DIY grundfos pump repair

In detail: do-it-yourself grundfos pump repair from a real master for the site

Any pump is susceptible to damage. It is necessary to take into account their constant contact with various kinds of liquids. Therefore, even pumps from the well-known Danish company Grundfos are not insured against stopping due to failure. It is the water that causes the loss of performance. Depressurization due to worn out glands or seals can create a breakdown in the insulating components of the pump. To avoid trouble, you should periodically inspect the pump.

It is better to entrust the repair to professionals. However, no one says that in some cases, some types of restoration work can be carried out at home. More on this later.

Before providing first aid to the pump, you should familiarize yourself with the most common causes of pump failure:

  1. The use of the pump for purposes not foreseen by the manufacturer.
  2. Incorrect installation of the unit.
  3. Voltage surges - from low to above required.
  4. Pumping liquids containing large solids.
  5. Ignoring the correct fixation of the cable.

The grundfos pump can also fail due to the failure of its pump. In this case, the only correct solution would be to completely replace the broken part of the device. Do not forget that in the process of replacing any parts of the pump, it is almost completely disassembled. The main task will be not only to assemble everything in the reverse order, but also during the assembly process not to harm the pump with anything else.

The best repair option would be to contact a service center, where the restoration of the device's performance and maintenance is always at a high level. With the help of the necessary tests and stands, the following will be carried out in a quality manner:

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  • breakdown diagnostics;
  • replace broken components with original ones;
  • will carry out post repair tests.

Test benches provide the ability to:

  • check hydraulics indicators;
  • measure the resistance level of the insulating material of the electric motor;
  • test the cable supplying power to the motor.

Using a variety of tools of the service center, it is easy to:

  • replace the rotor of the electric motor;
  • change worn-out bearings that require pressing out;
  • change the top cover of the engine;
  • clean the pumping part of the pump from contaminants.

The pumps are taken out of working condition, various deposits settling on the walls. It is they who prevent the device from starting. Your hands will always help to get rid of the problem, even if they are not golden.

Getting down to the crucial moment, prepare the necessary working tool. You will need:

  • hex key;
  • wooden scraper;
  • polishing paste;
  • polishing wheel;
  • cross and flat screwdrivers;
  • hammer (medium and small).

The primary repair task will be to clean the rotor and shaft from deposits accumulated on them. Armed with a hex wrench, unscrew the screws on the pump. This brings us to the threaded connection holding the pump and its motor. Such repair of grundfos pumps is not the pinnacle of genius. After opening, you will be convinced that there is an impressive amount of rust.

It can be easily removed with a scraper or strong cloth. A small, flat screwdriver will help to get to the rotor and its impeller. It must be positioned in the grooves along the diameter of the support washer. The surface that has opened will need to be carefully sanded, which will eliminate the possibility of new dirt adhering.To do this, use a previously prepared grinding wheel.

At this stage, you can proceed to inspect the stator itself. Its main enemy is oxidation. The working tool here will be a hammer, with which it is necessary to tap the surface and knock down the deposits by vibration.

Rust in tandem with dirt is favored by a controlled pressure sensor. In this context, the maintenance of grundfos pumps is extremely important for stabilizing the functioning of the device and its operation in general. To do this, you will need to disassemble the pump into two parts by removing the cover of the unit.

The sensor can be removed by hand using the keys specially made at the factory, which are included in the standard package of the product. In some cases, it is required to lightly pry it off with a screwdriver, when the accumulated dirt impedes the removal process. The manufacturer requires it to be cleaned with soft tissues without undue effort. The best option would be to use an ordinary toothbrush.

Danish pumps are always efficient if they are repaired and serviced in a timely manner. Therefore, special attention should be paid to polishing the inner walls. To eliminate the laboriousness of the process, the work is facilitated by the use of polishing tools, which are most convenient to use fixed in the drill chuck.

Bearing wedging is also possible. To break it, sometimes it is enough just to turn the impeller. Limestone deposits are no less annoying. Cleaning takes place by means of preparing a vinegar bath. You will need to mix this acid with water in equal proportions. Try to pay attention to the threaded connections as well. Seal them if possible using a bicycle tube to create spacers.

Other breakdowns are not excluded. Stopping the pump is possible due to:

  • seized bearing;
  • inoperative sensor for the presence of a water flow;
  • lowering the pressure.

In such cases, you should not disassemble the pump to the smallest detail. Just put it in manual control mode. To do this, remove the switch, which is locked and located on the pump distribution box. Such actions can make the pump work even if the drain valve is closed. Otherwise, you will have to turn the impeller manually. If you fail to rip it out of place, then a complete replacement of the element will be required.

Functionality is guaranteed by regular servicing of grundfos pumps. Sometimes there are exceptions to the rule. If the device fails to operate in the process automation mode, but works on manual control, try replacing the sensor for fixing the movement of water. The unit may have stopped listening to commands through the accumulated air in the system. Bleed it off by turning the center screw.

Problems are possible in any pumps, even circulation ones. Once you have decided to personally eliminate any potential problems, always try to assemble the pump in such a way that after the assembly is complete, there are no unnecessary parts left on the workbench. Stick to the reverse order of assembly.