In detail: do-it-yourself repair of a chip on a laminate from a real master for the site
Carelessly moved furniture, flooded neighbors, dropped a heavy object on the laminate?
There will almost certainly be a scratch, chipping, or localized swelling.
However, it's not all bad. How to fix a chip on a laminate?
There are several simple, but proven folk methods, and some firms are ready to offer ready-made solutions.
If the chip is a small scratch and is not located on the edge of the laminate, you can try to repair it with wax and varnish.
If you can't decide right away how to patch up the chip on the laminate at home, first you should try this method:
- First, the wax is selected by color. Usually the laminate has a certain color, for example, "dark walnut" or "oak", etc. When the laminate was purchased, there must have been some kind of box from it, which has the name of this color. Arriving at the store, you can quite accurately choose the color of the wax by the name. Another way of color matching is to take a piece of laminate with you to the store and then see how the wax of your choice will look on it. This method is more accurate, but remember that under artificial lighting in a store, wax may look different.
- The second thing you need is a fixing varnish. It is precisely the “fixing” furniture varnish - it is durable enough to be walked on and has a gloss that can be matched to the rest of the laminated board.
Another option - the scratch is cleaned of dirt and it is carefully filled with a wax pencil. After filling, wipe thoroughly with a soft cloth so that the wax does not go beyond the edges of the scratch. Then varnish is applied - it is better that it is applied by spraying, but as a last resort, you can use a soft brush. After application and drying, the varnish is wiped with a rag or goy paste to achieve the desired shine.
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Super hard wax on laminate
Good quality scratch-patching agents such as super-hard wax are available from the store.
This wax can be used not only to scratch the thickness of the laminate, but also at the edges.
The wax is applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
This is usually a small soldering iron or spatula that is heated prior to application.
After application, the wax hardens. It is polished in the same way as with ordinary wax, and then a protective varnish is applied on top.
You can find many materials than to repair a chip on a laminate, videos of the process of sealing with various materials and many instructions from manufacturers of wax, varnish and adhesives. However, the most reliable way is to simply replace the damaged board.
The process is not the fastest and may require removing furniture and removing a large area of flooring; not all types of planks are suitable for this. The fact is that the laminate is connected to a lock - a small latch that is triggered when the lock ridge is triggered into the groove of another board.
Different manufacturers have different locks. Many locks can be disassembled by gently but firmly pulling on the edge. However, in some cases this is not possible:
- First, it is determined in which direction the laminate was laid. This can be done by firmly pressing on the laminate at the junction and looking through a magnifying glass in which direction it bends more. Usually the groove is bent a little more. Then they retreat to the edge of the wall and remove the skirting board. It is desirable that the gap between the laminate and the wall is large enough. After that, remove the edge board, unlatching the lock.
- Gradually remove all the boards, reaching the damaged one. When an opportunity is given, they remove it and replace it with a new one. Then the floor is assembled by inserting the boards back into the lock. There is a little trick here. You don't have to buy a new laminate board from the store. You can get by with the old one. If the damaged board is in a conspicuous place, and there are boards under the furniture that are intact, you can simply swap two boards.
The very process of assembling and disassembling the laminate will require accuracy. Disassembling may partially damage the lock. If more than 30% of the lock is broken along the length, the entire board needs to be replaced, otherwise in the future the lock will break completely and the board will move away.
You can learn how to patch up a chip on chipboard and laminate from the video:
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The content of the article:
- Reasons for the repair
- Stacking errors
- Improper operation
- Tools and materials
- Recovery technology
- Unprepared base
- Seated edges
- Poor quality substrate
- Scratches
- Scuffs
- Swelling of lamellas
- Chips
Repair and restoration of laminate flooring is a complex and painstaking business. Having laid it down correctly and observing the operating technique, you can forget about your field for a long time. However, errors during installation, flooding the coating with water, walking in heels lead to inevitable damage. Eliminating them with a minimum expenditure of manpower and resources is the main task of the owner of the living quarters.
They can be divided into two broad categories. The first is a violation of the laminate installation technique, the second is improper operation and poor-quality care. In both cases, a careful approach is required to solve the problem that has arisen.
The manufacturers of this flooring write that anyone can handle it, just read the instructions. In fact, in 70% of cases, you can see the laminate floorboards, which creak, rise like a house, "breathe".
All this happens with a new floor after a couple of months due to the following mistakes when laying the laminate:
- Unprepared base... One of the main mistakes of those who think that "and so will come off." Such craftsmen think they can put the backing on an unrepaired concrete slab or old wooden base, and they can do without tidying up the subfloor. This is a serious misconception! The underlayment can only minimize minor imperfections in the substrate. Even a thick layer will not hide the hillocks. The consequences of such negligence: quickly collapsed locks on the lamellas, creaking, irregularities visible even on the finished floor. Solution to the problem: dismantling the entire coating, leveling the base. Only then can you start laying the laminate again.
Non-acclimatized material... People who first decided to start repairing cannot stand the purchased laminate in the room where it is supposed to be laid. Any surface requires acclimatization. This is especially important for wood products. They should not only be at room temperature, but also equal in humidity to the room where they will be laid later. Installation of non-acclimatized material is fraught with swelling of individual lamellas, creak, destruction of locks. Solution to the problem: go through the entire coating, remove the lamellas with broken locks and curved ones, re-install the laminate.
Desire to save money on the substrate... Laminate flooring must not be laid directly on the substrate. The substrate is chosen the more expensive, the better the finish floor covering. The use of an economy-class interlayer for an expensive laminate is fraught with the destruction of the lamella locks, creaking, and loosening of individual floor elements. Solution to the problem: bulkhead covering, replacing damaged lamellas, laying a high-quality substrate and subsequent installation of the laminate.
Refurbishment of the laminate may be required not only due to installation errors, but also due to improper use. You can't walk on it on heels. They will leave dents, scratches, chips on its surface. A thick felt must be placed under the furniture legs.
If the laminate is chosen incorrectly, the load on the floor in a particular room or other characteristics (humidity) are not taken into account, individual lamellas may burst or swell, gaining moisture. For areas of high traffic, it is recommended to choose especially durable types of coating. There is a waterproof laminate that is recommended for use in the kitchen, where chances of accidental spillage are high.
Solution to the problem: observe the operating technique, purchase material in accordance with the parameters of the room. Chips and scratches can be repaired with a special paste. Henceforth, so that new ones do not appear, it is necessary to regularly (according to the instructions) rub the laminate with special wax. Broken lamellas can be replaced with new ones, but it makes sense to remove the cover and lay a stronger one. Floorboards swollen from moisture must be replaced. It is also better to change an unsuitable coating to a moisture resistant one.
There are more than enough reasons why a laminate restoration may be required. In order not to waste time, follow the technology when laying the flooring and properly care for it. Despite its strength, laminate is a delicate material. Improper use can cut its lifespan in half.
To repair the floor, you will need a few tools and materials:
Wax, paste for laminate restoration;
Various soft rags (rags);
New lamellas if broken or swollen ones need to be replaced;
Special sealant for sealing joints between floorboards;
Having put the surface in order, it will need to be maintained in this state throughout the entire service life. A special wax to restore the laminate will help in this. It comes in different shades, so it is not at all difficult to choose the right one for the color of your coating.
Repairing a laminate floor is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. On the one hand, knowing your mistakes, it is easy to correct them. On the other hand, it is a lot of work and additional financial costs. It is impossible to restore a laminate laid with glue!
If the installation was carried out independently, it means that you can imagine what work was done and what was not. Do-it-yourself laminate repair, if the coating was laid by the master, you must start with diagnostics.
If you suspect a poorly prepared base, you need to carefully disassemble the floor into slats and carefully examine each one. Floorboards with broken or cracked locks should be discarded and replaced with new ones.
Then they start cleaning and leveling the subfloor:
Clean the concrete slab from debris and dust and inspect carefully.
Remove the bumps with a chisel and hammer.
Cover the bumps and pits with mortar.
Make a leveling concrete screed if the level deviation exceeds 2 cm by 1 meter.
Be sure to let the screed dry well, do not rush to install the laminate.
Lay the plastic wrap, connect the joints with construction tape.
Open and lay the backing, and fix the joints with tape.
Install the laminate according to the instructions.
Be sure to seal the joints with a special sealant.
If you had to completely sort out the flooring, carefully inspect each lamella. On the "humped" base, the locks of the floorboards loosen, "go" with cracks. Having re-laid such a marriage, it is likely that after some time it will be necessary to repair it again - to change the broken lamellas.
The edges of the slats can rise because the covering is laid close to the walls. In this case, you will have to disassemble the floor.
Carefully remove all lamellas and number them so that they do not get tangled when re-laying. If the floorboards are mixed up, gaps will appear between them.
Replace damaged lamellas with new ones, be sure to pick up close ones in color or use the ones left after installation, which will be ideal.
Install the floor, leaving expansion gaps of up to 0.5 cm along the walls. Use a damper tape for this.
Seal the joints between the floorboards.
The elimination of such an oversight will result in a complete dismantling of the coating, removal of the old and laying of a new high-quality substrate:
Carefully disassemble the floor and number the slats to avoid tangling when re-installing them. Replace floorboards with "broken" locks with new ones.
Remove the old backing, clean the sub-floor of debris and dust.
Lay a new underlay, connect the joints with construction tape.
If during the restoration of the laminate you have to completely dismantle the topcoat, do not be lazy and carefully inspect the base. It is better to immediately eliminate all possible problems so that after a while you do not have to start repairing again.
The lesser of the troubles that can happen with coverage. Among the modern means that allow you to restore the laminate from scratches quickly and with a minimum of labor costs, a wax-based pencil stands out. Run it over the scratch several times until it disappears. Now rub the floorboard to be restored with a soft cloth. Defect as it had happened!
Deep scratches and dents from heels must be repaired with a special compound - putty (paste) for the laminate. It comes in different colors, you need to choose the closest to the coating. Apply some putty to the blemish with a rubber trowel. Hammer in the scratch or dent flush with the floor. Remove excess with a cloth. Polish off dried putty with a dry cloth.
They appear in places of frequent use - corridors, kitchens, hallways. This is due to two points: laying a floor covering with low wear resistance, or if no special protective equipment was used when caring for the floor.
The easiest answer to the question of how to restore a laminate from scuffs is to use wax. Apply it to the worn area, slightly going beyond the boundaries of the abrasion. Let dry and polish with a dry soft cloth. If the protective layer of the laminate is badly damaged, wax alone, even if used regularly, is indispensable.
We'll have to apply more stringent measures:
Take the finest sandpaper. Treat the "bald spots" with it.
Remove dust with a dry cloth or use a vacuum cleaner.
Take sandpaper-zero. Walk through the already treated areas. Remove all dust thoroughly again.
Take your laminate varnish and work on the cleaned areas.
If water is spilled on the floor, and you did not notice it in time, individual floorboards will swell and scratch at the edges. The solution in this situation is simple: disassemble the coating as soon as possible, reaching the wet lamellas.
Prepare blank sheets of paper before repairing laminate flooring after bulging. Place wet floorboards on them and let them dry naturally.When they return to their original form, reassemble the flooring, and put the previously wet floorboards in another place (where water will not reach them in case of a leak).
Even the most water-resistant laminate will not be able to withstand moisture if the joints between the lamellas are not covered by anything. Be sure to use a special sealant to seal the joints and regularly (according to the instructions) wax the floor surface. This is the only way to extend the life of the floor!
This is one of the main problems. Even if they walk on the floor in soft slippers, no one is safe from the fact that something heavy will not fall on him - a plate, a cup or a lid from a cast-iron cauldron. If the object hits the corner of the lamella, a chip will inevitably appear.
Before you repair your laminate flooring from chips, purchase a special paste. Then proceed as follows:
Clean out the chip area. Try not to grab nearby undamaged lamellas.
Apply the paste to the chipped area with a rubber spatula. Work carefully, trying to keep the composition only at the place of damage.
Remove the paste if it accidentally gets in the vicinity of the chip.
Align it flush with the floor surface, wipe with a dry cloth.
Cover the restored area with something to avoid accidentally stepping on it.
Laminate chip restoration pastes come in a variety of colors. It is not always possible to accurately "hit" the desired shade. Therefore, purchase several types of funds, mix them during work to obtain the desired color.
How to restore laminate flooring - watch the video:
The laminate flooring is particularly durable. However, when exposed to mechanical damage to the laminate, scratches, cracks, chips can form on it. These problems most often arise if the installation technology of this material was previously violated. We will learn more about how to repair a laminate with your own hands and save it from various kinds of defects.
In order to determine the procedure for restoring the laminate, it is necessary to study the nature of the damage. If there is an oversized hole or defect in the board, it is best to replace it. In the process of replacing the board, follow these steps:
- if the board is extreme, then there will be no problems with its extraction, disassemble a certain section of the floor, replace the board and assemble it back;
- if it is not possible to get to the board with a defect, then in this case, it is removed using scraps, for this, using a circular saw, the board is cut into several parts, which can be easily removed from the floor;
- be careful when cutting, the circular saw must be set to a certain thickness, thus, it will be possible to keep the substrate under the board safe and sound;
- use a regular chisel to cut the thickness;
- take a new board and cut the keyholes on its surface, be especially careful to avoid damaging the front surface on the laminate;
- install the new board in place, fixing it with liquid nails, for an even installation of the board, put a heavy object on it;
- wipe off excess glue with a dry cloth.
Thus, if there is a hole on the surface of the laminate, it is enough to drill out the damaged area with a saw and install a new board.
In order to cut the laminate without damage, follow these recommendations:
- mark the daughter on both sides so that it coincides with each other;
- masking tape installed around the perimeter will prevent cracks from covering the laminate;
- in relation to the marking line, cut the floor with a cutter;
- using an electric jigsaw, cut the cover at a thirty-degree angle.
Laminate flooring is characterized by good performance and resistance to surface wear. The cost of this coating is much lower than the price of parquet, but at the same time, adhering to a certain technology for laying laminate and certain rules for its operation, it is possible to keep this coating in perfect condition.
In order to avoid scratches and chips on the laminate, do not drop sharp or heavy objects on it. It is not recommended to walk on laminate with high heels or rough soles. Use soft indoor slippers to walk on laminate flooring.
Furniture that is installed indoors must be equipped with soft substrates. Thus, in the process of moving it, small scratches and chips will not form.
If there are chips, deep cracks or crevices on the surface of the laminate, they must be repaired with the help of special compounds. To repair chips on a laminate surface, use the following methods:
- a mixture for the preparation of which gypsum, sawdust, water are used, the proportions of the addition of the constituents are one to one, in this case, a thick paste should be obtained that fills the cracks well;
- resin on a polyester or epoxy base also allows you to get rid of various defects in the laminate surface;
- mastic for working with wooden surfaces allows you to save the laminate from chips;
- another reliable option is acrylic sealant.
When buying mastic or sealants, choose two color options at once - dark and light, in this case, you can easily choose a shade in relation to the floor covering. Please note that after drying, the resulting composition will change color to a darker side. In the process of working with the formulations, take the utmost care, wear gloves and apply the mixture with a rubber spatula. In order to obtain a positive effect, one smearing is not enough, more often than not, it is necessary to apply the paste to the surface several times.
If there are minor scratches on the surface of the laminate, use wax crayons to remove them. There are two types of these tools:
With the help of a mild restoration wax, it is possible to quickly and efficiently seal all cracks and scratches on the floor, which is exposed to high operating loads. Whereas hard wax is used for floors with medium to low surface loads. Cracks in the damaged area of the laminate are repaired with a soft wax.
Before starting to seal the laminate with a wax pencil, you must carefully study the instructions for its use.
To restore the appearance of the laminate flooring, you need to read the instructions that will help you do this. If scratches are too deep, the damaged boards must be replaced.
There are certain repair kits with which the restoration of the surface is quick, and the floor, after restoration, has an attractive appearance. Most often, chips and scratches on the laminate floor are repaired using wax crayons or special pastes.
To cover up scratches on the floor, use a repair kit that matches the color of the coating. In the process of work, you will need:
- spatulas of various configurations;
- broom;
- repair kit.
It will take about fifteen minutes to repair small cracks in the floor. A special composition is applied to the surface. Then you should wait until it dries and remove the excess, if necessary.
Using crayon wax is also an effective way to remove scratches. Match the crayon to match the color of your flooring. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the scratches, then use a pencil to fill in the defect.Use a dry cloth to remove excess wax and buff the surface. If there are scratches that are too deep, fill them in with putty.
In order to seal cracks and chips with putty, follow these steps:
1. Get your laminate flooring and find a repair kit from the store that matches the color of your floor.
2. Use a spatula to apply the paste, and use an unnecessary part of the laminate for training. Use a clean cloth to remove excess paste. Wait until the paste is completely dry and buff the surface, if necessary.
Thus, answering the question of how to repair a dent laminate, it is best to use a special repair paste for these purposes.
Swelling of the laminate is a fairly common process, which can be caused by various reasons, such as:
- spilling water on the floor;
- poor quality of the material;
- no gap between walls and laminate.
To determine the cause of laminate bulging, carefully examine the surface. If the coating has a wavy shape, then mistakes were made during the installation process. Inspect the outer panels, there should be an expansion gap between them and the wall.
The second reason is that liquid gets on the floor, in this case, the laminate absorbs the liquid and swells under its influence. If the swelling of the laminate is due to the poor quality of the material, then in this case, it is necessary to dismantle the coating and install a new laminate.
In other cases, it will still be possible to restore the floor. The first reason is the ingress of liquid onto the floor surface. Please note that in order to avoid swelling of the laminate under the influence of moisture, it is recommended to apply special waxes or polishes with a moisture-repellent effect to its surface.
If the laminate is still swollen, then first of all dismantle the damaged panels and inspect them. If the material is not cheap, then wait until it dries. High-quality laminate, does not lose shape, and does not deform under the influence of moisture.
If after dismantling the cover you find water under the boards, then remove it. Thus, the coating will not have time to absorb moisture and will not lose its shape.
If a lot of time has passed after moisture has entered the laminate, then in this case, the swollen panels must be replaced. Please note that if the laminate was laid several years ago, then it will not be possible to fully guess its color. In this case, we recommend using a panel from under the closet or bed, and in its place install a new material that clearly stands out against the background of the coating.
If, during installation work, there is no gap between the laminate and the wall, then there is also a risk of deformation of the coating. When pushing the laminate against the inside of the wall, it is necessary to cut it off in these places. If the laminate is undulating, remove any obstructions that prevent the flooring from being completely horizontal.
Instructions on how to repair a swollen laminate:
- dismantle the baseboard;
- using a pencil, mark the junction of the laminate with the wall;
- protruding sections are cut off, please note that the skirting boards must close the gap at the point where it joins the wall.
The gap between the pipes and the laminate must be the same as the distance from the laminate to the wall.
To prevent the laminate from being covered with waves and swelling, first of all, follow the technology of its correct laying. When choosing a laminate, it is better to give preference to its high-quality options. Periodically treat the floor with moisture-proof compounds, which will help prevent the harmful effects of moisture on the material.
In case of violation of the technology of installation of the laminate covering or as a result of exposure to temperature fluctuations on the laminate, joints are formed between the panels. These gaps adversely affect the appearance of the coating and lead to delamination.In addition, the ingress of water on the surface of such a laminate leads to its rapid deterioration. In order to prevent this nuisance, it is necessary to adhere to a certain laminate installation technology.
First of all, before starting installation work, the laminate must be acclimatized indoors. It is for this reason that gaps often appear between the boards. Bring the laminate into the room, at least two days before the start of its installation.
In addition, the coating must be particularly even before starting installation work. Only in this case, the laminate will serve you as long as possible. Use a spirit level to check the evenness of the floor before installing laminate flooring. To eliminate unevenness on the floor, install a screed with self-leveling characteristics.
In any case, before starting work, the surface for laying the laminate must be properly leveled. Observing these recommendations, gaps and joints will not form between the laminate slabs, leading to a decrease in its service life.
The answer to the question of whether it is possible to repair a laminate on which there are scuffs is unequivocally yes. If for any reason scuffs appear on the laminate, then several methods will help get rid of them.
The first method is to use a special paint for the laminate flooring. When choosing its color, we recommend taking one laminate board with you to the store. This paint is available in a small container, is easy to apply to the surface, dries quickly and gives the laminate a shine. After using such paint, the coating regains its former attractiveness. Also, this paint allows you to get rid of not only scuffs, but also from minor scratches.
The second option is to use laminate polish. There are two types of polishes:
- an agent having a liquid base;
- viscous compositions.
In order to improve the adhesion between the polish and the laminate, these formulations contain additional substances. The use of polish allows you to perform the following actions:
- enhancing the richness and brightness of color;
- elimination of scuffs and minor scratches;
- creating a shiny and clean layer that lasts for a long time.
The laminate is polished several times a year. Thus, the maximum effect of its impact is achieved. There are two main methods of applying polish:
1. Less expensive option. Dilution of water-based polish with water. Wipe the floor with this compound. This polishing method resembles wet cleaning. The addition of water is carried out in accordance with the instructions. The duration of protection of such a polish is rather low.
2. The second option for applying polish involves the use of sprays and mastics. It is the spray that allows you to distribute the composition on the floor surface. Watch out for streaks on the floor.
For the application of thick mastics, a fine-pile fabric is used. This polish does not need to be used frequently and retains its effect for a long time.
In the process of laying the laminate or during its use, small damages sometimes appear on the surface of the coating: scratches or chips. Such defects can be the result of impact and falling of a heavy object on the floor. Many people do not know how to patch up a chip on a laminate, so we will consider this process in detail, choosing the easiest and most effective way.
When a chip forms, it is not at all necessary to replace parts of the coating, and even more so to dismantle it completely. The decision to replace a damaged plank may result in damage to the covering's locking system. Therefore, it is better to repair the laminate without disassembling it, while using available tools and materials.
There are several ways to repair a chip:
- using a sealant or putty;
- special wax pencil;
- cover the chips with epoxy;
- wipe with a composition of sawdust and plaster;
- perform caching;
- decorate the flaw;
- cover with self-adhesive film;
- use mastic.
The repair algorithm in all cases is approximately the same and consists of several stages:
- the place of the chip is carefully cleaned, all contaminants are removed;
- the surface is degreased with an alcohol solution;
- the chip is covered with the selected tool;
- excess composition is removed by polishing;
- the coating must dry before applying the varnish.
Note! After finishing work within 1 hour, the laminate should not be subjected to stress.
Using wax crayon as a repair material:
- choose the most suitable color for the laminate;
- clean the place of damage from debris and dust;
- dry thoroughly;
- then you need to give the chalk plasticity, but you should not melt it completely;
- the resulting plastic substance is neatly placed in the place of the cleavage;
- excess mass of substance is removed from the surface of the laminate;
- the wax must be completely cured before finishing;
- the place of repair is polished.
When repairing a laminate with a wax pencil, you should follow the instructions that exist for each type of material.
Specialists in interior decoration advise to repair chips on the laminate using a special building compound that can be easily replaced with an acrylic sealant. It is better if it is white. In this case, it will be easier for him to give the desired shade, as similar as possible to the color of the laminate. The resulting composition is carefully applied to the chip with a plastic or rubber spatula so that after drying, the repaired surface is smooth and even.
When purchasing wood mastic or sealant, it is advisable to pay attention to two shades: pine and walnut (dark). By mixing these two colors in different proportions, you can get a large number of all kinds of shades. But, it must be remembered that the dried mixture will become two shades darker.
A good option for patching up a chip is a composition of sawdust and gypsum. Both components are mixed with water in the same amount to a homogeneous pasty state. A large chip can be pre-sealed with a tab, the role of which will be perfectly fulfilled by a piece of wood of a certain size. The nested sliver is carefully covered and rubbed with a composition of sawdust and gypsum.
Instead of gypsum, you can use PVA glue:
- sawdust is mixed with glue until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
- the mixture is applied to the chip;
- after complete drying, it is necessary to remove the excess;
- align the repair site with a filler matched to the color of the laminate;
- if desired, the laminate can be varnished.
Epoxy has two components: resin and hardener. They must be mixed, observing the proportions according to the instructions, until an elastic homogeneous mass, using a drill with a nozzle. Mixing must be carried out for at least 5 minutes at a temperature of at least 15 degrees. The resulting composition is evenly applied to the pretreated chip.
Note! If the execution is not neat, then voids may result. It is desirable to apply epoxy in several layers.
A mastic for covering up defects on parquet can also be useful for patching up a chip on a laminate. The only difficulty can be finding the right color. It is advisable to apply it in several layers, because the mastic shrinks after drying.
The use of a special putty mixture allows not only to eliminate the defect quickly and efficiently, but also to restore the protective coating of the laminate. The important thing here is to do the work by following the algorithm. Putty is applied in several layers, each layer is given time to dry completely.
Any composition should be applied very carefully, slightly gripping the edges of the cleavage.After the solution has completely dried, the place of repair can be sanded with sandpaper, but very carefully, avoiding scratches on the floor surface.
When buying a laminate, it is advisable to immediately buy a repair kit, which includes: a marker, putty, wax pencil.
Note! All defects should be repaired immediately, until the damage has increased. Otherwise, you will have to completely change the coating.
It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the composition of the repair material before starting work.
In order not to bother with repairs and not to worry about how a small defect can affect the entire coating, it is better to protect the floor from cracks, scratches and chips. For example, protect the most passable places with carpet.
If several planks are defective, attention should be paid to the quality of the laminate. If the coating is of poor quality, then the best solution would be to completely replace it.
Coating the laminate with varnish after the repair will give the damaged surface a gloss and protection from damage.
We bring to your attention a tutorial on how to repair a laminate.

Laminate is the undisputed leader in the flooring market. Many users have already appreciated the variety of patterns, and the ease of maintenance, and the ability to make a warm floor. However, the laminated surface is very easy to damage. Sometimes defects suddenly appear where they shouldn't be. How to repair a chip on a laminate at home? Now you will find out about it.
Laminate is a multi-layer material. The condition of each layer affects the overall quality. Damage can occur for several reasons:
- violation of technology during manufacture;
- mishandling.
If you have laminate repairs ahead of you, chipping is the least evil you can face. Coating damage falls into several categories:
As a rule, serious damage occurs precisely because the manufacturing plant does not take the process seriously enough. These reasons include:
- the use of insufficient quality materials;
- worn out equipment;
- low qualification of personnel;
- poor quality base;
- weak protective layer.
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Chips, cracks and cracks also occur through the fault of users - albeit much less frequently. The reasons can be different:
- installation violations;
- improper care;
- frequent movement of heavy sharp objects.
Important! It is not difficult to avoid troubles - it is enough to lay the covering correctly, do not water it with water and do not arrange furniture rearrangements with sharp legs every week.
Before restoring your laminate flooring at home, assess whether you can do it yourself or whether it is better to completely change the coating. There is nothing impossible in eliminating damage of any complexity, but you will have to tinker a lot with serious defects. This includes damage to one or more boards. It is better to replace the boards. You can do it like this.
- If the outer board is damaged, which, in principle, can be reached, disassemble part of the floor.
- Remember to write down the order in which the boards were laid.
- Replace the board and reassemble the floor in the reverse order.
There are also more difficult situations when it is impossible to get to the damaged board. In this case, the only option is to trim, which requires a circular saw.
- Mark the damaged board into small areas.
- Set the circular saw to the thickness of the cut - it will be slightly less than the thickness of the coating itself (this method allows you to keep the substrate intact).
- Make circular cuts along the marked lines.
- Remove the sawn-off parts.
- Cut the remaining fragments with a chisel.
- Prepare a new board - cut off the locks and fit exactly to the size of the hole.
- Apply "liquid nails" to all sections.
- Insert the new board in place of the old one.
- Press down on it with a press - some heavy object, and the weight should be evenly distributed.
- Remove excess glue with a soft cloth.
- After the glue is completely dry, remove the press.
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These include deep chips and cracks. There is no need to change the board, but you will have to tinker with the restoration. Before repairing any chips in your laminate, select a mix.
There are a lot of options:
- gypsum and sawdust;
- epoxy or polyester resin;
- wood mastic;
- acrylic sealant;
- putty;
Gypsum-sawdust mixture is the most budgetary and affordable way to deal with chips and cracks:
- Mix gypsum and sawdust in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Add some water.
- Stir.
- If the mixture does not mix well, add more water and stir again, and you should end up with a paste.
Important! If the crack is very deep, first a wood chip is hammered into it, and only then a gypsum-sawdust mixture is laid and rubbed well.
There is another similar composition. Gypsum can be replaced with PVA glue, the result will be exactly the same. Glue and sawdust are mixed in equal proportions, only water in this case does not need to be added. But it is necessary to cover the place of repair with a putty to match the color of the floor, and apply a layer of varnish on top.
A great way to restore even heavily damaged surfaces that need to be replaced. Even very deep cracks can be repaired. The epoxy is diluted strictly according to the instructions, the composition is poured into the cracks, after which the resin must be allowed to harden.
Important! Epoxy can be used in place of “liquid nails” when one or more severely damaged boards need to be replaced.
The simple answer to the question of how to repair a chip on a laminate is with wood mastic.
Important! The mastic is colored, and it is better to immediately buy two types of material:
By mixing them in different proportions, you get a wide variety of colors. Dark paste should be added to light paste, not vice versa.
Keep in mind that the mastic should dry - it will be possible to grind the restored area no earlier than after eight hours. This is done with a fine sandpaper, and you need to fold it in half and work with an edge so as not to damage the neighboring areas.
Acrylic sealant - white. So:
- First, they fill up the crack, and then paint over the place of damage with colored pencils, precisely matching them to the color of the rest of the coating.
- It is useful to know about another property of this material - it shrinks, so it is better to carry out repairs in several stages, allowing the sealant to dry.
- After the last layer has dried, the floor is leveled and then painted over.
Important! Apply the mastic and sealant to the laminate with a soft rubber trowel to avoid scratching other areas.
Perhaps the most popular way to repair laminate flooring with sufficiently deep but not fatal cracks. This material:
Important! The putty not only perfectly binds cracks, but also provides additional protection against dust and dirt. In addition, the range of materials is such that it can be matched exactly to the tone of any coating.
How to fix a chip on a laminate if it is not very noticeable? Such damage, as well as minor scratches, can be simply painted over. For this, come in handy:
- wax crayons;
- masking marker.
The wax is excellent for the restoration of laminated surfaces. True, you need to be careful when buying crayons - they can be hard and soft.
Important! Hard ones are suitable for surfaces that experience heavy or medium stress, soft - for those where the load is small, that is, more for walls than for floors.
How to repair a chip on a laminate:
- Select a crayon to match the color of the surface.
- Melt the wax to make it pliable (but not runny).
- Pour wax into a crack or chip.
- Align the layer.
- Remove excess wax (preferably with a plastic spatula).
Important! The use of wax crayons for laminate repairs should be strictly according to the instructions.
For large and deep cracks, of course, it will not work. But if you are wondering how to update your laminate from scuffs or small cracks, there is no better way to find it. With a marker, you can do everything quickly and without much preparation.
Important! It contains rosin dissolved in alcohol and mixed with toner, which perfectly conveys the structure of the tree.
Usually, owners of laminate floors try to avoid such troubles. But in order to cut the material and not get chips, you must adhere to certain rules:
- Make precise markings on both sides so that the lines coincide completely.
- Glue masking tape along the lines.
- Cut the material with a sharp cutter strictly along the marking line.
- Saw with a jigsaw, a file with fine teeth, at an angle of 30º.
Important! If chips do appear, they must be immediately repaired using any of the above methods.
Repair of chips on the laminate using special compounds does not end there. There are no cracks in the coating, but it does not look very stylish. And some materials that cover minor damage or mask gypsum or acrylic sealant are completely erased after the first cleaning.
What to do? Of course, a protective layer is needed. Buy a special varnish from a hardware store and apply it to the area that you restored. Pencil and marker will not rub off, so the floor will remain attractive for a long time.
The answer to this question is unambiguous - as soon as a chip or crack is noticed. The smaller the defect, the easier it is to deal with it and the easier the repair technology is. Delay can lead to the fact that it is necessary to change the board or even the entire coating.
Regardless of which material you choose, the procedure will be the same:
- Clean the chip area by carefully removing all dirt.
- Degrease the surface with white spirit, alcohol or acetone.
- Cover the chip with the material that suits you best, and pre-fill deep cracks with wood chips.
- Remove excess compound - it should not dry out to the surface.
- Dry the coating.
- Sand it with sandpaper (except for the marker).
- Apply a protective varnish.
- Wait for the coating to dry. After that, you have to wait another hour before you can walk on the floor.
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Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Of course, if the technology was violated during the manufacture of the material, little depends on you. Well, except that if several boards fail, you will come up with an idea to replace the entire coating. Perhaps, in such a case, this will be the only correct solution.
But if the material is of high quality, damage can be avoided:
- Laminate does not like rough handling - use only soft rags (microfiber is best) and special attachments for cleaning.
- Laminate does not like water - wet cleaning should be exactly wet, not wet.
- Use only detergents designated for this material.
- Do not use abrasive pastes, steel wool or hard sponges.
- Do not use aggressive detergents - concentrated acids and caustic alkalis will not help you, rather - on the contrary; any stains on this material can be removed using the simplest remedies - lemon juice, ammonia, edible vinegar.
- Do not allow water to get between the boards during wet cleaning - this will cause them to swell and the locks will fail.
- Use wheeled furniture.
- If you have wardrobes and sofas with legs, make soft pads.
- In places with the greatest mechanical stress, lay rugs.
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In this article, we have offered you many different ways to repair a chip on your laminate at home for minor, medium and severe damage. Find the best solution, and let a major overhaul with a new floor installation not face you soon!