In detail: do-it-yourself yamaha synthesizer repair from a real master for the site
- 1 Support forum for playing the synthesizer: Possible malfunctions and the choice of the control unit of the synthesizer - Support forum for playing the synthesizer
- 2 Support forum for playing the synthesizer: Possible malfunctions and the choice of the control unit of the synthesizer - Support forum for playing the synthesizer
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We repair synthesizers and digital pianos of all brands and manufacturers. Any year of release. With any malfunctions. We also perform their tuning and diagnostics.
- Diagnostics
- Major renovation
- Prevention
- Customization
- Spare parts
- Passport.control
- Stress testing
- Warranty 90-360days
Repair of synthesizers and digital pianos Is our profession.
We give a guarantee for all repaired equipment.
Remember! Any attempt at self-repair can turn for you, at best, an increase in the cost of repairs, and at worst, the impossibility of repairing your equipment.
Synthesizer - an electronic musical instrument that creates (synthesizes) sound using one or more generators of sound waves. The required sound is achieved by changing the properties of the electrical signal (in analog synthesizers) or by adjusting the parameters of the central processor (in digital synthesizers). A synthesizer made in the form of a body with a keyboard is called a keyboard synthesizer. A synthesizer in the form of a body without a keyboard is called a synthesizer module and is controlled from a MIDI keyboard or other device, such as a MIDI guitar. In case a keyboard synthesizer is equipped with a built-in sequencer, it is called a workstation. A synthesizer in the form of a computer program using a universal sound card for scoring and standard input-output means (computer keyboard, mouse, monitor) is called a software synthesizer.
Access, Akai, Alesis, Alina Pro, Arturia, Axelvox, BEHRINGER, BRAVIS, CME, CORTLAND, Casio, Dave Smith Instruments, DoReMi, E-MU, ESI, Edirol, Eurofon, Excellent, Galileo, GeneralMusic, Hamichord, ICON, INFRASONIC , Ion, Jam Mate, KAWAI, KORG, Ketron, Kurzweil, M-Audio, Medeli, Midismart, Moog, NORD, NOVIS-Electronics, Novation, OpenLabs, Orla, Pokar, Radikal Technologies, Rodgers, Roland, SUPRA, Samick, Studiologic , Techno, Viscount, Waldorf, Yamaha
1.We need a circuit for the device. (Every little thing, such as display backlight lamps, etc., does not work)
2. The key is faulty (works - does not work). The principle of the node is not clear. Perhaps there are some developments on the restoration.
1. Scheme.
2. Dirt or wear under the contact rubber bands on the keyboard. The principle of operation is the same as in the buttons on the remote control. Repair methods:
Cleaning the rubber bands, if only for dirt. If a lot of wear and tear does not help, then, normally, they need to be changed. If this is not possible, then use the old-fashioned methods, such as rubbing with graphite. But this is not good, because the dynamics of the keyboard is disrupted.
Thanks a lot for your answer! But the problem with the key is more mechanical (like the spring there is either worn out or broken - the key is lower than the others). how to disassemble and repair a node.
Yes, there are no springs there. This is due to the torn rubber band, so the key sags. Take off the back cover from the device, remove 2 narrow long boards on the keyboard (they are latched), get to the rubber bands and see everything for yourself. And for an elastic band you will have to bow to the ASC Yamaha.
Reads the flop poorly (you have to overload the floppy disk several times).
What kind of flop drives are suitable for this instrument - ordinary computer drives or some special one.
With flops, nothing can be said for sure. kaie kompovye can go, some can not. Sometimes you need to rearrange the jumpers. In general, replacing a flopak with a computer one resembles dancing with a tambourine. And the original one costs about 40 euros without taking into account the interests of the ASC.
So the gum won something?
I am still looking for it. Just some kind of trouble. They all promise.

This is me about the rubber .. there it really broke.
Another problem has arisen - display backlight bulbs. do not tell me what are there .. what voltage .. and what can be replaced.
The Yamaha 630 synthesizer needs repair. After transportation, not a single button works in the car. Only the wheel works, due to which the sounds (Voice) change. Is there an atelier or a craftsman in Moscow to make an apparatus? So look for 1MB DRAM with 256k x 4 organization, according to this datasheet. How do I know what is sold there in your area. Moreover, these edges are unknown to anyone, because you were too lazy to fill out the profile.
Thank you very much. I try to order
Of course, you can qualitatively repair synthesizers and other equipment manufactured by YAMAHA during the warranty period (free of charge) and after it (alas, for a fee) in the same place.

plazma-service, For the dates of messages, see.
Where do you need a master? in Miami will fit?
The list of Yamaha ASCs is on this page.
As for your conclusion “I’m sure we didn’t even look” - it is not clear what this confidence is based on, however, as well as your diagnosis of a malfunction.
However, this is not so important. Contact the ASC.
The problem with the “wiggling contact” of the plug is most likely an existing non-contact between the plug and the printed circuit board of the power supply. There are two reasons for such non-contacts: the first is a defect in the soldering of the contact during assembly; the second is mechanical damage (including simple frequent twitching of the plug when moving, installing, etc.). In addition to the power supply unit, but much less common, on devices with a power button in the form of a slider, the graphite coating is worn out. Both problems are solvable
Is your TV, radio, mobile phone or kettle broken? And you want to create a new topic about this in this forum?
First of all, think about this: imagine that your father / son / brother has an appendicitis pain and you know from the symptoms that it is just appendicitis, but there is no experience of cutting it out, as well as the tool. And you turn on your computer, access the Internet on a medical site with the question: "Help to cut out appendicitis." Do you understand the absurdity of the whole situation? Even if they answer you, it is worth considering factors such as the patient's diabetes, allergies to anesthesia and other medical nuances. I think no one does this in real life and will risk trusting the life of their loved ones with advice from the Internet.
The same is in the repair of radio equipment, although of course these are all the material benefits of modern civilization and in case of unsuccessful repairs, you can always buy a new LCD TV, cell phone, iPAD or computer. And for the repair of such equipment, at least it is necessary to have the appropriate measuring (oscilloscope, multimeter, generator, etc.) and soldering equipment (hairdryer, SMD-hot tweezers, etc.), a schematic diagram, not to mention the necessary knowledge and repair experience.
Let's consider the situation if you are a beginner / advanced radio amateur who solders all sorts of electronic gizmos and has some of the necessary tools. You create an appropriate thread on the repair forum with a short description of “patient symptoms”, ie. for example “Samsung LE40R81B TV does not turn on”. So what? Yes, there can be a lot of reasons for not switching on - from malfunctions in the power system, problems with the processor or flashing firmware in the EEPROM memory.
More advanced users can find the blackened element on the board and attach a photo to the post. However, keep in mind that you replace this radio element with the same one - it is not a fact that your equipment will work. As a rule, something caused the combustion of this element and it could “pull” a couple of other elements along with it, not to mention the fact that it is quite difficult for a non-professional to find a burned-out m / s. Plus, in modern equipment, SMD radio elements are almost universally used, soldering which with an ESPN-40 soldering iron or a Chinese 60-Watt soldering iron you risk overheating the board, peeling tracks, etc. The subsequent restoration of which will be very, very problematic.
The purpose of this post is not any PR of repair shops, but I want to convey to you that sometimes self-repair can be more expensive than taking it to a professional workshop. Although, of course, this is your money and what is better or more risky is up to you.
If you nevertheless decide that you are able to independently repair the radio equipment, then when creating a post, be sure to indicate the full name of the device, modification, year of manufacture, country of origin and other detailed information. If there is a diagram, then attach it to the post or give a link to the source. Write down how long the symptoms have been manifesting, whether there were surges in the supply voltage network, whether there was a repair before that, what was done, what was checked, voltage measurements, oscillograms, etc.From a photo of a motherboard, as a rule, there is little sense, from a photo of a motherboard taken on a mobile phone there is no sense at all. Telepaths live in other forums.
Before creating a post, be sure to use the search on the forum and on the Internet. Read the relevant topics in the subsections, perhaps your problem is typical and has already been discussed. Be sure to read the article Repair strategy
The format of your post should be as follows:
Topics with the title “Help fix the Sony TV” with the content “broken” and a couple of blurred photos of the unscrewed back cover, taken with the 7th iPhone, at night, with a resolution of 8000x6000 pixels are immediately deleted. The more information about the breakdown you put in a post, the more chances you will get a competent answer. Understand that the forum is a system of gratuitous mutual assistance in solving problems and if you are dismissive of writing your post and do not follow the above tips, then the answers to it will be appropriate, if anyone wants to answer at all. Also note that no one should answer instantly or within a day, say, no need to write after 2 hours “That no one can help”, etc. In this case, the topic will be deleted immediately.
You should make every effort to find a breakdown on your own before you get stuck and decide to go to the forum. If you outline the whole process of finding a breakdown in your topic, then the chance of getting help from a highly qualified specialist will be very great.
If you decide to take your broken equipment to the nearest workshop, but do not know where, then perhaps our online cartographic service will help you: workshops on the map (on the left, press all buttons except “Workshops”). You can leave and view user reviews for workshops.
For repairmen and workshops: you can add your services to the map. Find your object on the map from the satellite and click on it with the left mouse button. In the field “Object type:” do not forget to change to “Equipment repair”. Adding is absolutely free! All objects are checked and moderated. A discussion of the service is here.
Support forum for playing the synthesizer: Possible malfunctions and the choice of the control unit of the synthesizer - Support forum for playing the synthesizer
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PSR-510 is in no way inferior to modern entry-level devices, 423 are sold on every corner, when you play enough horseradish you sell
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1.We need a circuit for the device. (Every little thing, such as display backlight lamps, etc., does not work)
2. The key is faulty (works - does not work). The principle of the node is not clear. Perhaps there are some developments on the restoration.
1. Scheme.
2. Dirt or wear under the contact rubber bands on the keyboard. The principle of operation is the same as in the buttons on the remote control. Repair methods:
Cleaning the rubber bands, if only for dirt. If a lot of wear and tear does not help, then, normally, they need to be changed. If this is not possible, then use the old-fashioned methods, such as rubbing with graphite. But this is not good, because the dynamics of the keyboard is disrupted.
Thanks a lot for your answer! But the problem with the key is more mechanical (like the spring there is either worn out or broken - the key is lower than the others). how to disassemble and repair a node.
Yes, there are no springs there. This is due to the torn rubber band, so the key sags. Take off the back cover from the device, remove 2 narrow long boards on the keyboard (they are latched), get to the rubber bands and see everything for yourself. And for an elastic band you will have to bow to the ASC Yamaha.
Reads the flop poorly (you have to overload the floppy disk several times).
What kind of flop drives are suitable for this instrument - ordinary computer drives or some special one.
With flops, nothing can be said for sure. kaie kompovye can go, some can not. Sometimes you need to rearrange the jumpers. In general, replacing a flopak with a computer one resembles dancing with a tambourine. And the original one costs about 40 euros without taking into account the interests of the ASC.
So the gum won something?

I am still looking for it. Just some kind of trouble. They all promise.

This is me about the rubber .. there it really broke.
Another problem has arisen - display backlight bulbs. do not tell me what are there .. what voltage .. and what can be replaced.
The Yamaha 630 synthesizer needs repair. After transportation, not a single button works in the car. Only the wheel works, due to which the sounds (Voice) change. Is there an atelier or a craftsman in Moscow to make an apparatus? So look for 1MB DRAM with 256k x 4 organization, according to this datasheet. How do I know what is sold there in your area. Moreover, these edges are unknown to anyone, because you were too lazy to fill out the profile.
Thank you very much. I try to order
Of course, you can qualitatively repair synthesizers and other equipment manufactured by YAMAHA during the warranty period (free of charge) and after it (alas, for a fee) in the same place.

plazma-service, For the dates of messages, see.
Different devices fall into our service center. As a rule, these are smartphones and laptops, system units of stationary computers and stereos, and once there was even a rocking chair for a baby.
But for the first time we have a synthesizer as a guest. This is an amateur, but very advanced for its level, Casio LK80 instrument. Its main feature is a unique teaching system, which functions due to the backlighting of the keys (the name of the LK model stands for Lighting Keyboard, which means "glowing keys" in English).
The essence of this system is that the synthesizer plays popular melodies stored in its memory, highlighting the necessary keys. And, after a few workouts, you can already start playing on your own. However, in this case, music training was suspended due to the fact that the synthesizer stopped turning on. So he got to us.
The master of the service center "We'll fix everything!" Repair synthesizer begins with diagnostics - the external power supply is checked, since there was an assumption that there was no voltage supply to the device. However, it turned out to be in working order, the voltage is present at the power connector plug. We proceed to disassemble the case. After opening it, no damage or burnout was visually revealed, all the loops were connected tightly.
The only problematic point found during visual inspection was the presence of dust particles, which could interfere with the normal operation of the device. However, a cursory examination did not reveal any problems.
In the photo below, you can see dust particles on the heatsink of the amplifier chip.
In order to check the functionality of the boards (there are three of them - the motherboard, which ensures the operation of the display and the amplifier board), it was decided to remove them. The first in line is the amplifier. We unscrew the fasteners.
After dismantling the amplifier board, the master calls its contacts - everything is in order with them, the signal passes.
Next in line is the display board. But at this moment, the specialist of the service center has an assumption that due to the contamination of the case with dust and the general condition of the instrument, problems may be caused by poor contact of the power button. Indeed, it turned out that there is oxide on the copper contact of the switch and the adjacent volume control tracks, which prevents the normal passage of the signal, moreover, under the partially hollow rubber power button inside there is a certain amount of dust, which also interferes with good contact.
After cleaning all contacts and removing dust, the power button is put back in place, there is a pause for a few seconds before checking it (did it work or not?), The button is pressed ... And - everything works!
Rejoicing at the successful solution of the problem, the master played a small fragment of the victory march on an already working synthesizer.
The sound is great, all keys work - synthesizer repair completed. For prophylaxis, the contacts of the remaining control keys were also cleaned.
So, the cause of the Casio LK80 malfunction was trivial - there was no contact on the switch button, and no complicated repairs were required to fix it. Now the instrument is working, its owner will play beautiful melodies on it again, and her children will be able to continue learning music. And all this is due to the professionals of the service center "We'll Fix It!", Who carry out high-quality and prompt repair of musical instruments. And to the list of services provided by us, the repair of synthesizers was added.
Support forum for playing the synthesizer: Possible malfunctions and the choice of the control unit of the synthesizer - Support forum for playing the synthesizer
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- Advanced user
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- Advanced user
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- Advanced user
PSR-510 is in no way inferior to modern entry-level devices, 423 are sold on every corner, when you play enough horseradish you sell
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- Advanced user
- User

Different devices fall into our service center. As a rule, these are smartphones and laptops, system units of stationary computers and stereos, and once there was even a rocking chair for a baby.
But for the first time we have a synthesizer as a guest. This is an amateur, but very advanced for its level, Casio LK80 instrument. Its main feature is a unique teaching system, which functions due to the backlighting of the keys (the name of the LK model stands for Lighting Keyboard, which means "glowing keys" in English).
The essence of this system is that the synthesizer plays popular melodies stored in its memory, highlighting the necessary keys. And, after a few workouts, you can already start playing on your own. However, in this case, music training was suspended due to the fact that the synthesizer stopped turning on. So he got to us.
The master of the service center "We'll fix everything!" Repair synthesizer begins with diagnostics - the external power supply is checked, since there was an assumption that there was no voltage supply to the device. However, it turned out to be in working order, the voltage is present at the power connector plug. We proceed to disassemble the case. After opening it, no damage or burnout was visually revealed, all the loops were connected tightly.
The only problematic point found during visual inspection was the presence of dust particles, which could interfere with the normal operation of the device. However, a cursory examination did not reveal any problems.
In the photo below, you can see dust particles on the heatsink of the amplifier chip.
In order to check the functionality of the boards (there are three of them - the motherboard, which ensures the operation of the display and the amplifier board), it was decided to remove them. The first in line is the amplifier. We unscrew the fasteners.
After dismantling the amplifier board, the master calls its contacts - everything is in order with them, the signal passes.
Next in line is the display board. But at this moment, the specialist of the service center has an assumption that due to the contamination of the case with dust and the general condition of the instrument, problems may be caused by poor contact of the power button.Indeed, it turned out that there is oxide on the copper contact of the switch and the adjacent volume control tracks, which prevents the normal passage of the signal, moreover, under the partially hollow rubber power button inside there is a certain amount of dust, which also interferes with good contact.
After cleaning all contacts and removing dust, the power button is put back in place, there is a pause for a few seconds before checking it (did it work or not?), The button is pressed ... And - everything works!
Rejoicing at the successful solution of the problem, the master played a small fragment of the victory march on an already working synthesizer.
The sound is great, all keys work - synthesizer repair completed. For prophylaxis, the contacts of the remaining control keys were also cleaned.
So, the cause of the Casio LK80 malfunction was trivial - there was no contact on the switch button, and no complicated repairs were required to fix it. Now the instrument is working, its owner will play beautiful melodies on it again, and her children will be able to continue learning music. And all this is due to the professionals of the service center "We'll Fix It!", Who carry out high-quality and prompt repair of musical instruments. And to the list of services provided by us, the repair of synthesizers was added.
It so happened that to me brought in for repair synthesizer YAMAHA PSR 275... With a request: clean the keys and remove all accumulated grease and scam from the front panel and inside. Since I have been repairing yamaha synthesizers for many years now.
At first I thought that there dust got into the contacts of the synthesizer keys and they work every other time, it happens, how to treat this defect is described here.
Or this happens when, well, or there they dug potatoes with a synthesizer and stored them all summer in a barn, keeping a synthesizer like a shovel in a barn, by the way, is not uncommon, I have already been convinced of this more than once.
But everything turned out to be much simpler. According to the client: “It’s all dirty and dusty and you see over there, dust around here and there, and on the speakers, and under the grill, now remove this pzhlst and in general it is dirty and synthesizer keys, FU-FU, neither I nor the child will play on this "(consider we disdain). I also clarified whether you bought a synthesizer from the hands of a collective farmer from a barn?
"No, they gave us to play, lay on the balcony, we want to learn how to play the piano."
Well, "oki doki" I thought, I started repairing the Yamaha synthesizer.
Quick reference: I'm wondering how? Can the yellowed keys from ultraviolet radiation (cheap plastic) be washed to a white state? Or is there a new mister proper to clean the burnt-out plastic and restore it to its original form?
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Video (click to play). |
Having disassembled the synthesizer and making sure that everything was in order in it, I, with a clear conscience and dirty hands, after disassembling, threw it into the bathroom, covered it with powder and, under a powerful stream, began to fiddle with foam and kick out dirt from the speaker grill. By the way, I didn't even take off the speakers. they are made of paper and are also wet with water. But as a result: chic-shine-beauty everything shines, well, except for the keys, of course (they burned out irrevocably). A day later, I put the synthesizer back together, checked it and gave it to a satisfied customer, taking 1,500 rubles for washing the front panel and all the keys of the synthesizer separately.
If you need synthesizer repairs, digital pianos or simple synthesizer maintenance, please contact. Human Sergofan: 8900-603-3879.