Do-it-yourself power steering rack repair Lanos

In detail: do-it-yourself Lanos power steering rack repair from a real master for the site

We remove the steering gear for its repair, replacement or replacement of the protective cover.
We show the removal of the steering gear with power steering.
The steering gear can be removed with or without steering rods.
In the first method, we press out the fingers of the ball joints of the outer ends from the pivot arms of the shock absorber struts (see Replacing the outer tip of the Chevrolet Lanos tie rod).
In the second method, we disconnect the inner ends of the steering rods from the steering rack (see Removing the Chevrolet Lanos steering rod).
In the cabin…

… With the “12” head, unscrew the bolt of the terminal connection of the flexible coupling flange with the shank of the steering gear and remove the bolt.
Set the front wheels to the straight-ahead position.
Once the mechanical connection between the steering gear shaft and the flexible coupling is disconnected, the steering wheel must not be turned to avoid damage to the coiled cable connecting the driver's airbag and horn switches to the wiring harness.
In the engine compartment, remove the coolant expansion tank from the studs and set it aside (see Removing the Chevrolet Lanos expansion tank).
Before disconnecting the pipes of the hydraulic lines from the crankcase of the steering gear, place a wide container under the crankcase to collect the fluid.

Using the "18" key, unscrew the union 1 of the drain line tube and the union 2 of the discharge line tube.
We remove the tips of the pipes of both lines from the holes of the steering gear housing and insert plugs of a suitable diameter into the holes of the pipes and the crankcase.

Video (click to play).

Using the "12" head, unscrew the bolt of the upper fastening of the right steering gear bracket to the bulkhead ...

... and the bottom mounting nut.

Remove the right steering gear bracket.

With the same tool we unscrew the bolt of the upper fastening of the left steering bracket to the bulkhead and the nut of the lower fastening ... ... and remove the bracket.

The location of the steering gear mounting brackets (for clarity with the engine removed)

We move the steering mechanism forward until the gear shank comes out of the flange of the elastic coupling (for clarity, the instrument panel has been removed).
We remove the shank of the gear from the hole in the bulkhead of the body ...

… And take out the steering gear together with the steering rods through the hole in the left mudguard.

With the second method of dismantling, we take out the steering gear without steering rods.
We carry out the assembly and installation of the steering mechanism in the reverse order, making sure to check the middle position of the rack (straight-line movement of the car).
In this case, the steering wheel must also maintain the straight-ahead position of the vehicle.
This is necessary so that the coiled airbag reel cable is in the middle position.

In the middle position, the rack is located when the distance from the inner end of the seating surface of the steering gear housing under the left rubber cushion to the axis of symmetry of the plate is 325 mm (for clarity, it is shown with the steering gear removed).
In this case, the clamping bolt of the terminal connection of the flexible coupling flange with the steering column shaft must be located on top of the steering shaft in a horizontal position.
Fill the power steering reservoir with working fluid and remove air from the system (see.Bleeding the power steering system of the Chevrolet Lanos).

Not that much of the rake on Lanos thundered, but still the sound was distinct. For a long time I wanted to disassemble the rail and see what happened there, but somehow there was not enough time, my hands did not reach. However, I recently had a chance to do it. The fact is that the whole workshop was at my disposal, because the bosses were not at work that day. Naturally, I did not miss such a moment, I dismantled the rail.

After dismantling the element, he removed the rubber boot, pulled out the slider and found quite strong wear on it in the side area. It is necessary to change this element, but after all, I need to finish the repair today, I cannot leave the workplace and go to the car shop. And then I took a block of fluoroplastic, cut it out to the desired size, made a detail that was very similar to the old slider. The machine, which is in the workshop, helped me a lot, without it I would not have coped.

As soon as I made a new part, all that remained was to collect everything as it was before and enjoy the result. And the result is really there, the bounce from the steering rack has disappeared completely, you can't really hear it anymore. But I was already planning to buy a new rail, though not this year, now I would train with sound, but this means that the element is wearing out rapidly and soon there will be little left of it. Well, the rake will still serve for a couple of years, or even more.

So I recommend you, even if you do not have special equipment with you, then you should not immediately buy a new part on the advice of people who only pretend that they understand something in this, but in fact, out of knowledge and a penny stand. Disassemble, look where it is broken. Even if I couldn't make myself a new part, I could go to a car shop and buy myself a new one. In any case, it is much cheaper than buying yourself a new rail, and then, along with all this good, go to a car service, where you will have to pay the same amount for the work, if not more.

The steering gear Daewoo Lanos has the most direct impact on traffic safety. It’s scary to imagine what can happen when the driver turns the steering wheel and the wheels don’t react to it. Additionally, the precise operation of the entire mechanism provides a comfortable driving environment. One of its main components is the steering rack. If any malfunction occurs in it, the creation of an emergency situation on the road is inevitable. Given this feature, control over the state of the reiki should be constant.

Serviceable steering rack Daewoo Lanos during operation does not remind in any way of its existence. But as soon as problems arise in her condition, she immediately makes itself felt.

The most characteristic signs of a malfunction that has occurred are:

  • Backlash in the steering wheel;
  • Unauthorized knocking;
  • The steering wheel is jammed;
  • Oil spots under the engine;
  • Reducing the fluid level in the power steering tank (power steering).

These and other features are not unique to the steering rack. Only service station specialists can understand the reason for their appearance and determine their location.

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Image - Do-it-yourself power steering rack repair Lanos

Diagnostics is the most crucial moment in determining the possibility of further operation of the rail. The method of restoring its performance will depend on the results. But this is in the event that the diagnostics were carried out in compliance with all parameters. It is this condition that is feasible only at a specialized service station. Why? The answer is simple - the steering rack cannot be diagnosed "by eye". This requires special equipment.

By external examination, the service station specialists determine the possibility of a malfunction in the unit. Then the rail is dismantled, and after cleaning it is checked on a special diagnostic stand.If the results obtained by inspection and at the stand coincide, the possibility of further use of the rail in the car is analyzed.

Thus, every car enthusiast must conclude that the steering rack diagnosis cannot be trusted even by the “best mechanic” from the neighboring garage. The performance of this unit cannot be assessed without a diagnostic stand.

Steering racks can be conditionally divided into two types - with and without power steering. Accordingly, the repair of the Lanos power steering rack will have slight differences.

The content and number of operations during the repair of an element such as a Lanos steering rack with power steering increases slightly due to the presence of a power steering. This includes draining fluid from the power steering, replacing sealing glands and additional adjustments.

The practice of such repairs shows that everyone who made them with their own hands had to seek qualified help from service station specialists. Thus, savings on repairs turned into unforeseen costs.

Image - Do-it-yourself power steering rack repair Lanos

It is somewhat simpler than the previous one, but not so much as to be performed independently. There are many pitfalls in the reiki restoration process for non-specialists.

Failure to comply with some of the nuances will lead to the failure of the entire mechanism. For example, after tightening the bushing spring cover, it must be loosened by half a turn. Failure to do this will result in a jammed steering rack.

It is good if this does not happen while driving. Repair in service conditions involves not only the replacement of defective parts, but also a thorough check of the unit as a whole.

For this, there are special diagnostic stands. The complexity of the repair is evidenced by its laboriousness. It may take up to one day to restore the rail.

Image - Do-it-yourself power steering rack repair Lanos

In any case, the choice will remain with the client. But a number of factors must be taken into account here. If the rail was repaired at a service station, then its service life will not differ from the new one. Moreover, he may even surpass him. It all depends on the parts used in the repair. Some suppliers produce parts of higher quality than the manufacturer. This is especially true for such an indicator as strength.

An important indicator is the cost. The restored rail has more than 5 times less than the new one. Often this is a determining factor in the choice of whether the Lanos steering rack will be repaired or replaced.

The service life of 200-250 thousand km laid down by the manufacturer is not always maintained. This is facilitated by:

  • Image - Do-it-yourself power steering rack repair LanosThe poor quality of our roads;
  • Not a neat ride;
  • Increase in vehicle mileage between scheduled maintenance;
  • Operational errors;
  • Normal wear and tear.

All these reasons cause a significant decrease in the service life of the mechanism. Analyzing the causes of malfunctions, it is easy to come to the conclusion that they are mainly caused by the driver. By reading the Instruction for the operation of the car, and most importantly by fulfilling its requirements, you can significantly increase the service life of all its components and assemblies, including the steering rack.

A trip with a faulty steering rack can turn into a big disaster, and even become the last for your car. Whatever this happens, we suggest contacting us at the service station for help. We have at our disposal a competent, highly professional staff of repairmen, certified equipment for diagnostics and repair. We give a guarantee for the work performed by us.

Opel reliability, inherited along with the design of the main units, passed to Daewoo cars. Nevertheless, with a strong run, the car can fray on your nerves. When the steering rack knocks on Lanos, it's too early to sound the alarm. First, we will carry out diagnostics, and after that we will find out what shines for us - replacing the rail, repairing, or maybe it’s something else. As practice shows, a knock on the steering rack does not always indicate the need for replacement.The price of the rail itself, plus the cost of replacement - comes out a round sum that will make us figure it out on our own.

For orientation, we have selected several options for replacing the rail with Lanos. It is not a fact that it will have to be changed, nevertheless, we will know how much you can save if you spend time on diagnostics and, in extreme cases, repairing the steering.

  1. The original GM steering rack without power steering with catalog number 096275011, Korean, will cost $ 82 (or UAH 2092) at the rate for 2018. The quality is good, but you can find it cheaper and not worse.
  2. For example, the Czech Profit rake is 30418040. Its price is $ 79. Slightly worse in quality, but there is no crime.
  3. Lauber, made in Poland, catalog number 668267. This rail with power steering, therefore, it costs a lot, about $ 450. It makes no sense to change it, only to repair it.

The prospect of a complete replacement of the rail is not bright, especially since the service station will most likely insist on the replacement. Nobody wants to mess with the steering wheel of an outdated design, it is not profitable for them. It is easier to change, but more dear to us. It turns out that we figure it out ourselves.

There is nothing especially complicated in the Lanos reiki device. Classic design, proven over the years and has survived more than one generation of cars. The steering rack device is shown in the photo below.

Regardless of whether with or without power steering, knocks in the steering can appear for several reasons:

  • Image - Do-it-yourself power steering rack repair LanosWorn gear-rack pair. If the run of our Lanos is over 180 thousand, the likelihood that this pair has worn out is quite high. Image - Do-it-yourself power steering rack repair LanosPair of gear - rack
  • Image - Do-it-yourself power steering rack repair LanosThe adjusting nut is loose or the clamping sleeve is worn out. The solution is simple - we tighten the nut, but not all the way, but so that the steering wheel rotates freely, while there was no backlash. Image - Do-it-yourself power steering rack repair LanosRail clamping cracker
  • Image - Do-it-yourself power steering rack repair LanosWorn steering shaft bearings. The most common reason for knocking is Lanos with good mileage.
  • Image - Do-it-yourself power steering rack repair LanosWorking out on the clamping cracker, which leads to the fact that it is not pressed by the rack and pounds on the rack body when driving through irregularities. In this case, you will have to remove and sort the rail.

There are a number of symptoms that can be very similar to rake knocking. In fact, everything can be much easier and cheaper to repair. These moments are often used at service stations to raise the price of repairs, so knowing about such malfunctions, we can fix them with our own hands.

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It is quite easy to check the condition of the reiki. Firstly, a thorough visual inspection will tell about the leakage of grease from the steering crankcase, broken or worn out anthers, mechanical damage to the rack. Secondly, you need to try to find out the source of the knock from under the car or from under the hood.

To do this, ask the assistant to sit behind the wheel and turn it within 15-30 degrees. At this time, we ourselves are in the area of ​​the steering rack and carefully listen to where the knock comes from, if there is any at all on a stationary car. The knock can be recognized by placing a hand on the rack housing while an assistant is turning the steering wheel. Another source of knocking on the steering wheel is the tie rod attachment points. The seal under the binoculars often breaks, it is enough to replace it and the knocking will disappear.

If the knocks on the standing car were confirmed, we buy a repair kit for the Lanos rail, remove it and change the O-rings, caproline bushings, clamps and anthers. Even a complete bulkhead of the rail will cost much less than buying and installing a new one. Successful diagnostics and smooth roads to everyone!

We will show you how to repair the steering rack of a Daewoo Lanos car with your own hands (Daewoo Lanos). A knock of the rear hub is heard in the steering rack; it creaks unpleasantly when the steering wheel moves. At the beginning of the video, it is shown how it is correctly removed and then disassembled, the tool used, lubricant, etc. When disassembling, carefully inspect the anthers for damage; if found, replacement is necessary.

Lithol was used as a lubricant, but in further practice, it is better to use lubricant for the CV joint for these purposes, in terms of lubricating properties it is slightly better than lithol, all the advantages of this lubricant are manifested in frost, in cold weather it will not chill, in the morning or after a long parking the steering wheel spins without any problems on an unheated car.

At the end, it shows how the steering rack is assembled, its work after repair.

Daewoo Lanos steering rack repair video: