Chainsaws stihl ms 180 are designed in such a way as to make their operation as easy as possible for inexperienced users. To do this, some of the settings available on more powerful Stihl models were abolished in the saw carburetor. But there is still an opportunity to set it up, and repair, as well as do-it-yourself adjustment of the carburetor of the Stihl 180 chainsaw, is possible.
To begin with, it is worth deciding why it may be necessary to adjust and repair the stihl ms 180 carburetor at all. So, this must be done in the following cases:
This list can be continued for a long time, but we have identified the main reasons. Before proceeding with the adjustment, you need to know what main parts it consists of carburetor on a Stihl 180 chainsaw, and who makes it.
So, the stihl ms 180 carburetor is designed and manufactured by a subsidiary of Stihl, called Zama. Original carburetors have a company logo on their body, which guarantees product quality.
A fuel pump is installed directly in the carburetor body, which operates under the action of an air pulse from the chainsaw crankcase, transmitted through special channels. A diaphragm is installed in the pump, it is she who is responsible for pumping fuel under the action of an impulse. A gasket is installed between the diaphragm and the housing, which is responsible for the tightness of the fuel pump.
In the distribution chamber, as well as in the fuel pump, there is also a membrane that opens and regulates the fuel supply by pressing a special rocker, while raising its needle valve.
The chamber cover is the compensator body, which is attached to the carburetor with four screws; a gasket is installed between the body and the cover, which increases the height of the chamber and is responsible for sealing.
The fuel supply nozzle is mounted in the carburetor body in such a way that it is a connecting link between the distribution chamber and the cavity in which the throttle valve is installed. Simultaneously with the fuel, air is supplied to the nozzle and an air mixture is formed. The nozzle has a check valve that blocks the flow of air in reverse order, that is, from the throttle chamber to the distribution chamber.
The throttle valve is installed in the carburetor body and is responsible for increasing the supply of the fuel mixture directly to the engine cylinder. At the moment of pressing the gas, the throttle valve opens slightly, thereby increasing the throughput of the channel and the fuel from the carburetor cavity, rushes into the cylinder in a larger volume.
The combustion of a larger volume of fuel increases the amount of energy generated, which affects the power and speed of the processes. The damper is mounted on a shaft passing through the entire body of the carburetor. At the exit of the shaft from the housing, a mount for the gas cable is installed, next to it is a cone-shaped, adjusting screw responsible for setting the idle speed. By tightening the screw, you can slightly adjust the position of the shaft and the damper installed on it, thereby increasing or decreasing the idle speed, slightly opening or vice versa closing the damper.
main stihl 180 chainsaw carburetor malfunctions .
The carburetor air damper is installed on the opposite side of the throttle and is responsible for starting a cold engine, its control is carried out by the engine control lever. For a cold start, the air damper is completely closed, for normal operation it is opened.
The carburetor of the Stihl 180 chainsaw, indiscriminately, can only be adjusted for the number of revolutions at idle. It is impossible to increase or decrease the fuel supply in various modes using special screws. The manufacturer restricts access to adjustments and does not install these screws. How to adjust the carburetor to the correct idle speed is described in great detail in the manufacturer's instructions.
If certain malfunctions occur, and if you have experience, increase or decrease fuel supply possible by increasing the clearance when opening the needle valve.
To increase feed, rocker needle valve in the distribution chamber, it is necessary to bend up, and to reduce, down. This regulates the stroke of the needle and, accordingly, the throughput of the valve.
You should not carry out the adjustment yourself, because this must be done very accurately and in case of an error it is almost impossible to return the original position of the rocker arm.
After we have examined the carburetor device, it is not difficult to determine the reason why fuel enters the combustion chamber in a larger volume. This happens due to the wear of the gasket between the compensator cover and the carburetor body. How can this affect you, you ask?
The answer is simple, compressing, the gasket releases the diaphragm located on top of it a fraction of a millimeter down. She, in turn, puts more pressure on the rocker needle valve , it will open more than it should and the fuel will flow in excess (it will start to overflow).
Another reason is the stretching of the diaphragm itself, this occurs as a result of natural wear. It is impossible to prevent this process, but you can solve the problem by periodically changing all gaskets, carburetor diaphragms, and the fuel pump. There is a kit for this.
When cleaning the chainsaw with compressed air, in no case should you blow into the fuel pipe, this can lead to a stretching of the diaphragm.
A common cause of carburetor failure on a Stihl chainsaw is a stuck valve in the nozzle. The reason for sticking is a violation of the storage of the chainsaw, or rather the instructions of the manufacturer Stihl 180 for proper preparation for storage.
As follows from the instructions, before long-term storage, it is necessary to drain the fuel from the tank, then start the saw and burn the gasoline from the carburetor. Failure to comply with this elementary rule entails the following consequences. The boost valve, being in direct contact with the fuel, sticks to the body, as the gasoline gradually evaporates and only sticky oil remains. It is impossible to replace the nozzle, because they are not in the repair kit, you can only try to knock it out and rinse it, which is not always possible without damaging the nozzle.
In cases where it is necessary to clean the Stihl 180 carburetor or disassemble it, first you need to remove the assembly from the chainsaw. This must be done in compliance with a certain algorithm of actions:
Put the protective cover for the chainsaw on the bar.
Remove the top cover of the chainsaw.
Unscrew the two nuts securing the air filter and carburetor.
Remove the air filter housing.
Disconnect the wire from the engine control lever.
Carefully remove the lever from its seat in the housing, while disconnecting the air damper rod from it.
Pull the carburetor towards you and disconnect fuel supply , as well as throttle linkage.
To facilitate dismantling, you can additionally unwind the rear handle and disconnect the throttle link first from it, and then only from the carburetor. This may be required aswithout some experience, disconnecting the rod from the carburetor is quite problematic and it is easier to disassemble the handle first.
To install the part in place, follow the reverse order of the algorithm.
When removing and installing the chainsaw engine control lever, you should be extremely careful, because the seat on the saw body is the weak link of the saw, and very often inexperienced users break it.
In order to purge, change the gaskets or the needle valve, the carburetor must be disassembled. To do this, unscrew 4 screws on the compensator cover and one on the fuel pump.
Having opened the case, you should be extremely careful, because if debris gets into the inside of the carburetor, it will make it impossible to work. The thickness of the channels in it is comparable to the thickness of a thread or even a human hair.
A video on repairing a Stihl 180 carburetor can be viewed below. In it, the master talks in detail about the problems and clearly demonstrates the entire repair process.
In conclusion, I would like to note once again that the Stihl carburetors, which are produced by its subsidiary Zama, are very reliable. With proper operation and storage, they can last the entire period of the chainsaw without repair.
1) Malfunctions of the STIHL MS 180 chainsaw: The gas key sticks, and over time, the gas key completely stops moving. Cause: A coating of translucent resin on the carburetor throttle shaft, which leads to sticking of the throttle mechanism. Gum forms when gasoline dissolves a poor quality choke coating. Chainsaw Troubleshooting: Clean the carburetor throttle shaft with acetone, and tin the choke itself with tin.
2) Chainsaw malfunction: The chainsaw "does not pull". Cause: Clogged carburetor. Chainsaw repair: Chainsaw carburetor disassembly and cleaning. Special attention when
cleaning the carburetor should be given to cleaning the additional filter (mesh in the carburetor of the chainsaw) - remove the largest cover on the carburetor, remove the membrane under it and clean the mesh in the recess from dirt (carefully so as not to lose this mesh). Of course - clean with a thin copper wire, rinse and blow through all the channels in the chainsaw carburetor.
3) Chainsaw malfunction Stihl 180: The idle speed of the chainsaw has increased (idle speed adjustment is not effective and not stable). Cause malfunctions: Air leakage through the crankshaft seals or elsewhere. Chainsaw Troubleshooting: Replace the crankshaft seals and check other possible suction points.
4) Chainsaw malfunction: After disassembling the carburetor, the chainsaw is difficult to start, white smoke is pouring from the muffler. Cause: When disassembling the carburetor, they lost the spring under the needle lever, as a result, the needle does not block the fuel supply and the candle is “filled” with gasoline. Chainsaw Troubleshooting: Find and place the spring under the needle lever in the chainsaw carburetor.
5) Chainsaw malfunctions: The chainsaw does not start well, does not work well. Cause : Filling the spark plug with gasoline due to sticking of the needle in the carburetor or rocker raised high. Do-it-yourself chainsaw repair: Rinse and blow out the carburetor, set the rocker arm correctly.
It's either sucking air somewhere, or something is clogged.
The main troubleshooting methods for the STIHL MS 180 chainsaw are to disassemble, rinse and blow out the carburetor, change the fuel filter in the tank, check the fuel hoses for cracking (they can suck in air). There is only one adjusting screw on the carburetor - idle (it happens that he turned it and the chainsaw started working again). The connection of the carburetor with the cylinder, in terms of air leakage, is reliable - there is a plastic ring there (no gaskets are needed).
Immediately after starting, the chainsaw runs at high speeds, and if you press the gas, then instead of starting to accelerate, it “chokes” and even stalls. Or it starts poorly, does not gain momentum and stalls (this chainsaw malfunction also applies to other expensive chainsaws with an accelerator pump in the carburetor).
Cause of chainsaw malfunction: Wear of the rubber cuff on the piston of the accelerator pump in the carburetor (fuel accelerator). This leads to air suction by the accelerator pump and the main jet supplies a lean fuel-air mixture to the diffuser (there is little gasoline in the mixture) and the chainsaw first runs at high speeds, and then “chokes” and stalls. This happens after 2-3 years of operation and usually happens during the hot summer months.
Remove the carburetor from the chainsaw. Remove the fuel pump cover with the membrane by unscrewing one screw in the center of the cover. Then turn the carburetor towards you with the throttle valve, on the side where there are two holes, a pin is visible in one, and under it is the accelerator pump. Remove the retaining ring from the outside of the pin and disconnect the air damper wire spring. Unscrew the screw in the center of the throttle valve, remember how the throttle valve is (in order to put it that way later) and remove the throttle valve. Plug the hole with the pin with your finger (the accelerator is spring-loaded and if you remove the throttle shaft and do not close the hole, the accelerator will jump out), then turn the throttle shaft and remove it. Shake out the accelerator (piston) with a spring from the hole. There is a rubber cuff (ring) on the piston - its wear and tear is the cause of the chainsaw malfunction. It is necessary to replace the piston with a rubber cuff and a spring (they are sold as a repair kit). Or you can remove the worn piston with a spring, and plug the hole by pushing a rubber plug in there (the chainsaw will be without an accelerator pump, i.e. it will accelerate not in 3 seconds, but in 4 seconds, but it will work well since there will be no suction air carburetor).
Assembly after the chainsaw malfunction has been eliminated (after the chainsaw carburetor malfunction has been eliminated) is carried out in the reverse order of disassembly. When assembling the throttle valve, before tightening the screw, the throttle valve itself must be set correctly so that it does not stick, and the thread of the screw securing the throttle valve to the axis should be degreased and smeared with a special thread sealant (sold in small tubes, red, liquid) or flattened with pliers, because if this bolt gets out during operation, it goes straight into the cylinder) and repair or replacement of the piston cannot be avoided). So we considered the elimination of this malfunction of the chainsaw.
All of the following applies to any models of chainsaws, including gas trimmers, scythes and other equipment. Adjusted, of course, for design features.
There is an opinion that it is better not to climb inside the chainsaw on your own. For those who are used to working with a hammer and a sledgehammer, this may be so. Otherwise, any more or less neat person who does not shake his hands can fix any problem with his work. In general, this is a job available to anyone.
Of course, it happens that the problem cannot be solved on its own. And you need to contact the service center. But firstly, 90% of the malfunctions are usually solved by simply flushing the jets or, in the worst case, replacing the membranes or adjusting the needle, and secondly, in the worst case, even if you despair, the carburetor removed from the saw can be easily replaced. The new original is, of course, a little expensive. The price for an analogue made in China is 700-800 rubles, you can buy it in a well-known store or from Russian dealers. In general, there is nothing to lose - we climb into the carburetor!
Let's make a reservation right away - diagnostics are an insidious thing. Sometimes the same symptom occurs due to completely different reasons. But we will check everything and find it together. So:
Possibly clogged idle jet. It needs cleaning. How to do it - more on that below. But while about alternative reasons.
It is possible that the problem is in the fuel system. Fuel lines and fuel supply should be checked.
Sometimes problems with revolutions (or rather, their absence) are solved by cleaning the check valve of the fuel tank (gasoline tries to leave the tank, but air does not return instead). It looks like the picture below:
Do not forget to adjust the carburetor in the only possible way - to change the amount of air supplied, which affects idling very much. Everything is described in the instructions for the saw. For those who are too lazy to go into the instructions, here is a screenshot:
A special case of the previous problem. The solution is the same.
Two very subjective indicators. In order to reliably state one or the other, instrumental measurements are needed. From the practice of repair organizations, quite subjective things are often given out under one or the other. In some cases, effects due to a blunt chain can be mistaken for power loss. Naturally, the performance in this case will be low. Sometimes it seems that the saw is quieter (blockages in the cooling system, exhaust system). Increased fuel consumption may be due to fuel leaks.
Often the problem is in the muffler, not the carburetor!
Problems with the carburetor (how to fix and diagnose - below);
Overheating - cooling problems. Clean your saw;
Lack of air supply;
The chainsaw begins to stall or change speed when tilted to its side. In the vertical - everything is fine, when turning - the speed drops (or rises) and it stalls
It is connected with the design features of its fuel system, filling the chambers. In addition, it is imperative to check the fuel pump - sometimes the problem may be in it.
First of all, it is necessary to understand that the carburetor of any engine is a node into which air and gasoline flows converge. Therefore, for its normal operation, these streams must come in good condition, not clogged. In addition, the products of combustion in the engine must freely leave the chamber through the muffler. Therefore, every time, before repairing and adjusting the carburetor, we must check:
Air filter at the inlet;
Remove and clean muffler
We check the absence of problems with the fuel system - supply hoses, the correct operation of the gas tank (the operation of the low pressure compensation breather, see above);
In principle, it is not even so vital to turn the idle speed. Serviceable elements will already give normal performance characteristics.
Best of all, the removal process is shown in the video attached below. It also demonstrates the basic minimum steps in order to bring the node to a working state. Schematically, this process looks like this: remove the cover, traction, unscrew the unit.
A significant proportion of assembly problems are due to hardened or faulty carburetor membranes. It is easiest to replace them if it has not been done for a long time. In workshop stores or on Aliexpress, whole repair kits are sold (their cost is about 200 rubles), containing all the necessary membranes. Sometimes, for an amount of about 600 rubles, you can buy yourself spare parts for the entire life of the chainsaw (see. Fig.).
Moreover, in this particular case, the kit also includes a rocker with a needle, which are also subject to wear and in some cases require replacement. In a word, for the price of a new node, you can repair the old one almost an unlimited number of times. If you count that five - this is actually a lifetime set.
In some cases, the following method gives excellent results - we take out the carburetor, remove all the membranes (top and bottom), and then leave what is left to soak in acetone for several hours.Often, foreign objects and substances simply get into the jets and channels (sometimes, for example, traces of sealants are found there!). Therefore, a simple cleaning gives an excellent effect. No expense or membrane replacements. Although the decision to replace them must be made locally, guided by their condition.
Surprising as it may seem, it is. This node has almost the only requirement - the accuracy of its manufacture. In terms of geometry, as a rule, everything is in order with him. It does not carry any excessive mechanical or chemical loads. Therefore, a simple replacement may well be an appropriate option for a long time to extend the life of a chainsaw that costs quite decent money.
Despite the many varieties of modern building materials, wood remains the most popular. In this regard, chainsaws are in great demand among fellers, owners of their own houses and summer residents.
Among the huge variability of the model range, the Stihl 180 chainsaw has been the most popular among both amateurs and experienced foresters for many years, which is distinguished by simple maintenance, repair and operation. Stihl was founded more than 9 centuries ago and began manufacturing gasoline chain saws back in 1926. Thanks to many innovations, unpretentiousness and durability, the tools of this manufacturer are in demand in the global market for woodworking equipment.
Before starting work on diagnosing faults and troubleshooting, it is necessary to prepare the necessary tools.
General view of the Stihl MS 180 chainsaw with the main components
Due to the fact that the chainsaw is a relatively simple unit, the list of accessories includes the following items:
a set of flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
open-end locksmith keys;
candle key;
socket set with collar
Multitool Stihl.
Stihl multifunctional tool
In order to qualitatively eliminate emerging breakdowns and restore performance, it is necessary to establish as accurately as possible the malfunction preceding the failure of the unit. Following from the fact that the chainsaw is equipped with an internal combustion engine (ICE), the main causes of breakdowns should first of all be looked for in the power unit.
Before starting work, it is necessary to turn off the engine, let it cool down and exclude the possible start of the chainsaw. To protect the fingers, it is recommended to wear cotton gloves.
The most common malfunctions when repairing a Stihl 180 chainsaw include:
the engine does not start;
the operation of the motor intermittently, with a short operation, the chainsaw spontaneously stalls;
oil leaks near the chain lubrication mechanism;
the engine does not develop full power.
Frequent breakdowns of the transmission part of the saw include a break in the chain links. You can independently restore its integrity by riveting links or replacing with a new one.
Despite the relative simplicity of the design and the absence of complex mechanisms, experts recommend troubleshooting in a certain order. First of all, the presence of the mixture in the fuel tank is checked, and if everything is in order with the liquid level, it is necessary to proceed to inspect the chainsaw launch unit. If this mechanism is in a normal state, you need to check the performance of the spark plug.
After the manipulations performed to diagnose the candle (determining the presence or absence of soot, the correct gap between the electrodes, the condition of the sealing ring), we transfer our attention to the carburetor. Due to fine sawdust, dust and soil particles, clogging of the fuel system often occurs.
If cleaning the carburetor of the stihl 180 chainsaw did not help restore the unit to its previous performance, the reason probably lies in the cylinder-piston group (CPG). The power unit is one of the most complex mechanism of the tool, the diagnostics of which requires almost complete disassembly.
The first step in diagnosing the fuel supply system is to check the level of the fuel mixture in the tank.
The main components of the fuel system chainsaw 180 calm
Even if the owner is sure that gasoline is available, this eliminates the vacuum created as a result of a clogged bypass valve. It is designed to optimize the pressure in the tank with fuel consumption. For the convenience of cleaning the chainsaw breather, a regular medium-sized sewing needle is used.
When inspecting the fuel system, you should pay attention to the integrity of the pipes, the tightness of which can be compromised by mechanical damage or long-term operation of the unit. Sometimes the cause of the leakage of the mixture and, as a result, not the correct operation of the engine, is the wear of the rubber gaskets and the primer (choke button). In this case, to repair the Stihl 180 chainsaw with your own hands, you need to purchase a repair kit for seals and replace them.
The cause of a chainsaw malfunction of this model may be the inoperability of the ignition system and the engine start unit.
General view of the ignition chainsaw 180
If there are no deviations when measuring the gap between the flywheel and the module, you need to pay attention to the spark plug.
Most manufacturers, including Stihl chainsaws, recommend setting a gap of 0.2 mm. To do this, you will need a coin-shaped, coin-wire, or flat probe, which can be purchased at any automotive store.
Chainsaw starter Stihl 180 assembly
Having dismantled the candle from the shaft, we measure the gap of the chainsaw candle between the central and side electrodes. With its excessive (more than 0.7-1.5 mm) spark may occur periodically, and with a minimum (less than 0.7 mm) - insufficient for optimal ignition of the fuel mixture.
If gasoline enters the combustion chamber, and a mismatch in the ignition system has not been identified, the carburetor may be the likely cause of the breakdown. This assembly is designed to mix fuel with air and supply them to the cylinder. After dismantling the carburetor, we clean its channels and jets using universal means.
It must be remembered that the carburetor consists of many small parts, and therefore its dismantling, disassembly and cleaning require special care.
After diagnosing the ignition system of the Stihl 180 chainsaw and its restoration, we proceed to troubleshooting in the power unit, namely in the cylinder-piston group of the saw.
During operation, the parts of the cylinder-piston group of the saw fail due to friction forces, high temperatures and loads. If the tool does not develop full power at start-up and stalls at idle, a possible problem may be a breakdown of engine parts. To disassemble the power unit, unscrew 4 bolts and remove the cylinder. The owner is required to carefully inspect its internal working surface for the presence of chips, nicks and cracks.
Even the slightest damage to the "mirror" of the cylinder can adversely affect the compression of the chainsaw engine and its performance.
Cylinder-piston chainsaw group Stihl MS180
When diagnosing internal combustion engines, we also perform a visual inspection of the piston and compression rings. Made of dural alloy and cast iron, respectively, they are subjected to abrasion loads to a greater extent, unlike a steel cylinder. In case of breakage and excessive wear of the piston rings, it is necessary to replace them.
If, during visual inspection, an ovality of the working surface of the cylinder is observed, it will require boring. To do this, we measure its diameter by a larger size, select the piston and perform subsequent machining.
In the process of sawing wood, the cutting part of the tool is subjected to high loads. In order to reduce friction forces and the subsequent wear of the chain, the Stihl chainsaw is equipped with a lubrication system that gradually supplies oil to the tire.The rapid loss of cutting properties by the teeth and the absence of traces of lubricating fluid may indicate its leakage or clogging of the nozzles.
Stihl 180 chain lubrication principle
First of all, when diagnosing the chain lubrication system for the ms 180 chainsaw, we pay attention to the oil supply hoses and their fixation points. Damaged nozzles cannot be repaired and must therefore be replaced. You can clean the oil channels with compressed air. For these purposes, we use a compressor or a conventional automobile hand pump.
Due to its ease of operation and repair, this model chainsaw has received wide recognition among professionals and amateurs in the field of woodworking.
Chainsaw "Calm 180" has proven itself in the construction market. This portable device has a power of 1400 watts, and a motor capacity of 31 cc. cm. The length of the saw chain is 350 mm, at idle it makes more than 2 thousand revolutions. Its popularity among consumers is also explained by the acceptable cost of the tool. However, when using a chainsaw, malfunctions occur from time to time. In the service, tool repair is not cheap, so those who understand at least a little about technical issues fix the breakdowns with their own hands.
The tool must be used in accordance with the instructions attached to it. Turn on start button should only be done after checking the chain tension, the presence of the fuel mixture and oil. Having fixed the chainsaw securely in your hands, you can get to work.
If the tool refuses to work, then first of all it is necessary to identify the cause of the malfunction. And the most common equipment for repairing a chainsaw is suitable: various screwdrivers, socket and wrenches, hexagons.
Every tool owner will face this problem sooner or later. The cause of this malfunction is a leak at the junction of the oil pump and the hose from the oil tank.
To eliminate this problem, it will be necessary to completely disassemble the chainsaw .
If the hose is damaged, it is best to replace it with a new one. You can try to fill it with sealant, after degreasing and washing it.
Oil leakage may be due to the fact that the oil filter of the saw is clogged or broken. It should be checked and cleaned or replaced.
If you believe the experts, then with such a problem, first of all, you just need to open and close the cap on the gas tank. After that, you need to make combustion chamber ventilation , and also pull out and dry the candles. These actions are enough for the tool to start up and work. If the malfunction remains, then the cause should be sought elsewhere.
The breather affects the fuel supply. Therefore, if it becomes clogged, then a vacuum forms in the fuel tank and the saw does not start. The breather is repaired very simply - it should be cleaned with a needle.
The Stihl 180 chainsaw may not work due to a broken cylinder. If there are chips or irregularities on the cylinder, then the reason is in it.
If the tool does not start, holds power for a short time or stalls immediately after being turned on, then the cause of the breakdown may be in the muffler. It may be clogged with any deposits that occur during operation in the exhaust process.
The saw may not start well due to a malfunction of the starter. To see it, remove the cover from the carburetor and twist the special screen behind the chainsaw drum. If the contact wire has come off the starter, then it must be attached with a blowtorch. If the problem lies in an oil leak, then the starter is simply wiped with a cloth.
The reason for this failure may be cylinder-piston failure , which is quite simple to repair with your own hands.
To remove the cylinder from the tank, four bolts must be unscrewed on its head. Then carefully check the piston, which should not have any scuffs, scratches, chips.If any are present, the piston will need to be replaced.
Optimum pressure in the combustion chamber is ensured by the piston and piston rings, which must fit tightly enough on the piston housing. If the piston inserted into the cylinder has free play during rocking, this indicates wear.
This defect can be corrected by cylinder bore and installation of repair parts. However, the easiest way is to simply replace the entire CPG kit.
What to do if the tool stops starting, starts to stall, loses power, does not keep idle? Quite often, the cause of such breakdowns lies in the carburetor, which could become clogged with dust, dirt or sawdust. You can deal with this problem with your own hands.
All carburetors are cleaned the same way, the main thing is not to be afraid and not to lose anything. For repair, you will need to prepare:
any brush;
cross screwdriver;
head on 8;
some gasoline.
First of all, dirt and dust are cleaned with a brush. Then the cover and filter are removed. The two nuts of the air filter are unscrewed, and the air collector housing is removed. Now you can see the carburetor and draft "suction" and accelerator. By lowering the damper with your finger down, you will need to remove the accelerator lever.
To move the carburetor out of its seat, you must first remove the choke lever and close it completely. Now you need to remove and pull the wire to stop the engine. It is also necessary to remove the plastic lever to which the wire is attached. On the right it is inserted into the hole, and on the left it can be lifted.
The carburetor is released, it can be pulled out and cleaned. This is best done with a compressor, but if it is not there, then the details can be rinse in clean gasoline .
Do not forget about the fuel filter, which also needs to be removed and blown through the fuel hose. Everything is assembled in reverse order.
If, after assembling the carburetor, the saw does not start well, and smoke comes out of the muffler, then most likely the spring under the needle lever was lost. Due to the absence of this spring, the needle does not block the fuel supply, so the candle is “filled” with gasoline. Of course, in order to eliminate this malfunction, you should find the spring and put it in place.
When repairing a carburetor, it should be remembered that it is a rather complex assembly, which consists of various small rings and parts. Therefore, it is necessary to clean and repair it with special care and caution.
If the chainsaw does not start or stalls, then in addition to the carburetor itself, you should check spark plug performance . If it is faulty, then it should be unscrewed and dried. Also, excess fuel must be drained from the candle through a special hole.
It must be remembered that drying must be carried out for at least thirty minutes, after which the candle is installed in place and the tool starts.
The cause of the malfunction may be a weak contact between the end of the candle and the high-voltage wire. If the candle does not work at all, then it is better to replace it with a new one.
Such parts of the Stihl 180 chainsaw as anti-vibration elements, chain, tire, drive sprocket wear out faster than the rest. Therefore, for their quick replacement in the workshop, it is recommended to keep spare parts.
Eliminating the causes of chainsaw malfunctions with your own hands will in any case be cheaper than repairing a tool in a service workshop. In order not to puzzle over why the tool stopped working, you can watch the video instructions for fixing various breakdowns of the Stihl 180 chainsaw. However, in case of serious breakdowns, it is better not to do the repair yourself, and entrust the work to a specialist.
Video (click to play).