DIY VAZ 2106 turn signal repair

In detail: do-it-yourself repair of the VAZ 2106 turn signal relay from a real master for the site

Such an element of electrical equipment of the "six", as the VAZ 2106 turn signal relay, is designed to signal pedestrians and vehicles that this car is going to move along a different trajectory (to make a turn in one direction or another).

The standard VAZ 2106 direction indicator relay, the price of which is an insignificant amount and is quite affordable for any Russian motorist, is a mandatory means of warning about a change in traffic for a vehicle due to the signal system adopted among motorists and is located under the dashboard in the driver's seat area. Directly the electrical circuit of the "six" turns relay and its position in the vehicle electrical system is located below

and the numbering in the figure is deciphered as follows:

  1. Sidelights "six".
  2. Side direction indicators.
  3. Battery.
  4. Generating device.
  5. Egnition lock.
  6. A block device for the concentration of safety elements that protect all electrical circuits of the vehicle's power equipment.
  7. Relay for direction indicators VAZ 2106 and alarm type, operating in intermittent mode.
  8. A corner signaling lamp located in the speed sensor (speedometer).
  9. Button for stopping the flashing of the emergency gang.
  10. Stern optics.
  11. Rotation switching element in the switch is a three-position type.

The necessary replacement of the VAZ 2106 turns relay begins with the preparation of the workplace for such a technological operation. This requires:

Video (click to play).

This replacement of the turn relay is made due to the frequent failure of the standard product. During the operation of the standard turn signal relay, there comes a moment when it periodically starts to work incorrectly. This can be seen by the lack of ignition of the "control". The reason is in the absence of a complete closure of the product. The lack of sound accompaniment of the turn maneuver creates the illusion that the turn signal relay is faulty.

Otherwise, the malfunction of the product manifests itself in an unstable period of the product's functionality. This is due to the time interval of closing the relay contacts. The next thing is that the standard turn signal relay works with a low volume level, which creates a problem if it is unauthorizedly turned on if it accidentally touches the driving process.

The above disadvantages can be eliminated by replacing the turn relay from a standard one to an electronic sample. The pinout of the electronic type relay is presented below.

  1. Positive contact.
  2. Output contact to the turn signal switch.
  3. "Control".
  4. "Weight".

It must be remembered that good insulation of the contacts is required, and this must be done with insulating tape and a cambric (hollow plastic braid). This is necessary to exclude possible short circuits with other wiring. Another feature is the fact that the VAZ 2106 electronic type direction indicator relay is integrated into a plastic case and its linear dimensions do not make it possible to install it in a regular position. In addition, the presence of an additional "petal" also interferes with the installation process.

An independent solution is needed in order to connect the turn relay of a new sample. We propose as an alternative to apply the so-called. "Strip" - a plastic-type clamping clamp for fastening electrical wiring. Such a mount seems to be quite long-term and reliable.

To install an emergency gang on a VAZ 2101 with our own hands, we need: an emergency gang button from a six and a chip for it, a six turn relay, a six-pin chip for a turn relay.

Image - DIY VAZ 2106 turn signal repair

Image - DIY VAZ 2106 turn signal repair

Here is the diagram for turning on the turns of the VAZ 2101:

1 - sidelights;
2 - side direction indicators;
3 - storage battery;
4 - generator;
5 - ignition switch;
6 - fuse box;
7 - relay-interrupter of direction indicators;
8 - indicator lamp for direction indicators;
9 - turn signal switch;
10 - rear lights

And this is the diagram for turning on the turns and alarms for the VAZ-2106:

1 - sidelights; 2 - side direction indicators; 3 - storage battery; 4 - generator; 5 - ignition switch; 6 - main fuse box; 7 - additional fuse box; 8 - relay-interrupter for alarm and direction indicators; 9 - control lamp of direction indicators in the speedometer; 10 - alarm switch; 11 - rear lights; 12 - direction indicator switch in a three-lever switch.

And this is a diagram for connecting a VAZ-2106 turn relay (view of the contacts):

We connect in the following sequence:

1. Disconnect the old turn relay (barrel) and connect the blue wire to pin 3 of the new relay, this is the control on the dashboard.

2. We connect a piece of wire to the 4 output of the new relay; when attaching the new relay, we screw it to the ground.

3. White and black wire (sometimes purple) is connected to the 2nd output of the relay and to the 7th output of the emergency gang button (the numbers on the button are written on the back).

4. Add the orange wire (ignition) and connect it to pin # 2 of the button.

5. 1 output of the turn signal relay is connected to output No. 4 of the emergency gang button.

6. At the 8th output of the button we supply constant power, for example, from the first fuse.

7. Connect 1 output of the button to the blue wire in the tube chip.

8. Connect the third pin of the button to the blue one with a black stripe in the tube chip.

There is another option. On the market, ready-made wiring for connecting the alarm is sold:

Installation of an emergency gang on a VAZ 2101
Red - to white with a black stripe (or purple), this is the load.
Yellow - to blue (this is control).
Blue to orange (ignition).
Brown with a red stripe is a permanent plus (for example, on the first fuse).
White and brown with a white stripe to the tube counter (left and right turns).

We fix the turn relay in place of the old one, not forgetting about the masses. Cut out a round hole for the emergency gang button (the washer pump hole is ideal, but not on all models). If you have a desire to somehow transform the car, I advise you to install the front windows from the VAZ 2107 with your own hands, it looks just super!

With such a colossally high rhythm of movement, the behavior of each individual motorist in the stream of cars should be as predictable and understandable to the rest as possible. Here it is important not only the ability to drive a car, give the necessary signals in time, but also the technical serviceability of the light signaling systems. This is especially felt when driving old-style cars, for example, on the VAZ 2106, the direction indicators, the low and high beam of which work with the help of a relay. This technique has long been discontinued, it is potentially problematic, which means that its owner is simply obliged to know the device and methods of repairing the systems of his car.

Image - DIY VAZ 2106 turn signal repair

If we turn to the Road Traffic Rules (SDA) in force in the territory of the Russian Federation, then there are clear formulations regarding maneuvering. Before starting a movement, changing lanes, changing direction, stopping, the driver of the VAZ 2106 must use the direction indicators, and if they fail, give a signal with his hands. In conditions of poor visibility, you will also have to use low-beam sources, and to increase the information content of the dialogue between participants in the movement - also distant.

The lights on are usually enough to make the car visible on the road, but no more.If you need to draw the attention of other road users to a specific detail, action, lighting should not be static, but dynamic - flashing. To put this principle into practice, you need to understand that both headlights and indicators are part of a single electrical circuit of the "six". In order for the pointers to blink, a periodic break in the lamp power supply circuit is required, and this is where a special remote key or relay is needed.

In the “six”, most of the relay breakers are located in a compact, single unit in the power compartment. At the same time, the electronic key for the turn signals, as well as the emergency light, are located inside the passenger compartment under the dashboard. Externally and technically, they are of the same type, that is, there should be no problems with interchangeability. The main objectives of these circuit components are:

  • current supply of lighting lamps and direction indicators;
  • periodic interruption of the circuit, creating the effect of flashing lights;
  • sound signal in the form of characteristic clicks accompanying interruption and flashing.

The implementation of all the necessary functions is possible thanks to the device of the relay itself, which has two groups of contacts. Some are stationary, while others are mobile, connected to the armature, and through it to the electromagnetic coil. When the latter attracts the contacts, they are struck against the armature, causing characteristic clicks.

Malfunctions in the operation of the turn signal relay or the low / high beam in the VAZ 2106 happen quite rarely. These mechanisms are quite reliable, but, being part of the general electrical circuit of the car, they are not insured against such problems as overvoltage, breakdown, etc. In fact, the products are not repairable - it is practically impossible to eliminate damage to the coil or contacts qualitatively. In other words, when a defect or malfunction is detected, the mechanisms are simply changed to similar ones, selecting them according to the catalog number:

  • for the turn interrupter relay - 231.3747-10 (11) or 23.3747-10 (11);
  • for the lighting interrupter relay - 113.3747-10 (11) or 90.3747-10 (11).

The number at the end of the designation indicates the design of the device body: the 10th modification is equipped with a mounting flange, and in the 11th it is absent, which is compensated by the increased dimensions of the body. Also, when choosing electronic relay-interrupters, it should be remembered that rotary models are compatible with relay alarm units, and lighting models are compatible with devices for switching on the fan motor, horn, plate heater of the rear window. A malfunction of the relay unit may be indicated by problems in the operation of the lamps controlled by it due to the impossibility of closing the circuit or, conversely, opening it.