Probably, every person has come across a situation when he found a puddle of unknown origin on the bathroom floor. An attentive person immediately found a small stream of water flowing down from the mixer.
That's it, you need to call the plumber ...
Or try to repair the mixer yourself.
With the mixer, which is in the kitchen, everything is more or less clear. This is the simplest type of mixer.
You can replace it in the following way.
The last step will prevent leaks in the kitchen faucet through the threads.
It is more difficult to troubleshoot a bathroom faucet.
Let's try to understand this issue.
Each type of mixer has its own advantages, disadvantages, and, therefore, its own special defects.
Let's start with the breakdowns of single-lever mixers.
Most often, the cause of this malfunction is a small speck that has ended up in the mixer mechanism. Sorinka can be caught between the ball and the ball sleeve or between the valve discs.
In this case, you need to replace the cartridge.
The cause of this malfunction may be a clogged aerator.
There may be several reasons for this malfunction, but the main one is most often the wear of the gaskets in the spool switch.
This malfunction can only be eliminated by replacing the gaskets and rings.
The only problem with such a repair is the rubber rings for the spool, which are rarely found on the free market. A spare kit is usually sold with the mixer. But, if it has not survived, then as a temporary measure, you can cut such rings yourself. Any dense rubber will do for this purpose. But such rings will not serve for a long time.
The reason for this malfunction is a broken spring. This means that in order to eliminate this malfunction, it is enough to replace the spring. The diameter of the new spring needs to be adjusted to a slightly smaller size.
The cause of the malfunction is a damaged oil seal. It just needs to be replaced. You can buy oil seals at any hardware store. The mixer instruction manual usually describes the standard procedure for this replacement.
As you can see, repairing a bathroom faucet is not such a difficult operation. Even if the mixer is single-lever.
This defect is eliminated by replacing the gasket.
Both of these reasons can be eliminated by disassembling the mixer and replacing the damaged elements.
Faucet repair will not take a thinking person a lot of time. You just need to turn on the logic, open the instructions and do a little work with your hands. It's not as difficult as it sounds.
“We are not rich enough to buy cheap things” - this motto is quite applicable to the choice of a bathroom faucet, since saving on it will certainly affect the convenience of its use in the future.
First, decide how you want to manage your water. There are two options: two-valve (with separate handles for hot and cold water) and single-lever (the balance of hot and cold water is achieved by moving towards one handle).
We recommend choosing a single-lever mixer whenever possible, the main reasons are: 1. The water flow opens much faster. 2. Easy control of water temperature, no need to constantly adjust the water flow to the desired temperature. 3. The single-lever mechanism wears out much more slowly during operation. This is due to the unique design of the valve box (valve head). It is made of durable ceramics and does not wear out, unlike the rubber gaskets in valve boxes.
Never buy faucets of dubious production, even if they look very beautiful. It is better to buy a faucet of a well-known reputable brand, otherwise the mixer will have to be changed every six months - Chinese crafts are too short-lived.
Pay attention to the presence of a coarse filter - this is a thin mesh that is located inside the tap (usually put on its end) and retains rust and other dirt, which is quite abundant in city water. There is usually no such mesh in Chinese mixers, so its presence may be one of the hallmarks of the mixer quality.
Before choosing a bathroom faucet, pay attention to the materials. If the mixer contains silumin (an alloy of aluminum and silicon (Al-Si)), rest assured that such a mixer will most likely not survive even six months.
The highest quality material is nickel-plated chrome-plated brass: it is strength, beauty and quality in one bottle.
By the way, the quality of the mixer can be recognized by its weight - a good mixer will be much heavier than its Chinese counterfeit.
And the last thing - each tap of the mixer must be equipped with a nozzle-aerator. This device has two functions: retains mechanical dirt particles, and also saves water.
That's all. We wish you a successful selection of your bathroom faucet!
A single-lever, or, as it is also called, a joystick mixer confidently takes the place of outdated valve structures. It is simple, easy to use and reliable enough.
Will a craftsman be able to repair a kitchen faucet with his own hands without asking a plumber for help? We will talk about this in this publication.
Like any mechanism, the mixer sometimes breaks down. Failure of a plumbing fixture in the bathroom or in the kitchen is the most common breakdown, which cannot be overlooked - puddles on the floor and the annoying sounds of falling drops that do not stop day or night, will not leave anyone indifferent.
The above troubles can be easily and quickly eliminated on your own. Of course, for this you need to at least theoretically familiarize yourself with the internal structure of the mixer, to know the reason for its failure and how to eliminate it.
All these questions will be discussed in detail below, but first we will consider the advantages of this plumbing fixture, which it owes its popularity to:
Simplicity and maintainability. This has already been mentioned above - due to its simplicity, a single-lever mixer serves for a long time, and this period can be extended by timely repairing the product.
Ease of use. There is no need to turn the valves, it is enough to lift the mixer joystick up in one motion to let the water in. To adjust the temperature, the lever is turned left and right, and the pressure is adjusted by vertical movement of the lever.
Durability. The simpler the design, the less often it breaks down - a single-lever mixer consists of a small number of parts, and if you take good care of it, install a filter on the water, then the product is guaranteed to last more than 10 years. Of course, this only applies to quality mixers.
On sale you can often find products made of fragile, short-lived, but very cheap silumin. In the best case, such a mixer will work for two years.
A simple renovation is also worth mentioning. Simply put, any smart housewife can do a simple repair of a single-lever mixer with her own hands. Basically, it all comes down to a banal replacement of a disk cartridge or ball - depending on the design of the device. But let's not get ahead of ourselves and consider the internal structure of the mixer.
Let us repeat once again - the device of a single-lever mixer is very simple - there are no constantly breaking crane-axles here at all.
If you do not take into account the presence of spouts, shower heads, all kinds of switches, the device consists of only two main parts: a monolithic metal case and a cartridge with a locking device of two discs or a ball. They are "responsible" for controlling the flow of water and regulating its temperature.
The cartridge is placed in the body and securely secured inside with just one nut, which is neatly hidden under the decorative cap. The cartridge control joystick is installed directly on its lever. Everything is simple, no unnecessary details, therefore - no serious breakdowns.
The internal structure of a single-lever mixer may differ - a disc cartridge and a ball can open / close the water and regulate its temperature. Consider the device of both designs.
As the name implies, inside such a device there is a special cartridge flask with a locking and adjusting mechanism. In expensive faucets, the cartridge is made of high quality ceramics, in budget versions it is usually plastic.
The cartridge mixer is very easy to operate, but those people who are used to the valve mixer will need to practice a little at first, as the joystick turns very easily.
But you get used to the good quickly: the desired temperature and water pressure can be adjusted with one easy movement. Partial or full alignment of the disks forms a stream with the characteristics required by the user.
The cartridge mixer consists of:
Outpouring, or, as it is also called, "gander".
A switch equipped with a fixing screw.
Lock nut.
Actually, the cartridge.
Housings with a seat for the cartridge.
Gaskets, studs, nuts - parts to ensure tightness.
The locking mechanism discs are most often made of ceramics, less often of steel alloy. There are projections on the top, and holes on the bottom, their shape is complementary to each other. When fully aligned, the protrusions overlap the holes, resulting in an airtight joint. If partially blocked, water flows into the spout. The less the protrusions of the upper cartridge cover the openings of the lower part of the valve, the stronger the jet.
It should be noted that the plates are ground against each other very tightly - this is a necessary condition for the normal operation of the mixer. For this reason, cartridge models "do not like" dirty water with foreign mechanical suspensions very much, since tiny particles get between the plates and lead to their rapid wear, as a result, to premature shutter failure.
To extend the life of the product, some manufacturers immediately install a water filter on the inlet of the mixer at the factory. It is recommended to follow their example: independently install a good filter on the water main and boldly supply purified water to all plumbing fixtures.
As in the case of the disc model, the name indicates the design features of the device's slide mechanism. In this mixer model, the water pressure and its temperature are regulated by a special ball. The part is made of metal, the ball is hollow inside. The outer part is perfectly polished. The ball has three holes - two for cold and hot water, the third for mixed water.
The rod is rigidly attached to the part, its other end is attached to the mixer control handle. Thus, when the handle is pressed, the stem turns the ball, opens / closes access to water and regulates the temperature of the jet.
It is much easier and more convenient to operate a ball mixer than a disc mixer, since the parts are smooth, perfectly fitted, the joystick moves very smoothly and gently. The ball is installed in a kind of sleeve cartridge, which can be easily removed from the device in case of repair or replacement.
By analogy with a disc device, a ball mixer is very picky about water quality, reacts poorly to hard water and high iron content. Most ball valve leaks are due to debris entering the gaps between the ball and the rubber seats that hold it. Installing a water filter in front of the mixer in this case is also considered a mandatory procedure.
A puddle flows under the sink - the first step is to inspect the spout. If it is completely dry, then the problem lies in the violation of the tightness of the water supply. We'll have to crawl under the sink and look for the leak. To make it easier to do this, you need to wipe the pipes dry with a cloth, and then see where the water is oozing. Most often, the problem is eliminated by tightening the nut.
When the thread on the branch pipe is damaged, the part must be replaced. With damaged internal threads in the mixer body, the problem becomes much more serious. You can try to fix the leak by wrapping the thread of the branch pipe with sealing tape or tow with sealant, but this is a temporary solution and the mixer will most likely have to be changed entirely.
Dripping from the spout, although the lever is completely closed - the reason may be damage to the locking mechanism, because abrasion of the sealing parts practically does not affect the operation of single-lever devices. If there are cracks in the housing, the mixer needs to be changed - it will not be possible to fix it.
A pool of water on the sink near the base of the mixer body. The reason is a crack in the body or wear of the gasket in the swivel part of the spout.
We figured out the gaskets of the single-lever mixer. It remains to assemble the device and install it on the workplace:
Let's make a reservation right away that "repair" in this case is not an entirely appropriate word, since, most likely, you will only have to replace the cartridge, or, in a particularly difficult case, the entire mixer itself.
Debris and salts, which are abundant in city tap water, constantly build up on the rubber O-rings. Gradually, the tightness begins to break and a leak forms. To eliminate it, the device must be disassembled, cleaned and reassembled in the reverse order.
Before starting to disassemble the mixer, it is necessary to shut off the water supply. Further, the operation algorithm is as follows.
First of all, remove the decorative cover on the side of the case. It can be removed very easily, you need to pick it up with a knife or screwdriver. After the plug is removed, access to a small mounting screw will open, which can be unscrewed either with a hex key or a screwdriver. The screw must be completely unscrewed and pulled out, after which you can remove the mixer lever by gently pulling it up.
A decorative washer is usually screwed or loosely installed on the mixer body. It must be removed, and then unscrew the clamping nut that secures the mixer to the sink. The nut has a large diameter - you need an adjustable wrench or open-end wrench of a suitable size. The cartridge can then be removed from the housing and examined for damage.
At this, the disassembly of the mixer can be considered complete. There are very few parts, and there should be no "extra" parts during reassembly.
For the cartridge, inside the mixer body there is a so-called "seat" with a rubber seal - in other words, a common rubber gasket, which over time can clog or lose elasticity. As a result, water begins to ooze from under the base of the mixer. If, after cleaning or replacing the gasket, the problem persists, then the matter is most likely in the cartridge itself and it will have to be replaced.
Please note that discs in cartridges are not standard sizes. They may also differ in the location of the water inlet and outlet. Therefore, if it is decided to replace them, the old parts must be removed from the case and taken with you to the store, where they must be shown to the seller for comparison. You need to buy the same cartridge, without any differences.
After the clamping nut is tightened, you can turn on the water and check the new cartridge for performance. It is necessary to regulate the pressure of water and its temperature without a handle with a rod. However, for convenience, you can immediately put a handle on the stem.
The ball mixer was invented almost half a century ago, and since then its design, in fact, has not changed. It is very simple and reliable enough - there is nothing to break here.
If there are any problems, then most of all they are associated either with poor-quality materials from which the plumbing fixture is made, or with bad water. As in the case of a disc mixer, the gaskets must be removed, carefully examined for damage, then either replaced or cleaned of dirt, washed, dried and reinstalled.
For ball valve mixer models, the disassembly and repair process is the same as above. The only difference is in the position of the ball, which rotates relative to the rubber seats tightly pressed against it. The tightness of the contact between the parts is ensured by the water expanding the mechanism.
The lever itself, transmitting the movement to the control rod, is removed in the same way as in disc models: you need to uncork the decorative plug, unscrew the screw, remove it, and then remove the mixer lever. Next, you need to unscrew the clamping nut and remove the washer that is under it. This opens access to the ball. The ball itself is easy to remove - you just need to pull the stem.
At this, the disassembly of the mixer can be considered complete and proceed to inspecting the parts, replacing them or cleaning them from contamination.
As noted above, most often the problem is the deposition of salt and grains of sand on the rotating parts and the elements of the mixer in contact with them. All dirt must be carefully removed and the springs must be inspected - they can also be dirty. In addition, the springs may lose their elasticity and need to be replaced.
The cause of the mixer failure may also lie in the ball itself. Ideally, it should be made from high quality stainless steel grades. In this case, it only needs to be cleaned of dirt.
In fact, manufacturers, especially Chinese ones, save on expensive materials and produce parts from low-quality metal. Over time, the surface of such a ball begins to peel off, rust, the water holes become clogged with rust particles and the mixer breaks down. In this case, cleaning the surface will not help; the ball will have to be replaced. The old part, as in the case of the disc cartridge, must be taken with you to the store for comparison.
Assembling the ball mixer must be strictly in reverse order, work very carefully and center the parts. An incorrectly installed element will wear out quickly and can cause another breakdown.
A separate point should be mentioned the most common and, at the same time, insignificant problem - clogging of the mixer aerator. This small piece is a regular mesh and is designed to prevent splashing. Over time, the mesh cells become clogged with salt deposits and miniature debris.
Removing the aerator is very simple - you need to unscrew the washer at the end of the spout and pull out the part. If the mesh has not become completely unusable, but simply clogged, it must be cleaned and reinstalled.
The aerator can be replaced if it is possible to find a suitable analogue in size, or, in extreme cases, use a mixer without it.
Another problem is clogging of the flexible connections of the mixer.
Considering the state of modern water pipes and the quality of the city water, there is nothing unusual here. In this case, you need to turn off the water, unscrew the inlets, clean them, inspect for damage to the threads and install them back.
After watching the training video, you will have a better understanding of the disassembly / assembly process of the single lever mixer.
How to disassemble the device and replace the cartridge:
Thus, in fact, repairing a single-lever mixer is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. You can solve it yourself if you have a desire and a minimum set of tools.
We hope that the material given in this publication will help readers save a lot, since most people, at the very first problems with a mixer, simply buy a new one or call a plumber, and buying a high-quality mixer and professional replacement services is not a cheap pleasure.
The kitchen faucet is one of the most commonly used plumbing fixtures in an apartment or house, so it comes as no surprise that it often fails.
In this case, a rotary one-hand valve needs preventive repair with the replacement of units, sometimes the malfunction cannot be eliminated and the plumbing fixture has to be changed completely.
These home jobs can be done by almost every homeowner without calling a paid plumber. To do this, you need to know how to disassemble a kitchen faucet with one handle and have a simple construction tool available.
Single Lever Kitchen Mixer
In modern kitchens, the main type of taps are one-hand types, which have practically supplanted the inconvenient two-valve designs and are more practical than touch devices.
The device of a single-lever kitchen mixer is not complicated, the main units are the body (it has an ebb, seats for installation in a sink and water supply) and a built-in adjustment unit.
In case of failure, the repair of a single-lever mixer in most situations consists in a simple change of the unified switching unit or its parts.
The manufacturer supplies the market with single-lever models for mixing liquids with only two types of control units: ball and plate ceramic cartridges.
It can be noted that ceramic cartridges, due to their high technical characteristics and performance, have practically ousted ball models from the market.
A high-quality ceramic block can regulate the water supply for up to 10 years without losing its operational properties; low-cost Chinese crafts can fail the next day and need to be replaced much more often.
Appearance of structural elements of ceramic cartridges
The ceramic cartridge is a prefabricated connection of parts installed in a plastic cylindrical body, at the top of which a lever is installed, on which a rotary knob is attached.In its lower part there are three holes: water enters two of them, and from the third the mixed liquid is directed to the low tide and flows out.
The main components of the cartridge are two slotted ceramic plates that fit tightly together. When one of them rotates around its axis, the inlet holes through which cold and hot water flows overlap to a different degree - thus, the temperature regime is regulated.
If the movable plate is displaced along its axis, the simultaneous overlap of both inlets occurs - this is how the pressure is regulated.
The main advantage of equipping a kitchen mixer with a cartridge is its ease of replacement and high maintainability - its cylindrical body can be easily disassembled.
How the ceramic block works
Ball control assemblies consist of one main part - a metal ball with three water holes and a stem for installing a rotary knob. During operation, the ball rotates in a spherical body seat that has three holes: two for water inlet and one for pouring out the mixed fluid.
Adjustment of temperature and pressure is similar to moving the handle in ceramic models; for sealing, spring-loaded rubber rings are inserted into the area of the inlet openings.
The advantage of one-hand ball valves is simplicity of design, long service life and excellent maintainability - the metal ball itself cannot theoretically fail, therefore, repairing the mixing device consists only in installing new gaskets.
Features of the device of ball joints
To avoid risks when buying and operating, it is better to purchase sanitary equipment from manufacturers that have proven themselves in the market - this guarantees that it will serve for a long time without breakdowns and malfunctions.
Usually, the control unit is already installed in the plumbing fixture upon purchase, and given that all their models are unified, the right decision would be to purchase exactly such a device at once. This will allow, in the event of a breakdown of the old unit, to immediately replace it with a new one, and if the situation repeats, to assemble from two faulty devices working with the further use of the repaired one.
When using a kitchen faucet, in most cases, water is supplied using flexible reinforced hoses, which are not always of high quality. To avoid flooding of the premises in case of damage to the water supply hoses, you can install an Aquastop valve at the outlet of the pipes.
It should be borne in mind that the principle of the valve is to shut off the water flow at high pressure, that is, it is effective if the water hose falls off the mixing body or pipe. In other situations, in the event of a leak, the apartment can be successfully flooded with the Aquastop protection.
To carry out repair work, you will have to disassemble the faucet without removing it from the sink, sometimes it may be necessary to repair the kitchen spout, which in one-hand models can be carried out without disassembly operations.
When dismantling the crane, you have to remove the handle, unscrew the fixing nuts and hoses - this requires the right tools, consumables and accessories.
Tools and supplies for plumbing repairs
To carry out repair work, you will need the following tool:
An adjustable wrench for unscrewing the nut from the mixer body and dismantling the flexible hoses.
Socket wrench or flat wrench for attaching and removing bolts from the mounting studs.
Phillips screwdriver or Allen key to remove the handle.
When removing the mixing body from the kitchen sink, removing the underwater hoses, one often encounters difficulties associated with the contamination of the dismantled parts with limescale or their corrosion.Before carrying out work, it is better to treat their surface with household chemicals to remove rust and limescale - this will simplify the dismantling and further installation of the equipment.
The presence of gaskets in the underwater hoses and mixing body excludes the use of various types of additional seals in the form of synthetic and linen bands, rubber rings.
During repair work, it is often necessary to change underwater hoses that have become unusable; for replacement, it is better to purchase types with a stainless braid and a union nut with fittings made of non-ferrous metals (copper, brass).
Inside of the Single Lever Cartridge Mixer
Repairing a mixer with a built-in cartridge, depending on its malfunction, requires a different approach. If water does not close well or is constantly flowing in the tap, in most cases the cartridge needs to be replaced. When the casing or ebb is damaged, you will have to remove the mixing device and purchase a new valve with subsequent installation.
The main components that most often fail during operation are the adjustment unit and the spout. The regulating unit can be damaged as a result of prolonged operation with poor-quality performance or from contaminated water with sand getting into the water supply system. The main reason for its malfunction is the breakdown of the built-in plastic parts and the stem on which the handle is attached.
The ebb most often fails as a result of clogging of the filter nozzles at its outlet - in this case, the water pressure breaks its thin-walled tube and a leak forms.
When carrying out repair work, it is often necessary to disassemble a single-lever mixer, the process consists of the following steps:
Using a knife or flat screwdriver, remove the plastic plug in the side of the handle; the fixing screw can have a Phillips screwdriver head or a hex key. Unscrew the fastening screw with a suitable tool; before carrying out work, it may need to be pretreated with household chemicals against limescale and rust.
After removing the handle, unscrew the decorative attachment. It is designed for manual removal, but in the course of long work, water gets into the thread and plaque prevents it from twisting. To facilitate removal, you can use an adjustable wrench, after placing a soft cloth under its jaws to prevent scratches on the chrome-plated surface. When carrying out work on dismantling the hood, avoid excessive forces - this can lead to deformation of the thin-walled cover.
Under the cap there is a clamping nut with a hexagon ring in the upper part - it is simply unscrewed with an adjustable wrench counterclockwise. Removing the cartridge is easy - it is removed from the installation slot with your fingers on the lever.
Disassembly of the ceramic cartridge valve
Before changing the cartridge in the mixer, the internal parts of the mixer body are cleaned of plaque and dirt using a rag and household chemicals. Replacing the cartridge with a new one is quite simple - during installation, the body projections are aligned with the grooves in the installation slot.
It often happens that after a seemingly correct assembly, the cartridge does not work correctly. This is due to the fact that the protruding rubber gasket in the lower part, during installation, prevents the two fixing protrusions on its body from getting precisely into the seats. The crane will have to be completely dismantled again, the block must be installed in the correct position and pressed down more by hand when tightening the clamping nut.
During installation, it is important not to pinch the clamping nut - this can lead to a tight movement of the joystick and compression of the body shell, causing rapid wear of internal parts and, in extreme cases, their cracking - if the joystick moves tightly, you should immediately release the clamp.
How to disassemble a ball-type kitchen faucet
The main repair of the ball mixer in the kitchen with your own hands is the replacement of gaskets; in case of significant damage to the ebb or the body shell, leading to leaks, the plumbing will have to be changed.
Before repairing the ball valve, prepare conventional tools and consumables in the form of rubber cylindrical gaskets and a dome washer. Household chemicals may be needed for the preliminary treatment of coated and corroded parts.
The main malfunctions of ball types include:
wear on the top dome gasket;
defects of a hollow metal ball;
abrasion of saddle valves;
loosening of springs.
If we repair the mixer with our own hands, then, unlike cartridge types, to accurately determine the faulty part, its preliminary disassembly is required.
Disassembling a single-lever ball-type mixer perform the following operations:
Remove the decorative overlay on the handle, completely unscrew the fixing screw and remove the handle.
Unscrew the upper cap with an adjustable wrench, placing it in the outer slots.
Remove the plastic washer with a domed rubber ring and the ball from the body, take out the saddle gaskets with springs with a screwdriver.
How to disassemble a ball mixer - replacing seals
In self-repair, instructions for connecting the crane can help, after studying which it will be much easier to fix it.
But even in its absence, the repair is not particularly difficult, mainly the following operations are performed:
Most often, valve seats are changed. To do this, they are inserted into the housing recesses together with the springs.
If the ball is damaged, any ball repair is ineffective - it is replaced with a new one.
The wear of the upper dome washer is very rare, and it needs to be replaced if abraded.
To speed up the repair time without carrying out a preliminary examination of the ball valve with its disassembly, it is better to purchase a standard repair kit in advance in the retail network.
Before installing the ball, it is helpful to use a silicone lubricant that is applied to the surface of the ball to better seal and reduce abrasion of the rubber parts.
Do-it-yourself repair of single-lever kitchen faucet models is a fairly simple task, even for an untrained homeowner. The main types of valves - ball and cartridge valves, have similar disassembly and assembly processes using the same plumbing and household tools.
By purchasing a faucet for a bathroom or kitchen, the consumer hopes for trouble-free operation of plumbing equipment for many years. But even the most exclusive models deteriorate over time. Consumers have excellent reviews about the Vidima single-lever mixer. This device can always be repaired by hand, you just need to learn how to properly disassemble the device to replace the cartridge.
To replace plumbing equipment, Bulgarian manufacturers offer modern Vidima faucets, which are made using high technology. For the manufacture of the device, brass with a small admixture of tin is used, which guarantees safe and high-quality operation of the mixer in the bathroom or kitchen. The external finishing of the mixer (shiny metal surface) is carried out using innovative technologies (electroplating methods). The quality of the coating is determined according to European standards (EN 248), it is distinguished by its durability and high quality.
Ceramic cartridges of the latest design are used in Vidima faucets, as well as CLICK and HWTC systems, which guarantees the consumer significant water savings, easy adjustment of the required temperature, and safe use of the faucet.
The new Vidima mixer models are equipped with unique systems for protection against contamination and secure installation.
Single-lever devices consist of the following parts:
plumbing fixture housing;
crane swing handle;
protective cover;
water mixer cartridge (it is allowed to equip the faucet with ball cartridges or ceramic cartridges);
sealing gaskets.
The ball cartridge consists of a hollow spherical shell with several holes, which is attached to the handle of the device. Through the available holes, water enters the chamber, where, mixing, it reaches a certain temperature. Water of a certain, predetermined temperature is supplied to the spout and supplied to the consumer.
The pressure of the liquid and its temperature regime are adjusted by moving the handle at a certain angle, which forces the holes to align in certain options.
A mixer with a cartridge made of ceramic elements works when special washers move relative to each other, the holes are aligned in different versions, the mixing of water is regulated, which reaches a predetermined temperature as a result of mixing.
Important! Ceramic cartridges cannot be repaired, they require replacement of the entire mechanism.
If necessary, Vidima faucets can be easily repaired by hand, for this you need to properly disassemble the device.
For repair work, you will need some tool that almost every consumer has:
screwdrivers of different sizes (straight and cross);
a set of keys;
new cartridge.
To begin with, you should very carefully remove the plastic plug that covers the location of the screw - you need to slightly pry the plastic part.
The locking screw must be loosened and then unscrewed. The released mixer handle can be easily removed. The plug screw in many Vidima mixer models can only be unscrewed using a special hex key.
After removing the handle, the decorative and union nuts are easily unscrewed, which ensure a strong connection between the cartridge and the mixer saddle, while the decorative nut can be easily dismantled by hand, and the union nut can only be unscrewed with a special wrench. The loosened damaged cartridge is easily removed from the socket; a replaceable cartridge is gently inserted into the mixer structure.
After replacing the cartridge and installing it in the mixer, the assembly is carried out in the reverse order: first, the union nut is fixed, it is worth watching the tight fit of the nut to the mixer seat. The next step is to screw on the decorative nut.
The valve handle should be aligned with the cartridge lever control unit, strengthened by fixing the position with a screw (an Allen key is required). It remains only to close the hole with a plastic plug.
The repair work on the mixer can be considered complete, it remains only to check the operation of the crane and make sure that the mixer does not leak.
Thus, a broken faucet in a bathroom or kitchen can be repaired. As you can see, nothing special or unusual had to be done during the repair. Even an unskilled beginner can handle this kind of work.
Video (click to play).