DIY iphone 5s modem repair

In detail: do-it-yourself iphone 5s modem repair from a real wizard for the site

1. Disassembling the device, removing the motherboard
2. Removing the protective screen covering the modem
3. Dismantling the damaged microcircuit
4. Cleaning the microcircuit and the motherboard from the remnants of the companud
5. If necessary, restoration of damaged contact pads
6. Reball - applying solder balls to the contact pads of the microcircuit
7. Installing the prepared microcircuit on the motherboard by hot air soldering
8. Assembling and checking the device

In most cases, this solution completely solves the problems of forever searching for the network on the iPhone. In no case should you heat a faulty microcircuit - solder balls filled with compound can stick together and cause a short circuit, which can lead to a complete failure of the iPhone communication module.

You can repair the modem with high quality and as soon as possible in our Apple-World service center, get detailed advice on your case from our hotline specialists or leave a request for a call in the feedback form, our specialists are always ready to help you in any situation ...

You can get acquainted with the prices for repairing the modem part of the iPhone by this link.

The network transmitter in the iPhone 5s, aka the modem, is one of the most important chips on the motherboard, which is responsible for the phone's interaction with cellular networks and the transmission of GSM and Internet data.

IPhone 5s Network Transmitter, it is also a modem - this is one of the most important microcircuits on the motherboard, which is responsible for the interaction of the phone with cellular networks and the transmission of GSM and Internet data. If your iPhone 5s If the network transmitter is broken, then your smartphone will simply turn into an expensive and beautiful player, which is completely cut off from any kind of communication with the outside world.

Video (click to play).
  • iPhone 5s stopped seeing the SIM card and displays the message "SIM card not inserted";
  • After inserting a SIM card into the phone, an "eternal" search for the network begins, which never leads to its finding;
  • Your iPhone 5s has lost its network.

A breakdown of a network transmitter can be similar in its symptoms to malfunctions of other components of the phone, for example, a breakdown of a SIM connector or antenna. However, there is one characteristic symptom by which you can determine that it is the modem that has failed. To do this, go to "Settings" iPhone 5s, select the menu there "Basic", and find the item "Modem firmware"... If there is no such item in this menu, then you can be sure that it is the network transmitter (modem) that is broken in the phone. NOTE on the fact that in some cases, if the network transmitter breaks down, this item is still displayed in the menu. To establish the exact cause of the breakdown, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic process, which, when ordering repairs, is carried out in our service center absolutely is free.

  • Ingress of moisture, dirt or dust into the device case;
  • Mechanical damage caused by strong impact or falling;
  • A short circuit in the system board, caused, for example, by a power surge while the phone is charging.

IPhone 5s Network Transmitter Replacement refers to a complex type of repair, since in order to successfully restore the device's performance, you will have to re-solder the broken microcircuit to a new one directly on the motherboard of the phone. Only a specialist with high skills and extensive work experience can successfully carry out such an operation. If you need repairing the network transmitter on the iPhone 5s, bring it to our service center.Our specialists are highly qualified, they will be able to correctly diagnose this malfunction and perform the necessary repairs with high quality with a guarantee for the service provided.

You can find out the terms of the exchange from our consultants by phone 7 (495) 133-92-35

Hello everyone. After my last posts, there were many people who wanted to be repaired at me. Pleasantly)
I'll tell you about one interesting device, tk. during the repair, I did not find a solution on the Internet and had to think with my head 😅
An iphone 5s came to me without a network. No modem firmware, no imei. A standard sore, most often it is solved by "rolling" the modem. OK.

We clean the compound and remove the modem

Next is the standard procedure for cleaning, rolling and installing the modem

Installed. Iiiii. and the network did not work ((
"Ran" with a multimeter, everything is ok. I ask the client if he remembers icloud, and I start sewing the device. After flashing, the device saw a modem (although it would not have been flashed without a modem)

And then disaster struck. The device does not understand that a SIM card is inserted into it. All contacts of the sim reader are ringing, there is 1.8v on the sim detector. I “rolled over” the modem again, replaced the modem's power controller, and raised the SIM reader, because important contacts also go under it. Everything is beautiful. But nothing works.
after reading the forums, I began to think that the modem "drove off". and this is the end of the apparatus. sea ​​water and zero information. He took off the modem, in one hand the circuit, in the other shop, went to study the board.
Found one break, from a sim detector to a modem. The pyatak was beautiful but there was no connection. I took a donor, checked it, and it is. The trick is that 1.8v comes from the power controller to this contact. And when dialing for resistance, he showed himself well. When this contact is set to ground, then the modem thinks that the sim is absent, and when 1.8v with kp comes to it, it starts to feel the sim.

This work took me a whole night)) but several more devices of my colleagues were brought back to life! 😎
I was distracted. We throw a mosquito pussy under the modem

Guys, help me pliz. The situation is as follows. I changed the "trio kit" to 5s (NAND + BB + eeprom). Usually I don't change the eeprom, the programmer reads the dump from the donor board and writes it to the eeprom of the recipient board. But not at this time. The programmer was in a hurry on business and when trying to merge the dump, the programmer issued an eeprom reading error. He said that the programmer does not “see” the eeprom - the patches under the modem are badly cleaned. I decided not to suffer, not clean out or restore the patches on the donor board, but simply transfer the glass from the donor to the recipient. The phone started sewing, it was sewing, everything is fine .. The firmware download line reached the end, and the phone just hung in this state. ITunes does not give any error, only if you forcibly disconnect the lace, it gives error 9 (disruption of communication between the device and the computer). And if you do not pull out the lace, it will hang with a full line of firmware ad infinitum.

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They took off the modem to subtract the glass - it was subtracted, but inside it is absolutely empty, wiped out, nothing at all, like new, from the factory.
How this could have happened - I can’t understand at all! Does the modem sew it with the firmware process. so why is it empty?
If you solder it back, the phone is also sewn without errors, but it will endlessly hang with a full line of firmware download.

I tried to find at least some traces of IMEI or SerialNumber using other dumps in the HEX editor - I could not find anything. What is block 550? How do I find it? What generally stores an eeprom dump besides IMEI. after all, 2 MB of memory, after all.
I heard that the Chinese have software for generating an eeprom dump by IMEI (but rumors are not confirmed)
Maybe someone can generate a serial dump or have it - I'll pay. HELP PLIZ.

Nowadays, smartphones have many useful functions, but still, the main function remains the call function. This cannot be done without a SIM card. It so happens that the iPhone 5s does not see the SIM card. A number of factors can be responsible for this repair.

  • The reader is damaged (in this case, replacing it will help)
  • Water got inside (water is one of the main enemies of technology, repairs will depend on where exactly it got, how much and what consequences it led to)
  • Mechanical damage (another scourge of modern phones is falling. Repair will also depend on which part is damaged)
  • The SIM card itself is out of order for some reason
  • The phone can be configured for a specific operator (in this case, we are talking about phones brought from America or Europe, where the communication format differs from the Russian one)

What kind of trouble exactly happened in your smartphone will help you find out at the Apple service center. So, the iPhone 5s does not see the SIM card. As you can imagine, many details may be to blame for the repair of a given malfunction. It is possible to find out which part is faulty only after diagnosing the device. In this case, it is required. That is, if the iPhone 5s does not see the SIM card due to water getting into it, the repair and diagnostics will be quite painstaking. Water oxidizes the contacts, which can cause them to burn out. Or, for example, the iPhone 5s does not see the SIM card. he fell. Repair, in this case, will consist in replacing the part that was damaged by the fall. In the case when the iPhone 5s does not see the SIM card due to a mismatch in communication formats, the repair will consist in flashing the device itself. If the iPhone 5s does not see the SIM card because it is out of order, no repair is required, you just need to replace the SIM card with a new one.

Restarting the phone sometimes helps. But only if this is an isolated case. If your iPhone does not see the SIM card all the time, then urgently bring it in for repair. Your iPhone 5s may need a modem repair. The price of such repairs will be known after diagnosis.

A modem is a microcircuit in the motherboard. Without it, data transmission via the GSM network or the Internet is impossible, that is, it is responsible for the interaction of cellular networks and the phone itself.

  • Your phone often loses / searches for a network
  • Doesn't see the network at all
  • The message "SIM card not inserted" appears

And while restarting on the iPhone 5s did not help, then you should contact the service to repair the modem. The cost of self-repair, in this case, can be much higher than the cost of repair in a service center. You could replace the wrong part or damage it. In the Apple Service, professional craftsmen will repair the modem on the iPhone 5s and the price will pleasantly surprise you.

How to Remove an Iphone 5s Modem. Brief Instruction

Re-soldering the iPhone 5s modem