Do-it-yourself manual transmission repair Renault Scenic 1

In detail: do-it-yourself manual transmission repair Renault Scenic 1 from a real master for the site

Image - Do-it-yourself manual transmission repair Renault Scenic 1

Renault Scenic 2 with an engine capacity of 1.6 liters is a fairly popular car brand among fans of family compact vans. This car largely repeated the basic design and technical features of the previous generation. The chassis was completely borrowed from the Scenic 1998 release. Designers and engineers have eliminated those shortcomings and miscalculations that took place in the first generation of this model. The frequency and nature of the breakdowns that occur do not fundamentally differ from other similar cars of the same brand. According to statistics, the models Scenic, Megan and Clio are among the most reliable vehicles of this brand, serious repairs of which are required in exceptional cases.

Renault Scenic engines of the second generation are traditionally reliable, however, when servicing and repairing power units, it is recommended to contact specialized specialists or service stations. For example, carrying out work on replacing the timing belt with a run of 50-60 thousand km with your own hands can lead to the fact that the position of the gear of the working shafts will be violated. Tightening the fastening bolts to secure it after an approximate eye adjustment is inappropriate, as the quality of such work will be of poor quality. In parallel with replacing the timing belt, experts recommend replacing the water pump. To ensure high quality of this type of repair and replacement of spare parts and consumables, special equipment, tools and appropriate conditions are required.

It should be noted that the Renault Scenic II 1.6 model, like other cars of this French brand, such as the Megan model, is very demanding on original consumables.

The use of products from other manufacturers significantly affects the operation of many components and mechanisms of these vehicles. Overhaul of the suspension of this Renault model may be required after 100,000 km.

Image - Do-it-yourself manual transmission repair Renault Scenic 1

Renault Scenic I with a 1.6-liter engine is also reliable, but some components have certain drawbacks, which were eliminated in the second generation of this model. Based on the operating experience of this car, we can conclude that an overhaul of the engine will be required with a mileage of about 500,000 km. Replacing the timing belt must also be carried out in special conditions by the hands of specialists.

Special attention should be paid to preventive maintenance of all units of the model of the first sample. Factory sealing defects appear rather quickly, and their elimination can be done with your own hands, having the skills to repair a car.

Also, often repair work requires stabilizer bushings. When replacing them, you will need the help of a specialist, and it will be difficult to do this work with your own hands even for a motorist with a certain experience. The rear suspension of the car has a torsion bar structure, and only a specialized specialist can understand it. Another common drawback is the rapid wear and tear of the front wheel bearings. The nature of such faults can be explained by the peculiarity of the front suspension, and the replacement of these parts can be done with your own hands in a garage.

Video (click to play).

Image - Do-it-yourself manual transmission repair Renault Scenic 1

If we compare the described Renault cars, then we can make a reasoned conclusion that the design of the second generation model takes into account most of the flaws on the part of engineers and designers. Disappeared such disadvantages as a low level of sealing, the quality of electrical wiring is an order of magnitude higher, in contrast to the previous model.The list of those works that can be performed by motorists on their own has been reduced.

For example, an operation such as flushing the injectors is required much more frequently in the second generation model, in contrast to the 1998 model. This is due to the more demanding fuel system of the updated car. While the work on changing the engine oil is easier to carry out on the new model due to the convenient location of the drain neck and many other factors.

According to the reviews of the masters at the branded service stations, the most problems arise with the cars of 1998 release. This is due not only to their age and high average total mileage, but also to the design features. A second-generation car is assembled with a better quality and unforeseen breakdowns or premature failure of one or another unit, assembly or part are much less common. As an additional example, experts cite an analogy with the evolution of Megan cars. The first models had a lot of shortcomings, but they were eliminated in the designs of the subsequent ones.

Renault Scenic 1 gearbox (checkpoint) repair can be major or partial. Repair of the box (manual transmission) Renault Scenic 1 must be done only after initial diagnostics in a car service. Very often, a third-party opinion that the box needs to be repaired turns out to be erroneous. It can also be caused by the clutch, flywheel, and gear selector.

We offer two options for repairing a transmission (manual transmission):

Partial (local) repair of the Renault Scenic 1 checkpoint - we remove the box, disassemble it, wash and defect. Troubleshooting a box is determining the cause of its failure, indicating a specific malfunction. A list of spare parts for this malfunction is also provided. After agreement, we make repairs to eliminate the specific malfunction that the client has contacted. We do not touch the rest of the components and spare parts in the gearbox.

Overhaul of the Renault Scenic 1 checkpoint - as well as with partial repairs, the box is removed and completely disassembled, washed and defective. In this case, we are not looking for a specific cause of the breakdown, but we are doing a complete defect diagnosis. All units and spare parts with increased wear, all bearings, oil seals and gaskets are determined and changed.

My gearbox was making a terrible grinding noise at 1 and 2 speeds. After consulting with knowledgeable people, I came to the conclusion that I, at the very least, need to replace the shaft support in the gearbox.

The box must be removed completely. The job is not the easiest one, but you can't do without it. In the best case, it will take four hours.

View after removing the gearbox.

View after removing the gearbox from the underside of the wheel arch.

The troublesome process of removing the box has been successfully completed. Opening it, I was surprised to find that the box was not hermetically sealed with something special. I only unscrewed a few bolts and the box opened quite easily.

The red square is an indicator that my bearing has broken.

Main shaft. There are two parallel bearings that we have replaced.

While my old bearing was being repaired, I cleaned the magnet, which was covered with metal shavings from the broken bearing, as well as a few teeth that had broken off from the outer edge.

We install the bearings and the gearbox back. It took about four more hours.

This article will focus on another chronic sore of many Renault models: Scenic, Megane, Clio, etc. with manual transmission. Namely, gear shifting problems. This material will help fairly advanced owners who have experience in self-repairing their Renault.

Necessary spare parts for replacement on the example of the first generation Renault Scenic:

2. Cuffs plastic fixing (bushings) - 7700695569

3. Rubber clip (damper)

4. Reverse gear cable retainer (inside the sphere) 7711129445

5. Bellow outer 7700863684

Typical symptoms:

Complicated gear shifting, additional load for shifting. The most common problems with the inclusion of the first and second gear. Complications build up over time.

The symptomatology is influenced by the time, mileage, the presence of lubrication, as well as the unsuccessful execution of the mechanism by Renault engineers in itself.

The design developed by Renault engineers is, to put it mildly, unreliable. For the precise operation of gear shifting in the checkpoint, engineers have built a complex mechanism that requires complex precision in operation.

The following components are responsible for precise operation in the switching mechanism:

1. Rubber clip - damper

3. Fixing plastic cuffs (sleeves)

For the reasons described above (time, mileage, etc.), these mechanisms wear out rather quickly, which leads to problems with gear shifting on Meganes, Scenes and other Renault models from the Megane line.

The main problem is the plastic cuffs, which wear out first and provide vertical play.

In second place is a sphere, in third is a damper.

The Renault manual transmission backstage has other problems - the outer boot, the upper clip for the reverse gear, more on that later.

Diagnostics of the backstage problem

If your car has the symptoms described above, then first of all you need to check for the presence of vertical backlash on the gearshift knob. We also pay attention to the switching mechanism and the state of the hold-down spring.

The manufacturer Renault and representatives of official Renault dealerships believe that in “our” case it is necessary to replace the ENTIRE mechanism, from the gearshift knob to the backstage link.

If there is a desire to save money, as well as in the presence of hands from the right place, we read the description of the repair procedure:

We disassemble the backstage mechanism. Depending on the model and modification of your Renault, the algorithm and procedures may differ, but the principle is the same throughout the line.

1. We throw off the checkpoint rod from the wings - 1 nut

2. Unscrew the mounting bolts of the gear selector housing - 4 nuts

* For some models, to complete points 1 and 2, it is necessary to remove the exhaust pipe, cardan, disassemble the inner panel of the gearshift lever.

3. We remove the entire gearshift handle mechanism

4. One of the interesting points is the removal of the handle! Stock up on patience and a vocabulary from the obscene vocabulary.

* I advise you to find the holes on the inner sleeve of the handle and pre-widen them with any suitable metal rod. Next, we stupidly knock down the handle, but I will repeat everything through the inner sleeve.

5. Next, remove the retaining ring. We throw off the reverse gear cable and remove the locking stopper.

6. We take out the whole mechanism. It is important to remember the sequence.

7. We get to the rubber damper we need, in which “the root of evil is hidden”. Namely, it contains a sphere and two cuffs, inside the sphere there is another sleeve, they are different depending on the car model.

8. We take out the upper cuff from the rubber frame - the damper, then the sphere (it can be disassembled into two hemispheres), the lower cuff

... Important. Mark the top and bottom cuffs.

9. We remove the remnants of the old grease

10. We disassemble the sphere and put one of the halves upside down, you can all, or you can not change, the point is to find an option with the smallest vertical backlash.

11. Most importantly, we swap the upper and lower plastic cuffs. the main wear is on the lower lip.

* In more detail: We take the sphere clamped with inverted cuffs in our hands, if there is a gap, we try to turn the sphere or its halves, looking for the optimal position.

12. Putting everything together in the reverse order, as much as possible adding specials. grease. If you often repair a car, 7711126145 is suitable or any consistent thick for plastic. You can use polyflons, silicones, teflons, etc.

13. We collect everything and put it back

There is one more weak point in this mechanism - the outer anther, a thing not fatal, but still. So if you are doing repairs, prepare to replace the boot at the same time.

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Renault Scenic 1 gearbox (checkpoint) repair can be major or partial. Repair of the box (manual transmission) Renault Scenic 1 must be done only after initial diagnostics in a car service. Very often, a third-party opinion that the box needs to be repaired turns out to be erroneous. It can also be caused by the clutch, flywheel, and gear selector.

We offer two options for repairing a transmission (manual transmission):

Partial (local) repair of the Renault Scenic 1 checkpoint - we remove the box, disassemble it, wash and defect. Troubleshooting a box is determining the cause of its failure, indicating a specific malfunction. A list of spare parts for this malfunction is also provided. After agreement, we make repairs to eliminate the specific malfunction that the client has contacted. We do not touch the rest of the components and spare parts in the gearbox.

Overhaul of the Renault Scenic 1 checkpoint - as well as with partial repairs, the box is removed and completely disassembled, washed and defective. In this case, we are not looking for a specific cause of the breakdown, but we are doing a complete defect diagnosis. All units and spare parts with increased wear, all bearings, oil seals and gaskets are determined and changed.

Image - Do-it-yourself manual transmission repair Renault Scenic 1

Description of the process of replacing and bleeding the clutch on a Renault car Scenic 1 and 2. Correct dismantling and installation of the clutch on the Renault Scenic model.

It is best to replace the clutch mechanism on a Renault Scenic 2 on a lift. The replacement process itself is not overly complex, however, it requires strict adherence to the sequence of work. At a certain stage, the participation of a second person will be required, therefore, it is necessary to agree on assistance in advance.

Image - Do-it-yourself manual transmission repair Renault Scenic 1

[del] First, you need to fix the cooling radiator with the help of available tools or disposable clamps. The fixation must be secure to avoid damage to the radiator. Then it is necessary to dismantle the front wheels, having previously turned them in one direction. At the next stage of the replacement work, the engine should be securely fixed. Removing the gearbox and replacing the clutch on the Peugeot Expert. To do this, you can use hydraulic jacks or tables, various improvised tools or special devices. Fixing the engine is necessary to exclude possible excessive loads after removal boxes gear shifting.

Prepare a clean container of appropriate size in advance to drain the gear oil from the shift box. gear... In this case, it is better to choose a container wide with low sides.

The preparatory work is over and you can proceed to the main and most critical stage of replacing the clutch.

To ensure comfortable work on replacing the assembly, remove the starter, having previously disconnected all sensors and wire connections. After removing the battery and the platform on which it is installed, direct access to the bolt connection of the gearbox support is opened. The bolts must be unscrewed, and in case of scale formation or oxidation due to high temperatures, the place should be treated with special chemicals.

At the next stage, the bulk of all operations will be carried out from the bottom of the car. Watch friends a good video plot of checking the oil level in the gearbox of the Renault Logan box, as well as refilling and changing the oil…. It is necessary to carefully remove the subframe and fix the steering rack tightly. This may require a large diameter steel wire or clamp.

Image - Do-it-yourself manual transmission repair Renault Scenic 1

Subsequent disconnection of assemblies or individual parts should also be carried out using a special chemical to facilitate loosening of bolted and nut connections. Remove the stabilizer struts and detach the DIN rail from the subframe. From the side of the engine, the ball joints, steering tips and the main support are disconnected switch boxes gear. The subframe itself is removed with a gentle movement.