In detail: do-it-yourself repair of linoleum seams from a real master for the site
P With all the high reliability of the linoleum coating, sometimes, unfortunately, you still have to look for information on how to repair linoleum. This page will give you answers to most of the questions related to the repair of linoleum floor.
The most common type of damage is when (for example, moving furniture) a piece is pulled out of the covering and the gap is shaped like an angle. In this case, one side of the torn triangle continues to connect to the main carpet. Usually, such damage is accompanied by more or less significant crushing of the coating.
If such a case occurs after completing the work that caused the damage, you should not postpone the repair of the torn floor. Immediately lay the torn off corner, if possible, in its previous position, cover it with a flat board (or at least a book with a thick cardboard cover), and load it well with something on top.
While the crumples of the linoleum are smoothed out due to its internal elasticity, in the nearest hardware store we will buy a small tube of "C" type glue for sealing linoleum seams, the so-called "cold welding" for linoleum (not to be confused with "cold welding" for metal!). And a small can of PVA-based linoleum carpet glue (the most versatile type of glue).
Preliminarily, it is advisable to cut off the tousled edges of the torn piece with a clerical knife under a ruler, trying to cut as little as possible, that is, to remove exactly the uneven "nibbled" pieces. Then, with a vacuum cleaner, we clean the dust and scraps from the "wound" as best as possible.
Gently grease the floor with PVA-based glue, including under the main carpet as far as you can reach (a centimeter will be enough). It is not superfluous to lubricate the torn off flap. After waiting for about 10 minutes, we firmly press the torn corner, again load it for an hour and a half, until the PVA grabs. The amount of glue should be moderate, if pressing the piece you see that the excess has come out of the seam, immediately remove them with a cloth swab, pressing it strongly against the seam.
Remove the load and fill the seam with "cold welding". For this, a thin tip is included with the tube. We place it in the seam and squeeze out the glue while moving it, so that the bead of glue protrudes slightly from the outside. After the glue has polymerized, cut off the excess glue with a mounting knife. If everything is done carefully, the gap will practically not be noticeable.
Video (click to play).
Now we will consider how to repair linoleum with cuts and, most importantly, what to do if part of the coating is missing or irreversibly damaged (torn out, burned through, melted by acid, etc.).
Repairing a linoleum floor, if it is cut with a sharp object, is not difficult. The seam is filled with "C" type glue, as in the case described above. But if you have to completely change the damaged area, you will have to tinker.
To replace the site, it is necessary, first of all, to take care of a piece of linoleum slightly larger than the damaged one. It is good if sufficiently large scraps have been preserved from the work on laying the linoleum floor, but if not, you will have to make a visit to the hardware store, where you can choose the same linoleum, or the most similar in tone and pattern. The main thing is that the purchased linoleum is of the same thickness with the previously laid.
Cut out a patch from a new piece that is two to three centimeters larger than the piece to be replaced along the entire perimeter. At the same time, we combine the drawing of the main carpet and the patch. Now it is the turn of the most important operation.
We press the metal ruler from the side of the cut out piece, and draw it with the blade of the assembly knife, slightly tilting it outward. We make such an incision on all four sides. The knife should cut through both the new "patch" and the old coating, while trying not to cut the excess along the length. The cuts should not intersect, but converge at one point (Fig. 1).
We remove the cut piece and replace it with a new one, making sure that the replacement fits well, glue the patch in the same way as the torn corner was glued (grease with glue, load, fill the seam).
That's all. We told how to repair linoleum. It remains to add, if a large area is damaged, its replacement should be carefully considered from the point of view of the feasibility of this work. It may be better not to repair the linoleum floor in the damaged area, but prepare and change the coating over the entire area at once.
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Linoleum is one of the most popular floor coverings that are used both in residential premises and in public places.
One of its disadvantages is that it does not have sufficient resistance to damage. Defects can occur due to improper surface preparation for laying the coating, improper care or mechanical stress.
If a rupture, swelling or hole has formed on the linoleum, there is no need to rush to change the flooring to a new one. It is quite easy to repair linoleum with your own hands, following the recommendations described in this article.
Not everyone attaches importance to the preparation of the base for laying linoleum. If the floor covering is laid on a base that has a slab height difference of more than 2 mm, and there are still irregularities, this will lead to the formation of cracks during operation.
Many are in a hurry to complete the repair, laying the flooring on an incompletely dried screed. In this case, the formation of mold cannot be avoided.
When using low quality glue or non-compliance with the technology of its application, the coating may peel off.
When linoleum is laid on a soft substrate, then furniture is placed on it without using pads under the legs, or they walk on heels, which leads to the formation of dents and holes.
Improper care or cleaning with abrasive detergents will gradually erode the top layer.
When eliminating defects, methods and means must not be used that will lead to the destruction of the polyurethane protective layer.
There are several remedies for each type of damage:
For each specific type of defect, you need to select the most suitable recovery option. At the same time, we use tools adapted to work with a specific type of coating.
There are many products available that are used for the care and repair of linoleum:
universal detergents and cleaners for everyday cleaning and stain removal;
suspensions and mastics on a polymer basis contribute to the renewal of the top layer of linoleum and prevent slipping;
glossy and matte polish - protects the flooring from abrasion;
to restore the upper protective layer, restoring emulsions made on the basis of modified polyurethane are used;
special concentrated formulations are used to remove stains.
To restore the appearance of the coating, it is not recommended to use gasoline, acetone and substances containing chlorine.
Consider how to repair linoleum with your own hands if it has minor mechanical damage and abrasions.
Compositions for repairing minor defects are discussed in the table:
Before proceeding with the repair, the coating must be cleaned of dust and degreased.
A small gap can be easily and quickly closed with cold welding glue.
We clean the place of the gap, very carefully we clean it with sandpaper. We make sure not to touch the undamaged area.
We glue the edges of the cut to the floor with double-sided tape.
We distribute the glue along the length of the gap, connect the edges together. Remove excess adhesive immediately. We protect the day from mechanical stress and moisture.
After the glue has hardened, we rub it with mastic, matched to the tone.
Stages of gluing linoleum with cold welding
To protect the coating from contamination, before applying the glue, we glue masking tape horizontally to the repair site.
The ease of eliminating the defect depends on the depth of damage to the linoleum.
A small spark destroys 1 or 2 top layers: protective and decorative.
Less often, the polyvinyl chloride base is destroyed or burned through.
We select a piece of linoleum with the same pattern as in the place of the hole. We put it on top of the damaged area, cut out two layers at once a little wider than the place of the defect.
We clean the edge, degrease, remove dust with a vacuum cleaner from under the coating.
Raise the flooring, glue the edge of the damaged area to the base.
We smear the patch with cold welding glue from the bottom and along the edges. We insert into the hole, press down. We install a heavy object in place of linoleum repair.
We also repair large torn holes. If the gap has an even edge, we glue it using the method of joining joints. If the edge is torn, select a patch from the remnants of linoleum with the same structure and pattern. For information on how to patch a hole in the coating, see this video:
After the repair, you should not throw away the remnants of building materials, they can be useful for restoring damaged areas.
We fix puncture points as soon as possible. Otherwise, water will enter under the flooring during cleaning, which can lead to mold formation or blistering of the flooring.
You will need: 5 parts of alcohol, 4 parts of castor oil, 20 parts of rosin, a pigment that matches the color. Mix the components.
You will need: 1 part rosin, 1 part thick turpentine, pigment. We mix.
You can restore linoleum immediately after preparing the composition.
You can glue the joints with your own hands in a "hot" and "cold" way.
Cold welding is carried out using a special adhesive. Thanks to its active components, the surface at the edges dissolves a little and then adheres tightly. In this case, the layers of material penetrate each other by 1-5 mm.
Step-by-step instructions for performing cold welding:
We combine two adjacent strips with an overlap of 3-6 mm.
Draw a straight line in the middle of the overlap.
We cut with a sharp knife along the marked border for the entire length of both strips. We put a metal bar under them so that it is convenient to cut under a long metal ruler.
Throw away the trimmings. We glue masking tape along the entire length of the joint, cut it at the joint. The tape will protect the material from glue contamination.
Using a fine tip or a glue gun, fill the joint with glue. After 15-30 minutes, remove the tape.
For hot welding, you need a special tool
We perform hot welding using a polymer cord heated with a construction hairdryer with a special nozzle.
We expand the joint to 5 mm.
We warm up the polymer cord, it becomes very plastic.
Quickly, so that it does not have time to cool down, we put it inside the seam. The gluing of surfaces is carried out by vulcanizing the edges of the material, while the strips are soldered into one piece.
The hot method is more reliable than the cold method, but requires experience with a hairdryer and a tool.
The surface swells if the material is laid on an improperly prepared base or if the installation technology is violated. For information on why the material is bloated and what to do about it, see this video: