Then, from a copper or steel wire with a diameter corresponding to the size of the eyelet remaining in the temple to the hinge element, bend a loop with an inner diameter equal to the screw fastening the hinge elements. After the desired diameter of the resulting loop has been selected, use miniature pliers with round jaws to give the workpiece the look of the Greek letter omega.
The next step is to install the resulting hinge element in place. Taking the resulting workpiece with miniature tweezers, press it in place of installation and heat it with a powerful soldering iron. During the heating process, the loop will gradually deepen into the frame to the desired depth. When the desired depth is reached, the soldering iron is removed, the plastic hardens, and the loop is firmly fixed in the frame.
Finishing work remains. Irregularities formed in the process of attaching the lugs can be removed using the same soldering iron. Sand the place with fine-grained sandpaper. Shine lost after sanding can be restored with colorless nail polish.
The reasons for the discrepancy between the temples for metal and plastic eyeglass frames are different. There is only one common thing - the holes in the hinge joints are loosened after long-term operation. The elimination of these shortcomings was discussed in the first paragraph. When using glasses in a plastic frame, one of the reasons for the divergence of the temples is that the edges are erased in places of their contact with the frame. As a result, the angle of divergence of the temples exceeds the set 100 degrees.
Here you can solve the problem if you restore the erased part of one of the surfaces by fusing or gluing a thin layer of plastic on it. You can use glue, which, after drying, will acquire a certain hardness. Then carefully grind these inserts, adjusting them to the desired size in thickness.
Of course, when applying these inserts, you should not cut them exactly in the area. They can be adjusted at the end of the insertion work. Metal frames have different ways of attaching temples to the frame. There are those when the temple is attached to a bracket that is integral with the frame.
It so happens that, under the influence of brute force, these brackets can be bent in any direction. In this case, they can be returned to their original position using miniature pliers.
The temples break only if a metal rod is not used as a base. As a rule, such temples are made of rather thick plastic. Therefore, the broken parts can be connected using a thread band according to the method described above.
Considering the width and thickness of the temple, part of it can be grinded off with a file in order to put a bandage in the resulting groove. In this case, it will not stand out much on the surface of the temple.
Another way is to drill holes in the center of both fragments into which a metal pin 15-20 mm long can be inserted. After using this pin, both parts of the temple are docked, lubricate their junction with superglue.
The plastic frame and temples can only be bent when exposed to high temperatures. They are resilient enough to bend when subjected to force. This means that you can give them their previous shape in the same way - heat them up and bend them to their original position. You can heat to the desired softness in hot water - boiling water using a pair of pliers. The plastic from which the glasses are made lends itself well to heating and this operation is usually successful.
After the part to be repaired has warmed up enough, remove it from the water.Place the ear hook on a flat surface and press down with something heavy until it cools completely. Give the frame the desired bend and hold it in this position with your hands, too, until it is completely cooled. It can bend only at the place of the jumper between the lens windows. This is where the main effort should be made.
Deformations of metal frames and temples can be corrected by mechanical action with pliers or simply by hand.
Glasses are often an invariable attribute of a modern person who has to spend a lot of time at a computer, because not everyone has the ability and desire to wear contact lenses. However, glasses are not only worn by people with poor eyesight; it is also a rather stylish accessory, and sunglasses, waiting in the wings, lie on the shelf of almost everyone.
Whatever glasses - for vision correction, perforated, sunglasses, decorative glasses without lenses, expensive branded or cheap bought on the market for one hundred rubles - they tend to break. Frames usually burst, but broken lenses are not uncommon. How often do we sit on the sofa and suddenly hear an unpleasant crunch? This crunch indicates that the time has come to buy new glasses.
It's a pity! Maybe it's not too late to fix everything? If, for example, you figure out what the glasses are made of and how to fix them yourself?
The main element of any glasses is lenses made of glass or plastic. The lenses are inserted into a frame to which with hinges temples or temples are attached. The hinge has a fixed part, fixed in the frame, and a movable part, welded to the metal core of the temple and fixed in its plastic part. Some models use a head band or elastic band instead of temples.
The bridge between the two lenses is called a "bridge" or nose bridge, and plastic or silicone pads to protect the bridge of the nose from the strong pressure of the frames, - with nose pads, which, like the temples, are attached to the glasses using hinges. The presence of nose pads is more typical for heavy metal glasses, while plastic glasses are quite light and do not exert such pressure on the nose.
Any element of the design of glasses can break, but especially often the "bridge" and the joints of the frame with the temples (and nose pads, if any) are susceptible to breakage.
The good news: even a child can handle such a task! It is only necessary find superglue ("Moment" will do) and glossy paper, which in color does not differ much from the frame (however, you can play in contrast).
The paper needs to be cut into thin strips and carefully wrap the noseband with it to the desired thickness, not forgetting to coat it with glue. Before applying a new layer, you need to wait until the old one dries.
The glasses are ready! Now you can safely hold on to a trip to a repair specialist.
It's also a pretty interesting way. You will need a small saucepan or bowl of boiling water and a pin.
First, it is necessary to melt the plastic, for which the ends of the "bridges" formed during the split are lowered as close as possible to the boiling water. When the ends softened , you need to insert a short pin into one of them (you can “pinch off” part of the pin with pliers), and then put another end on it. The resulting gap should be smoothed out by hand until the plastic hardens. Glasses as new!
This method is essentially similar to the previous one, but it requires more attention, accuracy and diligence. In addition, you will need various tools:
thin drills with a diameter of 1 mm and 1.5 mm,
steel wire with a diameter of 1.2 mm,
nichrome wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm,
acetone-based glue (this is best suited for working with spectacle plastic).
In the ends formed during the split of the frame, it is necessary to drill two holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm and a depth of 5 mm, then drill from above and below them through holes with a diameter of 1 mm. Use a cutter to create grooves between the two upper and two lower holes. Pour glue into holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm and insert a steel wire 9 mm long. Grease the ends with glue and connect. Fasten the structure with nichrome wire passed through the upper and lower holes. Fill holes and grooves with glue, after drying, sand with sandpaper.
You can make a temporary repair of the hinge, which will allow you to wait for a trip to a specialist, using a toothpick, wire, pin or nylon fishing line.
Frame and temple of glasses align relative to each other so that a hole is formed in the hinge into which a toothpick is inserted (or whatever comes to hand from the list presented). The excess part of the toothpick must be cut off, the wire must be twisted, and the nylon line must be melted in the flame of a lighter or match.
Flex mechanism used for fixing the temples of the glasses in a certain position - very convenient for those with a non-standard head size! Unfortunately, such a wonderful device has a serious drawback: a screw that has fallen out of such a hinge is very difficult to insert into place.
The fact is that between the two parts of the hinge there is a movable bar, which, when the screw falls out, is pulled into the bow. To pull the bar out , it is necessary to fix the bow (for example, using a vise) and, with one hand holding the frame and the bar pulled out with a needle or screwdriver, screw the screw into the hinge. It may not work the first time, but don't give up! A few tries and you're done.
Sometimes it happens that after prolonged wear in a bag or a short-term unsuccessful contact with something heavy, the glasses do not seem to be broken, but still it is not very convenient to wear them: they press on the ears, the bridge of the nose, or, conversely, constantly dangle and slide. The reason may lie in the incorrect adjustment of the temples and nose pads.
To check if the nose pads are correctly adjusted, you need to put the glasses on a flat surface and compare their position relative to each other. To change the height of the goggles, the nose pads should be moved (if the goggles need to be raised) or moved apart (if you need to lower them).
If the glasses are tight or loose, you need to hold the temples in hot water for a while or heat them with a hairdryer, and then slightly straighten or, accordingly, bend more. Care must be taken not to melt the bows or break them. This method is suitable for plastic frames. Wire frames bend easily with small pliers.
With the help of simple tools, you can successfully repair broken glasses or adjust the frame for maximum comfort.
Glasses, which are constantly worn, most often end up in extreme conditions, and therefore sooner or later get damaged. In this case, it is customary to contact a repair shop, paying considerable sums for the restoration of the frame. But it turns out that you can repair glasses with your own hands, if you first deal with their device and study the basic methods of restoration. In some cases, you will need to solder the glasses, but often you can do even without it.
The main structural element that holds the temples and the frame of the glasses together is the hinge assembly, which can have two versions.
In one of them, the bow is attached by means of a conventional screw connection. A more complex design is the version in which a special spring-loaded mechanism called a flex is used for fastening.
In the simplest case, when the malfunction is associated with unscrewing the screw from the attachment point, it is enough to simply return it to its place using a clockwise screwdriver or a well-sharpened knife. No soldering is needed here.
In the presence of flexes, the repair of glasses is significantly complicated, since the fixing screw in this case passes through the movable bar, and when it falls out, it is pulled into the ear cavity.
In this case, two fastening holes, which coincide in the normal state, after this breakdown, due to the action of the spring, lose their coaxiality, so that the screw cannot be returned to its place. The only possible way out of this position is to slide the bar back into place and screw the fastening screw into the hole.
To return the bar, the easiest way is to use an awl or needle that allows you to catch on a small protrusion that extends beyond the temple of the glasses. For this operation, two hands are usually not enough, so either outside help or a small vise (clamp) will be required.
In the second case, the body of the temple is first clamped, after which you can try to screw the screw into place. In the case when the material behind the ears is very soft, it is advisable to lay them with a piece of leather.
If the screw is damaged or lost, it can be replaced with any suitable size and thread. If the diameter does not match, it is screwed into the fastening hole with effort, thereby cutting a new thread. You can also use a piece of copper wire of a suitable cross-section, which, after installation in the hole, is riveted from both sides.
For some glasses, the earhook (bow) breaks at the point where the hinge is attached to the flex itself, which forces you to choose one of two solutions: complete replacement or repair. Since this part can only be changed with glasses, we will consider the device of the node and the procedure for restoring it in more detail.
A close examination of the structure shows that at the end of the temple there is a rectangular groove, which includes a steel strip with a thickness of about 1 mm. It usually breaks when this part of the glasses is damaged and needs to be repaired.
A possible option for its restoration is a connection in a fractured place by means of a rivet.
As such a part, a brass sewing pin with a head about a millimeter in diameter can be used, for which you need to drill holes in the parts to be joined. When marking, one of them is outlined in the center of the earhook (bow) so that it coincides with the center line of the strip fixed in the hinge. Only after attaching this part it will be possible to clearly mark, and then drill holes in both halves to be joined.
In some models of glasses, the lenses are rigidly mounted in half of the rim, and their open part is held in the frame by means of a fishing line recessed in a special groove. This way of fixing the lenses makes glasses more elegant in appearance and comfortable to wear by reducing the weight of the frame.
But all these advantages come at the cost of the inconvenience that they easily break in the event of a negligent relationship. Here, as well as when repairing a flex, the following two options are possible:
if the lens jumped out of the mount, and the fishing line remained in its place - due to its elasticity, the optical element of the glasses is easily installed in its previous position;
in a situation where the line has completely fallen off the frame, it will need to be completely replaced.
In the latter case, you should not get upset and immediately contact the workshop, since such a malfunction can be easily eliminated with your own hands. This problem can be solved with the help of a durable fishing line with a cross section of 0.8 mm, from the skein of which a piece of about ten centimeters is cut off.
After removing the old scaffold, make sure that the ends of the new workpiece easily pass into the fixing holes, and if not, then sharpen them a little (cut along the oblique line). If, in this case, the fishing line does not pass through the holes, it is necessary to expand them in some way (sometimes you even have to drill out this part of the mount).
After the ends are inserted into the holes, and the size is measured strictly along the length of the lens arc, you should warm up their ends with a soldering iron, then securely fix the optics in the frame. This is a case of using soldering to repair glasses.
If the frame is metal, and the metal of the lens holder has burst, then soldering can be used for repair. The holder is soldered using rosin as a flux (zinc chloride is better for stainless steel and steel), and the solder is chosen either tin-lead or in accordance with the characteristics of the metal of the frame.
It is not uncommon for glasses to break into two parts one of the arms, and the breakage occurs in the area of the joint between the metal and the plastic tip, fixed to the pin by means of a screw. In this case, of course, you can use the method of laser soldering of metals, but at home this option is difficult to implement.
It is much easier to use for this a brass plate of the corresponding shape and thickness of 1 mm, connecting both halves, ground at the point of contact.
There are two holes drilled in the cover, and there are fixing folds on each side. The size of one of the holes coincides with the relief notches in the openwork pattern of the metal part, while the second is made arbitrary. After assembling the bow into a single whole, it takes on a completely wearable look.
The arch skeleton can be repaired using the same methods as for earhooks. However, in this case, it would be wiser to purchase a new, not very expensive frame that matches the color and structure of the metal. Rearranging it instead of the old broken part will not be difficult.
In the event of a breakage of the metal rim of the frame, serious repairs will be required, since this place experiences strong deformation loads.
The simplest solution is to glue the metal rim directly to the lenses of the glasses. In this case, the bonding area is significantly increased, which provides the necessary strength of the joint formed.
For these purposes, the well-known brand of universal glue "Contact" is optimal, the strength of which only increases over time. To prevent glue from getting on the plastic lenses, glue a strip of adhesive tape on both sides of the joint seam. If the lenses are glass, then you can do without this, since the glue from the glass is wiped off quite simply.
Soldering eyeglass frames or thermoplastic bezels requires a soldering iron or similar heating device. They are necessary to heat up the plastic in the bonding area of broken parts joined in a molten state. This is not soldering in the full sense of the word, since solder is not used here.
You can do without soldering devices if you use dichloroethane or benzene, which melts the plastic to the desired state at normal temperatures.
Regardless of the selected heating method, the parts of the frame softened to the required state are tightly pressed against one another and kept for some time, sufficient to obtain a reliable diffusion connection.
The laser soldering method is one of the latest technologies that allows very delicate repairs to metal frames of any shape. The locality of the heating of the contact zone makes it possible to preserve the adjacent areas in an undeformed form.
The restoration of parts by a laser method is carried out using a special microscope, which affects the cost of all repair operations.
This method can be soldered both in a vacuum and in the open air; Moreover, the use of fluxes in this case is not at all necessary. When soldering glasses, it is preferable to use an impulsive mode of operation of the laser device, using solders corresponding to the steel grade of the temples or rim.
Professionals carry out the soldering of titanium, composite and steel frames, they know how to choose the right solder.Soldering with a low-power laser can lead to the fact that parts of the glasses fall apart after a while, so the choice of the power of the device plays an important role.
In order to protect glasses from breakage, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:
it is best to wear them with a special safety cord, which prevents falling and damage to the product;
before removing clothes, do not forget to take off glasses in order to avoid their breakage;
it is better to store them in a specially designed case.
Note also that when not in use, it is advisable to fold the earhooks without leaving the glasses in a dangerous and unstable position.
If one or both nose pads accidentally fall off on the frame of your glasses, it doesn't matter, you can easily stick them with your own hands, without wearing them to the workshop.
To do this, you will need spring clips (mini-clamp), the other day I just bought a set of such clips at a sale for 39 rubles, and glue, I used Moment crystal, but you can also use super glue, for example.
The procedure for gluing the nose pad to the frame of the glasses is quite simple:
- Degrease the surface. - Apply a thin layer of glue to the bonding points on the frame and nose pad. - Press the nose pad firmly against the frame. - Install the spring clip, and forget about the glasses for 24 hours.
After the glue has dried, simply remove the spring clip and use the glasses as usual.
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Now just a huge number of people use a variety of glasses. Sometimes with glasses, there can be problems with a loose screw before the frame completely breaks. If you are experiencing similar problems, then you may need to repair your spectacle frame.
Self-repair glasses
A broken frame is a tricky breakdown and may require skill and tools to fix it. In this article, you will learn how to fix eyeglass frames with your own hands. We have tried to describe all the processes in detail. Before you start repairing an eyeglass frame, you first need to find out the reasons for its breakdown:
Simple wear of parts. Most often, the problem occurs due to wear of the parts.
Breakage due to physical strength.
Before starting repairs, examine all the elements of your glasses.
Anyone can fix most breakdowns. Depending on the problem, you may need the following tools:
Clock screwdriver;
pliers or miniature vices;
electric drill;
universal glue;
fishing line.
Study your frame before proceeding with the repair. It can be made of plastic or metal.
With prolonged use of glasses, the holes in the hinge may loosen, where the frame is attached. Sometimes you can come across a problem when the screw is lost. If you have lost a cog, then you can find it in a calculator. Most often, the cogs in it will be similar. If the thread is knocked down and a screw of the same size pops out, then a larger diameter screw should be taken to solve the problem.
To ensure greater reliability, you can simply rivet the screw. Thanks to this, it will never become loose again and will be firmly fixed. Now you know how to repair your spectacle frame if the hinges are loose. If an old frame cannot be repaired, then learn how to choose a new frame for your glasses.
This problem is most common with plastic products. The best solution to this situation is gluing. It is best to glue the arc not only in the place where the breakage occurred, but over the entire area of the arc. This will reduce the load. To make the gluing better, you can fix the arc with a fishing line while the glue dries. The glue contains elements that can damage the lens. Therefore, immediately after gluing, the lens must be cleaned of glue.
Now you know how to glue the frames of your glasses.If, after you repair the frame of the glasses with your own hands, scratches remain, then they can be repaired with the help of colorless nail polish. However, remember that it will be almost impossible to give them a presentation.
This problem most often occurs in glasses with thin metal frames. The problem can be solved in two ways. The screw that connects the two lens windows is loose. To repair the spectacle frame in this case, simply take a screwdriver and tighten the screw. In the second case, the frame could simply bend and therefore now the lens does not stand still. To align the frame, you should completely remove the lenses, take the pliers and try to align the frame. Be careful when leveling. If you overdo it, then the frame may just burst.
It's important to know! After disassembling the frame, it must be cleaned around the entire perimeter, as dirt will accumulate here.
Before you start repairing the metal frame of your glasses, you first need to prepare the tools. First you need to make a wooden jig. To avoid scratching the lenses, simply wrap them with a soft cloth. During the work, a drill may also be required. Before starting work, the place of the break on the lenses should be degreased. Some report that sandpaper can be used to sand the fracture site, but this is not recommended.
One half of the frame must be fixed on the jig with a rubber band. The second should be pressed against the first and fixed in a similar way.
Glasses must be securely fastened before drilling
Before starting drilling, make sure that all elements are securely fastened. Glue should also be applied to the fracture site. Now you need to find the optimal distance from the place in both halves of the frame and drill two through holes. Use a needle to insert a thread into one of them. Then the thread should be touched into the second hole. This procedure should be repeated several times. This will not work anymore, since the hole diameter will not allow you to push the thread through many times. The ends of the thread that remain should be parted to the sides and secured with tape.
The threads that will act as a bandage must be fastened with glue. Now you can take the remaining turns of thread that were secured with tape and attach to the main threads. Subsequently, they should also be covered with a thin layer of glue. Thanks to this winding, you can make the connection more durable. Remember to cover each layer with glue as you thread new threads. Now you know how to glue the frame of your plastic sunglasses. If you are interested, then you can read about how to wipe glasses of glasses.
Before gluing the frame of plastic glasses, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the hinge melted into the frame. If necessary, you can warm up the frame with a soldering iron and use tweezers to get the rest of the elements. Now, using copper or steel wire, you can bend the loop with an inner diameter equal to the screw fastening the hinge. After you select the desired diameter of the pliers, you can give the workpiece the shape of the letter omega.
The next step is to put the hinge in place. You can grab your workpiece with tweezers. Now put it back in place and heat it up with a soldering iron. During the heating process, the loop will gradually deepen into the frame to the required depth. When the required depth is reached, the soldering iron can be removed. When all the installation steps are completed, you can start finishing work. All irregularities that have formed on the surface can be removed with a soldering iron.
The reasons for the discrepancy between the temples in the glasses can be quite varied.The main reason is that the holes in the hinges are simply loose. You already know how to repair glasses side dishes. We discussed this in the first paragraph. During the use of the plastic glasses, the edges may have been erased. As a result, the divergence angle can increase significantly.
To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to reduce the divergence angle by fusing. We have already described how to solder the metal frame of the glasses. The situation is the same with plastic frames. If necessary, you can also stick on special plastic inserts. Then they can be simply sanded. Of course, when using inserts, remember to cut them correctly. In metal glasses, the mounts could simply bend in the other direction. Take the pliers and set the fasteners in the correct position.
The temples most often break if a metal rod was used as an attachment. As a rule, such temples can be made of durable plastic. Therefore, the connection can be made using threads.
Otherwise, it will be necessary to drill a hole in each wreck, into which you later put a new metal pin. After all parts of the temples are docked, you can provide them with additional fastening using glue. As you can see, it is not difficult to repair the spectacle frame in this case.
The plastic frame may buckle. This usually occurs when exposed to high temperatures. To give them their previous shape, you should also take advantage of the increase in temperature. You can heat the glasses to the desired softness in hot water. Then, using the pliers, you can give the desired shape.
After the desired shape has been achieved, the product can be removed from the water and placed on a flat surface. If necessary, they can be pressed down with something heavy and left to cool completely. All deformations of metal frames can be corrected by mechanical action.
Video (click to play).
If you are using glasses with flexes, then remember that you can also repair them yourself. Repair of the flex frame of glasses with flexes can also be done using glue. If you see that the flexa is badly damaged, then you should purchase it and replace the old one. Now you know all the ways to help you repair your glasses. We hope you find this information useful and interesting.