There are a couple more reliable methods that will solve the problem.
Each method is effective. Forbidden trick - metal brush or knife. You simply deform the walls of the samovar, such sacrifices are not worth the fight against scale.
Restoration is a lot of work that starts with such mundane little things as descaling and tinning. Well, then you act according to the circumstances - either replace the bad elements, or fix the cracks and carry out the final work, the decor of the samovar.
We are restoring for the purpose of its intended use, for ourselves. About cleaning, how? We chew to the smallest detail, do not hesitate. In the process of restoration I will expose a photo for clarity.
(needs to be removed, will be continued soon)
I post a photo of the result and flaws. The samovar is a little overwhelmed to the right, relative to the stand set on the level. The largest dents. Crack in the pipe.
We look, we offer methods of "treatment".
I have a special bath in which I remove any scale, plaque, patina, oxidation in different acids and products. A counter question. tsar-handicraftsman , but how to solder if there is scale? Since you need to solder for accuracy from the inside. If soldering from the outside, then this is an extra polishing job.
Here you need to start cleaning the samovar with message # 15
Added by (2010-11-29, 3:48 PM) ——————————————— And another question for general development, I heard somewhere that 70% vinegar or citric acid is used for the same purpose. What are your opinions on this?
I also heard that vinegar, vinegar and sugar are mixed, boiled with potassium permanganate. Do not believe, many have already tried, including me and the result "0". True, if you boil lemon sour in a samovar, then yes, it eats away scale, but for a very long time. And the procedure must be repeated several times.
Better now. I forgot to write that the procedure must be repeated several times if all the scale has not left. But remember: IT IS NECESSARY FOR THE WATER TO BOTTLE FOR 40-60 MIN.
Yes Anita , right. But there are still traces of scale on the tin.It should be removed. And so the result from Antinakipin was not long in coming. The samovar is on the mend! For Efim : Plague on a samovar is not a sentence (of course, in the hands of a master). The cracks are quite thin (micromillimeter), they can be soldered. But there are a lot of them. Soldering is a laborious and rather expensive process. I remember I came across a faceted turnip on which there were 86 cm of these thin cracks. I had to tinker. By the way Russian prepare the burner! If your samovar has dents, then you will have to dissolve it.
Result after "Anti-scale":
Wiring samovar disassembly of all components. Cleaning the inside of a samovar using a mini drill machine with a fine-grained nozzle:
Rough straightening. All visible dents on the samovar are removed using a mold and a pressure stone:
Tinning of the case with chemical (food) tin, both outside and inside:
Removing scale, stubborn dirt, straightening and tinning the pipe:
Removing scale, stubborn dirt, leveling, installing missing parts on the pallet (you can also use the original ones):
Pre-polishing (with Goya paste # 2) for better visibility of small dents (for re-straightening) and preservation of edged prints, straightening, repeated internal tinning:
Re-polishing after the final straightening before assembling the samovar:
Assembling the samovar by soldering (tin) pipes, handles, faucet, grate, selection of missing parts (in the absence of the original):
Final polishing, installation of wood fittings (oak, clear, maple to choose from):
You need to polish with the following means: 1. MetalKlinner for coarse plaque; 2. MetalKlinner for polishing; 3. Goya Pasta (green, small brick shape): a) No. 4 - to eliminate deep damage (scratches) on the surface of the samovar; b) No. 3, No. 2 - to eliminate cuts on the surface; c) No. 1 - for polishing. Polishing and cleaning should be done with an electric device (drill, grinder, grinder.) With a dense felt. To keep the samovar clean (shiny), use simple household chemicals and an old T-shirt
Samovar on wood: on cones with your own hands, photo, device, how to choose and use, how to melt, copper, video
Samovar on wood: modernizing a rarity
A wood-fired samovar is a symbol of hospitality, comfort, strength of family ties. If you live in a house, and even outside the city, a samovar just asks for an interior. Yes, what is there in the interior, in everyday life or in holiday traditions that always hold the family together. A wood-fired samovar is a symbol of hospitality, comfort, strength of family ties. Homemade cakes, jams, and tea made by hand are not considered relics, but the samovar, which in this "company" is very handy, is referred to as something long forgotten. Meanwhile, heating a samovar is not difficult, and even interesting, repairing it is also not the most expensive business. Well, if there is nothing to repair yet, look for an interesting model in the store - new samovars are becoming fashionable.
The principle of operation of a brazier samovar, or a wood-fired samovar, has not changed for several centuries. To understand how to use such a device, it is worth understanding how it works.
The first fire samovar appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century.
Wood-fired samovar device:
Body (or water tank). It differs in size, design nuances and decor. The body is equipped with handles for easy portability. If the body is simple, copper, without much decor, the cost of such a samovar will not be as expensive as a painted analogue.
Jug. This is the name of the pipe that runs through the entire body. The combustion process takes place in it. At the bottom of the jug there is a grate connected to the base, and there are already special holes through which air is supplied to the firebox.
Lid ... The body is closed with a lid; there is a hole in it for the top of the jug. There are handles on the lid, as well as steam extractors.
Hotplate. After boiling on top of the lid, a burner is fixed to the outlet of the jug. There is a teapot on the hotplate. Moreover, in fact, you can put an electric kettle there.
Faucet ... It is located at the bottom of the samovar, just above the bottom. If the tap was located at the very bottom, then the same scale could get into the cup.
Samovar cutaway: unit device
Such a samovar was drowned by our ancestors, practically the same is drowned by our contemporaries.
An antique wood-fired samovar is usually made of copper. Today the wood-fired samovar is made of brass. In addition, a modern wood-burning samovar can be copper-plated, or, for example, contain an electroplated coating. There are nickel-plated models, there are models coated with a special heat-resistant varnish.
If you are restoring a wood-fired samovar, then some repairs will be required, which you can do with your own hands, or you can turn to professionals. Everything depends on the volume of the restoration. If we are talking only about decor, cleaning and descaling, such procedures, of course, can be done efficiently with your own hands. But more complex repairs, elimination of cracks and leaks, tinning, replacement of components, not everyone can do.
The choice of the shape of samovars is also interesting:
Collectors know that there are no variations of the shape. And the decor does not lend itself to listing at all - smooth, grooved, painted samovars, etc.
Why is it not advised today to heat copper samovars? The fact is that they are susceptible to oxidation, and this is not very good, and outwardly such a wood-fired samovar quickly deteriorates.
The name wood-burning does not mean that only wood can be used. A hot-air samovar can be heated with coal, but if you want unusual tea, you need to heat it with cones.
It should be said right away that you will not find a better way than stoking a samovar with charcoal. After coal is burned, not much ash is formed and the resulting powder can be easily removed.
But how, having a samovar, not to make tea on cones with your own hands? Indeed, it is worth drinking such tea at least once, but taking into account some of the nuances.
Samovar firebox with cones:
To melt a samovar with them is not the best option, the soot will be notable, but you can add it to the firebox while the water is boiling;
There is a lot of resin in the cones, which tends to clog the inner pipe in the samovar;
The cone should only be pine.
In order for the tea to be not only fragrant and healthy, only pine cones are used.
And here's another curious fact - the water in the samovar will not come into contact with the burning fuel, but nevertheless, it will have the aroma of the wood that melted the samovar. So your tea can be apple or pine. This is explained as follows: active oxygen bubbles begin to form on the surface of the inner heating pipe during boiling. It turns out that the water in the samovar becomes, let's say, alive.
Therefore, it is believed that tea from a samovar is special, soft, and water for it has healing properties.
If you are not going to hand over the existing samovar for repair, or you do not have any samovar at all, you will have to buy it. There are also a lot of questions about how to choose. In order for the samovar to please you with long work, and the tea was always tasty, you need to choose in detail.
How to choose a hot samovar:
External persuasiveness ... The simplest thing is that there should be no dents or cracks, there should be no color inhomogeneity.
Sustainability ... Place the samovar on a table or other flat surface, it should not wobble.
Jug device ... If this part is made of thin iron, a quick repair of the samovar is actually guaranteed.
Tinning the inside ... The inside of the product must be tinned with special food grade tin.
Tightness. Neither the faucet nor anything else should leak.
Capacity. If there are at least three people in your family, then the volume of the samovar should not be less than three liters.There are smaller models, which are popularly called "egoist", from which you need to drink tea in several approaches, if a company is gathered.
Models with a corrugated surface are considered more stable.
Finally, the most important thing is how to drink delicious tea from such a vaunted samovar. If you have no experience, you will have to read the instructions.
Before lighting the samovar, prepare a sufficient amount of wood chips
Kindling a brazier samovar :
Place the samovar on a small table; it must be stable;
Fill with water, close the lid;
Kindle the wood chips and throw it into the jug, then add more chips there (if the first one has not gone out);
Put the pipe on, let it burn;
Add wood chips until the water boils (the pipe, in turn, creates a draft for combustion);
At the very end, add herbs or the same buds for flavor;
Pour tea into a teapot, pour boiling water over it and place on top of the samovar.
The tea should be tasty, aromatic, and the very atmosphere of such tea drinking is incomparable with the automatic brewing of tea from an electric kettle.
A fire samovar in your home, at the dacha is a necessary thing that will definitely decorate summer evenings and family or friendly gatherings. And the very process of brewing tea is at the same time a pleasant ritual, which, like all good traditions, should be adopted from the older generations.
denis fedotov 02 Jun 2016
good afternoon. a question about the repair and restoration of samovars. there is a special in this topic. they brought a samovar Tula on the stigma of 1826 and the defects are very alarming to me. in practice there were repairs of taps, handles, flasks, inner and more friendly, but this character really strained his brain in terms of the result . if there is someone to discuss and choose a repair technique, I will be very glad. photos later the camera on the bodies died.
selco 02 Jun 2016
I will be very happy to discuss and select a repair technique. Photos later
Photos of the samovar and I think everything is fine. I remember my childhood with my grandmother in the village, and so sometimes a man walked around the village and shouted at the top of his lungs, "we fix samovars and all kinds of copper utensils, cast irons and buckets," and that the most interesting thing is the whole instrument in his bag and in his backpack over his shoulders.
Dalnoboy 03 Jun 2016
I also watched, albeit from the sidelines, an old gypsy repairing a samovar. And these gypsies, I would say real, nomadic. And not the ones that are now, well, you yourself understand.
denis fedotov 09 Jun 2016
the process went unstuck. cleaned up.
denis fedotov 22 Sep 2016
polished a little and the patient is ready.
saper24 22 Sep 2016
AndreyMaster 13 Dec 2016
Photo0953.jpg a little polished and the patient is ready.
And what and how do you polish? Burner, solder?
denis fedotov 17 Dec 2016
all according to the classical scheme of some nanotechnology. paste, acid, solder, high temperature solder, oxygen acetylene torch and tig welding.
Despite the variety of shapes, samovars are arranged in the same way.
Each samovar consists of the following parts:
So, a samovar is a one-piece thin-walled vessel that vertically penetrates the pipe, from the furnace to the burner. Fuel is loaded through the pipe. At the bottom, the pipe expands. The firebox is attached to the bottom of the samovar at some distance from the table surface. This ensures stability and fire safety. Air passes through the grate into the chimney and naturally rises upward, creating a draft in the firebox. A crane is located at a short distance from the bottom. In village huts, the samovar pipe was connected by means of an L-shaped pipe with a chimney, which provided traction. In the case when the fuel or the weather was damp, the samovar had to be inflated. This can be done through the holes in the walls of the firebox, or with the help of a boot, in the so-called "peasant way", which was put on the pipe of a samovar. When the water starts to boil, a teapot is placed on the hotplate. The thrust slows down. The water slowly comes to a boil while brewing the tea.
(Source Wikipedia)
At first glance, repairing samovars may seem like a simple thing, but this is only at first glance. We carry out almost any work on the repair of samovars, from the usual soldering of cracks in the body (walls) and ending with complex work like replacing the grate and repairing the inner pipe (jug).
Sample No. 1 required complicated repairs, as its jug was rotten at the bottom and had a lot of damage on the walls in the places where the metal was drawn, where the walls are very thin. We weld all parts heated by heat using 800-degree solder. Also in sample # 1, the nose and handles needed to be soldered.
Sample No. 2 was not afraid of this word, torn to pieces by some “experts” (it was in this form that it came to us). The samovar initially had a neck and pallet rolling, which were simply torn off (it is not clear why, because the reason for the customers' appeal was simple - a jug leaking). We had to cook all the torn parts with the help of PSr-45, since the burning temperature of the wood can heat these parts much higher than the melting point of the tin solder. The inner tube (jug) was sealed with a hard alloy tin solder, and then covered with a food grade POS-90 solder for health safety.
Photos in the album "Samovar Nickel"
Hookah (Pers. قلیان - ghalyân, ghalyun) is a smoking device that allows you to filter and cool the inhaled smoke. The role of the filter is played by a vessel with water, wine or other liquid. A smoking cup is inserted into the vessel, connected to a pipe, the end of which goes under the water. Above the water level, another tube leaves the vessel, to which a shank is attached. When smoking, a vacuum is created in the hookah vessel, due to which the smoke rises through the liquid and through the pipe with the shank enters the smoker's lungs.
Hookah was invented in India and quickly spread throughout the Muslim world, from Indochina to Morocco. In Europe, he gained some popularity in the 19th century, due to the fashion for oriental exoticism. In Russia, hookah is easy to buy in any shop of oriental souvenirs.
Not so long ago we received an order from a Kharkov cafe to repair three hookahs. the defects were almost the same, but one of the hookahs required replacement of the inner tube of the mouthpiece. Welding was carried out using PSR brazing and subsequent brazing.
Homemade samovar on wood, interesting homemade product from a craftsman.
A samovar is a device designed for boiling water and making tea. The water in the samovar is heated by an internal charcoal firebox, which consists of a pipe on which the chimney is put on.
The craftsman decided to make a samovar with his own hands so that he could heat water in large quantities not only at home, but also on fishing or hunting trips.
The samovar itself is made of stainless steel, the thickness of the metal is 1 mm.
The weight of the product turned out to be 3.7 kg.
From the bottom of the furnace, air holes are made to support the burning of coals.
For better draft, a removable chimney pipe is made.
Here is such a homemade samovar made by a craftsman, a rather useful thing in the household, you can boil the water if the electricity is turned off, or take it outdoors, with such a samovar there will be enough tea for a large company.
Samovar capacity is 12 liters, water boiling time is 25 minutes.
Video (click to play).
Homemade author: Semen. Shymkent, Kazakhstan.