In detail: do-it-yourself repair of window slopes from a real master for the site
As a rule, replacing any windows leads to the destruction of the adjacent section of the wall. The question arises: what to do to make the window structure look beautiful and reliably protect from noise, wind and other troubles of the street? The answer is simple: in this case, repair work is indispensable. There are various options for sealing slopes, but in order to choose the desired option, you need to consider them in more detail.
The sections of the wall adjacent to the window block are called slopes. They are internal and external. Strict requirements apply to indoor areas.
giving the window structure an aesthetic and attractive appearance. Is it possible to imagine a high-quality window that is docked to a broken wall;
improved sound and thermal insulation. Window structures that do not have high-quality slopes do not have sufficient tightness;
protection of mounting elements and seams from environmental influences. A high-quality slope not only protects the fasteners from corrosion, but also reduces the likelihood of fogging and freezing of windows.
Thus, the repair of slopes is a list of works aimed not only at restoring damaged sections of the wall, but also at creating additional insulation.
Plastering the surface with subsequent painting. Widespread and inexpensive finishing option.
Plastic sheathing. Plastic panels are combined with the material of the window profile, in addition, such repairs do not take much time;
Plasterboard installation. The option is time consuming, since subsequent finishing is required. The material is convenient to use for windows of complex configuration.
Video (click to play).
For any repair of slopes, first of all, high-quality surface preparation is required.
The restoration of slopes is started after their surface is prepared. Preparation is carried out in the following sequence:
The destroyed and protruding areas are knocked off with a chisel.
To protect against dirt and knocked down elements, the window and sill are protected with paper or polyethylene. And also it will not hurt to protect the window handle and the battery under the windowsill.
Excess foam is cut off, with which the window structure is sealed. Dried foam is cut off with a knife. To do this, it is necessary to pierce the protruding excess from the top of the window, and then remove it with a downward movement. The foam glued to the wall is also removed.
Slope surfaces are thoroughly cleaned. Large dangling fragments are attached to the mortar.
To improve adhesion, the surface is primed. Typically, a deep penetration primer is used before plastering, in other cases antiseptics are used.
This option for repairing slopes is low cost. For embedding, it is enough to have: a finishing mixture, a set of simple tools and paint diluted with water.
The option also has disadvantages:
it takes a lot of effort and time to get a very flat surface. An experienced installer performs such work much faster;
often cracks appear after plastering. This may be due to a single coat of the surface where the thick layer slides down. In addition, cracks appear due to changes in moisture or poor quality of the mixture;
low thermal insulation of the window structure;
lack of adhesion to the plastic from which the window is made.
It is believed that plaster looks more aesthetically pleasing for internal slopes than plastic and drywall.
Plastering begins with the correct selection and preparation of the mixture. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the place of the slope.
External slopes - are in special conditions: precipitation, wind, temperature fluctuations. It is recommended to use cement and heat-insulating mixtures with a water-repellent effect. This can be Knauf products or a conventional mixture of cement and sand.
Internal slopes - should have an aesthetic appearance. For a smooth surface, plaster mixes are suitable. Starting and finishing putties of the "Ceresit" company are very common.
In any case, the drying time of the solution is taken into account, since further decorating work continues after it dries.
1. Do not dilute a large amount of the solution. This is due to the economy - the untreated solution dries quickly.
2. The solution is applied in several layers. The next layer is laid after the previous one has dried.
The repair sequence is as follows:
The dry mixture is diluted according to the instructions on the package.
The location of the corner is determined. A lighthouse is marked on the wall with the help of the building rule and the level. Determine where the corner starts Use of beacon and rail
View from above
The solution is applied by spreading or rolling over. The plaster starts at the bottom and moves up the slope.
With a spatula, excess mortar is removed from the bottom up, and an angle is created.
Decorating is done in any way. The easiest way is to paint. It is performed after a two-layer primer application.
As noted earlier, plastic is in demand due to its easy installation and low cost. In addition, there are other advantages:
the material matches well with the window profile. The slope and profile have the same expansion, so there is no tension between them;
performance is maintained for up to 20 years;
temperature drops are maintained;
there is a protective layer that does not burn or melt;
easy care. Dust and dirt are removed with a damp cloth.
A wooden block is attached to the slope so that the window space does not close.
With a stapler, we attach the starting strip to the bar.
Cut plastic strips to size. They are inserted into the starting strip fasteners.
After everything has been inserted, carefully move the panel away from the wall and fill it with polyurethane foam from the far corner.
We fix the panels with mounting tape to the wall.
After the foam dries, the ends of the panels are closed with special corners.
It is possible to install corners at once
Without auxiliary profiles, the slope is sewn up within a few hours. The plating order is as follows:
Panels are trimmed to fit the slope.
"Liquid nails" are applied to the panel, and it is firmly pressed against the surface of the slope.
The gaps between the frame and the panels are sealed.
From the outside, corners are installed on the glue.
Lining and sandwich panels cannot be repaired. As a rule, they change when damaged. In this case, the choice of shade is of great importance, since it differs in different batches of material.
A drywall sheet is a building material in which gypsum is placed between layers of cardboard. The material is indispensable for hiding various wall defects, therefore it is recommended for slopes.
Its advantages include:
wide range of uses. Suitable for all types of windows;
can be used for finishing slopes of any size;
low price;
quick installation;
environmental Safety;
painted in different colors.
low strength. Traces remain from any mechanical impact;
destruction at high humidity;
rapid wear, requiring additional painting;
inconvenient installation. Protective equipment must be used when cutting, as gypsum dust is harmful to health.
1. Drywall is the base that needs finishing.
2. It is better to choose a moisture-resistant version of the material that is not afraid of condensation on the windows.
There are several ways to cover slopes with plasterboard, but the following installation on a putty is considered the simplest.
The slope is measured from the wall to the frame.If the wall is uneven, then it is necessary to measure in several places.
Measurements are transferred to drywall. For convenience, a mold is made.
A future slope is cut from the sheet. The material is cut with a knife or sawn.
Putty is applied along the edges and in the center of the workpiece.
The workpiece is pressed tightly against the slope, and a spacer is installed. It takes a day for a good grip.
Very often, aluminum corners are installed to align the corners.
The surface of the slope is putty and, after drying, is processed with sandpaper.
The cladding is completed with two-layer painting. In this case, the window profile and window sill are protected with masking tape.
In general, everyone independently chooses a method for repairing slopes. If the technology of work is not violated, then they will be beautiful and reliable.
Before you make slopes for plastic windows with your own hands, you need to choose a material. The two most popular options today are plastic panels and plaster. We will talk about them further.
PVC is a versatile material that is used today in almost all areas. Its chemical resistance allows it to be used even under direct exposure to UV rays.
First, prepare the following set of tools and materials:
Plastic panel at least 8mm thick. They are usually sold in strips of 6 m in length.
Tip: in large stores, they can be cut to your size.
F- and U-shaped stripes.
Heat-insulating material (we recommend - basalt wool).
Wooden lath up to 1.5 cm thick.
Level (ideally laser).
Scissors for cutting metal.
Construction stapler.
Sealant (silicone and white is better).
There are two types of self-tapping screws: 95 mm and 4.5 mm.
If you are repairing the slopes of plastic windows with your own hands for the first time, then the panels are ideal. Their installation is simple and fast. It is carried out in the following sequence:
We clean the original surface from dirt and remnants of previous materials.
Then we install it along the perimeter of the rail. We fix them on self-tapping screws (95 mm), and drill the holes with a puncher. It is important that the slats do not go over the level of the wall.
On the outer edge of the window (which is closer to the street) we fill in a U-shaped strip. We fix it with 4.5 mm self-tapping screws.
Then we install F-shaped stripes around the entire perimeter. The upper part of the F panel (located above the opening) is overlapped. Therefore, its grooves are cut with a knife.
The panels are joined at an angle of 45%. The miter box will help with this.
Pressing and fixing all three F panels with our hands, shoot them with a stapler. The brace must be driven into the rail. This technique is convenient in that it eliminates the need to glue wallpaper (or other material) - all defects are hidden by a plastic element.
Now the most crucial stage is to cut the panels strictly according to the size of the slope (along the length and width).
Next, we put insulating material on the slope. It can be fixed to liquid nails so that it does not get in the way in the future.
The last step is to insert the PVC panel into the grooves. If the joint does not turn out perfectly even, we seal it with white sealant.
Some people prefer to act differently: first, they fix the panel on liquid nails butt-to-wall, and then a decorative corner is glued on top. This option is not very reliable - liquid nails will lose their properties from low temperatures. In addition, the possibility of installing additional thermal insulation is lost.
Sealing the slopes of plastic windows can be done using plaster. This is the most economical way. However, this is where its advantages ended. The disadvantages include a short service life (the plaster will begin to crumble over time), high thermal conductivity and laborious installation.
You can buy a ready-made mixture (for example, "Emaco") or make it yourself, taking cement with gypsum in a ratio of 1 × 3. We carry out the work in the following sequence:
We clean the original surface from old materials, dirt, stains, etc. If concrete ledges are observed, they must be cut down.
Then we expand the seams of the corners and slopes by 1 cm. This measure is needed in order to achieve maximum adhesion.
We plaster the walls.
Align the corners of the slopes. Use the rule for maximum accuracy.
It is necessary to apply the plaster in layers, while the new one can be applied only when the previous one is completely dry.
The resulting seams are sealed with polyurethane foam. Instead, you can use tow or felt, having previously moistened it in a gypsum solution. We proceed to the next stage only after the foam (felt) has dried.
We throw the solution into the groove of the slope. Before leveling it, it must be partially dry. Depending on the consistency of the mixture, you will need to wait 15-20 minutes.
Next, apply a little more solution to finally align the sinuses. In one pass, no more than 1 cm of a layer is applied. If it gets too thick, it may fall apart.
To close up the upper part, you should install the wooden batten strictly level. You can fix it with nails or large self-tapping screws. It is also advisable to install slats on the side. We check the evenness by a plumb line.
To level the mortar, you will need a bevel with a rounded handle. Its length should be approximately the same as the width of the slope. It is advisable to make an incision at one end of it. It will allow you to move the tool along the box.
It is possible to level the edges of the corners only when the mortar has set.
After setting, apply another thin layer - it is needed for grouting.
To preserve the integrity of the layers, flat vices are used. When all layers of the mortar are completely dry, the slats are dismantled. This must be done carefully so that the plaster does not begin to crumble.
The remaining sides of the window are processed in the same way. Ideally, you should ensure that the plaster layers on all sides are the same thickness. Optimal - 22 mm.
After waiting at least a day, cover the plastered surface with a primer. It acts as an antiseptic and also increases adhesion.
Then we cover the slope with several layers of paint. The color is not necessarily white - you can experiment. As for the type of paint, there are no special recommendations. Most often in such cases, oil is used.
External slopes for plastic windows cannot be made using this technology, because in this case they will quickly become unusable. For facing the facade, it is better to use metal or metal-plastic products.
You can also use other materials for decoration - drywall, metal sheets, tiles, marble, etc. Above, we talked about only the most popular options.
Repairing slopes after installing plastic windows is a necessary measure that contributes to giving completeness and additional protection to the surface. This process can be carried out using different materials that require a different technological approach. But the most important thing is that all work is carried out exclusively with your own hands.
Slopes are divided into external and internal and represent a part of the wall that directly adjoins the window block at a certain angle. The most careful approach to finishing is precisely those areas that are located inside the room.
Why do you need to install the slopes of plastic windows? There are a number of functions that they directly perform:
Creation of visual appeal, aesthetic completeness. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine how the new windows will look if the adjacent surface is poorly finished.
Additional source of heat and sound insulation. This means that the slopes allow you to protect the room from the penetration of cold and noise pollution.
Protection of assembly seams from external influences, as well as preventing windows from fogging up.
Finishing slopes is a procedure that is not only decorative, but also a protective function
Thus, the sealing of window openings is carried out not only in order to restore damaged areas, but also in order to create a whole complex of additional protection.
Do-it-yourself finishing of plastic windows is carried out by various methods. The most popular options are:
Application of a layer of plaster, which is subsequently painted with suitable paints.
Installation of plastic panels. They are in perfect harmony with the material of the window blocks, and also allow you to cope with the work in a short time.
The use of gypsum boards. This method differs from the previous one only in that it requires a higher quality subsequent finishing.
Finishing options for window slopes
Of course, the slopes after installing plastic windows can be clad with other materials. For example, the use of wood panels would be an excellent solution if the window itself is made in this style.
Before sealing the surface, it must be prepared for work. The process consists of several stages:
All protruding or collapsing areas are knocked down. For this, a hammer and a chisel are used, they manage to do the work pointwise without damaging the adjacent areas. Cleaning window slopes from unnecessary areas
On a note! Considering that the work involves the collapse of some pieces of cement or brick, it is advisable to prevent damage to the window and sill. To do this, they are covered with corrugated cardboard.
Excess foam is cut off with a construction knife, with the help of which the windows were sealed. The main thing is to wait until it completely gains volume and dries. This is done quite simply: with a blade pierce the protruding part of the foam from above (parallel to the window) and, with a little pressure, make a single downward movement. If required, cut through the part that is glued to the wall.
Removing excess polyurethane foam
Advice! There is a film sticker on the plastic frame, it is removed only after all work has been carried out.
The surface is efficiently cleaned from dust and dirt. It often happens that an old brick wall has loose bricks. They need to be planted in a solution and allowed to bond.
If you plan to plaster the slopes, the site is pre-covered with a layer of primer. In other cases, it is advisable to use antiseptics.
Applying a primer to window slopes
Sealing slopes with plaster is the cheapest option available. For work, you will need a dry finishing mixture (gypsum, alabaster), a small set of tools (bucket, spatulas, roller) and water-based paint.
There are several disadvantages of this method. First, you have to make enough effort to get a flat surface. If you have little experience, then it can take a lot of time. Secondly, cracks may appear, which occurs for various reasons.
The plastering technology is as follows:
The dry mixture is diluted in the required amount of water. It is required to take into account that the work must be performed quickly enough so that the solution does not lose its properties.
The composition is taken with a spatula and transferred to the surface. If the site has significant potholes, then they should be covered beforehand. The fact is that a thick layer of plaster will not adhere well, and will also cause cracking of the material.
To achieve perfect evenness, beacons or even wooden bars are used.
Check the sealed area by level.
Plastering window slopes
Advice! You can go for a little trick to keep the surface intact. For this, a narrow spatula is used. The aim of the event is to create a small depression between the window frame and the applied layer.The tool is placed at an angle and is carried out with a quick movement from top to bottom.
This option is suitable when the slopes on the windows have minimal damage. That is, it is only necessary to restore the damaged areas and, after removing the old paint, cover the surface with a new composition. It should be borne in mind that painting is carried out after preliminary priming.
Painting of plastered slopes is carried out only after twice applying the primer and its complete drying.
How to close up slopes with gypsum boards? There are several ways, but the most acceptable is the one that involves installation on a putty. The process is as follows:
The work site is well prepared. The presence of voids should not be allowed. Polyurethane foam is cut in advance.
Measure the surface. You need to get the dimensions in height and width. Considering that the slopes consist of three parts, each one is measured individually. Although it would be much better to install the upper part, and then, taking into account the new dimensions, measure the side sections.
Measurements are transferred to drywall. The necessary fragments are cut out.
Putty is applied to their seamy side. Do this pointwise, grabbing the edges and center of the element.
The fragment is pressed to the surface and a support is placed. In a day, adhesion should come.
Perforated corners are applied and a layer of putty is applied. If required, other decorative material (tiles, stone, wallpaper) is laid.
This option is great when the walls are lined with sheets of drywall. Slopes can be included in the part of the frame being erected.
The use of plastic panels is the fastest option to close the slopes after installing the window units within one day. The general order is as follows (without auxiliary profiles):
Slopes are measured.
The panels are cut to size.
On the seamy side, apply "liquid nails" or putty.
The fragment is pressed to the surface.
A sealant is applied between the frame and the panel.
Plastic corners are glued on the outside.
Installation of plastic panels on window slopes
Indeed, this option allows you to close the plots in a short time.
Of course, everyone chooses the slope repair method himself, which is used after the windows have been installed. The main thing is to strictly adhere to technology.
Nowadays, more and more people prefer to do home repairs with their own hands. This applies to almost all of its parts. It comes down to window slopes. These structures can become unusable after several months of improper use. If this happened, then it is quite possible to seek help from professionals in this field. They will solve the problem, but they will have to prepare a significant amount of money.
Diagram of a plastic slope device.
Do-it-yourself repair of window slopes allows you to solve this problem. In the course of improper use of the window, a wide variety of defects can appear on it. This greatly influences the aesthetics of the entire room. Do-it-yourself repair of slopes and windows is the right decision.
Many people may simply be afraid to do this or that work on their own. In fact, you shouldn't do this. Almost every person is able to pick up the most primitive tool and make all the repairs of window slopes on their own. Of course, it's worth starting with the purchase of all the necessary materials and tools.
Tools for the installation of window slopes.
construction scissors for metal;
simple pencil;
Master OK;
putty knife;
assembly glue;
perforated corners.
Before starting to carry out the entire scope of work, be sure to carefully prepare. The tool and material has a fairly impressive list. If something is not available at home, you can borrow from neighbors or friends.When everything is assembled, you can start preparing the window. Do-it-yourself repair of window slopes begins with the removal of all the foam that was applied during the installation of the window itself.
It has dried up for a long time, so this can be done with an ordinary construction knife. Everything must be done very carefully so that excess pieces of polyurethane foam do not protrude outward. Now it is the turn of the primer. The window is processed with this material. Everything is done very simply. The packaging with this material always contains detailed instructions.
After the primer has been applied, it is necessary to determine the thickness of the plaster. This is done taking into account the fact that there must still be a layer of drywall on the mounting glue. Plaster is most often sold in powder form, which must be diluted with warm water. This is done very simply. Instructions and all proportions are also written on the package. Sometimes the plaster is distributed ready-made. For those who do not want to bother themselves with extra work, this option may be preferred. Now it can be applied. This is followed by the main stage of work.
After the plaster has been applied, it must be allowed some time to fully harden. Now you can proceed to the installation of drywall. It fits onto assembly glue. When carrying out work, be sure to take into account that the glue is applied not to drywall, but directly to the slope. This is due to the structure of the drywall. This material is quite porous. On the slopes, the glue is applied with blunders. Only in those places where there is direct contact with air can it be applied in a continuous layer. This will allow you to escape from the flow of cold air that enters the apartment in winter.
It is worth starting to glue the parts from the top of the slope. So it will be more clear. You can use a level to level drywall. It allows you to achieve a truly even arrangement of all elements. You may also need a plumb line. It aligns vertically. It is in this way that the entire surface is pasted over with drywall. After that, you can proceed to further work.
The procedure for installing a window slope.
Perforated corners should be used here. Today they can be purchased at almost any hardware store. They need to be planted either with the same glue or with a putty. You can choose any option. The most important thing is that everything is applied quickly and efficiently. Excess glue should be removed immediately from the surface. This will allow you to get rid of unnecessary defects without any problems.
Approximately half an hour after this stage of work is completed, you can start applying the first layer of putty. Here you should not be shy with the amount of material. All unnecessary can be removed without any problems with a wide spatula. Surplus is removed parallel and perpendicular to the slope. Next comes the alignment process. The plane of the slope should be perfectly flat.
After the starting layer of putty has hardened, you can start applying the finishing layer.
Most often, several hours are enough for this. The finishing putty has a structure different from the starting one. It allows you to fill in all those irregularities that were formed earlier. It is important not to rush here, but to do everything very carefully. After the putty has been applied, be sure to wait a few hours again until it has completely hardened.
This is followed by the final stage of work. It consists in grinding the surface. It is advisable not to do this immediately. It is best to postpone work the next day after the putty has dried. This will allow it to grip more tightly with the wall material. For sanding, you can use a wide variety of tools that are at hand. This can be sandpaper, a sanding float, and so on.
Scheme for plastering a window slope.
Of course, you can also use a power tool. A grinder with a special attachment will always help in this situation. Just remember that it is better to use a small stone. This will allow you to achieve a really high quality surface finish.
Next, it is worth priming the window slopes. This is best done with a roller. This tool will allow you to avoid the appearance of streaks.
The final stage of work is painting the slopes. Almost any paint can be used. Of course, acrylic is considered the most successful option. This paint adheres perfectly to the surface and will delight the eye for many years. It should be applied with a roller. As noted earlier, this tool allows you to avoid a lot of stains. The brush is used only on problem areas. With its help, the corners are painted over.
When carrying out work, it is worth using an accurate measuring tool. In this case, we are talking about roulette. It should have a minimum error. A tape measure is used to select the correct size of drywall to be used for finishing.
It is necessary to use acrylic paint when painting. It perfectly covers any surface. At the same time, the color and shade remain always fresh.
It is advisable to use insulation between the drywall and the wall of the window opening. This measure is necessary to protect it in cold weather. He simply can gradually damp.
Almost any tool can be used to cut drywall. It is best if it is a grinder. She will perfectly cope with the task at hand. Of course, you can use another tool as well.
It is better to use not ready-made plaster for work, but a dry mixture. It saves a significant amount of money, moreover, it is sold in rather large packages. This allows you to provide a small margin, if suddenly it is not enough.
During operation, the window opening is periodically exposed to various influences. It is as a result of such influences that it becomes necessary to repair the slopes of plastic windows with our own hands. Fortunately, the task is not difficult and almost anyone can cope with it.
Below we will tell you what to do in the most common situations.
It is quite possible to restore the damaged slope
The finished window opening should look beautiful and keep warmth in the room well. In principle, this is where its functions end. However, over time, the performance properties of the finish decrease, and sooner or later certain problems arise.
The first and most common malfunction is mechanical damage to the surfaces of the slopes.... They can be very different, ranging from minor scratches to through holes.
Further on the list are more extensive damage associated with deformation of drywall or plastic... In this case, the surface of the opening swells, and sometimes one edge of the sheathing panel even comes out of the mountings.
A separate group of problems is mold contamination of the slope.... It is very unpleasant, since it indicates problems with the removal of moisture from the assembly seam.
All these problems can and should be fought. Troubleshooting instructions are given below.
Mechanical damage includes scratches, dents and cracks.
The repair technique depends on the material from which the finish was made:
Surface damage to plastic slopes can be easily removed using special compounds. One of the best remedies is a gel called Cosmofen. Being, in fact, a glue for PVC, it perfectly removes microscopic scratches, and therefore is used by all craftsmen.
For drywall and plaster, chips of the putty layer are relevant.They are removed with the same material that was used to level the slope, however, after the completion of the work, the painting will need to be repeated.
Small dents can be repaired
To repair large dents on a plaster slope, it is best to use special plaster mixes such as Rotband:
We embroider a crack or a depression from which a piece of decoration has fallen out so that no weakly fixed areas remain at the edges.
Fill the hole with plaster and level its surface.
We putty the slope again and paint it using a roller or spray gun.
We repair holes in plasterboard sheathing as follows:
Along the perimeter of the hole, we cut out a section of the gypsum board in such a way that a hole with smooth edges is obtained.
Cut out a patch of the appropriate shape and size from a sheet of gypsum plasterboard.
We glue the patch into the slope, then putty and paint the surface.
Photo in the process of installing the patch
As for the plastic panels, they will have to be replaced if damaged. This is one of the disadvantages of this finishing technology, since the price of PVC or sandwich is very significant.
An equally common problem is the deformation of a part of the casing due to a change in the dimensions of the opening (shrinkage) or an increase in humidity in the room. (See also How to Install a Plastic Window Sill: Features.)
In this situation, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:
Carefully make an incision around the perimeter of the deformed panel using a paint knife. This will allow us to preserve the finish on the rest of the slope.
We dismantle the damaged part as carefully as possible.
If the reason for the deformation lies in changing the dimensions of the opening, then we simply reduce the dimensions of the part by cutting it on one side. If the panel itself has become unusable (the plastic has heated up and bent, the drywall has swollen), we replace the element with a new one.
The deformed panel must be replaced with a new one.
Note! When replacing, check the safety and condition of the heat-insulating material, and also check the space behind the casing for the presence of condensation.
After the panel is returned to its place and secured, we proceed to the restoration of the finish.
Much less noticeable is the damage to the slopes due to waterlogging. Most often, gypsum plasterboard structures suffer from this, however, the plastic sheathing can also be damaged if excessive condensation occurs.
The outer part must be finished with a vapor-permeable material
Note! The appearance of mold is a signal that the process has gone too far, and measures must be taken immediately.
Repair in this case consists in a comprehensive elimination of the problem:
First, we need to ensure the free exit of water vapor outside the installation seam. To do this, we open the outer slopes, re-plaster them and paint them with a vapor-permeable composition. If this is not done, all our efforts will go to waste.
We also dismantle the inner slopes, taking care not to damage the panels (they can be used again). All surfaces under the sheathing are carefully treated with bactericidal and fungicidal agents, and all cavities are blown out with polyurethane foam.
Next, we need to provide waterproofing insulation placed inside the slope. To minimize the ingress of moisture into the mineral wool, it should be covered with a vapor barrier membrane. (See also the article Condensation on the balcony: features.)
Also useful will be the waterproofing of the very junction of the window to the wall. For this, a special mounting tape is used.
Using vapor permeable tape
When the repair work is over, we restore the slopes, fixing the plasterboard or plastic sheathing in the same places.
Video (click to play).
Do-it-yourself repair of window slopes can be carried out without dismantling the window structure itself.Of course, we will have to work hard, especially if we want to minimize the destruction - but in any case, you can find a way out. The main thing is not to let the situation take its course and carry out restoration work as soon as the need arises. To successfully master the described techniques, we recommend that you study the video in this article.