Body sills for Honda can be purchased both new and used. When choosing the latter, take into account their degree of wear and tear, pay attention to the price. Do not skimp on repairing your car yourself: then it will last longer.
Repair of removable thresholds on any car can be done quite easily with your own hands. This is due to the fact that this part can be processed simply by removing it, separately from the car. A very convenient option with a minimum of costs. However, here you should pay attention to some features:
Self-repair of car sills is available even for beginners, especially if we are talking about minor damage. However, if the damage is serious and you do not know how to solve the problem, then it is better to contact the specialists from the auto repair shop.
Replacing the threshold is not an easy job for a craftsman and not a cheap pleasure for a car enthusiast. Some I had to hear from my clients "Can you somehow do without a replacement?", And there really is a way out, repair of the threshold with fiberglass.
The lower part of the threshold has large metal corrosion centers. It is not possible to repair using welding and patches, we will glue it from fiberglass.
Using a metal drill bit, we clean the area of corrosion and an area of 5-10 cm. Around.
At this stage, it is necessary to process the corrosion center, this is necessary for better adhesion of materials. We will use a well-known tool called "Rust converter" ... It is quite easy to use, you just have to follow the instructions on the product.
To fill the void, you can use various means such as: plasticine, cardboard, polystyrene, wood, etc. In this case, the most optimal and convenient to use is polyurethane foam. Under its weight, the foam tends to "fall off", so you need to prepare in advance for this unpleasant moment. To do this, you need to prepare a stand, all the various tools at hand will do. In my case, it is a wooden board. To facilitate further work, I advise you to cover the stand, for example, with newspapers or film, since it will be quite difficult to separate the foam adhering to the tree.
Before starting to fill the cavities with foam, lightly dampen the surface with a regular garden sprayer. This is necessary for better adhesion to the metal.
Using a knife, we cut off the foam and create the most approximate shape of the threshold. For a more accurate removal of the plane, the foam can be leveled with a bar with P40-60 sandpaper.
Working with fiberglass requires some knowledge and a lot of patience. Before starting work with composite materials, it is necessary to protect the body from accidental ingress of resin drops. To do this, I advise you to cover the body with paper or film. The repair surface must be well cleaned and degreased. We dilute the polyester resin in the required amount. Polyester resin is diluted in a ratio of not more than 2% of the catalyst by volume of the resin. Using a brush, saturate the entire surface with resin, then apply glass mat with a density of 300gr / m2. For ease of use, it can be divided into two parts and we get the 150th. This is necessary so that the glass mat does not fall from its weight from the lower part of the threshold, so the build-up of layers should be done gradually, after each layer has dried. Two layers of 300 glass mat will be enough. To insure against "sliding" of all this mass, make some kind of support under the lower part of the threshold.When the resin is dry, the resulting fiberglass must be prepared for the application of the putty. Grinding with coarse abrasive P40-60.
Absolutely any putty on fiberglass can be applied. If a thicker layer is required to level the surface, then it is better to use a filler with fiberglass, then universal or with an aluminum filler. After leveling the surface, it is necessary to prime it, apply an anti-gravel coating on top of the soil and paint.
The thresholds of the car, like any external parts of the body, over time acquire a certain amount of damage associated with the operation of the car. Many drivers suffer the fate of repairing this unit, especially if they own a car with significant mileage and already a decent service life. Carrying out repair work with your own hands is a very real task if you have the skills and simple tools, in some cases - welding.
The main types of damage to thresholds (regardless of the type of such elements) include:
Depending on the nature of the damage, restoration is resorted to in different ways:
To fix small dents, repair of car sills for removable elements, it is necessary to dismantle this part from its regular place (most often it is fastened with simple self-tapping screws).After that, place it on a plane convenient for work and use a mallet to straighten the damaged areas. Then, when the paintwork peels off (this often happens if you do not calculate the impact force), paint the damaged area with your own hands or apply paint to the entire part. Also, when repairing a metal part with your own hands, it is necessary to apply an anti-corrosion compound to the treated area.
If the removable thresholds are mostly damaged by rust (holes are through), the best option would be to replace them.
If the threshold is non-removable (in most cases), do-it-yourself repairs will have to be carried out from the outside. In the presence of minor damage, dents can be removed using a special tool (vacuum inverter). A small-diameter hole is drilled in a certain part of the product, then an inverter is inserted into the hole and under the influence of high pressure the dent is straightened.
The situation is more difficult if the threshold is severely damaged by rust. In this condition, it is necessary to perform a complete cleaning of the surface (using sandpaper, cleaning is carried out, then the surface is degreased and painted).
It is rather difficult to carry out this procedure with your own hands, it is advisable to have one assistant.
In the most advanced cases, welding can be used. However, the use of welding occurs only when it is almost impossible to replace a part or repair it with your own hands. There are many welding methods on the market.
If there is a desire, a certain tool and sufficient time, the repair of car thresholds becomes quite possible. Correct application of the acquired knowledge guarantees a successful result.
Sooner or later, many motorists have to resort to repairing car thresholds, especially those who have not new cars on the maintenance.
The quality of Russian roads is still not ideal, and when it will be so, the question is rhetorical.
A huge number of pits can render the car unusable, and after a few years seriously shake the nerves of the owner.
At the same time, the thresholds of the car, the bottom of the doors and the arches suffer most from such extreme driving.
Naturally, even the first signs of corrosion cannot be triggered and action must be taken immediately. If there is no desire to do the repair of thresholds with your own hands, then it is better to contact a specialist.
Today, there are two main types of thresholds - welded to the base or removable.
Removable sills are attached to the side and outside of the side members. Their main purpose is to protect the lower part of the car from small stones flying out from under the wheels.
Welded thresholds are more common. In fact, they merge with the underbody, giving it an extra level of rigidity.
Most often, removable thresholds are made of metal (less often of plastic). Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws.
It is very easy to repair them. It is necessary to carefully remove the product by unscrewing the screws and restore the threshold with a small hammer (if we are talking about a metal product).
After that, the threshold must be covered with a special anti-corrosion compound to prevent the appearance of rust.
There are situations when the repair of removable thresholds is useless (for example, when the material has already completely rotted).
It is better to completely replace the old threshold with a new one. This will ultimately come out much cheaper.
Such a threshold is part of the structure, therefore, the repair must be carried out according to a different scenario.
If the damage is minor, straightening is done from the outside. If there are small dents, it is necessary to drill a small hole in the threshold and straighten the problem area using special tools.
Tool for pulling out dents.
Another option is to carefully cover the damaged area with small steel patches. Any competent tinsmith can easily cope with such work.
Dents in thresholds can be repaired with a steel bar that is welded to the damaged part and then pulled out using hand force or a special winch. Once the work is complete, the rod can be cut off.
In case of moderate damage, the seats and doors will have to be removed. Otherwise, the latter will interfere with the performance of high-quality repairs.
Areas with the largest damage should be replaced. These include:
Through holes;
Deep dents;
Torn off parts and so on.
This area can be cut out with a grinder and welded on a metal structure of appropriate dimensions.
Today, there are two main methods of straightening car thresholds.
In the first method, a rectangular window is cut into which the anvil is inserted.
This method allows the affected area to be tightened using hydraulic or mechanical devices.
Once the problem spot is fixed, the cut window can be welded neatly. Tin solder can be used to straighten the seam.
In the second method, the so-called transverse cuts are used, which are made in the surface of the threshold.
The weld points are disconnected, an anvil is inserted (preferably small) and the damaged area is straightened.
Welding is carried out only after straightening the surface. If the area directly under the door is damaged, then it must be cut out and replaced with a similar one.
If the rack is also damaged with the threshold, then it is necessary to simultaneously replace the threshold and the rack. It is necessary to act according to a simple scheme.
First, the B-pillar spar must be cut. Before you start straightening the spar, you need to make sure that the car body is strong.
After that, the installation site should be cleaned, and all excess metal parts removed.
Further, the surface of the side member must be leveled and adjusted. After that, fastening, installation and welding are performed. That's all. It remains to put the doors in place and adjust the gaps.
There are two main processing methods.
The first method involves the use of auto chemistry (mastic, special varnish or impregnation).
This method is most effective when working in a garage. But there are also negative aspects - the purchase of expensive materials is required to carry out the work.
In some cases, you can use cheap products, but they are not suitable for all foreign cars.
The second way is electrochemical protection. This treatment must be carried out exclusively by an automotive workshop where you can expect to receive a warranty.
The peculiarity of this protection lies in the fact that special electrodes are mounted on the threshold, to which a direct current is supplied.
These products pull corrosion on themselves, and not on thresholds. The term of such protection is about one year. As for the cold season, the electrodes will last a much shorter period - about three months.
In some services, ordinary plastic door sills are installed, which have a more affordable price and are easy to change.
These pads reliably protect the thresholds from dirt and stones, but do not protect against corrosion, which "gets" under them.
Therefore, if you really put such a pad, then only after anti-corrosion treatment.
Restoring the integrity and appearance of a vehicle using welding is often economically impractical and sometimes impossible or unreliable. Then, methods of repairing bodies without welding are used. It is not recommended to restore load-bearing elements in this way, especially on your own.
Almost all work on the body without the use of welding is classified as non-professional. They are not the result of any developments in this area, are based on the use of the properties of certain materials and substances, do not have a clear technology, tested and regulated by the relevant institutions, organizations, standards and GOSTs. This is the fruit of folk wisdom and ingenuity of domestic craftsmen, initiated by the specific conditions of our life. For example, in Europe, no one would think of trying to repair a damaged body part or a broken car - they are simply replaced with new ones. These methods are focused primarily on the elimination of through damage to the front surfaces and the underside of the vehicle.
General requirements, rules are as follows. If necessary, use a grinder to cut or expand the damaged area. The area to be repaired is cleaned of paint, rust, dirt. They are treated with anticorrosive or zinc, degreased. After sealing the holes at the repair site, a surface of the desired configuration is formed; if necessary, use a painting auto-putty. Then the body is prepared for painting.
Use a fiberglass putty. It is of the following types:
with fine fiberglass;
with averages;
with large ones.
To seal through damage, use a composition with large fibers. The method is suitable for small holes or when significant damage is located in the area of structural "pockets" that protect large masses of putty from shedding (for example, the front part of the hood above the radiator grille). To fix the composition during work, you can use shims that are installed on the back of the damage. Putty is the most unreliable method. They are mainly used as a last resort for urgent repairs and when there are no other alternatives.
Before starting work, the cleaned metal of the body is primed. Bubbles should be avoided when mixing putty with hardener. The composition is coated first inside, and then laid on top. When the damage is significant, the work is carried out in several stages. Allow one layer to dry, then apply the next. Drying takes place in a natural way.
The use of aluminum mesh makes it possible to repair more significant damage. It is applied to the hole and fixed with tape. At the end of the work, the tape is removed.
For more serious damage, fiberglass and an adhesive, which is prepared from epoxy or polyester resin, are used. Fiberglass is used to reinforce the patch. This method is more reliable than the previous one and also requires preliminary priming.
Several overlays are cut out of fiberglass in the shape of a hole. The size of the former ensures that the damage is overlapped by 2 cm. The subsequent pieces of fiberglass are larger than the previous ones; the latter completely covers the prepared bare metal of the repaired area.
The pads are impregnated with glue and installed, or applied to the damaged surface with the applied glue in ascending order of size. So that the fabric does not sag during work, with large holes, lining is installed. At the end of the work, the resin is allowed time to dry and set. The method is suitable for small damages.
Used to repair large damage. A patch made of a sheet of metal is tightly pressed against the body, the connection to which is made with solder. To ensure the strength of the soldering, a flux is used. This method is quite simple to implement and even a beginner can do it; in terms of reliability - something between welding and gluing. Solder and flux are selected based on the alloys of the metals to be joined. Soldering is carried out with a high power electric soldering iron.
relatively high cost (due to the high price of solder);
the connection is not strong enough (welding is much more reliable).
The metal patch should completely cover the hole. Before starting work, the soldering points on the pad and body are tinned (processed with solder with flux using a soldering iron). The larger the tinning area and, accordingly, soldering, the more reliable the connection. If the soldered pad protrudes strongly, then it is leveled on the surface of the car part with a hammer. The resulting dent is sealed with putty.
Riveted joints are used in the manufacture of bodies - this is a fairly reliable method of repair. Allows you to repair large areas of damage, change solid parts (fenders, aprons, for example). The attachment points should preferably be in an inconspicuous place. This method is better for repairing floors than welding, which in this case is rather unreliable.
The damaged area is cut out, and a new piece of metal or a fragment of a part is put in its place. Rivets must be steel - they are stronger and will not create conditions for electrochemical corrosion, unlike aluminum ones. Diameter 5 mm, for loaded places (in side members) - 6 mm. When replacing parts and their fragments, rivets are set, focusing on the points of factory welding. The rivets are painted before installation. You will need a special device - a riveter.
The bottom can be repaired with galvanized sheets and bolts. The damaged area is cut out. Two pieces of galvanized steel are cut out - external and internal. The floor is coated with bituminous mastic on both sides. The insulation must dry. Galvanized sheets are also treated with mastic before installation. Install the lower fragment, fix it with self-tapping screws, the protruding parts of which are cut off in the cabin. An inner sheet of metal is applied. The structure is fastened with bolts (M5 x 15 are suitable). Fixation is carried out sequentially along the perimeter to avoid bending of the sheets.
Video (click to play).
To repair large sill dents requiring replacement, the following can be applied. Several holes are drilled in the threshold, a tool is inserted into them, with which the bent section is straightened. The holes are removed using one of the above methods and, together with the residual dent, are prepared for painting.