Do-it-yourself car door sills repair without welding

In detail: do-it-yourself car door sills repair without welding from a real master for the site

The thresholds of the car, like any external parts of the body, over time acquire a certain amount of damage associated with the operation of the car. Many drivers suffer the fate of repairing this unit, especially if they own a car with significant mileage and already a decent service life. Carrying out repair work with your own hands is a very real task if you have the skills and simple tools, in some cases - welding.

Among most cars, there are only two types of thresholds:

  • Welded, which are integral with the body and the side member. Their main task is to give the body additional rigidity, to protect the supporting structure from fatal damage. Do-it-yourself repair of this unit is possible if there is welding, since, being an inseparable structure, this part is subject to corrosion over time. Such elements are made of metal.
  • Removable. They are less common on models of a specific orientation. The main task of such thresholds is to protect the side members and the body from small stones, gravel, sand. Since this element is removable, during the repair it may be advisable to completely replace the part with a new one. Also, the repair of these products is much easier to carry out, since they are usually attached to the body using ordinary self-tapping screws. This allows you to remove the threshold and carry out the repair procedure with your own hands in a convenient plane. Such parts are most often made of metal, but rarely, but plastic products are also found.
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The main types of damage to thresholds (regardless of the type of such elements) include:

  • Mechanical damage as a result of impacts from other cars, stones, gravel and other impacts. They are very typical for domestic reality (it's no secret that most of the roads in our country leave much to be desired). Problems of this kind not only damage the aesthetic appearance, but, in large numbers, can affect driving safety (if the spar is damaged). Also, if the paintwork is damaged (for a part made of metal), corrosion progresses.
  • Corrosion processes. Over time, under the influence of various factors, the thresholds lose their paint and varnish layer, the oxidation process begins in them (they are relevant, respectively, only for metal parts), which subsequently leads to the appearance of corrosion. As a result of the appearance and spread of rust, the sills will eventually lose all their main functions, in addition to this, the aesthetic appearance of the entire car will become questionable. Methods for eliminating these negative consequences of long-term use are different both in application and in the cost of materials (it all depends on the specific case, the area of ​​rust and other factors).

Depending on the nature of the damage, restoration is resorted to in different ways:

  • To fix small dents, repair of car thresholds for removable elements, it is necessary to dismantle this part from its regular place (most often it is fastened with simple self-tapping screws). After that, place it on a plane convenient for work and use a mallet to straighten the damaged areas. Then, when the paintwork peels off (this often happens if you do not calculate the impact force), paint the damaged area with your own hands or apply paint to the entire part.Also, when repairing a metal part with your own hands, it is necessary to apply an anti-corrosion compound to the treated area.

If the removable thresholds are mostly damaged by rust (holes are through), the best option would be to replace them.

  • If the threshold is non-removable (in most cases), do-it-yourself repairs will have to be carried out from the outside. In the presence of minor damage, dents can be removed using a special tool (vacuum inverter). A small-diameter hole is drilled in a certain part of the product, then an inverter is inserted into the hole and under the influence of high pressure the dent is straightened.

The situation is more difficult if the threshold is severely damaged by rust. In this condition, it is necessary to perform a complete cleaning of the surface (using sandpaper, cleaning is carried out, then the surface is degreased and painted).

  • It is rather difficult to carry out this procedure with your own hands, it is advisable to have one assistant.
  • In the most advanced cases, welding can be used. However, the use of welding occurs only when it is almost impossible to replace a part or repair it with your own hands. There are many welding methods on the market.

If there is a desire, a certain tool and sufficient time, the repair of car thresholds becomes quite possible. Correct application of the acquired knowledge guarantees a successful result.

Regardless of whether you have a new car or not, sooner or later you have to deal with threshold breakdowns. This problem is caused by the poor quality of roads, a large number of holes, or just a love of extreme driving. It is quite possible to repair thresholds on a car with your own hands: what is needed for this - we will find out further.

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Thresholds on a car play several roles at once:

  1. Protect car from mechanical damage, scratches, deformations, etc.
  2. Help passengers when exiting and entering the salon.
  3. Protects body sills.
  4. They are a stylish addition to the car, making it visually more attractive.

Repair of thresholds on a car must be carried out in accordance with the design. It can be different: plastic, metal, chrome, with or without backlighting. Thresholds may or may not be removable, which must also be taken into account during repair work.

For non-removable elements, a special repair technology will be required. Such sills are securely welded to the surface of the car, so you will have to work carefully so as not to damage the surface of the car.