In detail: DIY repair of a mini usb connector from a real master for the site
Hello everyone! Today I will talk about replacing the USB connector on the tablet. This replacement is unusual in that it had to be replaced with an ordinary soldering iron, without a soldering station. It all started with the fact that I was far from home, in a neighboring town. Friends, having learned that I was a radio amateur, immediately asked for help in repairing their devices 🙂 The first was a tablet with a loose USB connector, which did not even want to charge the tablet, it will be discussed here. To begin with, it was necessary to consider dismantling the broken connector, since it is very easy to damage the printed circuit board, especially with an ordinary soldering iron. It was decided to bite through the old connector with needle-nose pliers, and you need to bite through the upper end of the connector. But first, let's take a look at our “patient”. Remove the back cover:
In this tablet, it turned out to be latched, and under it is already the main aluminum cover, we see a bunch of screws, I have already unscrewed them above in the photo.
We look very carefully, have we forgotten some bolt, unscrewed everything that might prevent us from removing the back cover? - Okay, let's take it off.
Now you need to remove the board itself from the top of the tablet. The main thing is not to rush, otherwise we can break something, we check how and with what the board is attached to the tablet, in this tablet - on bolts and latches. Unscrew the bolts.
We disconnect all the connectors and cables from the board, in order to disconnect the cable, you just need to lift this connector clip up and pull the cable towards you:
Disconnect the display connector from the board, this tablet uses the connector as on laptops:
All the bolts were unscrewed, all the cables were disconnected, now you can remove the board for further manipulations.
Video (click to play).
We take it out carefully, as there are parts on the SMD board, and planar microcircuits, which are soldered only with a soldering hairdryer. And if SMD output parts and microcircuits can still be soldered with a soldering iron, then BGA only with a hairdryer. We carefully pry on the latches that hold the board, you need to pry with something soft, for example, I use an ordinary SIM card for this, or a bank plastic card. By the way, they also disassemble the plastic panels of all kinds of gadgets, since it is impossible to disassemble plastic cases with metal tools - it is very easy to damage or even break them. Here is the board itself:
You can start dismantling the broken connector, as I wrote above - my tool is far away, but I need to do it. We begin to bite through the old connector with needle-nose pliers, as shown in the photo below:
We open it very carefully, by bending up and down we break off the contacts so that the pieces of the pins remain on the contact pads of the board, the contacts themselves cannot be bitten off with needle-nose pliers - they will fly off the board along with the tracks. We can safely solder the rest of the connector and contacts.
In the photo, the contacts are not undermined, I just used a lot of tin for desoldering. Remove excess tin with copper wire or braid, clean and solder a new connector in place.
We solder it well, the connector pins were soldered with an ordinary 25 W soldering iron, and the connector itself was soldered to the board with a 40 W soldering iron. After checking for operability, we clean it from the gumboil and twist the tablet in the reverse order, observing accuracy.
It is worth soldering only with high-quality soldering irons, the heaters of which must be well insulated from the tip itself and the metal parts of the soldering iron itself. The soldering iron should not break through at all, and accumulate static electricity, so the breakdown of the soldering iron threatens, at best, with the failure of the soldered device, and at worst. Guess it yourself 🙂 Static electricity is dangerous to semiconductors: sensitive parts may break.
That's it, the replacement of the connector was successful, the repair is over.As you can see, even in the absence of the necessary tool and a lot of experience, a lot is possible in terms of restoring gadgets with your own hands. Until next time, dear readers. Especially for the site "Radio circuits" - BIOS.
Greetings to my readers! Today again the heading "From Master Sergei". We will show you how to do a budget repair of a USB - micro USB cable with your own hands. What we have in the beginning is a non-working cable with a micro USB connector. The cable owner is running out of money, so he asked for help for a few coins. Let's see what we can do!
Disassembly showed that the micro USB connector in this cable is composite and the plastic retainers inside the metal shell of the connector fell apart. This state of the connector is not uncommon, so the cheapest option is to replace the connector.
In conditions of budgetary repairs, it was decided to dig in the deposits. A micro USB connector was found in a white rubber case, cut off from some kind of cable.
Many people think that such connectors are non-separable. The way it is! But Russian ingenuity works constantly, so it didn't take long to open the connector with a sharp scalpel along the fusion seam.
Next, we just need to strip the wires in the cable being repaired and, according to the pinout of the USB connector, solder it to a successfully disassembled serviceable connector. Below is the pinout of the microUSB-USB cable without OTG and with it - nothing complicated.
The photo shows how the wires should be soldered to the connector according to the color of the braid.
We check ourselves with a voltmeter - we connect the USB to the charger and measure the supply voltage + 5 V. Everything is in order.
Master Sergey proposes to glue two parts of the rubber case with the help of Moment glue. We act according to the instructions - degrease, apply a thin layer of glue and squeeze the two parts to be glued.
Of course, they did not get into the black color of the cable, but they do not look at the budget horse (repair) in the teeth (in the connector). This completes the repair of the USB cable.
What do you do when you encounter such a breakdown? How do you repair your cable? Or buying a new one? Which company? We share in the comments - this information will come in handy for everyone.
Master Soldering and Master Sergei tried for you.
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Many of our mobile devices use a mini-USB connector for charging and synchronization. It is fixed inside tightly, but with careless use, that is, if you pull the cord when the device is charging, if the device falls and hangs on the USB cable, this connector may fall off. The author of these lines took just such a device for repair. It was the Shturmann Link 500.
The first step is to get to the board, where the connector was soldered, so that you can crawl there with a soldering iron. In my case (GPS-navigator) I had to disassemble it and pull out the motherboard.
When the fallen off connector and the soldering point have become available to us, we can proceed. We look at how the connector was held: it was held on the soldering of the case in four places, on the soldering of the contacts themselves and on glue on both sides from the sides of the case. First, we tin the soldering points of the connector, if necessary, smooth out the places on the board with a soldering iron, only carefully, 5 contacts are very close to each other. Before planting the connector in its place, it would be nice to glue it, for example, on the melting glue of a hot glue gun, but it is better on some epoxy glue or something else stronger, but I do not recommend planting it on superglue, because it grabs quickly and tears off the connector in case unsuccessful soldering will be difficult. So, we put the connector in its place on the glue, now we need to solder 5 contacts to their places, having managed not to bridge a single pair of them. If there is no soldering iron with a very thin tip, then it will not be easy, I had to re-solder several times to achieve the desired result. When all 5 contacts are neatly soldered, it remains to solder the connector body in four places, as it was soldered earlier, after which you can additionally pour glue from the sides.
The connector on the sides may not solder well.In this case, its soldered surfaces must be cleaned and tinned.
Now we connect the device to the computer and check if everything works as it should. If all is well, then we assemble the device and continue to use it.
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Got a question. Burned out presumably tantalum capacitor
Yellow (large enough) - about 5mm-6mm long I managed to collect the name bit by bit.
1 line = A107E 2 row = 912K2
Tell me analogs or where you can buy such a small animal. looks something like this - only the size is larger
Hello everybody! Please help me figure it out. It is necessary to send 8v to the controller from the PC on command. Can this be done using this scheme? Or the ground from the optocoupler and the MC cannot be connected?
Hello! The DVD-ROM stopped working in the music center (the drive tray did not come out), because the warranty for the equipment has long expired, I decided to try to repair it on my own. As a result of the repair, the tray began to slide out, but there was a problem with the operation of the device itself (the disks themselves cannot be read, there may be problems with pressing keys or turning on the device). For several days now I have been trying to figure it out: I downloaded the service manual, but I just can't figure out the essence of the problem. I understand that the question may be trivial, but I ask for help. From what I understood, presumably the problem is in the J706 - CN502 connectors: the cable has 6 tracks, the J706 connector has 6 pins (SLED +/-, SP +/-, GND, LMTSW), but the CN502 has 8 pins! (X1, DOWNLOAD 5V, RESET, VUP, + 5VS, RDDA, IC, DGND). Please help me figure it out.
I drew a schematic diagram like this:
Right? Do not scold too much, some of my first schemes and boards. Specifications: Number of components: 10 + power. Supply voltage: 3 volts. LEDs: red, 20 mA and 1.9. 2.1 volt operating voltage. Transistors: NPN-type BC547. All denominations in the diagram. I think I gave enough information, if something is wrong, please let me know. And yet, if everything is fine, how can you adjust the board drawing to its actual size? Since it is possible to print huge or too small.
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