In detail: do-it-yourself mosquito net repair in plastic windows from a real master for the site
I have exactly this problem. And the bird broke not in one place, but periodically here and there. For some reason, one got into the habit of hanging on the net and tearing, tearing. Just tried to replace. But she successfully breaks a new one. Therefore, while there is an opportunity and there are not so many holes, I glue it with tape. saves from flies, but we don’t think about beauty anymore. As you can see, everything is covered with grapes and is not visible from the street, but we are not pestered by insects. The adhesive tape stays on well and doesn't block the light.
You can also take a transparent film or pieces of plastic, and attach them with a needle and thread. So it will be even stronger, because the adhesive tape in the sun may lag behind. We have a shadow.
I have the same problem. Only my mosquito net was torn by birds that littered the windows in winter. I sealed these places with tape.
It is completely invisible from the room, but neither flies nor mosquitoes fit into the room.
Since the question means that you need not just to replace the mosquito net, but to repair it, then you can do the same as I once had to do.
The birds on the window damaged the mesh and mosquitoes and midges began to fly in through the holes in it. But I still had a piece of mosquito net left and hastily applied it to the damaged area and stitched both layers with a sewing needle with a regular black thread.
It is clear that it is not particularly beautiful, but mosquitoes have ceased to penetrate into the apartment. Moreover, it was at the very bottom of the window sash and was not particularly noticeable from the inside, but from the outside it was generally high and no one would see.
There is nothing complicated. The mesh frame is assembled from a profile and corners that are simply inserted into each other
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When the frame is assembled, a PVC mesh is applied over it with an allowance of about 1 cm on each side relative to the internal size of the frame. Next is a rubber sealing cord
and fits into the profile groove (see the right side of the top figure) on top of the grid. The groove is quite deep, the rubber cord is driven there, for example, with a coin or a door key, pulling the mesh on the frame (in principle, there is a special seaming roller for this, which costs about 500 rubles, but if you do not plan to change the meshes on an industrial scale, it makes sense not buying it).
Replacing in reverse order: remove the old frame from the window, pry off the rubber cord (this is convenient to do on the corner, in the turning zone - there remains a gap sufficient for the screwdriver tip), pull out the old cord, remove the mesh, put a new mesh over the frame and press it same cord. Or if it has lost its elasticity from time to time and began to break, we use a new one (it costs about 5 rubles per meter, but is sold in bays of 100 meters.).
The only problem: in stores that sell fittings for plastic windows, the mesh comes in rolls of 30 linear meters (the width can be 1.44 or 1.6 m), the price of one “square” is low (60-80 rubles), but the problem is that no one will cut the roll for you. So you need to either look for a familiar manufacturer of plastic windows that will cut off the piece you need from the roll, or order a new frame assembly, which will cost 10 times more than the cost of the mesh itself (500-800 rubles), but you will not need to buy a roll , the minimum price of which is 2500 rubles.
Buying plastic windows and not ordering mosquito nets is nonsense, even for windows in the basement, mosquito nets are ordered from us. The design of the mosquito net is simple, it consists of an aluminum profile, corners, a mosquito net cord, a mosquito net, handles and a set of fasteners.Since the corners, fasteners and handles are made of plastic, they quickly become unusable and need to be replaced.
1. Mosquito net fasteners. Fasteners are sold in a set of four parts, two upper fasteners and two lower ones, respectively. For installation, you will need 8 screws, a screwdriver or a screwdriver, there are no difficulties with installation.
2. Mosquito net handle. As a rule, both handles are changed, for replacement it is necessary to carefully remove the mosquito cord, starting from the corner of the net to the place where the handle is attached.
Instead of the old handle, we install a new one, insert the cord into the groove, and install the second handle in the same way.
3. Cloth mosquito net. The reason for replacing the net is our pets or birds, one client told how her cat accelerated, jumped onto the net and “flyed” on it as if on a flying carpet to the first floor, after such flights the canvas broke through instantly, even the “Antikoshka” net did not endure such bullies. To replace the mesh, you need to measure the old mosquito along the frame, the canvas should be cut a little more (about 5 cm). First, remove the mosquito net cord and remove the old sheet, put a new sheet on the frame
and then carefully insert the cord into the groove with a screwdriver or ballpoint pen, remembering to pull the canvas itself.
Trim the rest of the canvas with a clerical knife.
Instead of the usual canvas, you can install the "Antikoshka" grid, the price per square meter is 2000 rubles.
4. Mosquito net corners. We do not recommend changing the corners on your own, as the procedure is too painstaking and not everyone copes with it.
All components for the repair of mosquito nets can be purchased at large hardware stores (Leroy Merlin, Castorama, etc.) or window companies, the price ranges from 50 to 200 rubles per item. We hope that our advice will help you repair the mosquito net yourself, if you have any difficulties during the work, you can contact our specialists.
A mosquito net on a plastic window serves to protect against harmful insects, dry leaves and large specks that can enter the room along with gusts of wind.
It begins its operation from the moment the plastic window is installed. Unfortunately, over time, some elements or mesh fabric may be damaged and require a complete replacement of the structure. Self-repair of mosquito nets in plastic windows is very simple to make, the main thing is to correctly determine the cause of the malfunction.
Organizations that sell and install mosquito nets are reluctant to take on such orders, so it's best to do the repairs yourself.
In any construction market, ready-made mosquito net repair kits are sold. They contain all the necessary components in order to replace the damaged canvas.
The standard set consists of the following components:
- net 70cm wide and 160cm long;
- rubber sealing cord, 450 cm long;
- two pens.
Using a flat screwdriver, carefully remove the old sealing cord, and then remove the worn-out mesh.
Attaching the handles to the mosquito net is done in two ways. During the fastening of the sealing cord, the handle is inserted into the groove of the frame profile, and the seal is pressed into the reconciliation. The handle can also be installed on top of the seal, for this it is necessary to pull back a little at the installation site of the new holder, then the cord will come out of the groove. A handle is inserted under it and it is pressed in from above.
The usual repair of mosquito nets in plastic windows can only consist in replacing the handles. If they are made of thin plastic, then soon you will have to do this.
After the mesh is fully tensioned and the handles are in place, cut off the excess mesh exactly along the edge of the rubber seal.
In some cases, repairing mosquito nets in plastic windows may require more professional tools, such as a drill.
If the remnants of the corner cannot be pulled out, it can be used to push them further deep into the profile to a distance that allows you to freely install a new corner.
After that, the frame is assembled in the reverse order to how it was disassembled: corners are installed, a mosquito net is pulled, a rubber seal is inserted. The top bar with the corners installed is inserted into two side bars at the same time. If the sealing cord is tight in the groove, it can be moistened with soapy water or lubricated with oil. The corners on the bottom bar change according to the same principle.
- Old holders are unscrewed with a Phillips screwdriver.
- After that, new holders must be attached to the existing holes and make sure that the connection points match.
- If there is a slight difference, then you can simply use screws with a smaller diameter.
- The height of the corners is different for different manufacturers, so before installing new holders, it is recommended to re-mark the attachment points of the lower corners. To do this, the installed mosquito net must be raised all the way up.
- Mark the place where the bottom bar of the frame passes. It is here that the upper element of the new corner should be located, that is, it should freely pass under it, so that later the mesh will lower and hold simultaneously on the lower and upper Z-shaped fasteners.
Below you can watch a video on how to repair a mosquito net with your own hands.
The mosquito net is based on four specially shaped aluminum profiles connected by plastic inserts in the form of corners.When assembled, the grooves of the profiles form a recess along the inner perimeter of the frame, in which the mesh is fixed with a special cord.
Frame assembly diagram. In the center of the picture - images of the connecting corner and profile.
In my case, two mosquito nets required repairs at once. In one of them, impudent sparrows pecked at the netting. It seems that something edible, in their opinion, was stuck in the net, maybe a spider or a seed, and it was enough for them to break just a couple of threads. And then the hole widened so much that mosquitoes began to enter the room. The second grid needed to reduce overall dimensions - height and width (the neighbors asked).
First, the cord is removed - I just pry it with a thin sting of a screwdriver at the junction and pull it out, trying not to stretch it in length. (Perhaps this is superfluous - it is not so elastic after all). The mesh came loose and I took it off.
Two photos at the stage of dismantling the mosquito net.
Now it was necessary to install a new mesh fabric. Roughly oriented it and started from the upper profile to gradually lay the cord in a circle in the gutter, fixing the mesh in it. Used the same screwdriver. It turned out not to damage either the grid or the profile, although a couple of times the screwdriver jumped dangerously. Who wants to repeat - I recommend working with something less dangerous, for example - with the blunt end of a ballpoint pen.
The stretching of the third and fourth sides of the mesh fabric is the most responsible - I had to redo the corner so that the mesh would not wrinkle. At the end, I cut off the excess mesh with a sharp knife flush with the profile.
This is the result. The bottom mesh is overstretched.
It turned out okay. The photo shows in comparison that the quality of workmanship is inferior to the factory one. But the assemblers use some kind of special roller to lay the cord in the groove, and there, of course, it turns out more accurately.
Repairing the second mosquito net went already easier - I pulled out the cord in the same way, removed the mesh cloth. I disassembled only two diagonal corners of the frame, carefully pulling out the plastic connecting corner from the aluminum profile. It is held only by friction, but pressed with effort.
Next, I sawed the frame profiles in length, walked a little along the edges with a file and proceeded to reassembly. Although the corners were held tightly, just in case, I smeared them lightly with Moment glue. And then everything is according to the worked out scheme for installing the grid, as I wrote above.
After all that was done, it became clear to me that the service life of the mesh itself is much less than that of its aluminum frame, but anyone can replace the mosquito mesh sheet of a plastic window. It just takes patience and precision.
Everyone knows the problem of mosquito nets of modern plastic (and not only plastic) windows, in which the handles designed for installation and dismantling into the window opening break at the wrong time. Obviously, these pens are made of poor quality plastic. Under the influence of the environment, the material of these fasteners becomes soft and brittle.
Without these handles, it is very problematic to insert a mosquito net into a window opening. To quickly solve this problem, I propose the following option. I think that everyone has a piece of steel wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm on the farm. I made a hook out of wire.
With this hook it is very easy to hook, hold and press down the net from below. With one hand I hold the net with a hook, and with the other, pressing on the fragments of the fasteners, I help to insert the mosquito net into its seats.
After the mesh is inserted, it is easy to remove the hook through the remaining gap by turning it a little.
This method, of course, does not repair the mosquito net, but allows you to quickly install or remove it from the window.
In this article, we will consider
- what is it made of frame mosquito net
- determine for what reasons which part of the mosquito net fails
- how to spend mosquito net repair at home.
frame mosquito net includes - the profile of the frame of the mosquito net, the profile of the crossbar of the mosquito net, the corner connecting the mosquito net, the cord for rolling up the mesh web, the web of the mosquito net itself, the fasteners for the frame and sometimes the handles for removing the mosquito net.
The main reasons are time, external and internal aggressors (wild animals and birds outside, domestic animals inside), as well as poor-quality components for assembling a mosquito net or improper installation.
With poor-quality installation of the mosquito net, the likelihood of it falling from a height to the ground increases, we will not consider the damage to foreign objects from the fall of the net, and the connecting corners most often break at the net itself and the canvas is torn.
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You need to buy a new corner, and get rid of the wreckage of the old. If part of the corner is stuck in the profile, it is better not to try to remove it from there - it is much easier to break it deeper into the mosquito net profile with a slotted screwdriver or with a new corner, just be careful not to break it. Carefully hammer in a new corner with a plastic or rubber hammer, you can use a wooden block.
From time to time, the handles of mosquito nets most often suffer, they simply become brittle and break. The same thing happens over time with the canvas of the mosquito net - due to temperature changes, it loses its elasticity and easily breaks through by birds from the street or pets. To replace the mosquito net or handle, the sealing cord must be removed. By the way, almost nothing happens to the cord itself, most often when repairing a mosquito net can be used again.
Patty the cord with a screwdriver, a seboard or a knife anywhere or next to the handle (if you only change the handle), and remove a small area. Further, if you change the handle yourself, take out a piece of the old one and insert a new handle into the groove on top of the grid.
Then compact the cord into the groove with the fingers and then press it tightly into the groove with a screwdriver, knife knobs or scissors.
If the entire mosquito net is being changed, then pull the cord and remove it entirely, put it aside - it will still come in handy, if you think it is too stiff or frayed, buy a new cord. After removing the old canvas, mark the places where the crossbar of the mosquito net stood - if you use the old cord, note that it has dents from the connection to the crossbar and bends from the corners. When installing the cord back, it will be more convenient if it lies exactly the same as it was before.
We evenly distribute the mosquito net over the frame with a margin for sealing the cord and, using the reverse side of a screwdriver, knife or scissors, press the mosquito net cord into the groove of the frame profile.
It is advisable to place the frame in the corner of the room with the emphasis on both sides at 90 degrees, so that when the cord and canvas are pulled, the mesh does not lose its squareness, so that the canvas does not wrinkle, you need to pull it slightly with your free (or third) hand.
When the circle closes, an extra cord can remain - do not be surprised, it is normal, it does not use it, the surplus can be calmly cut. Now, after repairing the mosquito net at home, it remains only to cut off the excess net with a sharp knife with a retractable blade, passing the knife over the cord with a slight emphasis on the profile, and carefully go over the crossbar and handles.
If your outer mosquito net fasteners are broken, you can safely buy new ones and replace the mosquito net fasteners - they have not changed in size and type over the years, and they can be fastened directly into the old holes.If you want to get rid of the procedure of replacing external fasteners forever, and avoid further repairs later, you can buy metal painted fasteners for mosquito nets - they will also fit in size.
Do-it-yourself mosquito net repair
Mosquito nets have firmly entered our lives, as well as metal-plastic windows. They are aesthetic and comfortable to use, reliably protect our home from insects.
The most popular are framework Mosquito nets. The frame is made of aluminum profile and fastened plastic corners. The profile has a groove in which a special rubber band is placed, which actually holds the mesh. The mesh frame is installed behind pens in Z-shaped plastic bracketsattached to the outside of the window frame. Frame nets can be easily removed for cleaning or when washing windows, and also removed for the winter.
But these, at first glance, comfortable mosquito nets have flaw - if the frame itself is more often made of an aluminum profile (there are also plastic ones), then the corners, Z-shaped holders and handles are usually plastic.
It is they who break most often: crumble and crack. This happens especially quickly on grids that protect windows facing south or west, i.e. actively and for a long time illuminated by the sun.
Corners, Z-shaped holders and handles can be replaced, and repair mosquito net do it yourself.
Now appeared metal corners, Z-shaped holders and handles for mosquito nets. I recommend finding just such corners, holders and handles so that do not repair mosquito net yearly.

Removing the mosquito net with Z-shaped holders. To do this, we lift the grid by the handles up before stop. Output lower mesh edge beyond the lower holders. A little omit mesh down and release the top edge. Outside window, expand the grid so that it passes into the window opening.
Corner replacement.
It is better not to wait until the corners crack and break. Strong yellowing plastic corners - this is a clear sign that they need to be changed.
To replace corners don't you dare take apart the whole frame at once. The fact is that pulling the grid itself later will very difficult or even impossible. In the manufacture of a mosquito net, the net is cut off with a margin, stretched, and only then, cut off the excess. We already have no stock.
So first we take only the top bar.

From the corner we hook a rubber band, for example with a screwdriver.

We take out the gum only from the top groove. We also pull out the mesh from the groove.

We try to pull the top bar up with our hands. If it doesn't work, then flip the grid grooves for gum down. We cover the grid cardboard so as not to accidentally tear.
With a plank and a hammer knock out the top bar, tapping first on one side, then on the other.

From blows, the corners begin to go out of the frame.

We also first try to remove the corners from the removed bar with our hands, and if it doesn’t work, then we knock it out with a hammer. We press one edge with our foot (hand), and knock out a corner from the other edge.

It is possible that in this case some corners will break or they were already broken initially. This not scary. Using a screwdriver and pliers, we pull out the remaining parts of the corners from the hollow metal frame, trying not to damage it.

If the plastic is all broken off at the edge of the frame, and part of the corner remains inside, then drill out the remains with a drill with a small drill with a diameter of approximately 3 mm.

If you can’t pull out the remnants (there’s nothing to catch on), then just push them further inward.
Assemble the frame in reverse order. V top we insert the metal corners.

They go in very tightly, so we hammer them through a wooden gasket to do not hurt corner and do not tear off the paint from it.

We score until the corner tightly does not fit with the plank.

Top bar with corners simultaneously insert into the holes in the side rails.

Having rested the lower end of the frame on a fixed object (for example, a plinth or lifting the frame vertically to the floor), we hammer the upper bar with corners through the wooden gasket to the stop, tapping with a hammer, now from one corner, then from the other.

We straighten the upper edge of the net, pull it a little and slowly begin to tuck the cord into the groove.

Carefully! Do not tear the mesh or cut the cord.
If the cord is difficult to enter the groove, then it can be moisten water and a little lather.
In the same way, we change the lower corners on the bottom bar.
That's the whole frame repair, and they told me in the window hardware store that I could not handle it. That it is very difficult, and only a professional can handle such a repair. Of course, I had to tinker with the first grid for almost an hour, but I spent only 30 minutes on repairing the second grid.
Replacement of Z-shaped holders.
Replace holders much easierthan to change corners.
We twist old Z-shaped holders.

Checkingwhether the mounting holes on the old and new holders match.

There are few holes on my holders. did not match. In order not to drill new holes, I just took screws smaller diameter.

We fasten upper holders.
But with the bottom no need to rush. The fact is that plastic and metal holders different height. If you change corners, then dimensions framework decrease and the corners can be screwed to the old place.

But if the corners you don't change, and screw the lower holder to the old place, then the frame can don't get through between the edges of the holders.
So in this case (if the corners do not change), before removing the mosquito net from the fasteners (holders), lift the net up to the stop and pay attention to the gap between the bottom edge of the mesh and top edge lower Z-shaped holder. If the gap is minimal or 1-2 mm., then the holes in the metal-plastic frame for attaching the lower holder will have to re-drill. If the gap is about 6-7 mm, then you can attach the lower holder to the old place.
If the clearance is minimal, then measure difference in height between the old and new holder.

Usually it is 6-7 mm. It is for this distance that below the old holes drill new holes.
We make markings with a pencil.

We drill a hole. Plastic drills very easily.

We fasten the holder with a screw, align it. through the hole drill a second hole in the holder. We screw in another screw. We also fasten the second lower holder to a new place.
Now you can put the mosquito net in place.
Set up the mesh in the same way. how was filming, only in reverse order. Tilt the grid, take it out of the window opening. We insert into the upper holders, raise to the stop. Pressing the mesh firmly against the window, we insert the lower edge into the lower holders. We lower grid all the way.
Replacing handles.
There is still on the mosquito net one weak point - plastic holders, for which the net is raised and lowered during installation - pens.

To replace the handles, pry the elastic band from the nearest corner.

We take out the gum from the groove from the corner to the handle inclusive.
Removing the old pen or what's left of it. If the handle is not removable, pull it down to the corner - the handle will come out of the groove.

We insert a new handle into the old place, pressing it down a little from above until a characteristic click. We check the distance from the edge so that the second handle is set at the same distance from the edge. metal handle install immediately to the right place, she moves badly, and get her out out at all problematic.

Insert the rubber band into the groove. Near the old handle, the gum was a little crushed. It is in this place that you need to put a new handle. It is very difficult to insert an elastic band between the handle and the frame. Do not forget that it can be lathered, and then the work will go easier.

Now we change the second handle in the same way.

Everything! You can forget about broken mosquito nets for several years, because metal parts last much longer.

A mosquito net is a necessary accessory that can protect the room from insects; It is attached to both wooden and metal-plastic windows. Most often, special grids with a frame are used for this purpose. They are easy to install and can be removed if needed. Mosquito net handles will help to do this, but over time they break and require repair.
Most often, buyers purchase a model that has an aluminum frame, which is fastened with plastic corners. In order for the mesh to hold, the profile is equipped with a special groove designed for a rubber band: it fixes the mesh in place, keeps it taut. Sometimes manufacturers install special handles for mosquito nets., with which the frame can be installed in special brackets: they are located on the street side of the plastic profile. Such fasteners allow, if necessary, to remove and install the grid.

If the plastic fastenings of the mosquito nets break, you can make the metal yourself.
Any frame model can break. Most often they are exposed to wind and ultraviolet radiation, due to which the structure can break or crack. Most often, the problem concerns windows facing south.
Often there are no handles on the mesh, which makes it quite difficult to pull it out, it becomes even more difficult to put it in place, since the fasteners are located on the outside, and it is impossible to stick your fingers in there. In this case, do-it-yourself handles for mosquito nets are easy to make.

If you want to securely repair the mesh, purchase Z-shaped holders and special handles. This will keep the problem from coming back every year.
In order to fix the breakage of the mesh for a plastic window, you will need to perform the following steps:
- Remove the product from the holders. To do this, pull the handles: they are usually attached to the mosquito net around the perimeter.
- You need to start by releasing the lower holders, then you can pull the structure from the upper ones.
If you see that the corners are in a deplorable state, you should not wait until they break, in which case you may lose the mesh that has fallen down. Replace them ahead of time. For this procedure, you should not disassemble the structure, otherwise it will be impossible to assemble it, since the mesh is cut off after tension at the factory, you will no longer have a surplus.
You need to change the strips one at a time, starting from the top. Don't forget to remove the rubber band from the corners. You can pry it off with a screwdriver. Do not pull out the entire elastic band, release the upper groove from it, then carefully remove the upper bar. If the part is not removable, you can try to knock it out with a small board and a hammer. After that, you can use pliers and a screwdriver to remove the plastic corners and replace them with metal ones. Assembly is in reverse order.
If the handles at the mosquito net are broken, not everyone knows what to do. It will be problematic to pull out such a grid, and not everyone can figure out how to install new handles. Despite the fact that many nets are designed for frequent use, even the highest quality design is not immune from the trouble with broken handles.
Most often, you have to think about how to replace the handle of a mosquito net at least once every two years. Less commonly, this element is able to last longer. After changing it once, you will understand how it is done, and you can easily replace it yourself. The procedure usually does not cause problems and does not require hiring professionals involved in the repair of plastic windows.
The easiest way to repair a broken handle from a mosquito net is to screw a small self-tapping screw into the cross member to help hold the frame.For complete convenience, cut a ribbon from a plastic bottle or find a ready-made ribbon.

We wrap the self-tapping screw in an aluminum profile. This is easier to do with a screwdriver, but if you try, it is quite possible with a screwdriver
For convenience, make a loop from improvised material.
First of all, to repair the mosquito net handle with your own hands, you need to buy a suitable repair kit. Usually this is not difficult to do: such elements are sold in the same place where there is fittings for plastic windows. These are either large hardware stores or companies that produce custom-made plastic windows. If you just ordered plastic windows, do not be too lazy to immediately purchase several repair kits for window screens. First of all, you will need metal corners instead of plastic ones and a few spare handles.
Carefully lift the sealing cord with a knife
We install a new handle and press the cord into place
If you order a mosquito net separately, ask the master to install the metal corners right away, this will save you from having to repair the net frame after a few years. Such a replacement will slightly increase the price of the grid.
If your design has a cord, please note that you do not need to remove it. In order to make the pairing of handles smaller, it is enough to use a flat screwdriver or scissors. The element can be removed, but you need to act carefully, otherwise there is a risk of tearing the mesh. It is not recommended to remove it during work, it is not always possible to put the grid back: this will add unnecessary trouble to your work.
After you were able to remove the old handles, you need to leave the new ones in their place and clamp them so that they do not fall off. Be careful not to damage the cord or mesh, otherwise the structure will require more serious repairs.
If the cord still breaks, you do not need to change it entirely. Take the desired length from the repair kit and insert the missing part.
You can simply install a mosquito curtain on the balcony door. Read more in our article "Mosquito Curtains and Curtains".
Do-it-yourself mosquito net is done quickly and will be inexpensive. Read on our website how to make a mosquito net on a window with your own hands?
Repair kit at hand can not always be found. There are situations when the net needs to be urgently pulled out, but there are no accessories for it, in this case, do-it-yourself handles for mosquito nets will help you get out of the situation. It will not be exactly what, in the traditional sense, can be called a handle, but the item is quite suitable for conveniently pulling the structure out of the mounts.

You can also use this option if you do not want to replace a damaged set of low-quality plastic elements with the same fragile and unreliable parts. When the handles on the mosquito net broke, what to do if there is no repair kit at hand, you do not have to guess. All you need is a steel wire of sufficient thickness to make a hook out of it that will not bend under a small load. If there is no wire in the house, it can be bought at almost any hardware store, it is inexpensive.
With the help of the resulting hook, you can easily pry the structure from below and release it from the grooves holding the frame in place. It is most convenient to remove the grid by pressing down with a key the places where the fasteners were located before.
If the handles on the mosquito net are broken, there are two ways to solve the problem: replace them or use hooks that will allow you to easily remove the structure if it needs to be dismantled.
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