Do-it-yourself balcony repairs cheap

In detail: do-it-yourself balcony repairs are cheap from a real master for the site

Usually, hands do not immediately reach the repair of the balcony. The maximum that is done in the first place is glazing. As for the interior decoration, this may not be enough time or money. But still, it is quite possible to carry out repairs on the balcony with a minimum investment. At the same time, the end result will be reliable and will provide a presentable look for many years.

The original state of the balcony

This repair was carried out by my father in our relative's apartment. My only help was as an auxiliary worker in the form of "fetch-give-get-wash." But at the same time, it was possible to study all the nuances of this area of ​​work.

Balcony dimensions are standard for most apartments. It reaches 1 meter in width and 3 meters in length.

Initially, it was covered with a "fur coat" over the entire surface. That is, such a gray mass of mortar and small stones. In some areas, an ordinary slab remained, on top of which an old paint coating remained. The surface was rough and chipped.

In other words, the balcony has never been renovated. What were the first finishing works during the construction of the house, so they remained.

Also, no screens were installed, either inside or outside, which provided reliable protection from the rain. Although the balcony was originally glazed. There were wooden frames, slate was screwed on the outside and iron handrails were mounted.

First of all, it was necessary to rid the balcony of the old covering. They all cleaned up.

After that, a frame was created from the cd profile. Roofing galvanized iron was screwed on the outside. This was necessary so that water would not get into the balcony later.

Video (click to play).

When everything was twisted, they insulated it with foam around the entire perimeter of the space and carefully repaired all the cracks.

This material was not accidentally chosen for insulation. Glass wool could have been used, but the foam provides better thermal insulation. In addition, it is a fairly durable product. Will last for many years.

This segment of work was carried out from the bottom up. The sheets were glued in a checkerboard pattern. Pay attention that the glue mass does not get into the joints between the foam. All sheets are tightly positioned to each other. The gaps between them can be blown out with special foam.

I recommend not to save your time and still insulate the balcony. Appreciate it in winter. The apartment gets much warmer. Even on the balcony, you can feel comfortable even without the presence of heating batteries there.

But back to further repair work.

When the balcony was insulated, a frame was made from the inside of the cd and ud profiles. After that, the walls were sheathed with plastic.

In this case, we managed to save a lot.

Since repairs were in progress in other rooms of the apartment, some materials remained. Among the surplus items was plastic. He was taken for further repairs.

Also used material was used. This yellow plastic was about 10 years old, and before that it was in the toilet. But he managed to survive perfectly.

Therefore, it was he who was taken to decorate the balcony walls. Sheathed the inside of the balcony, where the handrails were.

Please note that the plastic is made in different colors. There are both white and patterned. This was done for two reasons.

Firstly, there were not so many remnants of the same color. Secondly, I wanted to achieve an interesting design on the balcony. A space in white or yellow alone would look pretty boring.

That is why we decided to buy some additional material. But even in this case, they did not spend a lot of money.We immediately went to the warehouse of a hardware store, where materials with defects and damages are usually stored. That is, there are those products that are no longer for sale. Still, they can be purchased with a 50-80% discount.

We managed to find defective plastic, which we bought at half the price per square meter. It was damaged on some sides.

But since we initially knew the dimensions of the area to be decorated, we chose exactly the plastic that could be cut and fit perfectly into our space.

The pieces of plastic were picked up in such a shade that perfectly suits the overall picture. The result is a kind of decor.

All damaged sides were cut off and discarded.

Next, we installed on the wall mounts for cladding cd and ud. In the corners - f-shapes.

An important nuance of working with plastic

Since plastic, in itself, is a rather short-lived and unstable material, they usually try not to put it on the balcony. But we used installation technology that made it strong enough.

Tile corners are installed at the places where plastic adjoins the windows. Thanks to this, there are no cracks, so the plastic, together with the window, becomes a solid canvas. It fits very tightly. Even if you want to, it is difficult to pull it out. You can hit with your hand - and nothing will happen to him. It's so tough.

Therefore, we boldly sheathed the walls and ceiling with plastic.

By the way, it was on the ceiling that most of the used material went. Previously, it stood on the slopes inside the rooms and on the ceiling in the bathroom.

After that, a corner for tiles was nailed to the ceiling from the side of the window, and fillets were installed on the sides and back. They are also called ceiling skirting boards. It is made of foam and creates additional decor for the space.

I installed a plinth on the floor. This results in an edged look. In addition, the plinth fixes the plastic well.

Creating a threshold in front of the balcony door

The final nuance in the renovation of the balcony was the creation of a threshold in front of the door. This is a common rung. We made it from tiles, which were also sold in the warehouse as damaged material.

Its defects were that on some sides the tiles were chipped a little. But these chips were easily removed with a tile cutter. Therefore, as a result, we got small pieces of tiles measuring 50x50 mm. Just the size that was needed to finish the sill.

But before laying the tiles, it was necessary to completely break the old step to a solid foundation. If left, the threshold would be very weak. Its foundation was already crumbling.

After that, they made a small formwork and poured concrete. When the threshold grabbed, they laid the tiles.

In this case, lonoleum was not specially used, although there was plenty of it in our remains. After some time, such material starts to bully. Therefore, all work is down the drain.

To make the threshold more reliable, they chose a solid tile. She is heat-resistant, sexual. A new one will cost quite a lot - about $ 25 per "square". But, again, we saved a lot, because we bought it with defects for $ 3.

Since they were circumcised, the marriage is completely invisible. The tile pleases with a pleasant gloss and durability.

When the tiles were laid, the joints were wiped off.

Stone decor in the doorway

A narrow corridor leads to our balcony. There used to be a door in the doorway. But since the passage itself is not too wide, it was removed. And we immediately noticed the negative consequence of this decision - the corners of the wallpaper quickly became dirty and washed out. After all, people, unwittingly, regularly wiped them off. And it turned out to be an ugly look.

To avoid this in the future, the corner was tiled. But she was chosen for decoration - in the form of a stone.

The material was acquired, as before, from rejected remains. Therefore, they saved about 70% of the total initial cost of the tiles.

Pieces of it were laid out on the wall in the form of decor.

It is worth noting that previously there was a regular green paint on this place.It had to be carefully hammered off, and the surface was covered with a primer. And on top, already glue the tiles using cerazite glue, cm 11.

When grouting, dirt quickly adheres to the tiles. And as a result, the material turned out to be like dirty. Although no matter how much they tried to wash it, nothing has changed. To fix this, the surface was varnished. It can be applied in two balls.

After it was completely dry, they tried to give the granite a natural look. After all, if we purchased a tile in the form of a stone, it is worth using it in the decor of the space. Oddly enough, they did it with a regular glitter transparent nail polish. It is sold at any cosmetics store.

It was applied only in some places, due to which it turned out an interesting shimmer. Sequins are not striking, but give the material a special charm.

This repair of the balcony was done rather quickly. At the same time, we practically did not spend additional funds. Used material, and also purchased products with defects. But with a little work with them, ideal materials can be created from any marriage.

Image - Repair on the balcony with your own hands cheap

The presence of a balcony or loggia allows you to increase the area of ​​the apartment with their competent arrangement.

In order to translate into reality various ideas aimed at achieving the desired result, you will have to carry out repair work.

What should be done and in what order? Consider in this article.

At this stage, you need to do the following:

1) draw up an installation diagram and purchase all materials;

2) dismantle old structures (remove windows, balcony blocks and remove trim);

3) if necessary, you can knock down the old screed or remove the old wooden floor, and check the condition of the balcony slab (if there are potholes on it, from which the reinforcement protrudes, it must be treated with a rust converter, and the potholes must be plastered);

Image - Repair on the balcony with your own hands cheap

4) it is best to level the surface of the walls (in this case, it will be much easier to finish the finish);

5) to create a reliable fence, you can use blocks of foam concrete, laying them with edges on a special adhesive mixture (the old parapet can be left in its place).

Advice: foam blocks should not be confused with gas blocks, since the latter absorb moisture very strongly and are not suitable for arranging a balcony fence.

It can be accomplished using materials such as:

- metal-plastic profile (optimal in price, durable and perfectly retains heat for a long time);

- aluminum (as a rule, it is installed on loggias that are not intended for insulation);

- wood (the most expensive material, which, in addition to everything, is highly susceptible to moisture).

The sequence of work related to the glazing of balconies or loggias is as follows:

1) on a parapet equipped with foam blocks, using a building level, a window frame is placed strictly vertically and fixed with self-tapping screws or anchor bolts (at least two on each side);

Image - Repair on the balcony with your own hands cheap

2) a window sill is installed on the inside of the balcony or loggia under the frame;

3) and from the outside - low tide;

4) after that, a double-glazed window is installed in each window frame;

5) all cracks formed during glazing must be sealed with polyurethane foam (this will not only help retain heat, but also create reliable protection against various sounds coming from the street);

6) after drying, the protruding parts of the foam are cut off with a clerical knife and these places are covered with special overlays.

To create a comfortable environment on the territory of a balcony or loggia, it is imperative to bring in electrical wires for installing an outlet, a switch and lighting lamps.

To prevent these wires from spoiling the interior, they must be laid in the corners or hidden in special channels made in the walls. Light sources can be a variety of lamps or LED backlighting.

To create comfortable conditions on the territory of the inner space of the loggia, it will be necessary to insulate all surfaces through which the heat from the apartment can escape to the street.

First, the cracks are closed and waterproofing work is performed. After that, they draw up an installation diagram and carry out the purchase of materials.

There are two ways to insulate this surface, each of which depends on the coating material (we are talking about a wooden or concrete field).

For a wooden floor, the sequence of work is as follows:

1) a film of waterproofing material is laid on top of the balcony slab;

3) sheets of insulation are laid in the formed gaps, which can be polystyrene or mineral wool;

4) another layer of waterproofing is laid (it is necessary to protect the insulation from water ingress during wet cleaning of the floor);

5) cover it all with a floorboard or sheets of OSB plates, fixing them to the logs with self-tapping screws;

6) the formed surface is covered with several layers of paint or varnish.

Advice: in no case should chipboard sheets be used as flooring, since this material is very afraid of moisture (swells and collapses).

Image - Repair on the balcony with your own hands cheap

For a floor made with a concrete screed, the sequence of work is as follows:

1) first, they equip a rough screed made of cement mortar (with its help they try to smooth out the unevenness of the balcony slab as much as possible);

2) then the sheets of expanded polystyrene are laid close to each other (in the case of the formation of gaps or cracks, they are sealed with polyurethane foam);

3) a waterproofing film is spread over them and a reinforcing mesh is laid;

4) then put up beacons and fill in a finishing screed 5–7 mm thick, leveling it with a small rule.

Such a system can work either with a heated coolant or from an electrical network using elements specially designed for this purpose (we are talking about an electric cable, heating mats, or a film covering that emits infrared rays).

If the apartment is not equipped with a water floor heating system, then in this case the use of electric heating will be the most appropriate.

Image - Repair on the balcony with your own hands cheap


1. An electric cable intended for heating is placed on top of a layer of insulation, after which a finishing screed is poured. When the concrete is dry, floor tiles are glued to it.

The advantages of this method are that the cable connected to the electrical network heats up over time and transfers its heat to the concrete, which, in turn, heats the entire floor area.

2. As for the heating mats, they can be placed in a layer of tile adhesive, on top of which the tiles are laid.

3. To place an infrared-emitting film on the floor, a heat-reflecting material must first be laid on top of the rough screed. The final coating can be tiles, linoleum, etc.

If it is necessary to insulate the ceiling, it is imperative to seal all the cracks using polyurethane foam before starting work. Otherwise, condensation will accumulate between the layer of insulation and the upper ceiling of the balcony, which will eventually lead to the formation of mold.

Image - Repair on the balcony with your own hands cheap

There are two ways to insulate the ceiling:

1) build a wooden frame and lay the sheets of insulation in the gaps thus formed, then fix the vapor barrier on top of the insulation and hide it all behind the finishing;

2) fix the penoplex on the upper balcony slab using special dowels (they are also called "umbrellas"), lay a layer of vapor barrier and, having built a wooden frame, close it all with plastic panels.

Only those sides of the loggia that are not adjacent to the apartment should be insulated.Insulation sheets can either be glued with glue and additionally attached with dowels, or placed in the gaps between the previously equipped frame.

Then (in both the first and second cases) a layer of vapor barrier is laid. Finally, the installation of the topcoat is carried out, which can be used, for example, plastic panels or other materials.

To carry out work related to the interior decoration of balconies or loggias, you can use various building materials, but the most practical among them are:

- wallpapers of various types, tiles and whitewash (recently they have been used very rarely due to the loss of their relevance).

Image - Repair on the balcony with your own hands cheap

Let's take a quick look at the benefits of each of these materials:

The lining made of wood, although it has a high price, but it has a beautiful appearance and is made of natural material that does not have a negative effect on the human body. It is mounted on a wooden crate with self-tapping screws. Upon completion of the work, the surface equipped in this way should be covered with several layers of varnish, each of them sequentially dried.

PVC panels are durable and harmless material that is very easy to cut, install and wet clean. Installation is carried out in a similar way.

MDF panels are also expensive because of their beauty and strength. Using such a material, you can imitate the surface of marble, granite or expensive wood. Installation is carried out by analogy with clapboard made of wood or PVC panels.

Image - Repair on the balcony with your own hands cheap

Using moisture-resistant drywall as a finish, structures of varying complexity can be made. As a rule, it is mounted with self-tapping screws on a metal frame consisting of galvanized profiles. It can also be fixed to the walls with dowels or special glue. A prerequisite for using such drywall as a finish is a high-quality waterproofing of the walls of a balcony or loggia.

Decorative stone brings its zest to the interior decoration of the loggia. The territory of the balcony, equipped in this way, looks dignified and elegant. This material is harmless to humans and can serve for many years.

For a longer service life of all building materials involved in the repair, the balcony or loggia must be heated in the cold season.

Image - Repair on the balcony with your own hands cheap

If the "warm floor" system is not used as a heat source, you can use various heaters powered by the electrical network.

Applying all the above tips, and consistently translating each of the stages of work into reality, you can repair balconies or loggias of varying complexity, using the most practical building materials.

If you are renovating the whole apartment, then of course you have to repair the balcony, the advantage of which is that it can be used as an additional room. uniqueness. Balconies or loggias can turn into anything: a flower greenhouse, which will delight with its colors even in frosty winter, a children's room where kids will be happy to play or a work workshop with many shelves and cabinets where dad will place tools and equipment. How to make repairs on the balcony? The answer to this question will follow later in the article.

When you have already decided on the appearance of your balcony or loggia, you can start repair work. To begin with, the balcony room should be freed from the things stored in it.

The balcony should be cleaned of old elements of decoration and interior:

  • floor coverings,
  • wall coverings,
  • partitions.

Depressions or bulges in the floor and walls must be smoothed out.The room can be made more durable with a channel frame, passing it from all sides.

To avoid a collapse, use only relatively light materials, such as foam blocks.

If lining or MDF boards are chosen as materials for finishing a loggia or balcony, you need to level the walls and floors in advance by foaming in the cracks with polyurethane foam. A cement mortar is applied on top. It will protect the foam from decay. The largest crevices are covered with bricks, the smaller ones - with silicone.

Before starting the repair of the balcony, you should clean it from old elements of decoration and interior

Today, the question of how to repair a balcony, if you are a beginner in the construction business, is no longer acute. And all thanks to numerous video tutorials on the Internet, articles with descriptions of work technologies and advice from store specialists who will demonstrate photographs and samples of commercially available raw materials.

Modern manufacturers for finishing a loggia or balcony offer:

  • decorative panels,
  • wallpaper,
  • plastic panels,
  • plaster,
  • lining;
  • ceramic tiles,
  • paint.

The most convenient and often chosen are MDF boards, lining and plastic.

Before laying the covering, it is imperative to install thermal insulation, since the balcony is open to winds and precipitation.

The insulation that works best is mineral wool. Remarkable properties and low price, as well as ease of use, distinguish this material from the range of others.