In detail: do-it-yourself Intex pump repair from a real master for the site
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You also have problems with inflatable bed Intex? Or with an inflatable mattress? I think yes. You have opened this page for a reason. At first I was also glad that such a successful contraption appeared in the house. But then she also began to let air through. Slowly at first. Then in the middle of the night I had to get up and pump up. Then during the night I had to do this twice already, otherwise you would wake up lying on the hard floor in the arms of a lowered inflatable bed. It all ended very badly: the bed was finally “blown away” and removed until better times. When the summer season began and repair kits for gluing Intex inflatable products appeared on sale, there was a real chance to repair our leaky bed. I bought a repair kit and.
The first place where I saw it on sale was the Sportmaster store. For only 199 rubles you can buy a repair kit consisting of a tube and a transparent patch. It's good that I never bought it. Indeed, in the Auchan store, the exact same set costs only 54 rubles:
No matter how much I tried to discern the differences in these products, I could not find it. The kits are identical. Probably, Sportmaster buys kits in Auchan and sells them at four roads.
Returning home, I pulled out the long-suffering inflatable bed from the mezzanine, laid it out on the floor and decided to immediately start repairing. First tore off all the previous patches. It's embarrassing to even admit, but earlier, trying to solve the problem with holes, I sealed them with tape. You understand that there was not much sense from this. Moreover, from the scotch tape on the surface of the bed, a sticky viscous glue remained, which was very difficult to remove.
But what was to be done? It was winter outside, repair kits are not for sale in winter. This is a seasonal item. Therefore, if you become the proud owner of an inflatable bed or mattress Intex, buy one or two at once repair kit... Who knows when your product will leak, in a year or tomorrow.
Finding old holes in old parts of the bed, I lightly cleaned them with alcohol. If there is no alcohol, vodka will do.
After unpacking the repair kit and reading the instructions, I thought about it. At some point, there was even a desire to abandon this whole venture, since it was fraught with the most “rosy” consequences if something went wrong. Here's what it says about the glue:
Can you imagine? Accidentally inhale a couple of glue and that's it! Fatal outcome. Maybe, well, her, this bed. Then I'll try with regular rubber glue?
However, curiosity and a desire to solve the problem right now took over. As they say, fly so fly!
To begin with, let's give "praise" to the manufacturer for the fact that he so tightly wound the patch material into the tube.
No matter how long I tried to straighten the material, each time it regularly rolled into the same compact roll. Here, you bastards! Just bastards! No, to put two or three bookmarks in the unfolded state. After all, the size of the package allows you to do this. In a word, I got angry with the manufacturer and the second time I wanted to abandon my plan.
Then, when the surging rage subsided somewhat, I nevertheless cut out a patch of the required size and prepared for the worst thing: it's time to open the tube of killer glue.
Didn't even doubt it! The glue in the tube was naturally under pressure. As soon as the protective membrane was pierced, a part of the "magic liquid" immediately ended up partially on the fingers, partially on the floor. But, as the old joke says, “Chukchi are not a fool”! His hands were prudently wearing rubber gloves, and the floor was covered with old newspaper. If it weren't for the gloves, it remains to be seen what might have happened. Perhaps you would not read this article now and would not have been warned about the insidiousness of vinyl glue 🙂
Then the fun began. It was necessary to somehow manage to smear a patch with dangerous glue, which was striving to curl up into a roll. I tried on for a long time, but each time I realized that now it, already smeared, would again curl up into a tube and immediately stick together. This will end the game. And no pleasure other than breathing in the vapors of the vinyl glue! How not to be angry with the manufacturer!
Then a saving thought came. What if glue is not on the patch, but on the surface of the inflatable bed itself? Let's try it, anyway it won't work out otherwise:
Is it clear now. There was no explosion or other chain reactions. Now quickly apply a patch on top!
Aha! Somewhere already "grabbed"! Briskly grease the rest of the area with glue and press:
Then the incomprehensible began. The corners of the patch suddenly began to curl in the opposite direction - from the surface of the bed. I had to take action - grease the edges and press them into place.
More than once or twice during this time, I again wanted to drop everything and return to the good old rubber glue. The patch turned out to be terribly ugly. I didn't like it. Moreover, I somehow could not believe that it would hold on and not fall off the first time the bed was inflated.
In a similar way, I glued a couple more patches on the holes I knew in the inflatable bed. Then, according to the instructions, it was necessary to leave the product for 12 hours for complete setting.
The sight of the glued patches was disheartening. They looked too primitive. Most likely, all this is an empty idea. But when I tried to pick out the edge of one of them, it turned out to be stuck tightly.
Having inflated the inflatable bed, I first left it alone and did other things. Imagine my surprise when, after about a couple of hours, I came to the room where the experiment was being carried out and found that the Intex product did not even think to “let it go”. It looked exactly the same as right after pumping.
Deciding to conduct a more daring experiment (it was just about time for an afternoon rest), I lay down on the bed. When I woke up about an hour later, I noticed that the bed had lost some of its elasticity.
One of two things - either some patch is “gone” or there are one or two more “unaccounted for” holes.
This is the longest part of the job, but at the same time the most creative. Find a hole the size of a stitch from a sewing needle in a huge double inflatable bed Is a whole ritual. I'm not afraid to say that this is an exciting quest for true adventurers!
First, it is worth pumping up the product tightly enough and listening to see if a suspicious hiss is heard from any part of it. Before that, you need to close all windows and doors, turn off all sounding household appliances and remove the headphones from the player from your ears.
Try to listen to the mattress alone. Otherwise, your focused look, which is an example of embodied attention, will certainly cause an unhealthy reaction in those present. With their laughter and barbs, they can threaten the failure of your mission.
Sometimes a simple listening is enough to find a puncture. However, very small holes cannot be found this way.
Alternatively, move your wet hand slowly over the surface of the inflatable product, hoping to catch the faint flow of air going out through the opening. Here you definitely need to be alone in the room. Indeed, from the outside it may seem that you are trying to heal the mattress with your suddenly awakened psychic abilities. Here you can not avoid jokes. Especially if you inadvertently tell someone that you are trying to repair a mattress or bed this way.
Alas, sometimes neither hearing, nor magical passes with hands over the surface of the product help to identify the problem area. Then you have to move on to plan "B."
Perhaps you recall looking for a puncture in a swimming ring or bicycle tube as a child? Right. They were simply lowered under the water and watched where the bulbs would come from. But try putting even the simplest single air mattress into the water, not to mention a huge bed.
Soap solution helps. Armed with a brush, first of all, it is worth "walking" with the solution in all corners, edges and seams. Look carefully for bubbles starting to inflate in the place where you just daubed. In this case, try to do without witnesses, because in your work you will resemble an outstanding artist working with concentration on the next greatest canvas of our time.
If you went through all the problem areas, and did not see bubbles, we begin a total check of the entire surface. You will need a wider brush. For example, painting. This work is quite painstaking and wet, but it is guaranteed to lead to results. The main thing is not to rush.
There is also the potential for air to pass through the pump valve. There is nothing you can do about it. As you know, you can't get far from fate.
There is another "ambush" that can lie in wait for the owner of an inflatable bed. This is a burst internal partition.
One night in the middle of the night I suddenly woke up from some strange and rather loud sound. First thought: the cat is pulling an inflatable bed with its claws. Very similar. However, turning on the light, I realized that the beast had nothing to do with it. It's just that the innermost partition burst near the bed.
As a result, there is a slight elevation on one side. It was not a big inconvenience. Rather, on the contrary - now there was no fear of falling out of bed during sleep.
About a month later, another burst - the next one from the same edge. The inflatable bed has been transformed from a double bed into some kind of fancy single sofa:
What to do in such cases? I'm afraid to upset you, but the answer is the decadent word "nothing."Of course, you can do as befits real optimists: carefully cut the outer shell, five-neatly glue the inner bulkhead, and then just as neatly close up the outer cut. But at home, only a very decisive person can venture on such experiments.
Therefore, it remains only to watch with sadness how the partitions fail one after another. When the last of them orders to live long, the inflatable bed will stop into some strange object, resembling a huge hamburger in shape. I think I have all the prerequisites to follow this process to the end and show you all the stages.
Now I know I can find a small hole in the outer shell and glue the inflatable bed or Intex mattress quite possible at homewithout resorting to the services of specialists. I used a proprietary repair kit for this. Perhaps the same effect can be achieved with ordinary rubber glue and simple patches. Almost three weeks have passed since then and the bed is doing well. Of course, every two or three days it has to be pumped up using the built-in pump, but this is quite normal.
So, if your inflatable bed needs to be pumped up more often than once a day, you can try looking for a hole and glue it over instead of getting upset over trifles. We all know that nerve cells do not regenerate.
As for the destruction of internal partitions. hopefully you are more fortunate than me. After all, it will be either impossible or very expensive to fix such a defect.
Your own inflatable or frame pool is a great option for a summer cottage or suburban area. But to create comfortable and hygienic conditions, it is necessary to equip the bathing area with everything you need. In this case, you cannot do without a pump.
The pump is a device for setting water in motion. One or several pump-type devices can be installed in the tank at once. Their number depends on the size of the pool with water. In addition, their number is influenced by the configuration of the pool itself, for example, the presence of a spa zone or game attractions.
Any pool should have a filtration system that includes a pump and filter. With the help of the first device, water is set in motion and delivered to the filter, passing through which it is purified.
In addition to participating in the filtration process, pumping elements are also installed for such game attractions as fountains, slides, etc. Here, the power of the device will depend on each specific case.
There are several types of devices for the normal operation of the pool:
- Water drainage device. This unit is used to pump out water at the end of the season, for maintenance or repair work.
- The unit is of the circulation type. It is used to propel water and supply it to filtration or heating devices.
- Heat pump. A unit used to generate heat energy instead of the classic heating element.
- Effects pump. It is used for hot tubs, waterfalls, rides and other pool additions.
Each of these types has its own characteristics and nuances in work. But in addition to the classic variety, there are also options depending on the principle of operation.
For the maintenance of ordinary pools, units of centrifugal and vortex type are used.
The first ones have an impeller, which is represented by blades with curved ends. They fold in the opposite direction of travel. Its body has the shape of a snail.
The impeller rotates very quickly, which helps the water to escape to the walls. In this case, a rarefaction occurs in the center, due to which the water gains high speed and comes out with force.
Among the advantages of such devices are a large amount of passing water, the absence of noise and the presence of pressure with low indicators inside. For such a pumping element to work, it is necessary that the nozzle and the impeller housing are filled with water, since if there is air in them, the system will not be able to work.
The vortex pump has a slightly different impeller configuration, which has acquired the name impeller. The body fully matches the impeller in diameter, but there are gaps on the sides, due to which the water swirls like a vortex.
It is very convenient that such devices do not require long-term filling with water and can work if the liquid is mixed with air.
Vortex devices are completely opposite in characteristics: they have high output water pressure, loud noise during work and small volumes of treated water.
Such electric pumps are more popular, since they can not be installed directly into the water, which is very valuable for frame or inflatable pool models, because in this case it is not possible to place the equipment directly under the tank.
The self-priming device can draw water even if it is located above its surface at a height of 3 meters. However, it is worth considering the fact that water capture takes up a lot of energy, therefore, if possible, it is better to install the pump as low as possible.
When choosing a self-priming pumping mechanism, the following factors must be considered:
- Filters flow rate. It must necessarily correspond to the pump performance.
- Diameters of branch pipes.
- The volume of water for pumping, which must comply with sanitary standards.
- Long working time possible.
- Body material and internal components. Typically reinforced plastic for the housing and stainless steel for the shaft and fasteners.
- Noise level.
These units are used for frame or inflatable pools and are immediately completed with a filter element. Thanks to this solution, you can get by with one pump.
Filter elements can be sand or cartridge. The first option is designed for a large volume of water and is more efficient. The water in them is passed through quartz sand, so that all polluting particles remain inside. The filter is cleaned in reverse.
Pool pumps "Intex" with cartridge-type filters are installed only in pools of small volume. They also purify water with high quality, but they become polluted faster and must be replaced.
The main disadvantage of a device with a filter element is that they are located in the same housing. That is why, if one of the units becomes unusable, you will have to buy both.
An ordinary pool can only be dispensed with with a pump of this type. It is designed to ensure a constant flow of water through the filters.
In accordance with the sanitary standard, the circulation type of the device must have time to pump the entire volume of water 4 times a day. If the installation of this device is carried out in an inflatable or frame pool, then it must pump at least ¼ of the mass of water per hour.
The circulation pump differs from others in the following characteristics:
- The presence of a filter and a certain body material. This indicator eliminates such a problem as jamming of the pump impeller.
- Resistance of materials of manufacture to chemicals, which are often used for cleaning the pool, and corrosion.
Such specialized devices are used to pump water out of the reservoir. Many people use self-priming and circulation models for these purposes, but they are completely not designed for this and may fail.
Submersible pumps feature wide intake windows and are able to draw water from the pool, leaving only 1 cm at the bottom.
The manufacturer "Intex" has proven itself in the market of swimming pools and accessories for them, therefore the pumps of this particular company are most often used. The characteristic of such devices is high quality. Democratic pricing policy and duration of operation. Here are the most frequently purchased models of Intex pumps:
- Sand pump filter for the pool "Intex 28644" is designed to keep water clean. This pump has a powerful motor that efficiently drives water into the filter for purification. Such a pump is capable of operating for a long time at a capacity of 4 cubic meters. m / hour. Powered by a 220V network.
The model is equipped with a timer that allows you to set the on and off mode of the device. Quartz or glass sand is suitable for the unit. - Intex 28604 cartridge filter pump for the pool.
This model has an "A" type cartridge inside. The kit includes additional connections. This device is capable of operating with a capacity of 5600 l / h. It is made of plastic and is used for frame or inflatable pools.
This device provides high efficiency of water purification. Due to the additional chlorine generator, it eliminates the use of liquid chlorine. The device is distinguished by the presence of a dashboard, with the help of which it is easy to select the correct operating mode.