumper. As a result, having taken everything necessary, the garage of a very good man was visited.
There are no photos of the broken bumper. Not captured in scotch either. You can guess the damage from these photos.
In general, all the fragments that were found were soldered together with a soldering iron. Inside and out.
It was decided to use a donor for the place of empty places. I was unable to find him.
Kind people donated the bumper from Logan. A donor was found ... But ...
The native bumper has the plastic marking “PP” - polypropylene, the donor “PE” - polyethylene. Solder soldered, but will not hold. There is nothing else, you have to make of this. Maybe the reinforcement will help.
A wonderful device - a burner - was called to help.
You will learn about adjusting Lifan valves or replacing Lifan valves in this material. which is compiled from many sources and assembled for your convenience in study and application in practice.
This article describes how to adjust Lifan valves with your own hands on Lifan Solano cars and a Lifan x60 car. The material grouped into categories will help you with this. For your convenience, not complicated words are used, as well as pictures and videos for a better understanding of the ongoing process of replacing parts in the engine.
Valve adjustment on Lifan Solano
Checking and adjusting the clearance in the Lifan X60 valves
The Chinese LF481Q3 is installed on the Solano. This is an analogue of the Toyota 4A-FE engine with minor changes. In particular, the ignition distributor was removed and an electronic ignition module was installed. But the fact that the Chinese engine does not say that it is somehow bad. The motor is good, it serves for a long time and regularly, although I have not yet met a car with a mileage of more than 130 thousand km.
Some typical parameters LF481Q3:
Fuel: 93 unleaded gasoline
Rated speed: 6000 rpm
Rated power: 78 kW
Maximum torque: N • m / RMP 137N • m / 3500rmp
Minimum idle speed, rpm 800 ± 50
No-load emission limit CO ≤ 0.3%, CH ≤ 80ppm
Ignition advance angle (idle) 5 ± 3 º
Intake valve clearance (cold) mm 0.20
Exhaust valve clearance (cold) 0.30
The Lifan Solano LF481Q3 engine has 16 valves and two (2) camshafts. There are no hydraulic compensators at all, the valves are driven by pushers-cups, and the adjustment is carried out by selecting the thickness of these pushers.
The timing drive on this motor is a belt and if this belt breaks, the valve will not bend with a probability of 98% ... It is checked, we have already met two cars with a broken belt.
Camshaft graduation valves are driven by a timing belt, and the intake valve shaft is driven by helical gears that are attached to the shafts.
The injection system on the Lifan is multi-point, which means that injection into the cylinders occurs only when this particular cylinder is on the intake stroke. The remaining cylinders are not injected at this moment.
The control unit takes the parameters of many sensors located on the engine, and based on their readings, it controls the injection of the mixture, achieving optimal engine operation in all modes.
(1) Sensors - Convert various non-electrical parameters into electrical ones, understandable by the ECU.
Sensors include: Lubrication pressure sensor.
① Inlet pressure / temperature, measures the air pressure and its temperature in the intake manifold. Based on these readings, the ECU calculates the amount of injected benzene at each moment of time.
② Throttle position sensor, "Shows" to the control unit how much the accelerator pedal is depressed. Accordingly, the block increases fuel injection for acceleration or decreases for deceleration. The reaction speed of the control unit depends on the engine control program installed in it.
③ Coolant temperature sensor, by temperature ECU liquid also regulates the fuel injection time and its composition, enriching it for a cold start.
④ Heated oxygen sensor, Monitors the oxygen content in the exhaust. Based on these data, the ECU determines the rich or lean mixture now enters the cylinders and adjusts its composition to the ideal (14.7 parts of air per 1 part of gasoline).
⑤ Knock sensor, works in tandem with a rough road sensor. Able to easily determine and transmit to the ECU data about which cylinder does not work (for example, there is no spark or fuel)
⑥ Crankshaft position sensor, the main sensor, according to it, the block determines which cycle is currently taking place in each cylinder.
(2) Electronic control unit (ECU) is the "brain" for the entire electronic control system, which analyzes and processes all information from the sensors, sends an order to the control mechanisms, and adjusts the operation of the engine under a variety of conditions.
(3) The actuators execute the commands of the control unit
① pump, supplies fuel under pressure to the rail.
② injectors, inject it into the cylinders.
③ The ignition coil creates a high voltage to create a spark.
④ Pxx, idle speed control, opens the bypass in the throttle valve to supply air when it is completely closed (at idle speed).
The Lifan Solano engine is short-stroke (the piston stroke is less than the cylinder bore), and the short-stroke engines generate more power at high revs. This means that this car will "pull" from the spot only at high revs.
Does the valve bend on Solano 1.6?
Yes, the valve can bend in cases where the timing belt breaks. The consequences of valve bending can be very diverse, from cylinder head repair to engine overhaul or replacement.
Solano valve adjustment 1.6
The valves are adjusted using shims and cups. The normal clearance between the outlet valve and the p / shaft cam should be 0.25-0.35, and the inlet should be 0.15-0.25 mm. If the gap is increased, it is necessary to select the correct shim and place it under the pusher. The process of preparing for the measurement itself is quite simple. We remove the valve cover, having previously dismantled the associated units. We take out the candle channels and make adjustments. If the cams on the camshaft are worn out, then it must be replaced.
Incorrect valve clearances can lead to a deterioration in the dynamics of the car, "shots" in the muffler, knocking in the engine and other unpleasant consequences.
The adjustment is checked on a cold engine by measuring the gap between the valve tappet and the camshaft cam. The normal clearance for the exhaust valve should be between 0.25–0.35 mm, and for the intake valve, 0.15–0.25. The check is carried out with a feeler gauge with the camshaft cam pointing up. If the clearance values do not match, then we adjust the valve by selecting a pusher of the required thickness.For this, the formula is used:
H = B + A-C, where H is the thickness of the new pusher, A is the size of the gap, B is the thickness of the old pusher, and C is the normal value of the gap.
Checking and adjusting the clearance in the Lifan X60 valves
- Remove the intake camshaft main covers.
- Supporting the timing chain by hand as shown in the illustration, remove the intake camshaft.
- Secure the timing chain with a rope as shown in the illustration.
- Remove the valve tappet.
- Measure the thickness of the removed valve tappet with a micrometer.
- Calculate the thickness of the new valve tappet (see table below) so that the valve clearance is within the specified range.
All about repair and spare parts, acquaintance of owners, news
Welcome to the Lifan Solano forum! Here you will find owner reviews, photos, information on repair and tuning, prices and much more!
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In this thread, I would like to share my personal experience on bumper repair!
Many are afraid to repair themselves (including myself), BUT the eyes are afraid, but the hands do!
This is what my bumper looked like:
Before starting the repair, I watched a lot of videos on bumper repair. the guys also suggested (which was not clear)!
To begin with, I found broken pieces of another bumper and decided to check WHICH repair option I should choose, and I had two of them: 1) Solder the staples; 2) Reinforce.
After fracture test (not rupture). Reinforcement got the victory!
Now about the repair itself and everything in order.
For repairs, we need:
1) a 100-watt soldering iron, but for the convenience of repair, we need to flatten the tip itself a little and bend it a little, something like this:
2) skins (R-320, R-800)
3) Copper mesh for reinforcement
4) scissors for metal
5) tweezers
6) putty on plastic "BODI"
7) Solvent - 647
Now we remove the bumper itself, thoroughly wash it from dirt (especially in places of damage) and sand the damaged places:
A big surprise at the next automobile exhibition, which took place in Shanghai, in the spring of this year, was the demonstration of the Lifan X 60 crossover, produced at the automobile plant in Cherkessk.
The appearance of the crossover is a combination of some elements from the Honda CR-V and Toyota RAV 4. In general, the appearance of the crossover is very nice. If you look closely, you can see sketches of Italian design. But the quality of materials and upholstery is poor. The vehicle is equipped with cheap materials and low-quality leather for upholstery. In addition, in this car model you will not find a cool configuration, except for the air conditioner. True, the spacious interior pleased the eye. Even a large driver can easily fit behind the wheel. There are no complaints about the trunk either: it is very spacious, it can hold up to 450 liters of luggage.
The car is equipped with a gasoline engine with a capacity of 1.8 liters and a 5-speed manual transmission. I would like to note that the car holds the road well. A good suspension in the X60 format does not allow the car to wobble too much. It is impossible to say with 100% certainty that on Russian roads the car will also confidently keep the highway. The car, although it resembles the appearance of certain well-known brands, has retained some individuality. For example, front lighting, which is combined in three floors, and a number of other mechanical elements.
For the information of the buyer: the car will appear on the Russian market only at the end of 2012. As of 2011, the Cherkessk plant assembled models of such cars as: Haima 3, Lifan Breez, Solano and Smily.
And so let's summarize. The first acquaintance with the Lifan X60 crossover caused a double impression. Good, presentable appearance, with low-quality material and upholstery. Very simple vehicle equipment and the absence of an automated transmission. True, driving the car left a good impression.Thus, Lifan X60 is still a "dark horse" in the automotive market.
How did he not cut off his own hand? !
See http lunohoda for details. Net forum viewtopic. P.
What is the approximate weight of the all-terrain vehicle? And what do you use in the front drive cardan or CV joint?
I will drive such impassability on a Chinese moped
Can you make another one for the Ukrainian off-road?
Nice machine turned out. It's a pity that you didn't have a real swamp, it would be interesting to see how she can.
Guys, what are the stars on the wheels from? Doesn't look like homemade
Anyone who liked the video and would like more information, I suggest to follow the topic http lunohoda. Net forum viewtopic. Php? F t

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Audi 80 A4 A6. For the second method, the procedure is as follows: At the moment it is spring. The question is off topic, does anyone have a catalog with numbers. Making a filter yourself is a cheaper option.
Do-it-yourself cabin filter for Lifan Smily Salon. Ford Focus 1 Focus 2 Focus 3. Cars Personal experience of the Flea market Community Read interesting News and test drives Cars for sale d2.
All categories Routine maintenance Engine and its components Transmission Running system Fuel system Brake system Cooling system Body Salon Electronics and equipment Safety. For the second method, the procedure is as follows: Car safety and ease of control directly depends on the quality of the braking system.
The air conditioner belt was tensioned normally. Bing [Bot], Google Adsense [Bot].
Kia Rio Sportage Sorento Sid. VAZ Monolith LIFAN SMILY Monolith PROS: Repair Lifan Smily Lifan Smily repair manuals.
Cold air blows at the feet of the passenger, Lifan Smiley. LIFAN SMILY schematic diagrams and wiring diagrams album of diagrams translated and corrected from the original by ksiman. The paper version was made in an advertising office. Sort by popularity usefull discussions date added Share:

Order a regular filter element. Do-it-yourself Lifan Smily repair. Replacement of the Lifan Smily brake system on June 10 at

Car safety and ease of control directly depends on the quality of the braking system. LIFAN SMILY Third Rome CONS:
Articles on this topic. About the project Vacancies Business account Advertising and cooperation. The air conditioner belt was tensioned normally.
At the moment, it’s spring. The fan of the stove is bursting on Lifan Smiley. This, in addition to the standard operating instructions: Make the filter yourself a cheaper option. Previously Cleaning the camera sensor from dust at home. The cabin filter is not installed on Lifan Smiley, therefore dust and other small contaminants often get into the car interior through the ventilation.
We find a place to install the filter - on the right side of the engine compartment under the frill.
what is the name of the first detail you removed
If you can tell me what kind of compression is in the new 9 hp engines. Honda GX 270.
Hey! on Lifan rings diameter 68mm, on Subaru 67mm. question: is it possible to put Lifan rings on Subaru? Thank you.
you break it then go buy a new one and say that you made it
Yes, the lomaster is still the same, although I would have lubricated the sleeve with oil and the connecting rod.
please tell me when starting up the engine kicks, what could it be? the same engine as in the video
Tell me, is there a difference in which direction are the ring gaps on the piston?
Dya yes to confuse which side the shuttle was there is simply not possible, you can only put the scoop in the water position. You figured out a lomaster, you press the rings with a screwdriver to leave the burrs and so that the bullies then go
Tell me on this issue, I am facing the choice of an engine for a lifan or carver walk-behind tractor, lifan costs 2000-3000 rubles, cheaper than lifan, both engines are clones of a Honda, maybe you have come across carver engines, the quality of the details is of interest, and there are very few reviews on the Internet.
And how many hours did your engine run approximately, how many years did it work? Well, just do you just buy such an engine?
There is no such car that at least once in its "life" has not been in a car service. This fate cannot be avoided for the handsome, graceful and not without even some advantages over Western "competitors" Lifan Solano.
Of course, car services are different. Some, for example, are keen to "increase" the price, some - to "undercut" the car, not noticing the breakdown, which may turn out to be serious.
So many Lifanov owners come to the conclusion that the best way out is to repair the car on their own.
Self-service car repair.
If you, having sufficient knowledge, skills and abilities, set out to make Lifan Solano repair with your own hands, then remember some tricks:
- taking into account the specificity of the work, it is best to replace the front brake discs, taking into account the wishes and recommendations of the manufacturer;
- it is better to leave work with the ignition coil to specialists, because even for an "ace" it is a "Chinese letter", what to say about beginners;
- when replacing the windshield, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate tools in advance, not forgetting about the capsule and sealant;
- timely get an assistant for repairing brake pipes. This is due to the fact that there is a need for pumping the brakes.
And yet the car service is not as bad as they say.
And yet the car service is not as bad as they say. In any case, in order to avoid unnecessary risks, it would be much better not to self-medicate, but to visit an experienced specialist who can easily diagnose the car and do all the work quickly and efficiently.
It is worth remembering that timely repairs will cost significantly less than if you make a serious mistake during DIY repairs. One or another damaged part can be so rare that its cost will be equal to half the cost of the car.
Do-it-yourself lifan engine repair - this is what the article on this site is about. Read also related articles:
Motoblocks are irreplaceable units when processing a vegetable garden or a small plot of land. Its service life depends largely on the type of motor. We choose a Lifan engine for a walk-behind tractor.

When choosing a new technique, you must first familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this model. Today on the market there is a large selection of motoblocks, not only of industrial production, but also made by craftsmen with their own hands, as shown in the photo. Consumers are especially scrupulous about buying an engine for their iron assistant.
New models of cars appear on sale, which have excellent characteristics and a fairly low cost. Movers of lighter units run on gasoline. They generate little vibration and are easy to start. The diesel engine is easier to operate and more economical.In addition, due to its heavy weight, it allows the mechanism to better grip the ground.

If you decide to change the motor for your iron horse, pay attention to imported models. Although they are more expensive, they have more power. Domestic-made units are suitable for small areas: they are easy to operate and maintain, as shown in the photo.

On the market you can find engines of such companies as Greenfield, Honda, Subaru, etc. Engine models of these manufacturers are in special demand due to their high performance.

Domestic mechanisms are less popular. The reason is that their service life is short compared to the imported version.
In recent years, there has been a particular demand for motors manufactured by Chinese companies. Chinese products are distinguished by modern design, high reliability and rather low price.

In addition, you can always find spare parts for the units in free access. Movers from Chinese manufacturers can be used on Neva, Krot, Cascade, Agro, Ural walk-behind tractors, as well as on other garden equipment, as shown in the photo.
The engine is the heart of the machine. It is on its uninterrupted and reliable operation that the high-quality operation of the entire walk-behind tractor depends.
To date, the best reviews belong to Lifan motors, which have proven themselves from the best side, as shown in the photo. Chinese manufacturers under this brand are licensed to produce copies of Honda's engines.
If you decide to change the engine for your mechanical assistant such as Agro, Neva, Cascade, Mole, Ural, then the products of this company are a good choice.
Before making a purchase, study the technical data sheet in detail. In addition, it would be good to read the reviews on Chinese engines for motoblocks. The opinion of gardeners will help you choose the right mechanism for your walk-behind tractor.
There are a number of engines from the Chinese company Lifan, which in terms of technical characteristics can be compared with similar products from Honda.

The most common reviews for such engines from a Chinese company:
- The single-cylinder engine Lifan 168 F-2 has a horizontal crankshaft and runs on gasoline;
- The Lifan160F model differs from its counterparts in decent power - 4.3 kW, while consuming a small amount of fuel;
- The four-stroke dvigun Lifan 177 F is equipped with a horizontal crankshaft. This is an air-cooled motor;
- The cylinder engine Lifan 2V177F internal combustion, according to technical data, is considered one of the best.
In general, all models of motors of this company are excellent for working on sites in our climatic conditions.
In addition, some models are supplied with additional components: gearboxes, starters, lighting devices, etc. as shown in the photo.

When choosing a motor for a walk-behind tractor, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in which it will work. Based on this, you will choose a unit with a certain power of the proposed configuration. As a result, you will be able to save your money when buying a dvigun with features that you won't need.
Do not forget that the longevity of the motor also depends on the power output. So, a unit with a weak power will have much more problems in the same area than its more powerful counterpart.

Due to its many advantages, in this case, the Lifan motor from Chinese manufacturers becomes the best option, as shown in the photo. In the production of units, the companies use modern equipment and the latest developments. Before going on sale, the products undergo a special check. It should be especially noted that many models of the Chinese company are guaranteed for one to two years.
We found out that Chinese manufacturers Lifan engine is the best option to choose from. This is due to good quality, reliability, sufficient power and reasonable price.

There is no such car that has not visited a car service at least once in its life.This fate cannot be avoided for the handsome, graceful and not without even some advantages over Western competitors, Lifan Solano.
Of course, car services are different. Some, for example, are keen to increase the price, some - to under-treat the car, not noticing a breakdown, which can be serious.
So many Lifanov owners come to the conclusion that the best way out is to repair the car on their own.
If you, having sufficient knowledge, skills and abilities, set out to make Lifan Solano repair with your own hands, then remember some tricks:
- taking into account the specificity of the work, it is best to replace the front brake discs, taking into account the wishes and recommendations of the manufacturer;
- it is better to leave work with the ignition coil to specialists, since even for an ace it is a Chinese literacy, what to say about beginners;
- when replacing the windshield, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate tools in advance, not forgetting about the capsule and sealant;
- timely get an assistant for repairing brake pipes. This is due to the fact that there is a need for pumping the brakes.
And yet the car service is not as bad as they say.
And yet the car service is not as bad as they say. In any case, in order to avoid unnecessary risks, it would be much better not to self-medicate, but to visit an experienced specialist who can easily diagnose a car and do all the work quickly and efficiently.
It is worth remembering that timely repairs will cost significantly less than if you make a serious mistake during DIY repairs. One or another damaged part can be so rare that its cost will be equal to half the cost of the car.
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[dimensions of repair pistons for honda-hrv d16a IL2644]
[ lifan 168f engine repair IL2645]
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