Do-it-yourself plaster ceiling repair

In detail: do-it-yourself ceiling plaster repair from a real master for the site

Any repair begins with a rough finish of all surfaces. First of all, the ceiling is prepared and this process should be given enough time and effort, since it can be quite difficult to create a perfectly flat surface the first time.

Today we will find out how do-it-yourself ceiling plastering is carried out, how to mask or fix small flaws on the surface after its preparation, how to cheaply repair the ceiling after damage, and what preparation requirements are needed for certain finishing materials.

Before starting the repair process, you should study some of the features of leveling ceilings. At the moment, there are such ways to align it:

  1. Dry method - is not used so often, but allows you to create a perfectly even base in the shortest possible time. Drywall is used as a consumable material, the joints of which are subsequently puttied. This investment cannot be called minimal and, unfortunately, it is not suitable for all dwellings. Plasterboard sheets are used in the case of running ceilings
  2. Wet option - ideal when you need to cover small defects or prepare the ceiling for painting. For surfaces with differences exceeding 4-5 cm, it is necessary to use plaster, and for irregularities of 4-5 mm, putty is used. An uneven ceiling does not stand out for its attractiveness, and when the height differences on it are more than 5 cm, a stretch ceiling or gypsum plasterboard should be chosen as a design.

Important! When applying a thick layer of plaster, the coating may begin to crack, crumble or fall off in pieces, which threatens not only to damage the repair, but even to injury. If you notice cracks on the plastered ceiling, you should not wait for it to collapse - dismantle it.

Video (click to play).

Before you start using a plaster mortar, you need to find out all its pros and cons, and then clarify how to properly prepare the mixture with your own hands. There are a large number of recipes and proportions among home craftsmen, but today we will look at the preparation standards and the benefits of such plasters.

Plaster for the ceiling is selected not only according to price preferences, but also according to the declared characteristics of the material. High-quality plasters are sold in hardware stores and have quality certificates.

What kind of plaster for the ceiling of the house to choose and how much does it cost? - a question that worries any beginner in terms of repair work. Among the variety of finishing mixtures, the main ones can be distinguished:

  • Ready based on polymers - the preparation of the ceiling with their help is carried out at the highest level. The advantage lies in the ease of use of the solution, which does not need to be diluted. However, this is an expensive choice with large flaws in the ceiling - at the stage of full-scale leveling, ready-made mixtures are unprofitable.
  • Cement - soundproof, act as a heater, to improve the quality, you can add lime and sand. Lime and sand plasters do not shrink
  • Gypsum - gypsum has good adhesion to concrete surfaces. They are easier to work with, they are distinguished by an average pricing policy. Plaster perfectly lays down on concrete and brick walls.

Image - Do-it-yourself plaster ceiling repair

ceiling plastering process

Before you start plastering the ceiling, let's look at the popular and sought-after manufacturers of putty mixtures:

Important! Photo and video lessons teach beginners how to level the ceiling with plaster on their own, how to calculate the right amount of the mixture, how to make an estimate for further work, what proportions to use when making plaster and how to hide a small flaw by creating a pattern on the ceiling with putty.

Sometimes it is simply impossible to carry out repair processes with your own hands due to a number of reasons. Then qualified specialists who will need to pay for their services can come to the rescue. Let's find out what prices per m2 are for plaster ceilings. A small table shows prices for certain processes:

Repair of any premises (residential or office) always begins with the finishing of the ceiling. There are different ways to do this, but whichever one you choose, painting or wallpapering, etc., first of all, you need to do the preparatory work. And the most time-consuming of them is do-it-yourself ceiling alignment.

  • Three types of metal spatulas of different sizes, with a rubberized handle.
  • Capacity for 15-20 liters, with high sides and straight walls. High sides will protect against excessive splashing, while mixing, and straight walls will make it possible to pick up the solution with a spatula without residue.
  • Stirrer for preparation of working solution.
  • Paint brush and roller for applying primer.
  • Construction sanding for final polishing of the ceiling surface for painting.

Before proceeding with the ceiling leveling procedure, it is necessary to prepare the surface by cleaning it of old paint, whitewash or other coating. And the more carefully this is done, the better the subsequent finishing operations will be performed. The surface is usually cleaned with a special scraper or spatula. You can also clean dry paint. But much faster and with less effort, you can do this work if you moisten the surface of the ceiling with plenty of water and arrange a draft in the room. The old coating will begin to bubble from this and it will not be difficult to remove it. After removing it, the ceiling must be thoroughly washed.

The next step is to decide on the alignment method. The choice of material for the primer depends on this. They differ in purpose:

  1. under water-based paint,
  2. under putty or plaster,
  3. suitable for all types - universal.

Plastering the ceiling is a highly labor-intensive process. And although there are many different methods for eliminating irregularities in the ceiling, leveling the ceiling with plaster is still relevant. And if the level difference approaches the 5 centimeter mark, then this is the only possible solution in obtaining a quality repair.

You can plaster any surface: concrete and wood, columns, beams and other structures made of steel. Before applying plaster to the ceiling, preparatory work should be carried out.

  • Image - Do-it-yourself plaster ceiling repairThe concrete ceiling must be well cleaned of various contaminants. Particular attention should be paid to mold or other stains of fungal origin, which must be treated with a special disinfectant solution. For example, copper sulphate, German-made Pufas or Homeenpoiste, the Finnish company Tikkurila. If on a concrete floor, the fungus has occupied large areas, it is fought with open fire (blowtorches, plasma welding, etc.). If the ceilings have already been painted or whitewashed, the old coating should be removed.
  • Apply a primer with a reinforcing composition, and then with a special primer mixture "Betonokontakt".
  • For better adhesion of primers to the concrete surface, it should be treated with a sandblaster that creates roughness. For the same purpose, it can be slightly notched or cut.
  • On wooden ceilings, as well as on the surface of structures made of steel, before applying the plaster, a metal mesh is stretched, with a mesh size of 10x10 mm. It is attached to the surface to be treated, including joints and seams, with special nails, with a wide head, or staples.
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Image - Do-it-yourself plaster ceiling repair

Plaster work is usually carried out on lighthouses, the installation of which is the most crucial moment. If they are installed correctly, you will end up with a perfectly smooth plastered surface. Therefore, it is important that the entire technology of plastering the ceiling on beacons is observed.
  • It is necessary to start this work with leveling the room. On the walls it is necessary to mark the zero mark. For this, a paint cord is used.
  • The location of the point that is the lowest on the ceiling is determined. This is the place where the first beacon was installed.
  • Under the beacons, every 300 mm, gypsum marks are applied in small molds over the entire surface, on which they will be installed. This should be done in such a way that there are as few connections as possible, since it is in them that errors are most often made.
  • It is not recommended to lay a layer of plaster on the ceiling more than 5 cm. Therefore, the height of the beacons should not exceed this value. To control them in a horizontal plane, a two-meter level is required. It is carried out after the installation of all beacons is completed.

When you are done with the installation of beacons, you can start finishing the ceiling with plaster using the following technology:

If the difference in the level of the ceiling is less than 5 cm, you can level the ceilings with dry mixes. It is advisable to use them for small amounts of work, in particular for filling potholes, when buying a large amount of other materials is not financially profitable. Rotband (made in Germany) is considered the best of them - a universal mixture for plastering, on a gypsum basis.

After completing the “rough” leveling with plaster, you can proceed to the final leveling with putty.

For processing ceiling without significant differences in ceilings, it is best to use leveling the ceiling with putty. Putty differs from plaster in the size of the filler. She has a small, not exceeding 1000 microns. Therefore, it is most suitable for removing small defects on wood and other surfaces, such as cracks and other irregularities. This achieves perfect smoothness.

Image - Do-it-yourself plaster ceiling repair

The putty is applied in a very thin layer. Before applying putty, all layers of old plaster (if any) are removed from the ceiling to the base. Small irregularities, as well as any tubercles, are cleaned with a construction sandpaper or a hinged grater, on a long handle. Then, a paint grid can be attached to the surface to be trimmed using PVA glue or a special composition. It is often called sickle because of its similarity to gauze. Recently, on sale you can buy a self-adhesive serpyanka.

Having completed the preparatory stage, it is necessary to prepare a solution for putty. To do this, 30 kg of dry putty mixture is poured with 12 liters of water and quickly mixed. It is best to use a construction mixer equipped with a large whisk or a drill with a special mixer for this. When finished, the consistency of the mixture should resemble thick sour cream.

All further work must be done promptly, as the prepared solution very quickly begins to set and harden. This is done as follows: using a narrow spatula, the solution is applied to a spatula with a wide blade. Then it is transferred to the surface of the ceiling and pressed tightly against it. Don't waste time trying to straighten out the gaps. They are easily removed after hardening with a grout mesh.As soon as the last applied layer of putty dries, the entire surface must be sanded. For this, a special grout with a mesh is used, the minimum coarseness of which is 120 units.

In order for the work performed to be of high quality and to please you with the beauty of a flat and smooth surface, it is better to purchase all materials (primer, putty and paint) from one manufacturer.

So, puttying the ceiling with your own hands can be divided into the following stages:

  • Preparatory, during which the concrete floor is cleaned, which consists in removing all irregularities that are higher than two mm. For this, a puncher equipped with a special nozzle is used.
  • Ceiling primer with a composition that has deep penetrating properties. It is performed with a paint brush or roller.
  • Performing the starting putty as a leveling layer. To do this, it is applied to the surface of the ceiling, with a layer of 1 cm. By consistency, the finished putty solution should be like thick sour cream. To obtain a flat surface, a metal half-ter is used.
  • The final stage is the finishing putty of the ceiling. It is recommended to apply it in two layers. If the temperature in the room is above 18º C and it is well ventilated, then it can be done four hours after applying the starting putty. Under other conditions, the drying of the previous layer may be delayed and the transition to the final stage will have to be postponed the next day.
  • If the conditions necessary for the quick hardening of the putty layer are met in the room, then the very next day, you can start grinding the surface. It is advisable to use a vibration grinder for this.

Whatever method of leveling the ceiling you choose, do not forget that for painting, on the leveled surface, you must apply a primer layer, which can be used as the same paint that will be used for the main painting.

Image - Do-it-yourself plaster ceiling repair

Take two spatulas - one with a wide canvas (in your left hand). A ready-made solution is applied to it. In the right hand is a working spatula.

The mixture should be taken little by little, trying to distribute it in the center of the blade of the working spatula. It should be applied as follows, so that it lies completely on the surface of the ceiling.

It is necessary to move in such a way that the surface is even and smooth, it is impossible to return and redo already finished sections.

So that there are no stripes on them, the working spatula must be held at a slight angle to the surface of the ceiling. This will allow its middle part to level the putty on the surface. This will move one edge over the rough surface, while the other (the one that moved over the already treated area) will be in the air, which will provide a smooth surface without streaks and scratches.

The quality of the puttying work depends largely on the correct choice of spatula. Its canvas should be of medium hardness, since excessive softness causes excessive deflection of the spatula, while its side edges turn forward. As a result, stripes remain. Therefore, a standard spatula needs to be slightly modified by turning the sharpness of the corners with a file. In this case, the end of the blade will acquire some ovality. This will ensure convenience and safety in work, and the finished surface will be of excellent quality.