In detail: do-it-yourself tile seam repair from a real master for
- serious violations were made in the preparation of the walls;
- the entire adhesive base was damaged due to poorly made seam finishes;
- concomitant damage to the installation technology, which eventually caused cracks and chips;
- the procedure for making glue was grossly violated.
It is possible to avoid the future repair of tiles only in cases where the correct laying and operation work is diligently observed, and it is also important to properly care for the products.
It is known that a lot of unpleasant situations happen with tiles during operation, as a result of which its appearance deteriorates: greasy and dirty spots appear on the tile, a small grid of cracks appears, often the tiles get chipped in the corners or have every chance and completely fall off the wall. With the support of ordinary appliances, you can perform a redecoration of tiles without the help of professionals.
An excellent option for eliminating a large scratch that stands out unfavorably on an opaque surface can be an absolute change of tiles. But in the absence of funds, it is necessary to do the following actions that can hide this small drawback:
If the tile has completely become unusable, then it would be more correct to change it to a new one. In this case, the deformed components should be carefully removed, and then replaced with new ones.
To prevent damage to adjacent tiles, first you need to use a narrow drill or spatula to clean the tile joints. Further, a suitable part is simply drilled, as a result, it breaks up into small parts, and they are much easier to remove. The removal itself is done with a chisel.
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Over the years, the tile, which was made using poor grout, is subjected to destruction. At the same time, dark mold can be found on the seams, especially in places with high humidity. If this happens, you should change the grout or make a separate repair of the damaged areas. When you need to update a rather huge area of tiled flooring, it is best to use the first option. The updated grout will create the effect of a uniform coating. The old one is carefully removed with a sharp object. If the work is done in a hurry, you can destroy the adjacent tile. To avoid such troubles, the work is performed using a special wooden tool with a pointed tip.
It is known that the tile is not exposed to special effects of chemicals, therefore it is able to maintain its own luster for a long time. But in the end, there is a need for a radical revision of the interior of the walls. For this, painting is widely used. First of all, ceramics must be carefully sanded with sandpaper, then it is processed with acetone. The preparatory stage also includes a tile primer, thanks to which the color is better preserved. When all the mandatory recommendations are followed, you can proceed to the main stage - painting. With a roller, paint should be carefully applied over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe wall.
So, ceramic tiles, laid with their own hands during the repair process, will serve the owners of the home for a certain period of time, while saving the family money.
Usually the main reason for renovations in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet is the need to replace the tiled surfaces on the walls and floor. Over time, they look not so smart and new, which means they need to be replaced. However, do not rush to start repairs - try updating the seams between the tiles. It has been noticed that in 90% of cases it is the wear and tear of tile joints that is the main reason that the tile looks old and untidy.
Look, if there are darkened seams in the kitchen or bathroom, then it's time to start restoring them. In our article we will tell you how to update tile joints.
First, remove everything that can interfere with you from the room - remove cabinets, hangers, hooks from the walls and free the floor. If necessary, remove the sink and even the toilet for a while, you can dismantle the stove in the kitchen. Immediately take measures to protect yourself when working with an acid cleaner, adhesives and cement. Work only with rubber gloves and goggles.
The easiest and fastest method of restoring tile joints is their whitewashing and painting. But keep in mind that from such actions the effect will last no more than six months and often the paint can only be used in dry rooms.
Another easy way to update the seams is to put new grout on top of the old grout. This can only be done if the old joints are deep and there is at least 2 mm of free space to fit the new grout.
Paint is sold to restore the color of tile joints in any large building supermarket. It should be noted that it can be used not only to restore color, but also to even out it, if for some reason the seams have lost their color in a certain area of the tile.
Applying the paint is very simple: you need to clean the surface of dirt, mold or plaque, apply the paint to the seam, wait a few minutes until it dries a little and remove the paint residue that has fallen on the tile with a damp sponge.
The greatest effect will be the complete removal and replacement of the old grout with a new one.
First you need to remove the old grout. It is most convenient to use a special tool for this - a joint expander, which can be found in any hardware store. In general, any other suitable items can be used, but care must be taken not to damage the edge of the ceramic tile.
During removal, do not apply excessive force, usually the old grout is removed quite easily.
Sometimes it happens that the seams are sealed with a "powerful" cement composition. In this case, you will have to soften it and make it more pliable with an acid cleaner. Soak a brush in it and apply to the seams. Wait a while for the cleaner to be absorbed. The old grout should now come off easily.
Do not worry that the cleaner can damage the tile. Most modern acid cleaners are completely harmless to ceramics.
Vacuum the cleaned surface thoroughly, as crumbs and dust particles from the old solution could remain between the tiles.
Before renovating the joints between tiles, thoroughly wash the cleaned joints with soapy water and wait a day until they dry. Now you can treat them with a penetrating primer.
Try to work intensively - special solutions for grouting quickly seize. Therefore, make the consistency rather liquid and, having picked up a rubber spatula, carefully rub the grout inward to fill the entire space. Then the grip will be better.
To form the seams, use a special tool with interchangeable tips that can give the seams the profile you like.If such a set could not be obtained, use a rod of a suitable diameter with a round and smooth end, or you can try working with a plastic handle from an old brush.
In the process of forming the seam, hold the tool so that it touches the edge of two adjacent tiles. Remove excess grout from the tile with a sponge or the same rubber spatula. Finally wash the tile after the composition dries, but do not wait until it dries completely, then the tile will be very difficult to clean. It is very convenient to clean the tiles with a damp cloth.
Now we can assume that the process of restoration of the joints between the tiles is completed. But if you restored tile joints on the floor, then that's not all. The tile must be covered with a special protective layer. If this is not done, then over time cracks will appear on the seams and it may again be necessary to repair, and this will happen once a year, and maybe more often. Therefore, seal the seams in a timely manner with a special compound. That's all - you can enjoy the result!
And although I had to work hard, fresh tile joints will delight the eye not only for you, but also for your guests for several years.
After a certain amount of time, the grouts in the bathroom need to be updated. This is due not only to external aesthetics, but also to simple hygiene requirements. The older the grout between tiles, the less practical it is and the less it can withstand operational loads. Therefore, its reduction to the optimal level is necessary for the normal performance of its functions.
Pollution prevention should take place on a regular basis, especially when it comes to the bathroom. It is best to thoroughly wipe and sometimes rinse the ceramic elements and the gaps between them. Although such maintenance is also unable to ensure a good surface condition, as the mixture may thin out due to constant cleaning. In order to determine whether the grout between the tiles needs to be updated, these signs should be taken into account:
- darkening of the joints between the tiles;
- the composition began to crumble and crumble;
- the presence of mold or fungus;
- appearance of dirt and grease.
Worth remembering! If at least one of the above signs is present, then it is necessary to start cleaning the old grout in the bathroom.
An effective method that will allow you to update the seams is used in practice by every housewife. It assumes the presence of detergents available in any store. An old toothbrush with good coverage is perfect for the tool. And cleaning solutions can be of various types:
Washing powder. Pour a little substance into a container, pour a small amount of water, apply the resulting mass on the tip of the brush to the contaminated area. Then wipe the seams with light movements and rinse off the residue with water.
Need to remember! When using household chemicals, it is best to prepare protective equipment. The recommended set is gloves, a mask for the respiratory and vision organs. In addition, it is best to ventilate the room.
Since the use of detergents is considered a dangerous option, especially for those who have an allergic reaction, it is possible to update the seams in the bathroom with affordable and natural ingredients. A mixture of peroxide and baking soda is very simple to prepare, take 4 tablespoons of soda for 3 parts of peroxide and stir. To combat oily stains, it is better to add a little gel. Spread the solution on the grout, rub it in, then wait about 2 hours and thoroughly wipe the seams.
Worth knowing! Natural ingredients are not recommended if your seams are multi-colored.
The most affordable and easy way to renew tile grout in a bathroom. For this, both ordinary soap and household soap and even liquid-based shampoo are suitable.First, grind the soap into small pieces in the form of a powder. This can be done with a knife or with a regular grater. Pour everything with warm water, mix thoroughly, then apply it to the seams with a hard sponge and wipe. Wash off the dirty foam with water, wipe the ceramics dry so that there are no soap stains left.
This method is distinguished by its simplicity, however, its weak side is its fragility. You can use the marker to refresh the grout in the bathroom, for example, before the arrival of guests or the arrival of distant relatives. But after a while, the seams between the ceramics will again return to their unsightly appearance. Wash the surface of the grout with ordinary soap and water, then remove the mold and restore areas where the mixture is missing or cracked. We remove the excess, clean them gently with a sandpaper and draw the seams.
Must be remembered! The marker must be applied only on a dry surface, otherwise the result will remain at zero.
Few people know about the existence of a special paint for grouting, and a water-based composition, in extreme cases, may come in handy, just in time! This mixture not only gives a rich color, but also protects the surface from the effects of fungus, as well as other microorganisms. The paint allows the seams not to darken for a long time, during which you will forget about this problem.
Of course, the water-based mixture will quickly darken, but this is an extreme option! A special composition must be applied to a cleaned and sanded surface. After that, bathroom tiles can even be sanitized with chemicals, not to mention household care products.
Quite often there are cases when the usual cleaning, albeit a thorough one, is clearly not enough. Then it is necessary to resort to more radical measures in the form of partial or complete replacement of tile joints. This method makes it possible to refresh the grout, change its color, which will positively affect the interior of the room.
Using a scraper, you need to get rid of outdated mastic. Initially, the mixture should be softened with water, and then the entire grout composition should be carefully scraped out with a tool. Particular attention should be paid to the scrupulousness of the work, as there is a danger of touching the surface of the ceramics. To dismantle the epoxy, it is better to use a special solvent. Then carry out an antifungal treatment both before laying the mastic and after it dries.
Remember! Such a drastic measure is usually caused by serious problems with the fungus or the final destruction of the material.