In detail: do-it-yourself ceiling repair tiles from a real master for the site
Repair always causes some difficulties and questions.
Some of them relate to the type of building material and its qualities, others to the methods of installation.
Everyone wants to make repairs inexpensively, but with the highest quality.
Let's consider how to glue the ceiling tile with our own hands, we will figure out what types of this material are, and how to choose it correctly.
The modern market offers an immense amount of various finishing materials for interior and exterior work.
Ceiling tiles in the interior
One of these is ceiling tiles. There are several types of it:
Injection is a solid dense tile. It holds well and is easy to assemble. Moreover, it can be painted in any color with water-based paint. Such tiles fit both flat and defective surfaces.
Stamped tiles are considered the most budgetary and common option. It easily withstands changes in temperature and humidity. That is, it is ideal for rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom, shower or kitchen.
Extruded foam tile. It is a strong, dense and durable material that can be painted, washed, cleaned. For its manufacture, a high-quality material is used - dense foam and sophisticated equipment, with the help of which the tile is dense and durable.
As a rule, ceiling tiles are produced in a standard size - 0.5 * 0.5 meters. They are square, but due to their softness, they can be easily cut. Thanks to this, you can simply spontane the ceiling from square modules or come up with some kind of geometric pattern, which will make the design of the room more interesting and attractive.
Video (click to play).
Like any building material, foam ceiling tiles have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them on the eve of the repair in order to weigh and compare all the pros and cons. The advantages of this building material include the following factors:
Originality and uniqueness. Due to the shape of the tile, you can create a variety of patterns on the ceiling from it. At the same time, the modules can be painted with water-based paint in different colors, which will add originality to the ceiling. In addition, the tiles are easy to re-paint. Thanks to this, you can refresh the room at least every six months and make it unique by decorating the ceiling.
Ease of installation. The tiles are very light and soft. It is easy to transport, since its weight is a couple of grams, and its size is 50 * 50 centimeters. During installation, it is easily glued, does not create any inconvenience, completely duplicates the shape of the surface. No special tools are needed to cut the tiles - a sharpened knife is enough.
Additional qualities are heat and sound insulation. By its properties, polyfoam is one of the best heat-conducting materials. By making the ceiling from such a tile, you can muffle the sounds from the neighbors upstairs and keep the room warm longer.
Versatility - such a tile can be laid on a surface of any material - plasterboard, chipboard, plaster, concrete, whitewash, and so on.
In addition to its advantages, this material has one important drawback - it does not allow air to pass through. That is, the wall does not breathe under it. Because of this, mold and mildew may appear over time. But in order to avoid this, there are special impregnations with which materials are pre-processed to protect against parasites and mold.
In order to glue the tiles, you must first prepare the surface. To do this, you need to remove the previous coating. If there are obvious flaws on the surface, you need to use plaster and level them.
After that, the ceiling is completely skinned and cleaned. When all the dust is removed, you need to treat the surface with a primer, so that the adhesive material better adheres to the ceiling surface.
When the primer is dry, you can start working. The first step is to mark with a pencil the places where the tiles will be placed. Then the solution is prepared and the installation of the tiles begins.
Ceiling tiles can be fixed in several ways:
the tile is attached to the glue (silicone) if the ceiling is even
on plaster or adhesive for tiles or drywall, if there are flaws and irregularities on the surface - the solution will help to level them and at the same time mount a beautiful surface
What material to attach to - it is up to the master to choose. When fastening to a flat surface, the following algorithm is used:
An initial section on the ceiling is selected and coated with adhesive. Too large areas do not need to be smeared right away so that the solution does not dry out.
The tile is applied to the ceiling and gently snuggled with your hands and smoothed around the entire perimeter (you need to hold it for 30-60 seconds for the glue to freeze a little).
The next tile is installed end-to-end to the first one using the same technology.
Thus, the entire material is applied. If necessary, the tiles are carefully trimmed, having previously accurately measured the required dimensions. It is important to bear in mind that the ceiling may be uneven, therefore the tiles will have to be cut as well.
If the surface is initially flat, without visible flaws, then you can immediately mount the main material. If there are irregularities, then in this case there are certain nuances.
To glue the ceiling tile to an uneven ceiling, it is better to use a tile mortar or putty instead of foam glue. It is much denser in structure, due to which it will create an additional leveling effect. It should not be applied to the slab, but directly to the ceiling. It is also necessary to make grooves in order for the foam to hold well.
Too much mortar is not needed, it is worth starting with a minimum layer that will help level the surface. At one time, you can apply a solution to the ceiling on an area of 1x1 meter, that is, on four modules. Such an area is easy to level, and at the same time the solution will not have time to harden. The tile is neatly applied to the ceiling and is easily pressed evenly around the entire perimeter.
In order for the ceiling to be flat in the end, it is necessary to control the depth of pressing the foam into the solution, for this it is recommended to take a level. Thus, you need to process the entire surface of the ceiling.
Another non-standard situation that interests novice builders is how to glue ceiling tiles to whitewash. To do this, the ceiling is carefully cleaned with sandpaper, then all dust is removed and the surface is covered with a primer in 2-3 layers. After that, you need to hold it with your hand (when the soil material dries up), if the whitewash is not taken, then you can start. The mounting technology is the same as usual.
If in the process of work a solution gets on the tile, it must be removed immediately, otherwise it will be impossible when it hardens. After the ceiling is completely glued, it must be allowed time to dry.
After that, the corners are processed. It is best to use foam baguettes. They are applied in the same way as tiles. If desired, the ceiling can be painted with water-based paint.
In order for the quality of tile laying to be at the highest level, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the advice of experienced craftsmen:
If the thinnest tile is used, then it is better to use silicone or acrylic in pistols for fixing it. Other material will make it heavier and cause deformation.
For uneven ceilings, it is better to use the densest tiles and preferably with a pattern. This effect will make it possible to hide the flaws. It will be cheaper than screed the surface.
Such tiles can be used to process not only the ceiling, but also the walls.
When choosing a tile, you can use the following technique: take the tile by the corner, parallel to the floor and lift it. If the corner does not break off, then the quality of the material is decent.
The tile is highly flammable, so it cannot be used for ceilings in rooms where there is a stove or fireplace.
It is not recommended to clean the tiles with chemicals as a result of operation. For this, water and a sponge are enough to remove dust. For the kitchen, it is better to use the extruded type. You can use cleaning products on it to wash away kitchen fumes.
Using these tips, you can easily make the perfect ceiling yourself without any problems.
How to quickly glue ceiling tiles - on the video:
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How does the renovation of any room begin? Of course, with the repair of the ceiling. How to repair the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands will be discussed in this article.
The ceiling needs to be repaired every 10 years, since during this time more than one layer of water-based paint or lime accumulates on it. Over time, it begins to fall off, and small cracks appear. Also, repairs may be required if you find that the joints of the ceiling tiles are uneven or the seams are too visible.
Many people mistakenly believe that it is easier to make the ceiling hinged, then repair work will not be needed. In fact, it is better to continue whitening it or wallpapering it, so it will breathe, dust will not accumulate on it, and this finishing method is much cheaper than any other. Any renovation begins with the need to remove everything from the premises. Ceiling renovations are no exception.
Next, you need to remove the previous coatings. This can be: lime, paint, wallpaper, and so on. This work is simple, but laborious and requires additional means of protection.
You can remove previous coatings in different ways, depending on their composition.
The paint is washed off with special means, lime - with water, wallpaper - first torn off, then soaked with water.
Foam tiles from the ceiling can be easily removed with a metal trowel. In order for the ceiling to be repaired well, it must be cleaned to the ground.
It is important to understand that there are cheap paints and high quality expensive ones.
To remove cheap water-based paint, just soak it with water.
Algorithm of actions:
Wet the paint 1 time with hot water at a temperature of 60-80 degrees. To do this, you can use a regular paint roller with a long bristle, a paintbrush or a brush;
Wait 10-15 minutes;
Re-wet the paint with hot water of the same temperature;
Using a steel trowel, remove the soggy layer of water-based paint.
In the process of performing such work, small scratches may appear on the ceiling, therefore, after removing the old paint, the ceiling will need to be putty. To do this, use a ready-made, fine putty, which is usually sold in buckets. It is easy to apply to the ceiling in a small layer and to sand. Also carefully inspect the condition of all seams. Cover them with plaster if necessary. More on this below.
1.painting roller; 2.maklovitsa brush
It is important to know that high-quality expensive water-based paints are not afraid of water. Therefore, such paint can be removed only with sandpaper and it will be difficult to do this. She skins very badly.
In such a situation, it is recommended to apply a good primer, and in a day a new coat of paint. Of course, this option can be considered in the case of cosmetic repairs, when there is no serious damage to the ceiling.
It is always recommended to use a coat of primer after cleaning the ceiling.
Any type of use is allowed in the apartments. The main function of the primer is to create a reinforcing protective layer through deep penetration into the treated surface. This saves any subsequent material applied over it. Most primers are versatile and suitable for both adhesive and limestone materials. When buying, you can always consult the seller.
How cleaning and priming the ceiling looks like in practice, see the video: