Do-it-yourself ceiling repair in an apartment

In detail: do-it-yourself ceiling repair in an apartment from a real master for the site

Anyone with patience and understanding of the basics of handling the instrument can make repairs to the ceiling with their own hands. Work begins in any room precisely from the ceiling, and no matter what material of the new surface is chosen, the preparation is carried out in the same way. Only for suspended and tensioned structures it is not required to plaster the surface, it is only necessary to close up the cracks in order to exclude sprinkling of sand and pebbles.

Image - DIY ceiling repair in an apartment

The old decorative material must be removed, the surface is protected with a metal spatula. It is better to prime and plaster the cracks. Further work depends on the choice of the type of finish. The construction market offers to make repairs to the ceiling in the apartment with modern materials, including high-quality plasters, paints, suspended structures. With the help of technologies, it is possible to give them good strength and decorative characteristics, it remains only to choose the most suitable in terms of the complexity of installation, beauty, cost.

So, independently, this type of repair can be done in the following ways:

  • plastering and painting,
  • wallpapering,
  • installation of a false ceiling,
  • suspension structure device,
  • installation of a stretch ceiling.

The difference between the floor slabs must be leveled to ensure perfect surface evenness. For this, putty is used, first starting, then finishing. First, the ceiling is treated with a primer. It is applied with a foam roller or a wide brush and allowed to dry. The starting putty is diluted with water at room temperature.

For the ceiling, it is better to choose a composition based on a gypsum base, it is distinguished by greater elasticity and a high-quality layer.

Putty is poured into a container and diluted with water to a viscous state. The formation of lumps can be avoided by using a mixer attachment, which is fixed in the chuck of an electric drill. To correct a drop of more than 1 cm, a glass fiber mesh with small cells is used. It is applied to the seam in such a way that it passes in the middle of the tape. The prepared solution is distributed from above using a metal spatula.

After aligning the joints, the entire surface is plastered. The dried putty is covered with a layer of primer, then a thin layer of the finishing mixture. After drying, it is sanded with sandpaper, again covered with a primer and painted with water-based or acrylic paint.

Video (click to play).

The surface is prepared in the same way as in the previous version, but only with a starting putty. It is sanded with coarse sandpaper and covered with a primer. In these works, the use of a primer is necessary, since it removes dust after surface treatment with sandpaper, improves the adhesion of each next layer to the previous one.

What wallpaper to choose for the ceiling? Light shades are suitable, and the material should be lightweight, easy to stick. For example, paper wallpaper or specially designed for the ceiling. They have a textured surface and can be used for painting. Manufacturers produce ceiling wallpaper in pastel shades: white, pale pink, light green, blue.

Image - DIY ceiling repair in an apartment

The person chooses the direction of gluing the canvases himself: along or across. The technology does not change from this, the work is carried out in the following sequence:
  • with a roller or a wide brush, spread the ceiling along the width of the strip plus 10 cm;
  • apply a sheet of wallpaper, starting from the wall; carry it over it with another, clean roller, pressing down to the surface along its entire length;
  • the glue that has flowed out of the canvas is wiped off with a dry cotton cloth;
  • the next canvas is applied end-to-end to the previous one; seams are not allowed.

Image - DIY ceiling repair in an apartment

In order to quickly make repairs to the apartment with your own hands, you can choose the ceiling from expanded polystyrene plates. The leveled surface is a good base for gluing tiles called false ceilings. The work is carried out cleanly and quickly, the main thing is to correctly mark the location in the center of the first element. To do this, pull 2 ​​cords diagonally and start gluing from the place of their intersection.

Expanded polystyrene boards have a standard size of 50cmx50cm. The work is carried out in a seam or seamless way, depending on the presence of a thorn-groove connection.

For gluing, polymer glue Titanium or Dragon is used. Drip application over the entire surface of the tile, especially carefully it is necessary to coat along the edge of the perimeter.

A plasterboard suspended ceiling is a sturdy and reliable structure that runs parallel to the old surface. Its advantages are difficult to overestimate:

  • Image - DIY ceiling repair in an apartmentabsolutely flat surface without flaws,
  • the ability to hide communications in the inter-ceiling space,
  • you can make any number of levels of different geometric shapes, including curvilinear ones,
  • allows you to use any finishing material,
  • does not require preliminary leveling of the surface.

Plasterboard is attached to mounting profiles, which are pre-mounted to the ceiling. They are divided into 3 types, each of them is an important component of the design:

  • bearing profile,
  • longitudinal profile,
  • starting profile (mounted around the perimeter of the room).

The evenness and height of the new ceiling depends on the length of the hangers to which the starting and supporting profiles are attached. The places of their intersection are fastened with elements called "crab". Directly sheets of drywall are attached to these profiles, the seams should be spaced apart. Then the seams are putty, the surface of the slabs is primed and painted. All structural elements are attached to the ceiling using self-tapping screws for metal.

Image - DIY ceiling repair in an apartment

Stretch ceilings add special beauty to the room. They are PVC films, textiles and their varieties. They are pulled parallel to the plane of the ceiling onto a mounting molding attached around the perimeter of the room. They allow you to make multi-level structures, apply any pattern to a single-color surface.

Installation of PVC film requires the use of a heat gun, so only a specialist can do it on his own. The textile construction does not require equipment, so 1 person can install such a ceiling at home. The work is clean, the canvas is securely fixed with special hooks. Their design depends on the manufacturer, and they are all reliable. These finishing materials allow the installation of complex systems: the starry sky, combined surfaces, differing in many shades and textures.

If you make repairs to the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands, it’s interesting to do so, you should try to move away from whitewashing and painting, boring white wallpaper or old-fashioned polystyrene tiles. You can always pick up interesting ideas and try to put them into practice, especially since no one and nothing limits your imagination, except for the budget and time planned for apartment renovation.

The problem of repairing the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands is not only financial costs and the limited time allocated for repair work. These are, first of all, our ability to do something or repair something with our own hands, and they are far from ideal. Few of the ordinary apartment owners who are not associated with the professional activity of repairing and improving residential premises are able to assemble complex multi-level ceilings with their own hands or build a combination of tension and frame structures.

You can easily pick up some of the most interesting ideas for repairing ceilings in an apartment with your own hands, there are practically unlimited numbers of interiors and design solutions, another thing is to try to put them into practice on your own.

For creative delights and your own ceiling design options, you can use the simplest and most affordable repair methods:

  • Painting the ceiling surface with modern paints, creating a composition of several complex shapes and color schemes;
  • Pasting the ceiling with wallpaper, including graphics and photographic images;
  • Ceiling space decoration with overhead decor.

If you have experience with drywall, then you can collect the simplest options for two-level ceilings with lighting elements. Despite the simplified design, the results of repairing the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands, photos can make a strong impression on guests and hosts.

Of course, the most difficult stage is the choice of style and general composition of what should appear in the ceiling space, methods and methods of implementing the idea. You have to think over and plan the repair of the ceiling in the apartment with your own hands in stages, up to each technological operation separately.

In order to achieve a high quality repair, first of all, you will need to carry out a very competent rough preparation of the ceiling surface.

The stages of rough preparation for different options for repairing and finishing the ceiling in an apartment are in many cases very similar in terms of the materials used and technological methods. Conditionally preparatory activities can be divided into two main types:

  • Leveling and grinding the surface of the ceiling slab in the apartment in order to improve the quality of the base for the future decorative coating;
  • Installation of a suspended frame system for fastening the false ceiling cladding. It turns out a perfectly flat surface, but the height of the apartment is reduced by 8-10%.

There is another, third option for repairing the ceiling space of an apartment, this is the laying of decorative panels on a wooden crate. Traditionally, such solutions are used for kitchens, balconies, loggias, baths and lavatories, those rooms where the functionality and practicality of decorative ceiling decoration is of paramount importance.

For small rooms, for example, a one-room apartment, it is impractical to use a suspension system. This repair option is not very popular, since even a slight decrease in the height of the ceilings has an extremely negative effect on the overall perception of the space.

If the owners of the apartment do not want to lose in the height of the room, then the most suitable method for a rough repair would be to level the surface with gypsum plaster.

The preparation technology is practically no different from plastering walls:

  • The ceiling surface is cleaned from whitewash and mortar residues to concrete, the inter-slab seams are thoroughly cleaned from the old filling;
  • The surface is primed with deep penetration acrylic adhesive;
  • Using a hydraulic or laser level, the horizon line is determined, along which horizontal marking cords or thick fishing line are pulled;
  • Every 50-60 cm, longitudinal aluminum strips of beacons are attached to the ceiling surface with alabaster mortar;
    Image - DIY ceiling repair in an apartment
  • Leveling mixtures of gypsum plaster are sequentially laid on the surface of the ceilings of the apartment, after which the laid mass is stretched as a rule and dried for 24 hours.

Since the gypsum mass on the ceiling surface is retained much worse than on vertical walls, the rough repair is carried out in several thin layers, no more than 5-12 mm thick. For the last layer, fine-grained finishing and superfinishing mixtures are used.

After the final drying of the gypsum mass, the preparation of the ceiling for repair is completed by grinding the surface with a plaster mesh with an emery grain. As a result, the apartment acquires a ceiling surface, the quality of which is practically not inferior to drywall.

Everything from wallpaper to tiles and heavy plaster moldings can be glued to the ceiling in the apartment. One of the options for rough repair of the ceiling in the apartment with your own hands is shown in the video