In detail: do-it-yourself repair of plastic windows does not open for airing from a real master for the site
Unlike old wooden frames, modern plastic windows are more functional. It is not necessary to open them completely for fresh air to enter the room; it is enough to open the sash inside the room or set the micro ventilation mode. However, a situation often arises when the plastic window does not close from the ventilation mode. What to do in this case and what is the cause of the problem?
To ventilate and ensure normal air exchange, it is no longer necessary to open the entire window completely, it is enough to transfer it to one of the available modes of the plastic window.
To ventilate the room, it is enough to turn the handle up and the sash will deflect to the preset position.
When the window handle is turned 45 degrees, the micro-ventilation mode is set
Micro-ventilation becomes available by turning the control handle at an angle of 45 degrees from the vertical. In this case, a gap of several millimeters is formed, which is quite enough for fresh air to enter the room. .
In addition, ventilation can be provided even without unlocking the sash, but for this it is already necessary to make changes to the design itself and install an additional ventilation valve.
These functions, as well as full opening and closing, are available thanks to a mechanism that is adjusted during the installation of the window package.
Sometimes a situation may arise when the sash cannot be closed. You should not immediately think about replacing the window, the reasons can be very simple, and their elimination will not require a lot of time and money.
The transition to the sash in double mode may occur when the window is closed during wind or draft.
As you can see, in most cases, sashes on plastic windows do not close for elementary reasons. However, if you do nothing about this, the mechanism will gradually wear out. And the ventilation mode of plastic windows cannot last forever, someday you will still need to close the sash.
Video (click to play).
What are the ways to eliminate the problems that have arisen and how to adjust the micro-ventilation of the windows?
It takes a minimum of tools and skills to adjust the window and return to normal settings. It is enough to prepare pliers and a hexagon, as a rule, four millimeters. How to adjust the sash and eliminate most of the problems?
The sash skew is removed by simply adjusting the position in the vertical or horizontal plane ... For this, there are corresponding screws on the inside of the window on the hinges, which are covered with decorative (protective) caps.
Sash skew can be eliminated by adjusting the bottom and side screws
The protection is removed and with the help of a hexagon they try to correctly set the position of the window sash. The bottom screw adjusts the position up or down, and the side screw adjusts left and right. In this case, you need to close and open the system several times to check how it locks. Adjust the screws, and then the problem will simply disappear.
A loose fit is eliminated depending on the cause of the problem. If the seal is worn out (elasticity is lost, there are tears, etc.), then it must be replaced.
A worn seal can cause a loose fit.
An incorrectly adjusted control eccentric can cause the same problem (summer mode is set in winter).The mechanism regulates the degree of sash compression and in the summer position the compression is weaker than in the winter one. The specified mode is indicated by a marker located on the eccentric.
The degree of sash pressing depends on the position of the eccentric
Using a hexagon, the plastic windows are set to the winter position (mark "outside"). In the warm season, the marker is returned to summer mode. .
To fix this problem, you will need to remove the sash from the frame. This is done by knocking out the pin from the upper hinge (after removing the protective cap).
To repair the handle, it is necessary to remove the sash
Now you need to insert the "scissors" into the groove where they should be. This process can be done without dismantling the sash, provided that the slopes do not interfere and there is access to the mechanism.
A violation occurs when the window is too abrupt and fast to transfer from ventilation mode to closing mode. The solution to this problem is very simple. The sash is pressed against the frame by pressing the upper corner. The lock is clamped to the frame. The handle is placed in open mode. The leaf is locked.
If the drainage frame has moved away, then it is returned to its place, after having thoroughly cleaned the entire window frame.
The drainage hole is designed to drain water from the window block
When the sashes sag due to the deformation of the entire window, the intervention of specialists is indispensable. Most likely a complete window replacement will be required ... In this case, the problem arises as a result of wall movements or shrinkage of the house (if it was recently erected). The replacement is carried out making sure that such deformations do not recur.
If the window has changed its geometry due to improper installation, then all work on its replacement must be performed by the installer. !
Micro-ventilation is a built-in function of a modern window, when by turning the handle to the desired position, the sash leaves a gap of several millimeters for air access from the street. But you can also install additional devices to organize normal air exchange.
A comb is an additional piece of hardware that acts as a limiter for the sash tilt angle in ventilation mode. The window can be installed with a slope of 30, 45 or 60 degrees.
Using a comb, you can set the required level of ventilation
A plastic comb with grooves for the limiter is mounted on the frame. A hook is installed on the frame itself. It works as a limiter. When switching to the ventilation mode, the frame tilts, and the comb is placed with the desired recess on the limiter.
It is also an additional hardware that is mounted on the window profile. These valves are of two types: manually controlled and automatic. Manually, the user himself sets the required air flow mode. Automatic valves are self-regulating, providing ventilation depending on the temperature and humidity in the room .
Automatic ventilation valves adjust the ventilation level according to climatic conditions
There are also systems that are located in the handle, they are more aesthetic, and in terms of functionality they are not inferior to their counterparts.
Modern windows allow you to set different modes to normalize air exchange. Small problems can be easily eliminated on your own by simply adjusting the window to the desired position. In most cases, closing problems are caused by a normal configuration failure.
In the last article, we wrote about how to adjust plastic balcony doors with our own hands. Today we will talk about how to adjust a plastic window. For all plastic windows, as a rule, a warranty is issued for several years, so if the warranty period for your windows has not expired, then you can safely contact the company that installed the window for you and she will do everything for free.If the window is still within the warranty period, but you tried to repair it, then there is a high probability that the window warranty will no longer be valid.
To adjust the plastic window, it is enough to have a 4 mm hexagon wrench with you.
Horizontally (+ - 2 millimeters) plastic windows are adjusted by twisting the upper and / or lower hinges.
To adjust the upper hinge, you need to open the window and tighten the screw with a hexagon hole from the inside.
If you rotate the hexagon clockwise, the bottom of the window (opposite to the hinge) will rise. If you twist counterclockwise, it will go down.
The lower hinge, in contrast to the upper one, can be adjusted both when the sash is closed and when it is open.
The adjustment process for the lower hinge of the plastic window is the same as for the upper one.
Adjustment of the vertical displacement of the window is carried out by twisting the hole for the hexagon, which is located on the lower hinge.
First you need to remove the decorative cap that covers the lower loop.
Turning the screw clockwise will raise the window. If counterclockwise - go down. In this way, you can move the window up or down 2 millimeters from its original position.
In order to more tightly press the sash to the window frame, it is necessary to twist the eccentrics, which are located around the entire perimeter of the window. They are also adjustable with a hexagon. If you twist the eccentric clockwise, then the sash will press more strongly against the window frame. If twisted counterclockwise, weaken.
If the window does not open for ventilation, then the breakdown can be much more serious than in previous cases, so we do not recommend fixing this problem yourself. What you need to do in such a situation is written in this article -
Modern plastic windows are manufactured using simple and reliable metal fittings, which for many years have been performing their functions without any problems even in the factory state. However, for greater comfort, sometimes it is necessary to adjust the plastic windows with your own hands - for example, to better retain heat in the room in winter.
Another possible need is the repair of moving parts of the window with its active use. The handle loosens, wedges and needs to be replaced, the sash stops opening smoothly and effortlessly; in addition, from time to time they move and begin to touch the frame. How to repair or adjust a plastic window without calling a master?
It is not at all necessary to spend money on contacting professionals to fix plastic windows - repair and adjustment of these structures does not even require a special tool. Here's what to prepare:
hexagon with a diameter of 4 mm - also used for adjusting bicycles;
screwdriver with nozzles - T, TX (star, for some window models), Phillips;
WD-40 or machine oil.
The balcony door can be repaired by yourself. How to repair a balcony door is written on our website.
The glass units are adjusted at four main points:
Bottom hinge - for adjusting the vertical and horizontal position of the sash.
"Scissors" at the top hinge - to adjust the swing angle of the sash.
Eccentrics around the entire perimeter of the sash - to adjust the clamping force to the frame.
Working with window fittings has a number of tasks, but most often it is required to adjust plastic windows for the winter, which consists in adjusting the pressing force of the window sash to the frame. Such adjustment is made by changing the position of the pins, or eccentrics, which are of two types depending on the window model:
oval - adjustable by hand or pliers;
round - adjustable with a hexagon.
These parts are built into the grooves, into which, when the handle is turned, the striking plates enter, cling to the eccentrics and press the sash against the frame. Depending on the type of fittings, do-it-yourself repair of euro windowsand involves the adjustment of either pins or reciprocating hooks.
Eccentrics have three positions:
exactly in the center of the groove - standard clamp;
to the right of the center - a weak hold-down;
to the left of the center - strong pressure.
You need to use all three positions, since you need to adjust the double-glazed windows several times a year - press harder in winter, and weaker in summer.
If it blows from the side of the hinges, the awnings should be adjusted. This is done like this:
a plastic cap is removed from the lower hinge, under which there are several bolts - tightening the perpendicular to the frame will increase the pressing force of the sash;
scissors are adjustable from above - for this, the same pin is used as on the sash.
Sometimes the installation and repair of windows includes adjusting the position of the sash in the horizontal and vertical planes. The structure deviates from its standard position due to damage to the moving parts due to the long stay of the window in the open state or due to inaccurate handling of the mechanisms.
The handle of the plastic window has 4 positions, two of which represent the opening of the upper part of the sash. Turning the handle up to the end - maximum recline, its position between the horizontal and vertical positions - micro-ventilation mode, useful in severe frosts.
In some cases, it is absent - the window is tilted exactly the same distance as with full ventilation. Adjusting windows for the winter includes changing this distance. A scissor pin is used to adjust the pressure level of the upper part of the sash.
This is done in this way:
The window opens in ventilation mode.
If there is no access to the scissors in this position, you should open the window in two modes at once - full opening and ventilation. Sometimes the blocker interferes with this - you can turn it off by pressing the metal tab on the handle mechanism.
When the scissors open, an eccentric will be visible on them - the same as for adjusting the sash pressure. Tightening it with a hex will decrease the angle of recline, loosening it will increase it.
When the do-it-yourself adjustment of the plastic window fittings is completed, the sash returns to its original position.
The displacement of the sash in the vertical plane affects the convenience of opening and closing the window - the sash begins to touch the frame, you have to lift or press it down with effort.
The vertical position of the sash is adjusted with a bolt on the lower hinge. This is done like this:
The plastic cap is removed from the canopy.
There is a hex bolt on top of the metal part of the hinge that runs parallel to the frame. Its weakening shifts the sash down, tension - raises the structure.
If the window or balcony door has a large mass and width (from 100 cm), metal closers are used to facilitate closing. Together with the adjustment of the bolt in the lower hinge, this part of the design must also be adjusted.
How to adjust the glass unit in the horizontal axis? For this, both canopies are used - a loop at the bottom and scissors at the top.
To adjust from below, you need to remove the plastic protection from the hinge and tighten the side bolt running parallel to the frame. It can be accessed both from the side of the slope and from the inside, from the side of the sash. Tightening the bolt will move the leaf to the right, loosening it to the left.
To adjust the sash position from above, you do not need to fully extend the scissors. Open the window and find a recessed hex bolt on the inner end of the sash - it is located near the upper edge of the structure. Its loosening and tension in the same way affects the position of the sash.
Read about how to ventilate the room in our material at the link
How to choose the best window handle read our window handle review
Active use of the window, constant impact on its main mechanism - the handle - leads to breakdowns of various types. Calling the wizard in such cases is not required, since it is very easy to adjust the handle on the plastic window.
If the handle is loose, just tighten the two bolts hidden under the plastic trim. To dismantle it, no tools are required - just pull the handle towards you and turn the part 90 degrees. The bolts are tightened with a Phillips screwdriver, then the hardware is returned to its place.
If the handle turns with force or does not come to standard positions, the cause is usually a clogged mechanism. In this case, unscrew the handle and clean all moving parts of the structure with WD-40 aerosol. After that, the window is lubricated with machine oil.
Adjusting the handle of the plastic window
In addition, the reason for the poor functioning of the window is sometimes:
incorrect position of the sashes of plastic windows - do-it-yourself repair and adjustment in this case consists in changing their position using a hex wrench, as described above;
if the handle does not fit well into the “closed” position, this indicates too strong pressing of the sash to the frame - it is necessary to adjust the pins along the entire perimeter, loosening them slightly.
Jammed handle in one position - a consequence of the locking mechanism. It is necessary so as not to break the fittings - the metal tongue of the lock prevents, for example, opening the window when it is in the ventilation mode. However, the blocker sometimes works at the wrong moment, preventing the window from closing. This happens due to improper handling - too abrupt change in the position of the handle.
Adjustment of the handle of the plastic window in this case depends on the manufacturer of the fittings:
The lock is deactivated as follows: the sash opens, there is a metal plate near the handle, on which you need to push and turn the handle in any direction.
Maco and others. There is a steel tongue under the handle that sticks out at an angle when locked. You need to press it, putting it in the "parallel to the frame" position, and change the position of the handle.
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If the standard handle is damaged or it is necessary to replace it with a locking mechanism, it is possible to install a new part with your own hands. This is done very simply:
The plastic protection is removed from the old handle.
Two cross bolts are unscrewed.
A new handle is installed and screwed on.
Such installation and repair of plastic window fittings does not take much time, and a new part can be found in any hardware store.
Thus, everyone can cope with the work, since you can quickly adjust the plastic windows with your own hands and without using a complex tool.
Any renovation of a modern apartment is accompanied by the installation of metal-plastic windows. Most users, having installed the long-awaited white, clean and fashionable plastic, put an end to this. It is important not just to buy plastic windows and install them in the wall, because this is only half of the success, further proper care of the structure is important. In this case, your window will definitely not let you down and will not allow drafts and dust from the street to penetrate.
But, unfortunately, more and more often the owners are faced with a problem: the plastic window does not open for ventilation.
Every day, it is the hardware elements that act as a link between the user and the window. Experiencing heavy loads, it sometimes fails (for example, constant turns of the handle up and down, left and right).Regular monitoring of the mechanisms will help to avoid unpleasant problems, for example, when it is impossible to open the window wide open or set it to the ventilation mode.
If it's about accessories, you need to take into account some of the nuances:
The fittings are adjusted using screws (located in the perforation)
Hexagons are used
If you are not sure, it is better to trust the masters, they will put the mechanism in order in minutes
If the windows are still under warranty, use the warranty card
Profile mechanisms do not allow for disorderly attitude. In the case when the window cannot be opened, there is no need to exert physical pressure on it and use brute force. Check the flap for foreign objects that could prevent it from closing. It is very carefully necessary to set the windows to the ventilation position, since it is in this mode that a large proportion of breakdowns occur.
If you find that it is more and more difficult to close the sash and it does not open completely, take action - contact the masters, they will check the entire mechanism and eliminate the malfunction.
The sticking of the handle is most often the cause of the blockage, which protects the entire mechanism from damage. What to do? First you need to find out the brand of your window profile: the AUBI mark may be on the metal lock, which means we are looking for a small plate with a spring. You need to press it tightly and at the same time try to set the handle in the desired position. We carry out this procedure strictly with the sash installed in a vertical position. If you find a Winkhaus or Roto brand, look for a metal tongue under the handle. Press it against the seal and turn the handle to the side.
The cause of the problem is the drying out of the lubricant, the issue is solved by lubricating the mechanism with lubricant.
But if the handle is completely broken, then a replacement is necessary:
Turn the mounting plate to the side at right angles
We are looking for screws, unscrew
Removing the broken handle
Change to a new one
We fix the mechanism with screws
Millions of residents choose plastic: they order French glazing, buy expensive double-glazed windows, while it is very important to take care of such seemingly trifles as fittings. The more careful the care is, the longer the structure will last.
Window repairs may suddenly become necessary, no matter what type of construction you have installed. Many problems can be corrected without the help of a wizard, by doing it yourself. It is enough to know how to eliminate the most common problems with plastic windows.
Even if you have supplied high-quality products and made them correctly, over time, the handle may fail or it will be necessary to replace the insulation. It is possible that the glass breaks or the mechanism requires adjustment. This repair of plastic windows is within the power of the owners.
This problem is common and easy to fix. First you need to buy a new window handle. You can do this at a home improvement store. To replace it, you will need to find the decorative plate, which is located directly under the handle, then rotate it so that you can see the screws that need to be removed.
After that, the old handle can be removed without any problems, and a new one can be put in its place. Re-tighten the screws; at the same time, you can install a limiter for opening. To do this, it is necessary to mount a regulator plate for ventilation into the base of the element, after which the handle can be screwed on.
Repair of window fittings is not so difficult even if it has jammed. To do this, you need to find and disable the blocker. The scheme of actions depends on which fittings you have installed. If it is AUBI brand, you will need to find a metal plate with a spring: usually it is near the handle.Press it against the seal and try to smoothly turn the handle. Other brands of hardware, such as Maco, GU, Winkhaus or Roto, have a metal tongue on the bottom. It needs to be pressed, forcing it to stand parallel to the sash.
Sometimes this method does not help, and then it is worth checking if the blocker is hooked. To fix the problem, you need to open the window and find the place where this element touches. After that, you must remove the bollard mounts, install a plastic gasket between it and the clinging structural element, and put the part back.
Do not be afraid to repair plastic windows with your own hands. The window does not close – It's not a problem. This usually happens for the reason that the handle does not turn due to the lack of lubricant in the fittings or the sagging of the sash itself. The latter can be determined visually by carefully examining the window. The product can be adjusted by tightening the bolts that hold it. If everything is in order, it is worth checking the lubrication. You will need to purchase a special tool, and it is desirable to lubricate all parts of the mechanism that are set in motion.
Timely maintenance of plastic windows will help to avoid many problems. However, if the product does not sag and lubrication does not work, you will most likely need professional help.
If the sash gives in to force when opening, but hangs on one corner without fully switching to ventilation mode, try to press the upper hinge by moving the sash to the pivot position. If you can achieve this, place the handle horizontally. Sometimes the blocker interferes with this, and it will have to be removed as described above. After that, the sash must be closed. Try pushing the handle down without using force. If it gives in, try to smoothly change its position several times.
Repair of PVC windows may be necessary if it starts to blow from under the window. It is not necessary to invite a master for this: it will be faster and cheaper to solve the problem yourself. Most often, the air flows pass through the seal. To get rid of this, press the sash against the frame and check if the position of the trunnions and strips of the reciprocal type matches. If they do not correspond to each other and the pins do not go beyond the strips, you need to rearrange the last elements. This is very simple to do: you need to unscrew the screws for the fasteners and move the bar to the desired place. The windows will then begin to close tightly.
If the reason is in the loops, repairing plastic windows with your own hands at home will be easy. Press the sash against the frame exactly in their area. Find a special hole on the lower hinge into which you will need to insert the turning attachment. The top hinge is also adjustable, but has a scissor-type mechanism that can be adjusted with a screwdriver.
Another difficulty is often encountered: straightening plates that are between the glass unit and the window profile fall or stretch. This is usually the center of the structure. They should be changed under warranty, but if it came out, then you will have to repair the plastic windows with your own hands. To do this, you need a small piece of plastic; you need to select the width based on the thickness of the glass unit. Take a metal spatula and insert it end-to-end, which is between the glazing bead and the glass unit. Hit the putty knife and thus detach the glazing bead. You will be able to see the straightening plates that are located between the frame and the sash. Move the glass unit 3 mm back, put the plates; pulling out the spatula, you will return it to its place, after which you will need to close the structure with glazing beads.
Pay attention that the plates do not rest against the glazed part of the structure. This could damage the glass unit.
Hardware will stop working properly if clogged with debris. Over time, dust and dirt particles get inside the mechanisms.To restore functions, you will have to clean the mechanisms. To carry out such a repair of plastic window fittings, you will need to unscrew the sash and remove it and the trims, which play a decorative role, from the hinges. When you have done this, you will need to pull out the top axle.
Advice: it is better to ask someone for help, as the structure has a large mass and can fall.
The sash can then be pulled out of the lower hinge and set aside. Inspect the sash perimeter and carefully unscrew the screws that are attached to it. You need to wash the mechanism with a special liquid, which is applied with an ordinary brush. After cleaning off the dirt, dry the mechanism: this can be done using a hair dryer. Lubricate moving parts with fittings grease. After that, you can start assembling the fittings. Actions are carried out in the reverse order, as in the analysis of the mechanism. The hinges will also need to be lubricated.
Another unpleasant problem is the broken glass unit. This can happen for various reasons: for example, someone deliberately breaks a window on the street side, or it will happen accidentally as a result of repair work or careless actions of apartment residents. Before starting work, you will need to order a new glass unit. To do this, you need to know exactly the size of the window.
It is not necessary to invite a specialist to replace damaged glass. It is worth trying to do it yourself. First you need to remove the broken glass. This can be done quickly by knocking it out and picking out the fragments, but this method is not very suitable for an apartment, as it will leave a lot of debris.
If the glass is cracked or not badly damaged, it is best to remove it completely. You will need a metal spatula with which you need to pull out the glazing beads. A spatula is inserted between the glass and the frame and pry the glazing bead with it by lightly tapping on the handle. After you remove everything, the glass unit can be pulled out. It is better to repair euro-windows together, since a double-glazed window is usually very heavy and it is difficult to cope with it alone.
Do not forget to install straightening plates with the new glass unit.
When installing them, pay attention to the design of the sash. For the deaf version, it is appropriate to install the plates from the bottom, and for the opening sash, the straightening plates are placed, stepping back from the corner of 10 cm. Before installing a new glass unit, check the correctness of its geometry. With the help of straightening plates, it is possible to get rid of irregularities. Finally, the glazing beads are mounted in place.
This problem is also not uncommon. The sash can be skewed due to a violation of window adjustments, shrinkage of the building. You may well be able to return the structure to its normal position. You will need to purchase a 4 key, with which you can adjust the hinges; you need to start from the bottom. Open the window; depending on the direction of the skew, the sash will need to be raised or lowered. To do this, remove the cover and use the hex key; the hinge has a special groove. Turning the tool clockwise will raise the structure up, and in the opposite direction will lower it.
If the sash is offset to the side, it can also be replaced by adjusting the lower hinge. The groove for this is at the bottom. You will need to use the same key. To turn the sash to the right, you need to move the key counterclockwise; to the left, respectively, vice versa.
The top of any window is adjustable. To do this, you need to find the element located in the highest part of the sash, while it is desirable to open it. The adjusting element is located in a special socket, which you need to look for as close to the hinges as possible. Using a key, the sash is adjusted by moving it to the left or right side.
Advice : It is possible to repair the mechanism of plastic windows with your own hands only in the open state.
As you can see, many operations with a window can be done by hand, but if you doubt your skills, you can use the help of a specialist, but his services are usually quite expensive.
A plastic window is an extremely stable and very reliable thing, but at the same time the mechanism is quite fragile, problems still exist. They can be associated with careless use, with the shrinkage of the house, with the fact that the debris accumulated in them interferes with the normal operation of mechanisms. Yes, one thing, how many times and with what force we open and close the windows, already prepares us for the upcoming breakdowns. The good news is that almost all of these problems are the same and can be eliminated without any special preparation. Let's try to understand this simple mechanism and learn how to repair the mechanism of plastic windows with our own hands.
To deal with certain whims of the window, you will need the very minimum of adaptations that are available to every owner and almost every housewife:
screwdrivers (both flat and Phillips);
a set of "stars" (screwdriver attachments);
a hexagon (necessarily 4 mm, it is also a furniture key, it can usually be obtained from any cyclist's repair kit).
Less often, you may need WD-40 aerosol, but more on that later.
To understand how to repair a plastic window, you need to know how it works. Almost any plastic window inserted in an average apartment has three levels (or planes) of adjustment. This, first of all, makes it possible to be the window part itself in the optimal (tightly pressed and not skewed) position to the frame, plus it provides a reliable abutment to the seal. All the "magic" is in the loops. The lower hinge is responsible for the vertical position of the sash and the lower vertical angle; the upper part of the sash is responsible for adjusting the upper hinge; the clamping force directly depends on the eccentrics. That's all the tricks.
The main problem here is the well-known displacement of the mechanism, which does not allow the sash to open and close correctly, or do it at the right angle. This is the so-called "sagging", due to which the window touches the frame and, in the end, may simply stop closing at all.
In this case, we are interested in window canopies. We do not take into account the lower one, here it does not play any role. It is necessary to open the window and at the very top of the window find two screws, adjustable with a hexagon. The lower one is slightly loosened, and with the upper one we work: with the help of a hexagon we turn it back and forth until it is in the desired position.
The problem of repairing the handle of a plastic window is the most frequent and usually the first thing that worries the happy owners of a plastic window. For example, the handle is loose and, as a result, does not close as it should. It seems like there is nothing to approach: neither you bolts, nor you springs - almost a monolithic contraption. It was not so: the plate at the very base of the handle rotates, and already under it there are just two screws.
The screws are under the plastic panel
If the handle just dangles, tighten the bolts; if the handle is broken and cannot be restored, we simply replace it with a new one and use it. You can buy such a handle at every construction market or from dealers and sellers of plastic windows. In a word, one of the few problems that can be solved without the help of a specialist.
Another problem: the handle may just stick. If it feels “tight”, roll it up, remove dust and debris, and spray with WD-40 spray.
Before you start fixing something, you need to know if it needs fixing. We close the window and use a lighter to reveal the presence of "see-through" areas. If the flame flutters, let's get down to business. If you look at the window sash from the end, you can see three oval (most often) eccentrics.Try to twist the window handle - and you will see that the eccentrics "work". So, they need to be twisted, but quite a bit, often a couple of millimeters is enough. Plus, there will be a reserve for a few more twists: do not forget that the seal also wears out. And, most importantly, do it so that the eccentrics are strictly in one position. To work with them, you will need either pliers or a hexagon. It is very useful that the eccentrics themselves have certain marks: if you see that they are "looking" at the street, you need to press harder, but if the lines are directed into the house, the clamp is very good.
Setting the pressure mechanism
Now we will consider different types of adjustments, which have their own significant differences. In order to move the frame to some extent or get rid of the bevel, it is precisely the horizontal adjustment that is necessary.
It is carried out as follows: a hexagon is alternately inserted into the upper and lower loop (there are special holes there). When you start turning the hexagon clockwise, the window will rise noticeably. When you rotate in the opposite direction, that is, counterclockwise, you will see that the window, on the contrary, is lowered. This procedure must be done strictly with an open window and move the sash no more than 2 mm, so as not to "overtighten" the mechanism and not damage it.
Windows made of metal-plastic can be adjusted using the lower hinge. In this case, vertical adjustment is used. It is necessary to remove the plug and open access for the hexagon, then turn it clockwise. As you can see, there are no difficulties here either.
I would like to briefly describe the principle of ventilation at plastic windows. 90% of such windows do not provide for the good old vents, but they have a ventilation mode that everyone loves. For three seasons, this mode pleases, and on the fourth - frosty - a person finds himself in a difficult situation: either freezing or not airing at all. If you are not a lucky owner of a plastic window with self-ventilation, you can use a comb, which will one hundred percent perform the function of a ventilation regulator (and it costs a penny). Such a simple device is suitable for almost every plastic window and has 4 modes (or rather, 4 "arches" for adjusting the air flow into the room).
One of the less common, but occurring problems - the need to replace the glass unit. Here you need to clearly understand what you have to do, and, accordingly, be aware of what mistakes will lead to. If you are not sure, contact the experts on the issue.
Changing a glass unit requires skills
So, we take an ordinary metal spatula and a rubber mallet. We remove all the glazing beads (insert a spatula into the gap between the glass unit and the frame, lightly hit it, repeat the procedure). Having freed the glass in such a way, we take it out. You only need to do this together, because it is much heavier than it seems. Next, we measure the dimensions of the glass, order it, meet it with a courier. The next step is to install the straightening plates (it is important to remember that if the sash of the window is hinged, we indent at the corners of 10 cm.) We fix the new glass in its rightful place, see that it is in a geometrically correct (even) position and fix it with glazing beads. If you strictly follow all the instructions, everything should go without a hitch.
And the last - not uncommon - phenomenon: the sash opens simultaneously in two directions: immediately in the swing and in the tilt mode. Almost everyone has encountered this. It is necessary to make sure that the upper flap is firmly pressed. To do this, we put it vertically (naturally, leaving it open). The handle at this moment should be in the "open" position, that is, in a horizontal position.
The sash opens simultaneously in two directions
Close the window and carefully turn the handle down.Carefully and slowly "try" the handle: turn it up and down. If everything is in order, it means that everything worked in the same mode and the problem is solved.
So, PVC windows are a level of comfort that is already familiar to many, but manufacturers of plastic windows often do not tell users about the possibilities of self-repair and adjustment. The reason for this is quite understandable: in 2-3 years, or even less, the user will come to choose and install a new PVC window. But in essence, do-it-yourself pvc window repair is an intuitive and quite simple mission, the main thing is not to overdo it, not to overdo it and make sure that the repair is carried out exactly where it is needed, that is, go away from the problem.
Video (click to play).
In case you are not confident in your abilities, just contact the company where the windows were installed, perhaps the specialists will help you at a reasonable price and with knowledge of the matter, and maybe even under a guarantee (if its term has not expired).