DIY garage ceiling repair

In detail: DIY garage ceiling repair from a real master for the site

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Most people consider the garage to be the best place to protect their car. But at the same time, some car owners do not know how to properly finish the coatings, what materials should be used for this. Today we will talk about how you can decorate the ceiling in such premises.

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Today, there are a huge variety of options for finishing the ceiling covering in the garage. First of all, before performing the necessary repair work, decide how to hem the overlap. The most popular and affordable material for this is regular plywood.

Such material is in great demand among buyers., as it has a number of significant advantages: lightness, environmental friendliness, high moisture resistance, low price, easy installation.

Quite often, renovation experts recommend covering such ceilings with special resins. They will be able to give the surface additional strength and hardness.

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Often, many people try to sheathe the ceilings in their garages with other materials (metal, plastic). But at the same time, a large number of professional builders claim that these options are inferior to wood-based coatings. After all, they cannot boast of the same necessary properties. It is also important to note that coatings made from such materials are far from cheap to buyers.

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We must not forget that wood elements look beautiful and beneficial on almost any surface. Its natural beautiful pattern will give your garage a great look. Sometimes designers are advised to combine different shades of wood species or add metal or plastic inserts to them to add elegance.

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According to generally accepted standards, the height of the canvas in the garage should be at least 2 m. But if you do not want to make the room too cramped and crowded, you should raise the ceiling a little (up to 2.5 m). This solution is relevant for those who decide to decorate the ceiling with plywood or a simple board.

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To select a sufficient ceiling height in the garage, you need to pay attention to the following things:

  • Dimensions of automatic gate mechanisms.
  • Car size.
  • Adequate space to accommodate light sources.
  • Additional headroom (150-250 mm).
  • Area for the location of individual necessary items.

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All of the above points must be paid attention to in order to properly sew the ceiling. Otherwise, you may have serious problems with the garage space. You simply cannot close the structure, and you will have to redo the cover.

Today, there is a huge variety of options on the building materials market that are suitable for decorating ceilings in garages. Among them: wooden lining, drywall, profiled sheet, polystyrene, plastic panels, fiberboard and PVC boards, as well as OSB sheets.

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If you decide to decorate the ceiling in your garage with this material, then you will need a mandatory surface treatment with special solutions and substances. They have a fire-fighting and antifungal effect. It is best to cover such a surface with an antiseptic. After these procedures, paint and varnishes are applied to the finished ceiling.

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Plasterboard ceiling filing does not take too much time and effort. It is important to note that this type of material is distinguished by its environmental friendliness, safety and affordable cost.

Image - DIY garage ceiling repair

Despite such advantages, this type of design also has significant disadvantages:

  • visually reduces the height of the room;
  • difficult to clean;
  • quickly loses color;
  • there is a high probability of cracking;
  • low resistance to various mechanical damage and shock.

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This material for ceiling sheathing is sufficiently moisture resistant, lightweight and durable. But at the same time it has a high thermal conductivity. Because of this, the profiled sheet must be pre-insulated.

Before installing the profiled sheet ceiling, it is imperative to fasten the frame.

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Plates made of this material are attached with special adhesive agents to iron structures. Separate parts of the part should be placed as close to each other as possible, this will make the surface even. To give a beautiful look, it is better to paint such a ceiling. Also, this type of coverage can be made curly and build several tiers.

This technique will give your garage an original and beautiful look.

Image - DIY garage ceiling repair

This option has a number of advantages.

These include:

  • low cost;
  • aesthetics;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to decay;
  • ease of cleaning and care.

Image - DIY garage ceiling repair

Some experts, despite the considerable list of advantages of this material, note one important drawback. Such plastic products are not highly resistant to various mechanical damage. It is possible that a very slight impact will be enough to damage the coating of this material.

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Panels made of this material are perfect for lining the ceiling. They are easy enough to install. They are often simply glued to the main frame structure. Do not forget that such boards should be kept in the garage for several days beforehand. This is necessary for the acclimatization of the material.

Before laying the boards, they should be treated with resins and mixtures, which will give them greater moisture resistance and strength. Also, this procedure will prevent rotting and the formation of fungus. It is advisable to cover the material with such substances several times to achieve the best effect.

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Such material is obtained from the waste left after the primary processing of wood. In the manufacture of such panels, different types of tree species are used. This material does not require too large financial costs from buyers. It is easy to finish and can be glued with construction glue. That is why many consumers prefer OSB sheets.

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Currently, many car owners prefer to install a stretch ceiling in their garages. This type of coating design has a large list of positive properties (durability, environmental friendliness, ease of installation, safety, aesthetics). Also, some repair specialists separately note the ease of cleaning this type of coating. Ceiling dirt can be easily removed with just about any modern alcohol-based detergent.

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Today in hardware stores you can find the two most common types of stretch ceilings for garages: fabric and polyvinyl chloride. Most experts and ordinary buyers recommend using a convenient and simple PVC film with a glossy finish in such premises. Such material will be able to serve its owners for a long time.

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Another type of garage ceiling is a suspended ceiling. Quite often, people think that there is no difference between a given ceiling and a stretch ceiling, but this is far from the case. Indeed, when laying the hinged type, the product is attached using adhesive mixtures to a special durable frame, in contrast to the tension type, which is installed using heating devices.

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According to many designers and repair specialists, a suspended ceiling covering has many advantages (it helps to create an absolutely smooth surface, ease of installation, allows you to hide irregularities and wires, makes the space visually larger). This type of coating can be matte, glossy, mirror, and even glass. But for the garage, it is the matte base that is most often used.

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Quite often, the owners of garage premises decide to simply concrete the ceiling. This option is the cheapest and easiest. But today designers can offer a huge variety of techniques on how to decorate concrete pavement and turn it into a modern art object. Therefore, you do not need to think that such types of design will be too boring, because you yourself can make this coating beautiful and interesting.

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The process of installing thermal insulation plays an important role in creating a ceiling in a garage. Today, there are a large number of options for how to carry out this procedure. You can do this kind of work with your own hands without much difficulty, because it does not require too much time and effort.

Insulation is needed for almost any garage. Indeed, quite often the overlap begins to release a certain amount of moisture, as a result of which condensation forms. And this can cause the destruction of the entire structure. Correctly carried out repairs will allow you to avoid such serious problems.

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Today builders can offer consumers several types of ceiling insulation material. These include glass wool, foam and mineral wool. If you have a metal coating installed in your room, then it is best for you to use foil products. You can attach them using construction glue. It is most profitable to install them on frame structures made of corrugated board.

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Styrofoam and mineral wool are usually inserted between wood or metal parts of the flooring. But it should be borne in mind that the insulation is best placed under the main frame. This is necessary because these types of materials are almost impossible to process with polyurethane foam.

Starting the interior finishing work of a newly built garage, or starting a repair in an old one, the question arises - how to repair the ceiling in the garage with your own hands? And this is understandable, because the ceiling in this room should not be so much beautiful as it should completely exclude possible leaks of storm and melt water, which can lead to a short circuit in the wiring, the appearance of dampness and mold. All these questions will be discussed in our article.

First you need to insulate the roof

Before starting the interior decoration of the garage, you need to pay special attention to the implementation of roofing work. The roof insulation level will determine the presence or absence of indoor humidity problems.

Most of the domestic garages are located in specially designated cooperatives. In such garages, the roofs are always flat, without any slope, which often causes a "wet ceiling" effect. Water can stagnate on them, and the main thing is that it does not find its way into the room. Very often, the roof of the garage and the initial surface of the ceiling is a reinforced concrete floor.

The most standard version of roof insulation consists in sealing it by making a multi-layer roll-bitumen carpet. The work begins with a thorough cleaning of the concrete base, including the small parapet. They are coated with a thick layer of bituminous mastic.

Then, on top of the bitumen, with an overlap, roofing material is laid along the length of the roof, with a bend of about 10-15 cm at the junctions to the parapet. For additional fixation, the roll-type material is nailed to the base.

After the next layer of mastic, an additional layer of roofing material is laid on the carpet in the same way, but in the transverse direction. After that - another layer of bitumen.

The last in all this mixture will be coarse roofing material, which spreads perpendicular to the previous layer. The cost of this coating is minimal, and the service life is at least 10 years. Yes, and you can carry out preparatory repairs to the ceiling in the garage with your own hands without any problems.

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Naturally, there are other options for creating roofing, using different, more expensive materials.

When the roof of the garage is carefully sealed, you can begin interior decoration. But first you need to decide on the type of ceiling covering and the number of lamps.


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If there is a need to insulate the ceiling, a frame option is chosen for finishing it. Only decorative coatings are changed.

The technological part of the work is practically the same for any type of suspended and false ceilings.

Its essence consists in the installation of a frame made of a metal profile or a crate made of wood, in the cells of which the insulation is placed. Naturally, it is cheaper to create a frame from wooden blocks than from a metal profile, but its service life is much shorter.