In detail: do-it-yourself repair of the Samsung TV remote control from a real master for the site
The TV does not turn on with remote control Or don't you switch channels, don't adjust the volume, and the other buttons work fine? Such symptoms malfunctions of the remote control familiar to almost everyone. This malfunction of the remote control is the most common and has been going on since the appearance of the remotes themselves, but the manufacturers have not taken any radical measures to eliminate them. With almost 100% certainty, the cause of such a malfunction is the erasure or contamination of the conductive layer of the contact buttons. There are two resumptions of the remote control in this case:
- First - do not bother and buy a new remote control. It is worth noting that by purchasing a cheap (not original) remote control, you run the risk of encountering the same or another breakdown in the first month. Therefore, if you decide to change the remote control, then, if possible, buy the original remote control and not in the “sharashkin cantor”. This will save you nerves and money.
- Second - repair the remote control yourself. It does not require knowledge of electronics and is available to anyone, regardless of gender and age. Apart from the battery, which you also remove from the remote control, there is no “dangerous” electricity "in the remote control. Even if something does not work out, then the first method always remains in stock, and the money for this will require rather modest ones. But why pay if you can do everything yourself in 15-20 minutes, besides, any new remote control will have the same fate and the experience of the first repair will not be in vain.
It is worth noting that with rare exceptions, repair shops do not carry out such a restoration, or the cost will be comparable to the price of a new remote control. If you decide - then do it yourself, everything is simple, but this article will help you.
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Video (click to play). |
At the beginning, let's dwell on
Diagnostics of malfunction of the TV remote control, tuner, air conditioner or any other equipment
- If the device does not turn on with the remote control and no buttons work, then replace the batteries first. With weak batteries, it is possible to respond to the buttons once or twice in a row, then it does not respond, after some time (20-30 minutes) it reacts again once or twice. This also indicates worn out batteries that need to be replaced. If this does not help, then there is a malfunction in the electronics. Further, depending on your qualifications and desires, you decide on an independent repair. This is not our case and requires knowledge of electronics to repair.
- Checking the remote control with a digital camera.
To do this, just point the remote control at the camera lens or cell phone camera and hold the button. At this point, take a picture of the remote control without the flash. If the remote control or button is working, then the photo will show a bright white spot in the place of the IR LED. If the glow is visible in the photo, then the reason is most likely in the receiver located in the TV or other equipment from which your remote control. Conclusion about the repair, as in the first paragraph.
- If they do not work, or work (respond to pressing) with 2-10 attempts, only a few buttons, the most frequently used, then this is our case. Next, we will consider ways to eliminate this malfunction of the remote control.
All remote controls have a similar device. Main components:
- Frame. Consists of two halves, glued or twisted.
- Printed circuit board. The board contains a small microcircuit, some more radioelements, an infrared LED, contacts of the battery compartment and a contact pad in the form of conductive tracks.
- Rubberized pad with buttons.
At the very beginning, we take out the batteries, then we look in the battery recess for the presence of fastening screws. They can be found under the stickers. Swipe over the sticker with a screwdriver, if it sells somewhere, then there is a screw under it. Examine the entire case for screws. If there is, unscrew everything and divide the case into two halves. In addition to the screws, the case can be latched. If there are no screws, then the whole case is assembled only with latches. It happens that it is additionally glued, but do not panic, everything is sorted out.
We take any knife and gently push the tip into the slot in the middle of the case and try to push the halves apart until a click appears. A click indicates that one of the latches has opened. It is important here to find and disengage the first latch, the rest will go easier. Try to do everything carefully so as not to break the latches, and even if you break one or two, it does not matter, the remote control will not close worse from this, in extreme cases it is easily glued with a drop of any superglue. You can also separate it with two thin screwdrivers, or combine a knife and a screwdriver.
If you are disassembling the remote control for the first time, it is preferable to work with a knife and a screwdriver. First, slip the tip of the screwdriver into the slot, between the halves of the case and, slowly moving the screwdriver along the case, look for the first latch. As soon as you find it, snap it off, but leave the screwdriver stuck near the latch, and then continue to work with the tip of the knife. When you reach the next latch with the knife, you can insert a second screwdriver and continue moving with the tip of the knife, or continue moving with the first screwdriver. In general, do as you like.
Then take out the board and the rubber pad with buttons. The battery compartment has slots into which the spring contacts of the batteries are inserted. Before removing the printed circuit board, remember how they fit in the grooves so that there are no questions during assembly. In most cases, these contact springs are soldered onto the board and do not fit otherwise.
General remarks.
Before reconnecting the conductive layer of the buttons, it is recommended to simply clean it first. Sometimes contamination is visible with the naked eye.
Quite often, the entire space where the rubber base with buttons is located is filled with a transparent sticky and viscous liquid that looks like an epoxy resin, only without a hardener. This liquid is smeared with a neat thin layer, in places with small droplets. This sticky liquid is everywhere. On the top and bottom of the rubber base of the buttons, on the top of the case with sockets for buttons. The top of the PCB with contact pads is also smeared with this glue ...
The origin of this glue is a matter of debate and even controversy in repair circles. Some say that it is grease from the fingers, others that it is fumes from batteries. But why, then, the lower part of the board, where there are no parts, is not covered with these fumes?
The most likely version seems to be that these sticky compounds come from the very rubber base itself. The rubber seems to be sweating, releasing plasticizers from itself, which indicates a violation of the technology for the production of rubber products. The only question that arises is why there are so many such substandard products? This is observed in almost every remote control when such a malfunction occurs.
It should be cleaned with soap or other detergent, but not alcohol, acetone, etc., which can lead to a complete failure of the remote control.
A good result can be obtained by washing the board and gum with buttons with not very hot water, preferably with the use of dishwashing detergent or laundry soap.
Rinse gently with a soft cloth, dabbing with motions, so as not to erase the graphite coating. It is quite good if, before washing off the snotty deposits, the parts of the disassembled remote control lie for some time, about 20 ... 30 minutes, in a detergent solution.After rinsing, do not wipe it off, but wait until the parts are dry and only then assemble the remote control. You can use a hair dryer to speed up drying.
Do not completely assemble the remote control, put the buttons, insert the batteries and check the operation. If everything works, collect and use. If the malfunction remains, proceed to the second stage of recovery. In some cases, you can skip flushing and go straight to recovery. Intuition to help you.
Using glue, carefully glue the pieces of foil onto the pads of the "mat". Foil can be taken from sweets (clean), chocolates, or better from a pack of cigarettes. Aluminum foil with a paper base from cigarette packs is glued quite reliably and simply with any glue of the "Moment" type or superglue from small tubes. Piglets can be made both square and round. You can use a hole punch of a suitable diameter. The result should look something like this.
A 5-7 cm long strip of double-sided tape must be glued to the foil, cut off the edges of the foil where there is no tape. Then we “pass” the foil with adhesive tape through the hole punch as many times as we need to repair the buttons or use scissors. You can also use a broken telescopic antenna. A link of a suitable diameter is taken and circles are carved on the glass. When the circles are ready, glue them on the non-working areas of the remote control buttons. You don't have to bother with circles, but cut out squares.
Additionally, you can carefully use a sharp blade to cut the conductive rubber layer from the buttons in front of the sticker. Typically this is a layer of about 0.5-1.0 mm.
You will need a copper wire with a diameter of 0.2-0.4. Using a hammer, flatten it on any anvil with an interval of about 1 cm. Schematic designation (“——” This is a wire, “O” is a place for flattening) (—- O —- O —- O—-) we cut off the element (—– )
we stick the left end of the element into the button, you can next to the button, bend the flattened part of the element (–– O) over the conductive rubber
If fixed well, then this option is quite durable.
A simpler option is a metal staple bracket. Bend-shorten to the size of the contact pad and press it into the rubber in such a position that when the button is pressed, the bracket closes the contacts on the board.
Another option for repairing the remote control is to smear the buttons with conductive adhesives and varnishes, for example, "Kontaktol" or "Ellast". There are also many different opinions regarding this method, which is not yet clear better. Apparently, everything is simple: whoever succeeds well, he praises and vice versa.
Ready-made repair kits are sold specifically for repairing remote controls. They are cheap - the main thing is to find. The bag contains a tube of glue and round graphite-coated rubber patches. Just spread and glue where you need to. There are even instructions on how to glue.
A more modern version of the repair kit is self-adhesive patch. Everything is quite simple here. In such cases, it will not hurt to wipe the rubber buttons with alcohol or other solvent.
All options are functional and tested in practice. Choose whichever you like best. Good luck.
Almost all modern household appliances have remote controls, so when this small device breaks down, users experience some discomfort. We will tell you how easy it is to repair the TV remote control at home with your own hands, without calling the master from the service. Many people just go to the store and buy a new remote control, but in the event of a slight breakdown, everything can be fixed by yourself.
The statistics of remote control repairs in service centers states that the most common breakdowns or device failures are as follows:
- breakdown of important controls and housing due to falls from different heights or other mechanical influences;
- sometimes some of the buttons do not work the console, and the rest perform their functions properly;
- frequently used buttons do not function or only work when pressed very hard;
- The TV's remote control works only from a very close distance.
It is not difficult to identify the cause, but you need to know the procedure for the upcoming repair, which directly depends on the breakdown that has occurred, sometimes it is cheaper to buy a new remote control than to revive the old one.
Important! When the remote control buttons for your TV do not work, before proceeding with the repair, try to insert new batteries - in 80% the remote control will work in the same mode.Such simple actions will help to reanimate even the Smart TV remote control.
In this section, we will tell you in detail how to disassemble and repair the TV remote control in each case.
When users often drop the TV remote control, serious breakdowns occur inside the device, and repairs in this case will be quite difficult - without a soldering iron, it will hardly be possible to restore the bounced solder. To make sure that the board is to blame, and you need to rewire something - there is original way of checking, you just need to make sure that the batteries are in working order. This method checks absolutely any remote control, regardless of its brand - Samsung, Philips or LG, because the principle of operation is identical for everyone.
In any digital camera and on mobile phones, including, there is infrared emitter, we check the TV remote control with it:
- turn on the camera on the mobile phone;
- direct the remote control to the camera window, while bringing the mobile phone as close as possible, press any key on the remote control;
- if the remote control emits a signal, a large red dot will appear on the device screen.
Its presence indicates that the board is working, and you just need to check all the buttons. If the point is absent - 100% something happened in the control board, you need to get it out and visually look for the cause of the breakdown.
We remove the batteries, then carefully and without effort we disconnect the halves of the remote control from the TV, after unscrewing the fastening screws. If the latches are installed, then we use a thin screwdriver, but without fanatical efforts, so as not to break their delicate design.
In this case, repair of the remote control can only be done by a person who has certain knowledge and skills in working with a soldering iron - it is better for an ordinary user not to fit into such a delicate device. As a result of frequent dropping, the LED mount may break off, the battery contact terminal may come off, or the quartz resonator may fail. The first two breakdowns can be identified visually. To make sure that the resonator - a small box with contacts soldered to it - is in good working order - you need to gently shake the entire device, if you hear a rustle, then you need to change it.
Users sometimes ask the question: how to repair the TV remote control when some buttons have stopped working. During operation, the inside of the TV remote control could get wet due to high humidity in the room or accidentally spilled drink. According to experts, a state of oil condensate has developed inside the product - the accumulated dust has combined with water vapor, which greatly complicates the correct operation of the buttons when pressed. Such a repair of the remote control buttons can be done on your own: special skills are not required here, you only need accuracy and patience to clean the device for controlling the TV.
- We carefully disassemble the remote control.
- We wipe the board with a cotton swab, soaked in alcohol - in such a simple way, the plaque of dirt and moisture, which can close the contacts, is removed. Efforts are not worth it - the product is quite delicate.
- In the same way we wipe the contact rubber pads of the buttons.
- We clean the spring contacts of the batteries, if there are traces of oxidation, then they are removed with a shallow sandpaper.
- After cleaning, we give time to dry all the elements and assemble the device.
Note to users! Remotes made in China stop working after cleaning with alcohol! This is especially true for the Samsung model of the Chinese assembly.
To cleanse such delicate products from internal dirt, you must use soap and water - with the help of the solution, all the insides are gently wiped, then they must be washed with plain water at room temperature, wiped off with paper towels, and left to dry. After final drying, assemble the structure and check its functionality.
Repair of remotes, when frequently used buttons have worn off their contact bottom cover, is done at home. To do this, you will need the following materials:
- foil, which has a paper base on the back - this is necessary for high-quality gluing, a similar package from a cigarette pack is very suitable for this;
- good glue type "Moment»Or with a conductive silicone base.
In retail, there is a special glue for such needs, but it costs more than the remote control itself, which in our case is unprofitable for repairs.
The repair technique is simple.
- We disassemble the remote control and remove the rubber part.
- We glue foil circles or squares on the bottom surface of non-working buttons.
In stores you can find special kits, where there are buttons with a conductive coating and a very strong glue for attaching them. This kit can come in handy for repairs to restore your remote control.
If the TV remote control is broken because it was accidentally stepped on, then repairing it will cost you many times more than purchasing a new one. The market will pick up an exact copy of your remote control, even if you have a TV with Smart TV, which does not require any setup - insert the batteries and use it. Until the purchase is made, you can do with manual control: turning on the TV without a remote control is quite simple, but unlocking it is more difficult.
Experts assure that almost any user can perform minor repairs of any TV remote control: it is possible to replace batteries or stick new conductive spare wheels from a repair kit without having certain knowledge and skills. In case of complex breakdowns, you should contact the masters from the service, if the repair is more expensive than the remote control itself, then it is easier to purchase a new one.
We offer home craftsmen to watch this video, which clearly shows the repair of the remote control:
If the buttons on the TV remote control do not work, first, no matter how trite it sounds, check the batteries by replacing them with new ones. The situation has not changed? Try turning on the camera on your mobile phone, aiming it at the diode in front and see if it blinks when you press the buttons. The fact is that a person cannot see infrared radiation, but the camera captures it, as can be seen in the photo.

Does the diode not blink? So, in order to repair the TV remote control with your own hands, you need to disassemble it and check the condition inside. First, pull out the batteries and check if there are any screws under them that hold the case together, then visually inspect the back cover for screws. After unscrewing all the fastening parts, insert a straight screwdriver at the junction of the two parts of the case and separate them, as shown in the photo below.
Some models of TV remotes are fastened with regular latches, i.e. without screws. To disassemble such a case, it is enough to simply separate the connecting parts with a straight screwdriver. This must be done carefully so as not to damage or scratch the plastic!
So, the case is disassembled, now you need to carefully inspect all the details yourself: the board, the contact pads of the buttons, spring contacts for batteries, an emitting diode, conductive tracks and ceramic quartz.
Let's start with the spring contacts for the batteries. Check if the contact from the microcircuit is unsoldered, if everything is in order, go ahead. No - take a soldering iron and solder it carefully.By the way, you can make a soldering iron yourself if you don't have a normal tool at hand.
Also, look at the state of the spring itself, which is in contact with the battery, it may be heavily soiled and rusted. If so, to repair the TV remote control with your own hands, you need to clean it with sandpaper.
The next possible reason is the contamination of the contacts of the buttons with oily dirt. The appearance of this dirt - long use of the device, as a result of which the condensation of fat from the skin of the hands settles on the contact pads. If these pads are rubber, you must wipe them well with a swab dipped in alcohol or wet wipes. Also wipe the board as maybe dirt is shorting out the contacts, causing the buttons on the TV remote control to not work.
If the contacts are graphite-coated, the malfunction may be that this coating has worn off over time. Repairing the TV remote control in this case is quite simple - you need to take the foil from the chocolate bar, cut into small squares and glue the paper side to the contacts.
By the way, if the buttons on the TV remote control are not pressed well, you need to press hard on them, the cause of the malfunction is the same and you can repair the device by cleaning the contacts or restoring them.
If only some of the buttons do not work, and even then, the most necessary - turning on the TV, switching the volume or channels, then, most likely, the graphite spraying has worn out on them!
Also faulty ceramic quartz can be a possible cause of breakage. If the remote control does not work after a fall, then by 95% you can be sure that this element of the circuit has broken. It is quite simple to determine this on your own - shake the board, and if a rustle is heard from the quartz, it means that it is not functioning. Repair in this case comes down to replacing the quartz.
If you can turn off / on the TV, change programs or sound only at close range, either the dead batteries or the diode are to blame. In the latter case, you can check the health of the emitting diode at home by visual inspection of the soldering, as well as by checking through the phone camera. If the diode is really hooked, it will also have to be replaced.
Well, the last malfunction is damage to the contact tracks. If you see cracks on the microcircuit, then repairs will be inappropriate here, and it is best to just buy a new remote control device.
You can clearly see how to repair some of the faults yourself in the video examples below:
If the buttons on the TV remote control do not work, you can also repair them yourself by purchasing a repair kit in ready-made patches and glue. Of course, it costs a lot, but one such kit is enough to repair 3-4 devices.
You can also, instead of sticking the patches, just drip a special glue called "kontaktol" onto the degreased rubber contacts of the buttons. The only problem is that it is quite expensive, but nevertheless, for a novice electrician, such glue will come in handy at home in order to repair other electrical appliances.
Finally, I would like to note - if your TV remote control sticks or does not work due to contamination of the buttons, after thorough cleaning, we recommend wrapping the device in a bag (even special ones are sold) or a thin film. In this case, fat will not get on the microcircuit and contact pads.
That's all I wanted to tell you about why the TV remote control does not work and how to repair it yourself at home! We hope that the instruction with photo and video examples was useful for you!
It will be interesting to read:
How to disassemble Samsung TV remote control: DIY repair, does not work, how to repair, does not respond
How to disassemble TV remote control Samsung and 4 other firms
As already noted, in a house with a TV, there is also a remote control. Each company itself develops remote controls for their equipment, which guarantees not only the appropriate quality, but also the fact that the remote control will always fit the TV that they bought. It also allows you to quickly pick up a new remote control if the old one is broken. You can pick up the necessary parts much faster if it was decided to repair the remote control yourself.
Among the main brands of TVs and remote controls, the following are the most popular manufacturers:
Samsung technology is best combined with accessories of the same brand. In addition, there are options for the remote control for each specific model of TVs, players and set-top boxes, including those related to the Smart system. Panasonic, like Samsung, is developing remote control models for each new TV model that has been created, but recently the manufacturer has been trying to create an option that will not only fit a particular type, and freely manage all new models from the company. Which, of course, will help to save both in material terms and in the promptness of replacement.
It is logical that 1 universal remote control will take up much less space than, for example, 2, 3 or more.
At the very beginning of work, both the TV and the remote control usually show themselves from their best sides, but it happens that over time you start to face various problems in the operation of the remote control of your device and, most often, such problems begin abruptly, and the person does not know what happened and how to change it. The question is: what went wrong? Is there something wrong with the TV or with the remote control?
It doesn't matter which company is the leader in the production of TVs, Samsung, Philips, Sony, Panasonic, LJI or some other company, sooner or later all equipment may fail in its work. And these failures are not only very unexpected, but also quite serious. Before you panic when the TV cannot be turned on from the remote control, you should check if the TV itself works at all?
This requires:
- First, check if the technician is connected to a power source. Even a small child can handle this. If the TV plug is connected and the current is supplied to the outlet, but the TV does not turn on, check the wire itself, it so happens that the cable from the TV to the plug is frayed, bent, etc.
- If both the plug and the cable are in order, and there is current in the outlet, and the TV does not want to turn on, then try to start it using the button, which is located on the body of the equipment itself. If the equipment does not respond, then it is worth sounding the alarm and checking the performance of the TV itself.
- In the event that, when turned on with the button on the panel, the TV works as if nothing had happened, and does not want to respond to the remote control, then the question arises of why this happened. Most likely, in this case, the problem is specifically in the remote control.
If repairing a TV at home is almost impossible, and experts advise you to contact the masters in case of such breakdowns, then the remote control can be repaired yourself.But first of all, they must determine why the TV stopped responding to the native remote control.
In addition to the fact that the remote control can completely refuse to connect and work with the TV, other problems may arise in the event of breakdowns in the remote control. For example, the remote control does not switch channels well, when you press some buttons, the equipment reacts as if other buttons are pressed - if you decide to change the channel, and instead of turning on the next one, the remote starts to increase or decrease the volume of the TV, etc.
Sometimes the buttons are pressed with difficulty, seize, react from the second, third or more times.
The TV may react to the remote control only at close range. This can be noticeable if you turn on the TV from different parts and corners of the hall. For each of the breakdowns there is a reason that causes this or that malfunction, and it also happens that at one moment several reasons converge at once, and in this case you can get a very serious problem.
Among the causes of breakdowns are:
- Small children. As practice shows, in families with small children, it is they who cause the remote control to break down. A child unknowingly can wash the remote control in a bucket or bathroom, throw it against the wall, etc. If such a reason is identified, then the easiest and most reliable way will be to replace the old remote control with a new one and hide it away from children's eyes.
- Batteries. As you know, in television remote controls, energy is obtained on the basis of AA batteries, which are inserted into a special compartment. Replacing the batteries or rechargeable batteries can help to restore the functionality of the remote control.
- Scheme. The circuit of the remote control can also hide various breakdowns, ranging from loose contacts to more serious problems. A popular example of a microcircuit is the Adam24P20G circuit.
- Quartz remote control device.
- Buttons. The special gasket between the circuit and the buttons may become thinner.
Many problems can be identified even in the early stages, for example, by the appearance of the remote control. If you notice that the body is melted, cracked or gnawed, then this should give rise to the idea that, perhaps, there is already a problem inside, which in the future will lead to a complete refusal of technology from work. Some problems can be identified and eliminated in this way at an early stage.
Knowing the reason why the remote control broke down, you can decide what should be done to reanimate the remote control. Most often, the remote control has malfunctions, some of which can be eliminated on their own. Let's consider a few examples of how to restore the operation of the remote control. Insufficient power supply to operate the console circuits. In this case, a simple battery replacement is likely to be required.
There is no need to disassemble or solder anything - it is just necessary:
- Open the console compartment;
- Remove old batteries;
- Replace them with new ones.
In case of a bad reaction of the buttons to pressing, you will have to disassemble the device in order to check the integrity of the gasket between the buttons and the remote control circuit. Disassembling the remote control is a matter that requires appropriate preparations. First of all, there should be a set with small cross-section screwdrivers, both flat and Phillips, at hand. In addition, disassembling the remote comes in handy when you need to lubricate certain parts of the device.
If the case breaks, it is best to replace it with a new one, or repair or fix the debris with improvised materials. Insulating tape is our everything.
When you know what to do, you can do it on your own. In addition, all these examples will be useful when deciding to repair the remote control yourself. But nevertheless, sometimes you should entrust this work to masters who have been repairing such equipment for more than a year.
Inspection of equipment, most often, stops after the TV itself has been checked, especially if everything is checked on the basis of the store. This leads to the fact that any problems with the remote control begin to be noticed much later, when it is almost impossible to exchange the remote control or repair it under the warranty card. It is believed that the remote control is not such an important element of the TV, but it is not. Any remote control should be checked thoroughly.
The following are subject to verification:
- Remote control for smart system. For example, it could be RMCTPF2AP1 and RMCTPH1AP1.
- Ordinary standard remotes, for example, from the Samsung company - TM1050.
- Panels of popular companies: LJI, Sony, Mysteries. For example, LG Magic Motion Z1025.
- Remote control from the TV tuner.
In conclusion, the question becomes relevant - what is needed in order to check the operation of the remote control at home? First of all, watch the reaction of buttons, for example, Pairing or Select. For most models of modern remote controls, these buttons should be backlit if the device is in working order.
Probably, many of the readers have come across the repair of the remote control (doo) from the TV.
Quite often, the buttons on the remote control completely or partially fail. This malfunction can be caused by various reasons: bad batteries, dirty contacts, or breakdown of other elements.
If any problem occurs, it is better not to rush to throw away the product, but try to repair it yourself. Moreover, it is not always possible to find a high-quality remote control of the original model on sale, for example, a Samsung smart TV.

But if you know the types of breakdowns, then they can be easily eliminated with your own hands.
In most cases, there are several types of remote control breakdowns:
- frequent falls, which could lead to the failure of quartz and important elements; there may be no reaction to certain keys, but when you press others, this is not observed; lack of work for frequently pressed buttons; sometimes, in order for the buttons to work, they have to press hard; the remote control works, but only at close range.
But identifying the reasons is still half the battle; you need to know the repair procedure. Therefore, it is worth considering a detailed troubleshooting procedure. The complexity of the repair directly depends on the type of breakdown.

If everything is in order with the batteries, then the remote control can be checked using a cell phone camera. Since an infrared emitter is installed in it, capable of detecting any interference.
This procedure should be performed according to the following scheme:
- The first step is to turn on the cell phone camera.
- We direct the remote control to the camera. We bring the camera close enough and press any button on the remote control.
- If there is a signal from the remote control, a thick red dot should appear on the phone screen.

But sometimes this signal may not be there. In this case, the device must be disassembled and the board removed. Next, you need to carefully look at this board and make the necessary repairs.

It is necessary to disassemble the device with special care - it is important not to break the body of the product. The first step is to take out the batteries, examine the area where they were bookmarked. If there are screws, then they are unscrewed.
If the device has latches, then it can be disassembled with a thin-pointed screwdriver or a plastic card. To do this, a screwdriver or card must be inserted into the hole located at the top and bottom.
Repair can be done by someone who knows how to work with a soldering iron. Quite often, as a result of frequent drops, the LED may fall off, and the contact pads of the batteries may come off or the quartz-type resonator may be damaged.
You also need to shake the board and listen. If there is a rustle, then this may be the reason for the breakdown of the quartz resonator.
Next, you need to remove this element (it looks like a small soldered box). Then it changes to a new one. It can be purchased at any radio store, as well as in the online radio parts store.

In these situations, a condition of oil condensation occurs inside the device. The elimination of these breakdowns can be done independently.
The repair procedure should be carried out according to the following scheme:
- The remote control is disassembled. The board is wiped with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Due to this, the board is cleared of plaque.
- You also need to wipe the contact pads of the buttons on the rubber part. You can clean the case. But it is not advisable to rub hard, otherwise important contacts can be damaged.
- Separately, it is worth cleaning the spring contact. If the contamination of the element is too strong, then to clean it, use sandpaper and wipe with a sponge with a hard base.
- After cleaning and drying, all parts must be put back together.

Yes, indeed, Chinese models can completely break down after this treatment. Therefore, to eliminate these consequences, prepare a solution of soap and water.
Then a sponge is dipped in there, and all contaminated parts are wiped off. After that, all parts with a soapy solution are cleaned with cool water, wiped with a paper towel and left to dry completely. At the end, the console is assembled.

In these situations, you can easily make your own remote control. For repair, you will need the following elements:
- foil, it is imperative that there is a paper base on one side;
- silicone-based glue or Moment glue. There are also adhesive mixtures with a conductive base.
How to fix the problem yourself:
- First of all, we disassemble the device and take out the rubber part.
- Foil paper is glued to the back of the buttons. Foil from cigarettes or chocolates is perfect.

- We glue the foil with the paper part of the silicone mixture or the Moment glue.

- There is also a special conductive glue for gluing, but its cost is quite high.
- On sale there are kits with glue and spray buttons. These kits can easily be used to repair the remote control yourself. In the area where the old buttons with attrition were located, you just need to glue the new ones.

If the remote control finally breaks down and any attempts to repair it with your own hands did not lead to the desired result, then it will have to be replaced with a new one. Moreover, you can find similar products on sale that do not need to be specially tuned for your TV.
Do-it-yourself remote control repair is not such a difficult process. Sometimes you can simply replace the batteries and the remote control will resume in the same mode. However, batteries may not always cause the product to malfunction.
Perhaps the breakdown was caused by other consequences. In any case, if everything is done according to the instructions, then the malfunction can be easily eliminated by yourself.
From this video You will learn how to repair a TV remote control with your own hands:
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