In detail: do-it-yourself gazelle thresholds repair from a real master for the site
Freight and cargo-passenger "Gazelles" are intensively operated in a wide variety of road and climatic conditions. Therefore, this "workhorse" requires not only maintenance of the engine and transmission, but also the repair of some body parts. Watch a video on replacing thresholds on a Gazelle.
Aggressive external environment and sometimes unimportant quality of bodywork lead to the fact that the thresholds begin to rust and eventually become completely unusable.
Replacing thresholds on a Gazelle car is as follows:
- A set of new parts is purchased. It is quite expensive, so you need to choose the thresholds carefully.
- Old thresholds are carefully cut out with a grinder, the installation site is cleaned with it.
- In order for the thresholds to come in, you need to process the edges in the sinuses.
- The purchased parts are adjusted on site and installed. Make sure that there are no various inconsistencies and distortions.
- The joints are welded neatly.
- After the threshold is securely stuck and in place, the joints are removed. When working with a grinder, special care is needed so as not to damage the newly installed part. Be careful when performing work. To be confident in your actions - watch the video on how to replace the Gazelle thresholds.
Threshold handling is a separate issue. Now there are a lot of different car cosmetics on the market. Most often, new body parts are treated with "Movil". But this will only help in the case of new thresholds. If rust appears during operation, then it will no longer help; other means and more thorough study are needed.
Pay attention to what the welding is being done. Different types of welding machines and electrodes can produce different effects, sometimes the opposite of what you expected. Semi-automatic machines are often used. Some devices can simply burn through the part, so before proceeding with the replacement, consult with specialists.
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Gentlemen! Tell me please! who changed the thresholds on their own? where to start? the thresholds are rotten. winter is coming ... it's cold. If I go to the service, I'll lose my job. They are ready to do it in only 10 days. And they give me only 2 days off per week.
Well, the repairers always had a queue. So just sign up and send the car in for repair. If you don't have any skills, you just screw up!
Post has been edited by Nikolay A .: 11 November 2008 - 00:56
Gentlemen! Tell me please! who changed the thresholds on their own? where to start? the thresholds are rotten. winter is coming ... it's cold. If I go to the service, I'll lose my job. They are ready to do it in only 10 days. And they give me only 2 days off per week.
To begin with, you need a semiautomatic device, a place where you will not be pulled by your legs, a drill, a grinder, a couple of clamps. In principle, not anything complicated, if not glamor. In a couple of days, one side can be made without painting.
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Gentlemen! Tell me please! who changed the thresholds on their own? where to start? the thresholds are rotten. winter is coming ... it's cold. If I go to the service, I'll lose my job. They are ready to do it in only 10 days. And they give me only 2 days off per week.
You sit on the site in the evening, it will appear dyoma, you ask him questions. He changed all the metal in a circle on his own.
Well, the repairers always had a queue. So just sign up and send the car in for repair. If you don't have any skills, you just screw up!
I completely agree. You yourself get lost for a longer time without the skill and you won’t do it efficiently.
Gentlemen! Tell me please! who changed the thresholds on their own? where to start? the thresholds are rotten. winter is coming ... it's cold. If I go to the service, I'll lose my job. They are ready to do it in only 10 days. And they give me only 2 days off per week.
As I understand it, the machine is not yours. Do not worry. Buy pliers for rivets and rivets themselves. A drill, a grinder, drills and forward and with a song. If you do it competently, it will hold no worse than welding. Good luck to you dear.
Gentlemen! Tell me please! who changed the thresholds on their own? where to start? the thresholds are rotten. winter is coming ... it's cold. If I go to the service, I'll lose my job. They are ready to do it in only 10 days. And they give me only 2 days off per week.
there is only one way out of this situation, (in 2 days you will EXACTLY not have time) you cut off the threshold, a step (on one side start) at the same time such a thing as holes in the floor will pop up. In my version, it turned out that I had to cook the floor and weld on the edge with a margin, because there was nothing new to weld on, so think for yourself what is better for you? But you can slowly disassemble one side and do it without giving up work (well, you will ride with a hole on the footboard for a while), then another one.
Post has been editedDyoma: 11 November 2008 - 23:04
Here and again we will talk about the tin, and in particular about the thresholds and fenders of the gazelle, which I had to.
Cargo transportation: - go to our website. Instagram: Pages.
Review of repair linings for thresholds and doors Gazelle 2705. Repair of doors and thresholds.
Gazelle. Body repair. How do I change thresholds, footrests, etc. (the process itself). SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT. PLEASE.
Repair of footboards and thresholds on gazelles, on their own **
Do you know what is the most vulnerable point of many truck models? Yes, exactly the rapids. Most often, they, dear ones, become unusable and require a complete replacement. Find out how to replace this important gazelle body part with a minimum of time and effort. Is it possible to make such a repair at home?
Prevention increases the life of the vehicle
It is only in the films that the driver sat down, started the car and drove off. In real life, not everything is so simple. Before getting behind the wheel of a car, the driver must inspect the car, check the level of oil, coolant and brake fluid, the operation of the brake system, the handbrake, the pressure in the wheels, and see if there is a leak.
After all, it is easier to prevent a breakdown than to be nervous, figuring out how to drag the car to the garage or car service and how, by whose power to fix it.
Some still put their lives at risk, fearing that, like this “gazelle” in the photo, the car would not be broken into two parts on the road.
Daily routine check-ups for many drivers have become a habit, like brushing their teeth in the morning, and only takes a few minutes. What does it do?
First of all, safety on the road. And, as you know, a timely detected malfunction is much cheaper than body repair with replacement of parts and body parts, and with regular preventive maintenance, the service life of the car doubles.
Most often, we solve the problems that have arisen after the fact, we will learn how to remove scratches and align the roof of the car ourselves, what kind of protection of the bottom from corrosion is necessary, but it would be easier not to bring the car to major repairs.
How often do you need to carry out preventive inspections of trucks?
Daily - every day before departure and at the end of the day after the trip.
Periodic - after ten thousand kilometers or after six thousand if the truck was operated on bad roads.
Body repair of thresholds on the example of "gazelle"
“Gazelka” on our roads is a workhorse that can deliver cargo to any place, even off-road.And these circumstances: rains, mud, deep rut, freezing of the body in winter, lead to rust and destruction of metal.
The most vulnerable point is the rapids. If the car is operated by its owner, then he still treats his breadwinner with care. And when the car is rented and the driver is trying to squeeze as much out of it as possible, to make money, then there is no need to talk about careful prevention - the car is often not washed, the bottom is not processed.
Such a "gazelle" gets to body repair in a deplorable state, one might say, with almost rotten sills. Let's consider how to fix the situation.
It should be noted right away that when rust has eaten more than 60% of the metal on the thresholds, they must be changed. You can do this with your own hands in an ordinary garage.
Stages of replacing the gazelle thresholds
Before you carry out body repairs, carefully inspect the thresholds, if there is no possibility of repairing without replacing these body parts, go to a car dealership, better specialized, for a repair insert.
Thoroughly clean the thresholds from dirt and rust, dry, determine the place that needs to be removed.
Attach the repair insert, carefully trace around with chalk so that you do not cut off anything unnecessary later.
Start cutting one centimeter below the line. If you cut along the line or higher, then the insert will be smaller, it will start to fall through, and you will not be able to weld it. When doing this kind of body repair, these nuances will help you get it right.
Take a hem bend, trim the edges, clean to keep it even and free from rust, try on the insert, secure, you may need to adjust it.
Now, on the insert, you need to punch holes with a hole punch through which you will weld it, the density is two centimeters. Screw the part with self-tapping screws. In fact, there is even a video that captures body repair - the moment of welding and replacement of thresholds.
Begin to weld the insert, and you need to cook over the resulting holes overlap up to three millimeters. If you try to cook with a continuous seam, this place of the body will lead. Cook pointwise, but first through one hole, each time cooling the point, then weld on the missing places - this way is stronger and more reliable.
Do not forget to use a protective mask for welding so as not to burn your face and catch bunnies, that is, not to damage your eyes.
Once the weld is finished, begin to clean the weld. The inner one must be primed and passed through with a special joint sealant. The outer one should first be putty, then primed for painting. How we prepare the car for painting, you can refresh your memory.
Pick the right shade of paint and finish off by painting the thresholds. Now they will serve you for several more years, given that they did everything for themselves and conscientiously.
Should you perform body repairs with the replacement of thresholds yourself? Definitely yes. Let's just say: if you want to save time, because there is no guarantee of quick repairs in a car workshop, and money - you can buy repair inserts for the cost of repairs, then do-it-yourself repairs will be very beneficial to you.
Regardless of whether you have a new car or not, sooner or later you have to deal with threshold breakdowns. This problem is caused by the poor quality of roads, a large number of holes, or just a love of extreme driving. It is quite possible to repair thresholds on a car with your own hands: what is needed for this - we will find out further.
Thresholds on a car play several roles at once:
- Protect car from mechanical damage, scratches, deformations, etc.
- Help passengers when exiting and entering the salon.
- Protects body sills.
- They are a stylish addition to the car, making it visually more attractive.
Repair of thresholds on a car must be carried out in accordance with the design. It can be different: plastic, metal, chrome, with or without backlighting.Thresholds may or may not be removable, which must also be taken into account during repair work.
For non-removable elements, a special repair technology will be required. Such sills are securely welded to the surface of the car, so you will have to work carefully so as not to damage the surface of the car.
To repair the thresholds with your own hands without welding, you will need:
- special solution for removing rust;
- epoxy adhesive;
- solvent;
- aluminum powder (silver);
- sandpaper;
- putty;
- fiberglass;
- glue brush.
This technology will help to cope with rust even in the deep layers of the threshold and prevent its further spread. First you need to thoroughly remove the rust with a solution. Next - dilute the epoxy resin with silver and hardener and apply to the degreased surface of the threshold. Next, pieces of fiberglass are applied to the glue surface (there should be at least 4-5 pieces), which are then rolled with a rubber roller, for greater bonding to each other.
Now we are waiting for polymerization, which takes about 12 hours. At the final stage of the implementation of this method, it is necessary to grind irregularities, apply a primer, and only then proceed to painting.
Important! Bodywork and sills repair can also be done fiberglass (fiberglass), you can learn more about this technology in the section “Body repair ".
To repair the thresholds of a car with our own hands, we need a base plate (or workbench), a grinder, a welding machine and special tools for straightening. Sometimes a drawing tool can come in handy.
The repair technology is as follows:
- If minor repairs are required, then first use a hood to correct unevennessto smooth the surface. For this, you can use a spotter or an inertial puller.
- If a more serious body repair is needed, then you will need to remove the doors and take out the seats. This will prevent damage to them. After that, straightening is performed: a square-shaped window is cut out in the side of the threshold, through which the damage is straightened using hydraulic tools, anvils or hoods. When the work is completed, the window can be welded.
- Also, the threshold can be welded along the seam where it was welded earlier. In this case, straightening will be done using an anvil.
Be careful when working with welding. Be sure to use special gloves and a face shield.
The amount of work with the thresholds on the Volkswagen Passat B 3 will independently depend on the degree of their damage: sometimes you have to resort to extreme measures and use a partial replacement of a part. Experts give the following recommendations:
- It is best not to save on repairs and, if necessary, replace old damaged parts with new ones.
- The highest quality repair result will be obtained only with the use of a welding machine.
- It is not recommended to use iron and zinc thresholds when replacing: they are not very durable and take a long time to install.
On the market there is a fairly large range of thresholds for body repair of the Passat B3. The best option is to choose strong, close to "native" thresholds, they will last longer and will be convenient to install.
During repair work on the thresholds of this model, it is important to consider the following features:
- Rotten thresholds need to be replaced with new ones, trying to save on this will be more expensive for yourself in the future.
- At the end of the repair work, it is especially important to use an anti-corrosion compound.
- For this car model, it is better to choose plastic sills.
Body sills for Honda can be purchased both new and used. When choosing the latter, take into account their degree of wear and tear, pay attention to the price.Do not skimp on repairing your car yourself: then it will last longer.
Repair of removable thresholds on any car can be done quite easily with your own hands. This is due to the fact that this part can be processed simply by removing it, separately from the car. A very convenient option with a minimum of costs. However, here you should pay attention to some features:
- Removable thresholds wear out faster and in case of damage (especially mechanical) they will have to be replaced with new ones.
- Replacing the thresholds is very quick and does not require additional efforts or tools: the main thing is to choose a suitable replacement part.
- Slight curvatures of removable thresholds can be easily straightened with hoods, and slight corrosion can be corrected with a thin layer of putty.
Self-repair of car sills is available even for beginners, especially if we are talking about minor damage. However, if the damage is serious and you do not know how to solve the problem, then it is better to contact the specialists from the auto repair shop.
The price of the proposed repair kit for body parts is from 11 thousand rubles and more and depends on the seller.
Before ordering, we defect areas bodyto be replaced by repair parts and spare parts.
We order and buy body auto parts, we carry out the repair ourselves or in the service.
Repair video
The repair procedure is as follows:
- we mark places on the body for cutting, applying the appropriate auto parts from the kit, and then we cut them out in an accessible way (cutting, cutting). The most suitable and safest way is an abrasive machine. At the same time, fire safety during work is maximum, which is important when carrying out repairs in the garage.
Your car has temporarily become even more unsightly with its black sinuses in the body. We process the edges of the sinuses, leveling them with an available tool with a chamfer for subsequent welding. You can even process it with a broom file, but better with an abrasive machine. This is both better and faster.
We proceed to the second stage of work:
- installation and tacking of new body parts from the purchased kit. This work must be done especially carefully - without distortions and in place.
Then we weld the joints. For this, the most suitable method is Gas-electric welding (if there is such an apparatus), but Gas-welding or welding with electrodes (preferably with direct current) can also be used. After welding, we align and clean the welding joints either with a file or an abrasive machine.
We prime and paint, admire our work, whispering to ourselves: not only gods burn pots.

Having completed the repairs with your own hands, you will save your money and earn the right to bang your fist on the table and ask: “Who is the boss in the house?”, But waste your time. The choice is yours.
Regardless of whether you have a new car or not, sooner or later you have to deal with threshold breakdowns. This problem is caused by the poor quality of roads, a large number of holes, or just a love of extreme driving. It is quite possible to repair thresholds on a car with your own hands: what is needed for this - we will find out further.
Thresholds on a car play several roles at once:
- Protect car from mechanical damage, scratches, deformations, etc.
- Help passengers when exiting and entering the salon.
- Protects body sills.
- They are a stylish addition to the car, making it visually more attractive.
Repair of thresholds on a car must be carried out in accordance with the design. It can be different: plastic, metal, chrome, with or without backlighting. Thresholds may or may not be removable, which must also be taken into account during repair work.
For non-removable elements, a special repair technology will be required.Such sills are securely welded to the surface of the car, so you will have to work carefully so as not to damage the surface of the car.
To repair the thresholds with your own hands without welding, you will need:
- special solution for removing rust;
- epoxy adhesive;
- solvent;
- aluminum powder (silver);
- sandpaper;
- putty;
- fiberglass;
- glue brush.
This technology will help to cope with rust even in the deep layers of the threshold and prevent its further spread. First you need to thoroughly remove the rust with a solution. Next - dilute the epoxy resin with silver and hardener and apply to the degreased surface of the threshold. Next, pieces of fiberglass are applied to the glue surface (there should be at least 4-5 pieces), which are then rolled with a rubber roller, for greater bonding to each other.
Now we are waiting for polymerization, which takes about 12 hours. At the final stage of the implementation of this method, it is necessary to grind irregularities, apply a primer, and only then proceed to painting.
Important! Bodywork and sills repair can also be done fiberglass (fiberglass), you can learn more about this technology in the section “Body repair ".
To repair the thresholds of a car with our own hands, we need a base plate (or workbench), a grinder, a welding machine and special tools for straightening. Sometimes a drawing tool can come in handy.
The repair technology is as follows:
- If minor repairs are required, then first use a hood to correct unevennessto smooth the surface. For this, you can use a spotter or an inertial puller.
- If a more serious body repair is needed, then you will need to remove the doors and take out the seats. This will prevent damage to them. After that, straightening is performed: a square-shaped window is cut out in the side of the threshold, through which the damage is straightened using hydraulic tools, anvils or hoods. When the work is completed, the window can be welded.
- Also, the threshold can be welded along the seam where it was welded earlier. In this case, straightening will be done using an anvil.
Be careful when working with welding. Be sure to use special gloves and a face shield.
The amount of work with the thresholds on the Volkswagen Passat B 3 will independently depend on the degree of their damage: sometimes you have to resort to extreme measures and use a partial replacement of a part. Experts give the following recommendations:
- It is best not to save on repairs and, if necessary, replace old damaged parts with new ones.
- The highest quality repair result will be obtained only with the use of a welding machine.
- It is not recommended to use iron and zinc thresholds when replacing: they are not very durable and take a long time to install.
On the market there is a fairly large range of thresholds for body repair of the Passat B3. The best option is to choose strong, close to "native" thresholds, they will last longer and will be convenient to install.
During repair work on the thresholds of this model, it is important to consider the following features:
- Rotten thresholds need to be replaced with new ones, trying to save on this will be more expensive for yourself in the future.
- At the end of the repair work, it is especially important to use an anti-corrosion compound.
- For this car model, it is better to choose plastic sills.
Body sills for Honda can be purchased both new and used. When choosing the latter, take into account their degree of wear and tear, pay attention to the price. Do not skimp on repairing your car yourself: then it will last longer.
Repair of removable thresholds on any car can be done quite easily with your own hands.This is due to the fact that this part can be processed simply by removing it, separately from the car. A very convenient option with a minimum of costs. However, here you should pay attention to some features:
- Removable thresholds wear out faster and in case of damage (especially mechanical) they will have to be replaced with new ones.
- Replacing the thresholds is very quick and does not require additional efforts or tools: the main thing is to choose a suitable replacement part.
- Slight curvatures of removable thresholds can be easily straightened with hoods, and slight corrosion can be corrected with a thin layer of putty.
Self-repair of car sills is available even for beginners, especially if we are talking about minor damage. However, if the damage is serious and you do not know how to solve the problem, then it is better to contact the specialists from the auto repair shop.
- How to replace thresholds?
- 1. When do you need to replace the thresholds?
- 2. Materials for replacing thresholds
- 3. How to repair or replace thresholds with your own hands?

Thresholds are not the only vulnerability of the vehicle, and arches and the bottom of the car often suffer along with them. This happens not only due to unscrupulous car care, but also due to the "fatigue" of the old metal, as a result of which corrosion appears. In such cases, the damaged areas must be repaired or replaced. True, in practice, the bottoms of cars are amenable to restoration, and new arches and thresholds are usually installed. In both cases, it is important to carefully handle metal cuts - this is the first condition for the reliability of the replacement.
There may be several reasons for the need to repair thresholds. However, the most common among them are the appearance of rust (corrosion) or severe damage resulting from an accident or severe mechanical wear (sometimes this happens). In both cases, before proceeding to replacing the thresholds, it is necessary to assess their condition and understand whether it is necessary to change the entire part or replace only the damaged part. This can be helped by the determination of the limits of the corrosive effect on the metal, expressed in the absence of a paint-and-lacquer coating or the appearance of air formations under it. In the latter case, a clear sign of this is the easy separation of the paint, for which it is only necessary to touch it with some instrument with a metal tip.

Like any other type of repair work, replacing car thresholds requires certain tools. It includes: a workbench, a set of screwdrivers, a welding machine, a pneumatic chisel, an angle grinder (commonly referred to as a "grinder"), various tools for straightening. You may need some other tools (for example, wrenches) to dismantle the fasteners, but often the listed components are sufficient.
Before proceeding with the direct replacement of the thresholds on your car, you need to understand their types. The fact is that there are two options for these elements: removable and non-removable (they are much more common). In the latter case, the repair work will take a little more time, because the thresholds are welded to the base of the body and form a single whole with it, which means they will have to be cut out.

If your car is more than 10 years old, then, most likely, it has non-removable thresholds, and repairs will not be an easy task. Nevertheless, subject to certain rules and strict adherence to all stages of repair measures, you will succeed.
To begin with, consider the process of replacing removable thresholds.
• After unscrewing the screws, dismantle the parts;
• If the thresholds need to be straightened, it can be performed on any hard surface (for example, on a workbench) using a special straightening tool as a tool;
• In cases where the problems are over and the parts do not require replacement, the thresholds are returned to their original place. True, it should be noted that the installation of thresholds for different car models may have its own characteristics, which will help you learn about the technical documentation of the vehicle.

It makes no sense to repair plastic products either, because they do not lend themselves to editing and straightening at all, which means that they can be considered an ordinary consumable. (wear out quickly, but do not corrode). For correct and tight installation of plastic thresholds, it is enough that the holes for the self-tapping screws are at a distance of no more than 4-5 centimeters from each other, and after you manage to install the door sills, do not forget to anti-corrosion treatment of all fasteners.
Now consider the option of replacing non-removable vehicle sills. First you have to dismantle the car doors and side fenders. In fact, this is not a difficult task, because on most modern cars, these elements are fastened with bolts, and the procedure for their removal does not take much time.
Then the old or damaged threshold is cut (cut out) along the line of the welding joint (for this purpose, a grinder, a drill with a small-diameter drill or a sharp chisel is used). In the event that the elements are damaged by through corrosion, it will be necessary to replace the trim and the connector. Note! The easiest way is to remove the sills in parts: first near the front door, then next to the rear door, and finally at the B-pillar between the doors.

Before installing a new part, it is necessary to drill a number of holes along the line of connection of the overlays with the threshold. (the hole diameter is 5 mm and the distance between them should be about 5 cm). This completes the preparatory stage, and you can proceed to welding a new body element. It is worth noting that all actions must be performed as carefully as possible, precisely fitting the part to the mating parts, thereby ensuring the rigidity of the entire structure.
It is better to start welding work from the upper part of the threshold, gradually moving to the lower part, and the part should be pressed in the direction of welding. After finishing welding, do not forget to carefully process the seams with a grinder, thereby leveling the entire surface.
If grooves and irregularities appear, apply a thin layer of repair putty to the area, and after it dries, carefully level the surface flush with the metal part. Upon completion of all work, the surface of the thresholds should be well degreased with special means and covered with a layer of soil, after which you can proceed to painting the surface of the element and reassembling the body (doors and fenders are installed in their places).
Do-it-yourself car door repair
Sharp temperature changes and high humidity in the cold season adversely affect the state of the body paintwork, resulting in the formation of foci of corrosion. Vehicle sills, along with the underbody, are the most susceptible body element to these factors, and sooner or later they begin to rust. The thresholds of domestic cars are especially vulnerable.
In addition, they are constantly exposed to vibrational loads, bending and torques, which leads to a violation of their original geometry. There are often dents, including due to an incorrectly installed jack and road accidents.
And then a problem arises: how to repair the thresholds of the car and can you do it yourself, in a garage? The answer lies on the surface - if you have at least basic locksmith skills, it will not be difficult to repair or replace the threshold with your own hands.
Car sills are of two types: removable and non-removable. The most common are non-removable sills welded to the base of the body. They form a single whole with the bottom, with their help the lower car body frame is formed, giving it the necessary rigidity.
Removable side skirts protect against wheel emissions and minor impacts. They are installed directly in the passenger compartment of the car, and are attached to the base of the body with screws.
Most modern vehicles have removable metal or plastic sills. To repair them, you do not need a special tool or a welding machine, because they can be easily removed and can be straightened or replaced at a convenient place. For many motorists, it is important how to repair thresholds without welding, since not every garage has a semiautomatic device. And for removable thresholds, it is not needed.
If the car is more than 10 years old, it is almost certainly equipped with non-removable thresholds. For them, repair is a rather difficult task, therefore, we will describe the process of repairing and replacing car thresholds with our own hands in great detail, we will also present photos showing the sequence of work performed.
Removable sills must be removed before repairing the vehicle. They are fastened with self-tapping screws, which must be unscrewed with a screwdriver. If the thresholds need straightening. it must be carried out on a workbench or other rigid, level surface. To successfully remove deformation, it is worth using a special tool for straightening and straightening.
After straightening, it is necessary to install thresholds on the car.Installation for each car model has its own characteristics, so we advise you to find on the Web how to install plastic thresholds on Chiron, Tuareg and other cars. The installation of thresholds for Grant and other domestic cars has its own characteristics, which will be discussed below.
Do-it-yourself repair of rotten thresholds is impractical, in this case, a complete replacement of the thresholds is carried out, as shown in the photo. And if for removable thresholds everything is quite simple - just buy a new part and screw it on, then for non-removable thresholds everything is much more complicated. Especially often, the replacement of thresholds is required on outdated models of domestic cars: GAZ 3110, Moskvich 2141, Gazelle, VAZ 2101-2107. Moreover, they will have to be replaced along with the racks.
It makes no sense to repair plastic thresholds, since they cannot be straightened or straightened. They wear out faster, but at the same time do not corrode. How to install plastic thresholds correctly? With the help of self-tapping screws, for a good fit, it is enough that the holes for the self-tapping screws are at a distance of no more than 4-5 cm. After you have been able to install the door sills, you need to carry out their anti-corrosion treatment. We advise you to look at the installation of door sills in order to do the job correctly.
Repair of non-removable thresholds is carried out differently. First, you will have to free up space around the threshold, you will need to dismantle doors, seats and floor coverings. Further actions depend on the nature of the defect.
With minor deformations of the threshold, the dent is straightened from the outside using a spotter. Also, some device (for example, a steel bar) can be welded to the surface of the threshold in the place of the flaw, and then stretching is performed with muscular effort. You can also use a winch. After removing the dent, the bar must be cut off with a grinder and the weld spot must be cleaned.
You can also remove dents if you drill a hole in the threshold. through which you need to insert the hook and straighten the dent. After removing the unevenness, the hole must be welded and the welded area must be sanded.
To eliminate large dents with metal breaks, a rectangular window is cut out in the body of the threshold, into which a special anvil is inserted, which allows the metal to be supported when the dent is repaired. It can be used as a classical method of straightening, as well as drawing or leveling with a hydraulic tool.
After straightening, the cut out window is welded with metal of a suitable geometry.
It is also possible to make transverse cuts in the sill with separation of the weld points. The metal must be bent, and the anvil is inserted through the resulting hole, after which the straightening can be performed. After the end of the work, the slot is welded.
If the threshold is slightly rusted in several places, it is impractical to make a complete replacement of the thresholds. It is better to clean the places from corrosion, then weld patches over them with spot welding.
If the section of the threshold is corroded or has severely deformed places, it will have to be replaced. Before replacing the thresholds, the defective section of the old threshold is cut off with a grinder. Then, in its place, either a new threshold or a structure suitable in geometry and dimensions is welded. It is quite possible to do it yourself.
This technology for replacing thresholds is suitable for most cars of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant family. How to make an independent replacement of thresholds for Oka, VAZ 2104, VAZ 2105, VAZ 2106, VAZ 2107, VAZ 2109, VAZ 21099, VAZ 2110, VAZ 2112, VAZ 2121 Niva, look at.
First, it is necessary to dismantle the interfering body elements. Then you need to remove the old threshold. To do this carefully, you first need to cut out the thresholds under the front door, then under the rear, and at the end listen to the threshold in the middle, near the counter. If the post is not damaged, then the weld spots must be carefully drilled out and then the threshold must be separated.It is recommended to leave 5-6 cm of the body of the old threshold in front and behind, so that the new one has something to dock when welding.
The places where the removed threshold was located must be thoroughly cleaned of rust.
Before replacing the thresholds on the Niva, Oka or other VAZ, the new threshold must be adjusted in size. In front, it should lie end-to-end with the protruding body of the old threshold, and in the back it should lie on top of the remaining part. A cutout must be made in the area of the rack so that the old elements of the threshold do not interfere with the good joining of the elements. Then you can start welding.
If the rack of a domestic car is damaged, it is worth replacing it together with replacing the threshold with your own hands. We advise you to see how to replace the threshold with a VAZ 2109 or 2110. Before replacing the thresholds together with the rack, you must dismantle the old elements. To do this, a spar of the middle pillar is cut out in the roof area by welding or a grinder and the old elements are dismantled.
Places of installation of new racks and thresholds are carefully cleaned from metal residues left after cutting. Next, you need to level the surface of the side member and fit the new part of the side member to the seat. Replacing the side members on the Niva or on the VAZ 2019 does not have significant differences. If you haven’t come across the repair of side members of a car with your own hands before, see how this is done.
Then the new elements are assembled into place, fastened and welded. Thresholds and uprights are ready for filler. Then the surface is primed and painted. After the paint is dry, you need to install the doors and adjust the gaps.
Self-repair of car thresholds should end with the treatment of the inner and outer surfaces of the threshold with anticorrosive material to prevent the development of rust. For this, it is best to use compounds based on bitumen. Such protection is called anti-gravel protection. It is a rubber-like coating that not only reliably protects the thresholds from corrosion, but also prevents the impact of gravel on the thresholds, bouncing off the road while driving.
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Some car manufacturers protect the inner surface of the sills from corrosion with conventional foam. In the factory, this can be done efficiently, but it is not recommended to do it yourself. Since the foam will completely fill the inner space of the thresholds, it will be difficult for air to enter there. In this case, water can accumulate inside the thresholds, which will not have time to dry, which, on the contrary, will lead to damage to the thresholds and the development of foci of corrosion.