In detail: do-it-yourself ps one repair from a real master for the site
Need help repairing PS ONe game consoles. There is no image or sound in PS ONE. I insert the disk, everything seems to be spinning fine. I checked the voltage everything in the room, all the fuses are intact. Please tell me where to start diagnosing a malfunction. If you can describe on the forum a step-by-step method for diagnosing a malfunction. I would be grateful for your help.
In the "Encyclopedia of Repair" for prefixes there is infa.

a guest, you need to wave harder, then you will learn to fly

First, check if the disc is actually rotating in the set-top box when the case is removed.
Further, if your disk does not rotate, then most likely the central processor CXD 8606 is out of order, if it rotates, then most likely either the AV cable connection port is faulty, or the reason is much more complicated:
1) malfunction of the A2106R microcircuit (image formation);
2) the most likely reason is no + 5V from the 78M05 microcircuit;
3) failure of the output stage microcircuit.
Can you help me?
When you play games, black squares and all sorts of stripes are flashed where it is not necessary. tell me what is the problem?
If absolutely at all games, then Khan.
often ask for a pressure plate for a Sony Ps1 CD drive, tell me where to buy them (especially in Ukraine) .Thanks
I don’t know where else
there was some advice here recently
take from old cd roma
for some, it is attached to the outer case - cut the circle more
and for some to the insides, break off from the body and attach to the lid cn1
cut out the circle evenly in the old sidirom, more than there is in the gut
and at the inner edge
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Video (click to play). |
attach is no longer a problem.
In PS1, the disc is loaded but does not respond to the joystick. Advice is required.
If you have a PS one, then first check all the fuses for power, you can start from the very positive contact on one of the joystick ports, if power is supplied, then next to the second port there is a small gray light-colored diode, call it, and for faithfulness you can even to drop it out, it is not necessary to work, if without it in the main menu of the BIOS the arrow of the joystick appears, then everything is ok, but the diode mainly lights up when someone incorrectly solders the wires to the joystick or the Chinese joystick burns out.
If you have a large model, then ring the fuses, with the exception of the fifth series model, diodes may also fail there.
RADIO magazine 2003 year 6 number page 22 PS one operation and repair

Problem! Joysticks work if you insert a normal audio disc as soon as you insert a game disc the joysticks do not work. who faced what the problem is, help.
people, and did not meet with such a problem. some games restart out of the blue. some in certain places. I don't know what to think
for Areon and UNIT, thoroughly warm up the CPU and memory with the station. in 99% everything starts working.
This little spinning round thing that turns discs in SonyPS had three silver little balls. I suffered from nonsense, pulled them out and lost. Discs do not want to spin anymore. Sometimes, grunting, they spin. More often than not. Games are not loading. What to do?

These are the disc retainers.
I inserted these three balls
but as soon as the disc starts spinning, the balls were shot in different directions
Catherine_Elizabetha, So you broke and the clamps from which the springs also fell.
Look for craftsmen who can help you with this problem.
Need to replace the spindle.
Give a link to the repair encyclopedia
And then I click on the link, and they return me to the same page
In general, I repaired the dormouse, everything seemed to be fine, but I did not like the work of the SD-rum, I put it on the spindle, the image and sound disappeared, one of the mikruhs began to warm up, I disassembled, assembled, supplied the power, the disk loads, but there is still no sound and image ... What to do?
Hello dear, help me eat the sony ps one dock after a power surge does not turn on. bp the circuit works there is where to dig please tell me
Guys a problem. The motor does not spin! The motor runs 100% tested by the power supply. Where to dig ??
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PS one: maintenance and repair
The video game console “PS one” by the Japanese company Sony is the result of the development of the series of consoles “PlayStation” [1]. Small weight and dimensions leave an imprint on the features of its operation. Compared to previously released models, "PS one" often suffers from accidental falls from a height, you can literally sit on it without noticing it on a chair or sofa. As a result, it is necessary to more often glue the cracks in the fragile case of the attachment.
To protect “PS one” and its accessories (joysticks, memory cards) from premature failure, make a rule not to dock or disconnect the connectors when the green indicator on the front panel of the set-top box is on. And if you really had to do this without turning off the power, apply force strictly perpendicular to the plane of the console body. This ensures that the longer power and common pins in the connector are connected first or disconnected last.
There are no very hot elements in “PS one” and it can be left switched on for a long time. The network adapter, which continues to work even after turning off the set-top box itself, is designed for long-term “idle” operation. However, it is best not to leave it unattended and unplug it from the wall outlet at night or when leaving home.
The body of the video set-top box adapter is plastic and. non-separable to resist the age-old childish desire to look, “what's inside?”. By the way, a similar design is increasingly used in various household appliances. To gain access to the adapter board, carefully saw through its body with a thin hacksaw along the side along the perimeter. After completing the repair, glue the halves of the case or simply wrap it with several layers of adhesive tape, preferably transparent.
In the network adapter, the 2 A fusible link F1 most often burns out ([2], Fig. 5). This is often a consequence of the breakdown of a powerful field-effect transistor Q1, which can be easily replaced with one of the similar switching power supplies for TVs (FS5TM, 2SK1117, 2SK2666, 2SC2128, 2SC2125, 2SC2718). The transistor must be rated for a voltage of more than 600 V and a forward current of at least 5 A.
Transistors used as Q2, Q3, Q51 are produced by many Western and Asian firms. If necessary, they are replaced with any low-power corresponding structure (p-n-p or n-p-n) and sizes, for example, series KT3129, KT3130, KT315, KT361.
The closest in parameters to the one installed in the adapter (IC1 microcircuit) is the NCP1200D60R2 SHI controller from ON Semiconductor. Optocoupler IC2 - any with an isolation voltage of more than 500 V (NEC2561, TLP621, TLP521, PC817A, “3171”, “3131”). Diodes D3, D4 - 1 N4148 or series KD521, KD522, KD503.
In case of complex malfunctions, it is advisable to refuse to repair the adapter and replace it with any, even a home-made and not necessarily a pulsed network power supply with an output voltage of 7.4. 8 V at a load current of 1.5. 2 A. A lower voltage is not enough for stable operation of the set-top box, with a higher voltage, some of its elements will heat up too much: an integrated stabilizer IC601, transistor Q602 ([2], Fig. 4), IC722 microcircuit (Fig. 3, ibid.).
The appearance of the processor board is shown in Fig. one.
All important elements are marked here. If there are no clearly damaged parts, for example, blackened resistors, on the board, regardless of the nature of the defect manifestation, all fuse-links in the design for surface mounting must be checked first (Table 1).In good condition, the resistance of any of them does not exceed several tens of milliohms, a larger value indicates partial or complete operation (burnout).
If the failure was the result of a supply voltage surge or an accidental short circuit in the joystick, replacing the burned-out insert with a similar one or just a piece of wire with a diameter of 0.1 mm usually completely restores the operation of the IVP. However, after repairs, it is recommended to watch for a while to see if the fault reoccurs and if there are unusually hot parts on the board.
Quite often, the protective zener diodes installed in the input and output circuits of the set-top box near the CN502 connectors fail (their failure leads to the absence of an image and sound) or CN101, CN102 (joysticks and memory cards do not work). For example, when the stabilization voltage of the Zener diode D104 decreases to 1.8 V as a result of a malfunction,
Some joysticks continued to work, while others did not. Zener diodes can be replaced with conventional KS147. KS168 with any letter indices, although it is better to use special limiting diodes [3]. Less often, there are breaks in the windings of the inductors and noise suppression filters, which should also be checked with an ohmmeter.
Mechanical damage to the processor board and its elements is not typical for “PS one”, although there have been cases of short-term power failure due to poor contact in the J001 connector. Sometimes the attachment cannot be turned on because the contacts of the S001 switch are oxidized or burnt. Greater reliability of the circuit breaker can be achieved by connecting a free group of its contacts in parallel with the operating one. A break in the hinged conductor going to the IC801 microcircuit once led to the fact that when any game disc was installed in the console, a music menu appeared on the screen.
Table 1 will help you choose a replacement for failed transistors (including those installed in the network adapter). 2. It contains not only the main parameters of each transistor, but also the marking applied to its case, without knowing which, it is rather difficult to “identify” the device.
Set-top box resistors are usually marked in a standard way. Of the three or four digits of the code, the far right is the exponent of the number 10, by which the number indicated by the previous two or three digits should be multiplied. Examples:
However, resistors from "Bourns" are also installed with a tolerance of ± 1% and alphanumeric marking. To decipher the digital part of the code applied to a similar resistor, refer to table. 3. The number found in it is multiplied by the coefficient indicated by the letter: S - 0.01, R - 0.1, A - 1, B - 10, C - 100, D - 1000, E - 10000, F - 100000. The result is Is the resistance of the resistor in ohms. For example, 12C - 13 kOhm, 18V - 1.5 kOhm.
The weak point of all PlayStation models, including the PS one, is the mechanics of the CD-ROM drive. Prolonged daily operation of the attachment leads, as a rule, to the backlash of the rotor of the motor rotating the disk. Outwardly, the defect manifests itself in the fact that in the normal (horizontal) position of the IVP case, the game programs begin to work only after repeated “fidgeting” of the laser head on the disk. By tilting the case 10.45 °, the reliability of data entry can be restored. Sometimes the angle required for this stabilizes over time, but more often it gradually increases.
Having found such a defect, first of all, make sure that it is the motor that rotates the disk, and not, for example, the drive of the optical head carriage. The worm gear of the drive is worn out, sometimes its action is impeded by accumulated dirt. Wash all transmission parts with pure ethyl alcohol and lubricate with medical petroleum jelly or a special non-thickening grease for plastic parts (MOLITUBE, LUBRIPLATE, etc.).
To eliminate the "jerking" of the carriage, sometimes it is enough to slightly displace the motor that rotates the worm, or to drip lubricating oil onto its rotor.If the drive is working properly, the movement of the carriage should not be accompanied by crackling and other sounds.
An unreliable reading of the data may be due to the lens of the optical head being dirty. This is often the result of the deposition of tar from tobacco smoke. The surface of the lens is blown with dust-free compressed air from a special aerosol-like canister or gently wiped with a clean, dry cotton cloth. It is acceptable to replace a lens with a similar 5mm diameter from a computer CD-ROM drive.
Sometimes it is useful to increase the power emitted by the laser diode by decreasing the resistance of the substring resistor located on the flexible ribbon cable of the optical head by 10.20%. Before adjusting, measure the set resistance value (approx. 1.2 kOhm) so that in case of failure, return everything back.
If, as a result of the measures taken, there is no improvement, the safest and fastest repair method is to replace the entire CD-ROM drive unit with a known-good one. In addition to the standard one, you can use the KSM-440ACM drive from the SCPH-100 x series consoles. KSM-440ADM, KSM-440AEM actuators differ from other “PlayStation” models in the length of the flexible cable and design, although they are electrically compatible with “PS one”.
Please note that the cost of this operation will be 35. 50% of the total cost of “PS one”. A cheaper option is to replace only the CD-ROM drive motor. RF-300PA-11400 D / V 5.9 or RF-300F-11420 D / V 5.9 from Mabuchi will do.
In a hopeless situation, you can go for an independent engine repair. It, together with a plastic nozzle 2, is schematically shown in Fig. 2. The latter must be removed, having previously measured and recorded the width of the gap S between it and the engine housing 1. This will allow the part to be returned exactly to its original place. Please note that the unit is not designed for disassembly and reassembly, the operation is not always successful and requires certain skills.
The nozzle is very fragile and fits tightly on the shaft 3. Removing it, you must not allow it to be skewed, which can lead to irreversible consequences: bending of the shaft, cracks in the nozzle or a “broken” bore that prevents it from being fixed on the shaft in the future.
It is best to make a special puller - a lever with two blades that are inserted into the gap. With its help, the nozzle is gently shifted, applying efforts evenly from all sides. This operation can be performed in another way, for example, using several steel plates inserted into the gap from different sides. The main thing is to act carefully and without haste.
Rinse the entire surface of the shaft freed from the nozzle with ethyl alcohol. Then, putting on protective gloves, with a drop of cyacrine (this strong, quick-drying glue is sold under the trademarks "Instant Superglue", "Seconds"), fix the shaft in the sleeve bearing 4, eliminating the backlash. After a few minutes required for the glue to dry, the nozzle 2 can be installed on the shaft 3, making sure that the width of the gap S is exactly equal to the one measured before the start of the repair. If the bit slips on the shaft, try to fix it with the same adhesive.
A day later, you can start "training" the engine voltage increased to 8. 9 V. At the first start-ups, the shaft will accelerate slowly, as if with difficulty. After a few “workouts”, normal rotation will be restored.
Cyacrine is able to firmly glue biological tissues, so it should be used with caution, avoiding contact with the skin.
- Ryumik S. “PlayStation”: the history of development. - Radio, 2002, No. 11, p. 21, 22.
- Ryumik S. “PS one”: schematic diagram. - Radio, 2003, No. 1, p. 23 - 28.
- Semiconductor voltage limiters. - Radio, 2002, No. 8, p. 50 - 52.

The gears of the worm gear broke, I ordered a new laser unit for aliexpress.I installed it and when the set-top box is turned on, a sound is emitted as when the motor is running (the feeling that the motor is spinning), and it does not stop until you turn off the power, however, the drive slot does not spin. As if the spindle with the rotor has lost its connection. Please tell me how you can solve the problem.


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under the connector where 4 wires come to a shawl with a small motor. immediately below the connector, the nearest soldering area is “+” or for the red wire, the lower one is for the black “-” minus.
alternatively, it's still a good idea to check the fuses.


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the left edge of the board in the middle area on old wide boards 4 pcs, they say "20", on the last 3 pcs. they are smaller.
it just suddenly turns out that the motor is soldered and it does not turn, then it is more likely that there is no stress on the driver's power supply, just the pre-load.
and the motor was ripped out, I probably decided with a backlash and the disks did not read well, - replace the motor or lubricate


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which block is native or similar?
check it out with him. and whether it comes to the platform.
check the soldering of the yellow connector where you insert the unit
check the springs after fuse ps000
check fuses, other PS00X
check for a short circuit between the ground and the output of the coil (blue barrel, upper left edge of the board), if it’s short of a process or some kind of big mikruhe.
if it does not short and there is no spill, then the transistor key could fly out, next to the right of the coil
if there is a power supply - and the black screen is still a khan to a process or a memory chip.

All other questions that are not related to the topic are deleted.
Please, in case of a problem, describe the problem in detail in intelligible Russian.
Is it possible to replace the 5.9 volt spindle with a 3 volt spindle?
it is possible to replace, only how long it will work is unknown, if it will work at all.
it all depends on the winding, if it is designed for such a voltage, it will work, if not, then there will be overheating, and then the winding will burn out, well if there is no short circuit.
gayal, I removed such motors from old PC CD drives, they carry sleds, are designed for high voltage.
I have one in ZYCH, I replaced it myself, only there will be fiddling with this thing for disks, it must be accurately installed on the spindle, at the desired height, otherwise the disk reading will be bad.
Please tell me what and how can you clean a laser on a set-top box?
Well, it seems like there is a special liquid for this, but you can just blow it and wipe it with some dry cloth.
It is better to blow off dust with a small enema.
Lost, my psx is already seven or eight years old. There were problems with reading, and the best way was a miracle fiber cloth, which is sold in any optics and on any tray with Chinese glasses. It leaves no dust and cleans everything perfectly. Recently I wiped my PS2, everything is rustling fine now.
Do not forget that in addition to the lens, there is a refractive mirror in the head, which can also become dusty over time. Blowing out and cleaning the lens in this case may not produce visible results. To clean the mirror you need to disassemble the head 🙂
I have done this operation several times already. To a friend and to myself, discs that were not read are now readable at a run.Well, do not forget to lubricate the lubricant drive. And then from prolonged use, the old grease is depleted. I use Vaseline for this purpose. Works well, does not squeak 🙂
brill, you can picture where to disassemble and what to clean and lubricate, very important for my PSX (thick), it works fine only on the edge
Unfortunately, I didn’t take pictures, it’s not so difficult there, the main thing is attentiveness, accuracy and cleanliness. Because dust is the enemy number 1.
I, too, had a thick PSH 7502 purchased in 1998, it’s a native SDR, though from time to time I do those prefixes. service. Once, even my sister threw it into a bowl of water, and he soldered the entire board with a hot air gun, washed it in alcohol. Recently I disassembled it, I thought there would be oxides, but no prefix works well.
I also cleaned my eyes and a mirror at my Sonya, it seemed to be better. but then I still had to change the laser, and you can clean it without disassembling the head, crawl up with a thin stick like a match, the main thing is not to be zealous, otherwise you can move the mirror
Yes eh mayo! The PSOne drive costs a penny! You can buy one to continue enjoying the games 🙂
There the mirror is calibrated and rather strongly glued to the metal base of the head, if you moved it with a stick, then there is one conclusion. And if you add it back and it still works for you after that, then you are terribly lucky.
Debris can accumulate on the worm gear, which is responsible for the movement of the laser reading from the disk. I clean off this dust with a wooden toothpick, this method is relatively safe for the CD mechanism. The main thing is not to press with all the foolishness, but to clean it gently. Set-top boxes are often brought with a complaint about incorrect operation. And very often the people's prefix is on the floor all the time.
I will try to clarify in more detail:
I am engaged in electronics repair.
And then I fell into my hands PS1 SCPH-5502 PAL with a comment:
- She doesn't want to read discs
Well I think "I will clean the peephole and all the rules, as a last resort I will change the drive"
(by the way, the drive at the console KSM440ADM)
After cleaning the peephole "Lo and behold, he started with great difficulty, but still read discs, albeit not all"
I tried to clean the peephole again “But it’s not enough - it will help!”, but this did not give positive results.
(Although I even managed to play Tekken 3, though I almost died on hellishly long downloads, from 5 to 20 minutes. I turned the prefix in every possible way and put it on all sides, but that didn't help her either.)
I decided to disassemble it all - to clean it from dust, only that did not help.
But then I noticed that the prefix turns out to be chip-based.
And apparently, either by the manufacturer of O.O "or by the supplier, because for almost 18 years of the life of this set-top box (dated August 1998) no one but me has disassembled it, which was proved by the tightly locked case and intact license stickers on the case.
Maybe it's the chip and should be unsoldered and tried without it?
Am I dumb?
Can you tell me what could be the matter?
Unfortunately, it is not difficult to break a set-top box, joystick or any other electronic device. It is enough to drop it, and the screen will break, the button will break, or it will stop turning on altogether.
If water or any drinks get in, you can get sticky keys, stains on the display, battery failure. Also, how it is used has a lot to do with the state of the device. Joysticks and handheld consoles sink, break off, and erase buttons and sticks. Frequent use of wired headsets or headphones loosen the connectors. All in all, a lot can go wrong.
None of these reasons, as a rule, is not yet a reason to throw away or change the device. Yes, at a flea market or in the electronics market they will gladly buy a game console or joystick from you, as sellers know that most breakdowns can be fixed quite easily. They tell you the low purchase price, and after the repair they sell the updated device at a much higher price.
If you encounter a defect that was not caused by your actions, and the console is still under warranty, then you should contact the store or the manufacturer for a free repair or return the faulty console at all.
We advise you to carefully study the appearance and behavior of the console (or joystick), read about similar cases on the Internet. Perhaps you can fix the problem yourself or find a good workshop in your city.
If the warranty period has expired, or the breakdown does not qualify as a warranty case, then you may be considering the possibility of self-repairing the game console or gamepad. Before you start, think carefully and study everything.
Nowadays, you can find short video tutorials and instructions with photos on almost any topic. However, keep in mind that not all of them are detailed enough and not all authors are competent in the issues they write or talk about. If you nevertheless decide to act at your own peril and risk, then before starting, look (or read) the instructions to the end. Perhaps you do not have all the necessary tools, programs, wires, as well as skills, which will not allow you to make repairs successfully.
Remember that attempting to repair yourself will void your warranty and increase the likelihood of complete failure of your console or joystick.
Not all attachments or accessories are easy to disassemble without special training and tools. It often turns out that the two halves of the plastic case of the gamepad or handheld console are connected by a ribbon cable that easily breaks when you try to open the case. It is also possible to push through the screen, trying to separate certain parts, especially if you miss some places where these parts are attached to each other.
The next question will be the correct diagnosis of the problem, which can be a daunting task for a beginner who does not understand electronics. And even if you are able to correctly determine what needs to be replaced in the device, then not all parts can be easily obtained. Rather, on the contrary, most of the spare parts for game consoles and accessories for them are not sold in Russia or have a very high cost. In workshops that constantly deal with the repair of consoles, joysticks and other gaming equipment, there are regular suppliers of spare parts, and it will not be a problem for the service center to find the right mechanism, board or connector.
Weigh all the risks. If you have any doubts that you will be successful at the end of home repairs, contact a specialized game console repair service center.
If you want your set-top box to be correctly diagnosed and to have the repair carried out professionally and with a guarantee, then take it to the workshop. Ultimately, it may be cheaper to repair yourself.
- Firstly, an experienced master will do the job much faster and with a predictable result.
- Secondly, the workshop buys spare parts for consoles and joysticks at a wholesale price, and sometimes the cost of repairs is the same as you would be charged for buying a spare part at a retail price.
- Thirdly, without experience, you can damage something when trying to eliminate the defect that has arisen, which will lead to an increase in the number of breakdowns, as well as the total cost of fixing them.
If you have any problems with a game console, joystick or other gaming equipment, you can always contact us. Diagnostics in our workshops is always free of charge.

Replacing the PS1 video connector is a very common procedure. It is invariably necessary and in demand in repair service centers. Playstation 1

Replacing PS1 power connectors is another demanded service in repair service centers. Generally, PS1 connectors, although

You can quickly find out that you need to replace the PS1 laser. It is the laser that is responsible for the normal reading of discs, therefore

Replacing PS1 buttons and sticks is a standard procedure, always relevant and in demand. It is the PS1 gamepads that take the brunt

PS1 gamepad repair remains a relevant service despite the console's impressive age. The prefix itself was published a long time ago, but still

The console itself will signal that it is necessary to replace the PS1 power supply. The problem with the power supply is very difficult to miss,

Repairing the PS1 power supply may be required for several reasons. Most often, unstable voltage in the house becomes the cause of combustion of a part. Because of
Repair of Sony PlayStation 1 in Moscow has been and remains in demand, despite the impressive age of the game console. Many years have passed since the release of this console, but even today there are loyal fans of the device who are not ready to exchange it for more modern versions.
The PlayStation 1 is not bad in its own way. This is a time-tested and thousands of users model that provides opportunities for a full-fledged game.
For the most part, Sony PlayStation 1 breaks down due to normal wear and tear of components. Intensive use for many years makes itself felt, so that many parts wear out over time and become unusable.
Such a process is inevitable, and you can only delay the breakdown, but not completely eliminate it.
The PS1 drive takes on a special load and is used constantly and very actively. Rough handling of the drive mechanism can add even more problems.
As for the most common breakdowns, they are standard and easily recognizable.
- The drive breaks down as a result of abrasion of the component parts of the mechanism, and the laser head, which reads information from the disks, also often fails.
- As for the controllers, they naturally wear out, requiring replacement of buttons and sticks.
- Power surges in your home can burn out your PS1 power supply - another common problem with game consoles.
- Finally, careless handling of the set-top box can lead to the need to replace various parts, for example, device connectors.
Either way, if something goes wrong with your console, the best thing you can do is contact a repairer. Self-intervention, it is quite possible, will be an aggravating factor that will make repairs even more expensive.
In our service center, you can repair a game console of any model. We will check the operation of the device, repair the PS1 gamepads and perform other work on the day we call the service.
The consoles that came out several years ago have been and remain popular with gamers. Someone at first sight falls in love with the console, but someone likes this particular model, and the game suits him completely.
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Video (click to play). |
If you are one of the PS1 fans and your set-top box is malfunctioning, bring it to us. Our masters will cope even with such breakdowns, which were refused in other service centers.