In detail: do-it-yourself repair of the walls of a cinder block house from a real master for the site
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Cinder block houses built in the 50s and 70s are beginning to slowly crack. And not just cracks, but good cracks. The reasons for the cracks may be different, but the main thing is that before our fathers and mothers had nowhere to live, but they wanted to live like all normal people in their own house, so they built houses from what was and said at the same time: “to our the century will be enough ”. During construction, they saved on literally everything: on the foundation, cement, on the quality of building materials, on the professional skills of specialists. And such a concept as a monolith and reinforcement it was generally from the realm of fantasy.
What to do with such cinder block houses?
Building a new home will cost you a pretty penny. And in a crumbling house, where plaster is falling, walls crack and bend, the foundation is destroyed, living is shameful, unpleasant, and most importantly not safe.
There can be only three solutions here:
- sell the old house and start the construction of a new one with the proceeds,
- break everything down and rebuild everything
- make a major overhaul of an old cinder block house, using new modern construction technologies.
Since the first two options are much more expensive than the last, we will focus on it - repairing an old cinder block house with your own hands.
You need to start repairs by assessing the condition of the house, examining it by specialists and deciding on the possibility of repairing, its effectiveness and durability.
On many sites you can find information on how to repair cracks at home by applying staples followed by plastering. Yes, for a while you can throw dust in your eyes and "Gloss over" trshchin! But, firstly, simply covering up the cracks and applying staples will not strengthen the house, after a while the crack will appear again, and secondly: you will simply throw away money with practically no effect. But what if the crack appears again from year to year, and the wall begins to tilt? Deviations from the vertical state are clearly visible along the plumb line. In this case, an urgent need to make a decision and we make - the cinder block house needs a major overhaul.
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Video (click to play). |
In addition to repairing the foundation, for old houses built from loose cinder blocks, it is recommended to repair the walls by arranging several monolithic reinforced belts around the perimeter of the house followed by plastering on a metal mesh. Reinforcement can be stressful and casual. Stress reinforcement is used in cases where it is necessary not only to strengthen, but also to screed the house. For stressed reinforcement, the diameter of the reinforcement or the section of the strip is chosen larger than for conventional reinforcement. However, after a while, simple wall reinforcement will in itself turn into a state of stress due to further shrinkage of the house. In combination with the repair of the foundation, these measures can significantly prolong the life of an old stone or cinder block house, and correct and reliable reinforcement of the walls of the house will simply give it a second life.
Due to the aging of old buildings, this problem arises everywhere today.
The photo shows a variant of the upper wall reinforcement made of cinder blocks including brick corner posts of the house.
Reinforcement belts are installed at least along the top of the house (above the window openings) in several rows (at least 2 rows) around the perimeter. The fittings are used necessarily corrugated and at least 6 meters long (the diameter of the reinforcement in our case is 12 mm.) with bandaging or welding together to achieve a single monolithic structure.
An additional reinforcing belt is installed at the level of the bottom of the window openings in one or two rows along the entire perimeter of the house.
- fittings for 12-14,
- reinforcing mesh (to achieve the greatest reinforcing effect - it is rolled out and fixed to the wall horizontally),
- sand-cement mixture.
In order to achieve a more rigid and unified structure, in a brick pillar, for laying reinforcement, a recess was scraped (with a grinder). Which, subsequently, is moistened or treated with a primer and sealed with a solution.
Reinforcement and reinforcing mesh after partial plastering.
Plaster the old house along the lighthouses. This will save you a lot of time and give your renovated home a good look.
I will separately dwell on the mistake made during the repair of the walls of this house.
Namely: in contrast to the reinforcement, the reinforcing mesh was applied only in the sections of cinder block walls, brick corner posts were plastered without mesh. As a result, after winter, the plaster on one of the pillars began to recede. A possible reason for this situation was the insufficient preparation of the surface of the brick pillar for plastering.
But still, the best option and more reliable in all respects is the use of a reinforcing mesh (better than metal). The mesh is fastened on the section of the cinder block wall - with simple nails with plastic washers, and on the sections of brickwork - with dowels.
After plastering on the lighthouses, the walls of the house are putty with facade putty and painted with facade paint.
The photo shows the same fragment of the wall after two years of operation.
Yes, it is possible! But subject to a number of conditions and requirements.
The main ones are:
- Repair of the foundation must be carried out with a double-sided reinforced concrete clip, while the clips must be connected with anchors;
- To reliably support the second floor in the slag walls, there must be either brick support pillars (as in our case) or metal support pipes (usually square 100 x 100) installed during the repair of the walls. Better both;
- Mandatory construction on top of the cinder block wall of the armpole around the entire perimeter of the house, including all load-bearing walls. The thickness of the reinforcement belt is not less than 10 - 15 cm. The support for the reinforcement belt is brick pillars and metal support pipes built into the cinder block walls;
- The construction of the second floor is carried out from lightweight materials (gas silicate, lightweight corpulent claydite-concrete block "Thermolux") with the use of masonry mesh reinforcement;
- on top of the second floor, a second arm-belt with a thickness of 5-8 cm is being constructed.
- the overlap of the second floor is also constructed lightweight.
Good afternoon. We purchased a land plot, on it are the walls of a one-story cinder block house (the house was for 4 apartments, 4 entrances, total area 140 sq. M.). They have been standing without owners for a long time, there is a crack at the junction of the outer wall and the inner one (the wall collapses). The thickness of the walls is 50 cm, the foundation is made of rubble stone, the walls are preserved above the window opening. Now a controversial question is ripe - to demolish everything and build a new one out of blocks or restore the old one (reinforcement, screed or something else)? Help with advice.
Elena, Saratov.
As they say, a question of filling.
As far as faced with similar problems, the majority of owners who acquire land plots with the remains of buildings, especially old cinder block houses, prefer not to bother with their restoration. They simply demolish them and build new houses.
This is because when trying to restore such houses, a lot of problems and questions arise.
Slag is slag, the material is cheap and people were not built from it from a good life, there was not enough money for other materials.
In the best case, after examining the old foundations under the cinder block houses, if they can be used for the construction of a new house, then they do it. But for this you should invite an experienced builder to survey the foundation. Who could assess the possibility of such an option and correlate it with the configuration (project) of the new house.
/ For a comprehensive survey of the foundation, a trench is dug in several places to determine the depth of the foundation, its condition and the ability to bear the load from the new building. /
So decide for yourself what suits you best.
Other questions about walls in various rooms:
Brick the house
Questions about the walls
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An old shed, water got under the plaster, the cinder block is wet and sprinkled. Video attached. The section of the wall is about 1.5 meters.
It is annoying that one of the beams of the gable roof lies on this site. She can be seen in the first frame.
For now, I think that it is necessary to “select” a crumbling area of 20 cm. To fill it with aerated concrete. Then the beam will receive support. And then, from the inside, select the remaining 20 and lay it in the same way with aerated concrete. It goes without saying that there is a wooden support under the beam.
I would also be grateful for advice on replacing or creating prostheses for supporting structures of gable roofs. There is very little information in the interest. The beam, which is on the video in the first seconds, does not seem to need to be changed. the outside is rotten, but I think it's enough to remove the rot and process it.
Link to video
Do-it-yourself repair of the walls of a cinder block house.
Cinder block houses built in the 50s and 70s are beginning to slowly crack. And not just cracks, but good cracks. The reasons for the cracks may be different, but the main thing is that before our fathers and mothers had nowhere to live, but they wanted to live like all normal people in their own house, so they built houses from what was and said at the same time: “to our the century will be enough ”. During construction, they saved on literally everything: on the foundation, on cement, on the quality of building materials, on the professional skills of specialists. And such a concept as a monolith and reinforcement was generally from the realm of fantasy. I will only note one thing, that of all the available reasons (given below), the main and main reason that old brick and cinder block houses are cracking is not a high-quality foundation. As usual, the depth of the foundation was carried out above the freezing depth, without the use of reinforcement either at the bottom or at the top of the foundation. Which is completely unacceptable, especially on heaving soils. Such a foundation design unambiguously leads to its gradual destruction.
What to do with such cinder block houses and their foundations?
Building a new home will cost you a pretty penny. And in a crumbling house, where plaster is falling, walls cracking and tilting, the foundation is crumbling, it is shameful, unpleasant, and not safe to live.
There can be only three solutions here:
sell the old house and start the construction of a new one with the proceeds,
break everything down and rebuild everything
make a major overhaul of an old cinder block house, using new modern construction technologies.
Here we will focus only on the latest scenario, namely, do-it-yourself repair of an old cinder block house.
You need to start repairs by assessing the condition of the house, examining it by specialists and deciding on the possibility of repairing, its effectiveness and durability.
On many sites you can find information on how to repair cracks at home by applying staples to the cracks and plastering them. Yes, for a while you can throw dust in your eyes and cover up the thrush! But, firstly, simply covering up the cracks and applying staples will not strengthen the house, after a while the crack will appear again, and secondly: you will simply throw away money with practically no effect. But what if the crack appears again from year to year, and the wall begins to tilt? Deviations from the vertical state are clearly visible along the plumb line. In this case, we urgently need to make a decision and we make - the cinder block house needs major repairs.
You need to start a major overhaul of an old house with repairing the foundation.
Read more on the page repairing the foundation of a stone house.
How to additionally strengthen the walls of the house?
In addition to repairing the foundation, for old houses built from loose cinder-concrete blocks, it is recommended to repair the walls by installing several monolithic reinforced belts around the perimeter of the house, followed by plastering on a metal mesh. In combination with the repair of the foundation, these measures can significantly extend the life of the old stone and cinder block house.
Due to the aging of old buildings, this problem arises everywhere today.
Reinforcement belt for wall reinforcement The photo shows a variant of the upper wall reinforcement made of cinder blocks including brick corner posts of the house.
Rebar belts are installed at least along the top of the house (above the window openings) in several rows (at least 2 rows) around the entire perimeter. The reinforcement is used necessarily corrugated and at least 6 meters long (the diameter of the reinforcement in our case is 12 mm.) With bandaging or welding to each other to achieve a single monolithic structure.
An additional reinforcing belt is installed at the level of the bottom of the window openings in one or two rows along the perimeter of the house.
fittings for 12-14,
reinforcing mesh (to achieve the greatest reinforcing effect, it is rolled out and attached to the wall horizontally),
sand-cement mixture.
In order to achieve a more rigid and unified structure, in a brick pillar, for laying reinforcement, a recess was scraped (with a grinder). Which, subsequently, is moistened or treated with a primer and sealed with a solution.
Renovation of the wall of an old house
Reinforcement and reinforcing mesh after partial plastering.
Plaster the old house along the lighthouses. This will save you a lot of time and give your renovated home a good look.
I will separately dwell on the mistake made during the repair of the walls of this house.
Namely: the reinforcing mesh was applied only in the sections of cinder block walls, brick corner posts were plastered without mesh. As a result, after winter, the plaster on one of the pillars began to recede. A possible reason for this situation was the insufficient preparation of the surface of the brick pillar for plastering.
Still, the best option and more reliable in all respects is the use of a reinforcing mesh (including polymer). The mesh is fastened on the section of the cinder block wall - with simple nails with plastic washers, and on the sections of brickwork - with dowels.
After plastering on the lighthouses, the walls of the house are putty with facade putty and painted with facade paint.
The photo shows the same fragment of the wall after two years of operation.
Is it possible to build a second floor after renovating an old cinder block house?
Yes, it is possible! But subject to a number of conditions and requirements.
The main ones are:
Repair of the foundation must be carried out with a double-sided reinforced concrete clip, while the clips must be connected with anchors;
To reliably support the second floor in the slag walls, there must be either brick support pillars (as in our case) or metal support pipes (usually square 100 x 100) installed during the repair of the walls. Better both;
Mandatory construction on top of the cinder block wall of the armpole around the entire perimeter of the house, including all load-bearing walls. The thickness of the reinforcement belt is not less than 10 - 15 cm. The support for the reinforcement belt is brick pillars and metal support pipes built into the cinder block walls;
The construction of the second floor is carried out from lightweight materials (gas silicate, lightweight corpulent claydite-concrete block "Thermolux") with the use of masonry mesh reinforcement;
on top of the second floor, a second arm-belt with a thickness of 5-8 cm is being constructed.
the overlap of the second floor is also constructed lightweight.
Violation or absence of a blind area is one of the reasons for the formation of cracks in the house.
Some homeowners do not pay enough attention to the condition of the blind area around the house. What does this lead to?
Let's analyze a special case.
It should be noted that in most cases, in houses with gable roofs, cracks along the walls of the house are formed on the sides where the dartons are located. Why? If the blind area is violated, a different amount of precipitation (water) falls under different sides of the foundation of a house with a gable roof. So from the side where the roof slopes are directed and, accordingly, more water flows down, the soil under the foundation softens and, accordingly, sags more and faster than the side of the foundation to which the roof slopes are not directed.
The figure shows that the side of the foundation, where water practically does not get from the roof, rests on a solid foundation, and along the edges of the house, where all the water flows from the roof, the foundation most likely begins to sag.
The result of such an uneven subsidence of the foundation leads to the fact that the walls on the side of the roof slope sag more, and the walls, where there is no water flow, less. As a result - a crack (break) along the walls of the house from the side of the fartons.
Hello to all readers of the blog Today I remember one song by Boris Grebenshchikov, in which there are such words: "... the shining palaces of cinder-concrete are rising." And this is not because I remembered that the mood is musical and lyrical (although where can we go without it?). The fact is that these very "palaces" sometimes also need serious repair work. And here it is important to understand that the repair of slag walls differs in its technology from the repair of walls made of plasterboard, or those created from other materials. So I wanted to share my knowledge and experience on how to repair an old cinder block house.
If, after this question, medical associations begin to flicker in my head, then this is not a problem: this term is also used in the medical field. But now we are talking about construction. And from the point of view of construction, slag is a solid residue that appears after the end of the process of smelting metal from ore. Well, or after the coal has been burned. There are other options, but in this case we will not dwell on them. If we talk about what building materials are made from slag, then these are usually tiles and bricks.
Also, you are probably familiar (well, or I'll introduce you now) with such a building stone as a cinder block. This is such a small, let's say, slab that is prepared using slag concrete mortar. The binding element in cinder blocks is cement.
So, a small educational program is passed. Now that you have a general idea of the subject, you can move on to the more practical part. The point is this: sometimes already in the process of building a house, developers turn a blind eye to the quality of the slag that is chosen for the walls. Like, there is cement, it will bind everything. This is where the mistake lies. Slag is not just a filler. It affects both the properties of lime and the properties of cement.Hence, as one well-known Duchess said, the moral: this is a high-flying bird (in the sense, the slag must be of high quality).
Now here's what. Cinder block walls and other slag walls can behave differently over the years, that is, damage from time to time can be of varying degrees of complexity and severity. Therefore, before repairing slag walls, you need to carefully assess how worn out the material is. Then it will be easy to pick up the repair options.
Let's start with something simpler and less capital. Let's say you have a house, slag walls, and over time the plaster begins to peel off, which will require repair. We have already discussed how to do it once in the article - repair of wall plaster in separate places, I advise you to familiarize yourself. This can happen both outside and inside. What should I do? For external repairs, work may be recommended not for restoration, but for strengthening. It seems that all this is understandable, but how to strengthen the house from the slag? The principle of siding is quite suitable for such a case.
But indoors it would be nice to use the plasterboard sheathing method. This will hide the defects, and the slag wall will become smoother. At your discretion and taste, you can use other types of plates for interior decoration. Here you can choose by what method to carry out repairs inside the cinder block house.
So, now about the cracks. The matter in this situation will be somewhat more complicated and tedious than the usual finishing work on the slag from the inside. If you still do not want to change housing, build a new one and do similar pirouettes, then we take up the instrument (not by the head) and proceed to decisive action.
You can start repairing walls with repairing the foundation. Longer, but also more serious. You can arrange reinforced belts (they must be reinforced) around the entire perimeter of the house and then plaster them on a metal mesh. And if this procedure is still carried out in combination with strengthening the foundation, then the result will be doubly reliable: "cinder-concrete palaces" will serve for many, many years.
I almost flew out of my head: there are also structures made of bulk slag! They differ from those already listed in that they do not have the usual seams. What to do if they are repaired? For example, when plaster falls and cracks appear, you can punch the plaster with nails, then pump a cement solution into the cracks under pressure. Next, create a kind of timber formwork, and then cement it.
Repair of walls in the apartment "overtakes" almost everyone. And how else: cracks in the walls, falling off plaster and other "little things" not only testify to the dilapidation of the living quarters, but also simply depress their appearance. Therefore, combat readiness number one is the first thing you need to fearlessly start this exciting process. And the result will surely please you yourself. Imagine, the walls will become even, you will pick up the finishing - as you moved into a new house! In addition, they did the repair of the slag house with their own hands. Double respect (respect, of course). Now you can rest and enjoy. Remember, the hobbits used to say: "We sit on the field of victory and taste its well-deserved fruits!" Although you may not remember the quotes. It is important that you really succeed in your planned serious business. Good luck!
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Cinder block houses built in the 50s and 70s are beginning to slowly crack. And not just cracks, but good cracks. The reasons for the cracks may be different, but the main thing is that before our fathers and mothers had nowhere to live, but they wanted to live like all normal people in their own house, so they built houses from what was and said at the same time: “to our the century will be enough ”.During construction, they saved on literally everything: on the foundation, on cement, on the quality of building materials, on the professional skills of specialists. And such a concept as a monolith and reinforcement was generally from the realm of fantasy. I will only note one thing, that of all the available reasons (given below), the main and main reason that old brick and cinder block houses are cracking is not a high-quality foundation. As usual, the depth of the foundation was carried out above the freezing depth, without the use of reinforcement either at the bottom or at the top of the foundation. Which is completely unacceptable, especially on heaving soils. Such a foundation design unambiguously leads to its gradual destruction.
What to do with such cinder block houses and their foundations?
Building a new home will cost you a pretty penny. And in a crumbling house, where plaster is falling, walls cracking and tilting, the foundation is crumbling, it is shameful, unpleasant, and not safe to live.
There can be only three solutions here:
- sell the old house and start the construction of a new one with the proceeds,
- break everything down and rebuild everything
- make a major overhaul of an old cinder block house, using new modern construction technologies.
Here we will focus only on the latest scenario, namely, do-it-yourself repair of an old cinder block house.
You need to start repairs by assessing the condition of the house, examining it by specialists and deciding on the possibility of repairing, its effectiveness and durability.
On many sites you can find information on how to repair cracks at home by applying staples to the cracks and plastering them. Yes, for a while you can throw dust in your eyes and cover up the thrush! But, firstly, simply covering up the cracks and applying staples will not strengthen the house, after a while the crack will appear again, and secondly: you will simply throw away money with practically no effect. But what if the crack appears again from year to year, and the wall begins to tilt? Deviations from the vertical state are clearly visible along the plumb line. In this case, an urgent need to make a decision and we make - the cinder block house needs a major overhaul.
In addition to repairing the foundation, for old houses built from loose cinder blocks, it is recommended to repair the walls by arranging several monolithic reinforced belts around the perimeter of the house followed by plastering on a metal mesh. In combination with the repair of the foundation, these measures can significantly extend the life of an old stone and cinder block house.
Due to the aging of old buildings, this problem arises everywhere today.
Rebar belts are installed at least along the top of the house (above the window openings) in several rows (at least 2 rows) around the entire perimeter. The fittings are used necessarily corrugated and at least 6 meters long (the diameter of the reinforcement in our case is 12 mm.) with bandaging or welding together to achieve a single monolithic structure.
An additional reinforcing belt is installed at the level of the bottom of the window openings in one or two rows along the perimeter of the house.
- fittings for 12-14,
- reinforcing mesh (to achieve the greatest reinforcing effect, it is rolled out and attached to the wall horizontally),
- sand-cement mixture.
In order to achieve a more rigid and unified structure, in a brick pillar, for laying reinforcement, a recess was scraped (with a grinder). Which, subsequently, is moistened or treated with a primer and sealed with a solution.
Reinforcement and reinforcing mesh after partial plastering.
Plaster the old house along the lighthouses. This will save you a lot of time and give your renovated home a good look.
I will separately dwell on the mistake made during the repair of the walls of this house.
Namely: the reinforcing mesh was applied only in the sections of cinder block walls, brick corner posts were plastered without mesh. As a result, after winter, the plaster on one of the pillars began to recede. A possible reason for this situation was the insufficient preparation of the surface of the brick pillar for plastering.
Still, the best option and more reliable in all respects is the use of a reinforcing mesh (including polymer). The mesh is fastened on the section of the cinder block wall - with simple nails with plastic washers, and on the sections of brickwork - with dowels.
After plastering on the lighthouses, the walls of the house are putty with facade putty and painted with facade paint.
The photo shows the same fragment of the wall after two years of operation.
Yes, it is possible! But subject to a number of conditions and requirements.
The main ones are:
- Repair of the foundation must be carried out with a double-sided reinforced concrete clip, while the clips must be connected with anchors;
- To reliably support the second floor in the slag walls, there must be either brick support pillars (as in our case) or metal support pipes (usually square 100 x 100) installed during the repair of the walls. Better both;
- Mandatory construction on top of the cinder block wall of the armpole around the entire perimeter of the house, including all load-bearing walls. The thickness of the reinforcement belt is not less than 10 - 15 cm. The support for the reinforcement belt is brick pillars and metal support pipes built into the cinder block walls;
- The construction of the second floor is carried out from lightweight materials (gas silicate, lightweight corpulent claydite-concrete block "Thermolux") with the use of masonry mesh reinforcement;
- on top of the second floor, a second arm-belt with a thickness of 5-8 cm is being constructed.
- the overlap of the second floor is also constructed lightweight.
Some homeowners do not pay enough attention to the condition of the blind area around the house. What does this lead to?
Let's analyze a special case.
It should be noted that in most cases, in houses with gable roofs, cracks along the walls of the house are formed on the sides where the dartons are located. Why? If the blind area is violated, a different amount of precipitation (water) falls under different sides of the foundation of a house with a gable roof. So from the side where the roof slopes are directed and, accordingly, more water flows down, the soil under the foundation softens and, accordingly, sags more and faster than the side of the foundation to which the roof slopes are not directed.
The figure shows that the side of the foundation, where water practically does not get from the roof, rests on a solid foundation, and along the edges of the house, where all the water flows from the roof, the foundation most likely begins to sag.
The result of such an uneven subsidence of the foundation leads to the fact that the walls on the side of the roof slope sag more, and the walls, where there is no water flow, less. As a result - a crack (break) along the walls of the house from the side of the fartons.
DIY cinder block house foundation repair.
The most difficult repair is to repair the foundation of a stone (cinder block) house. Typically, such repairs are resorted to in order to prevent further cracks in the walls of the house.
It is rare, but it happens that cracks in the walls of the house may not be dangerous. The state of the crack is monitored as follows: a strip of gypsum is applied to the crack or paper tape is glued. If the plaster strip or tape breaks (in 90% of cases) it means that the crack is widening.
In this case, urgent measures must be taken to repair the foundation. If for a long time (which is extremely rare) the strip does not break, it can be assumed with a certain degree of certainty that the masonry has stabilized. In this case, the crack should be cleaned, moistened and filled with cement-lime mortar.
The concrete foundation of an old cinder block house can be strengthened with your own hands or with the help of a construction organization.
But in any case, before starting the repair, you yourself must delve into the essence of the issue and try to understand the reasons for the uneven subsidence or destruction of the foundation.
- heaving of soil, insufficient depth of laying;
- violation of the integrity of the blind area,
- destruction of the foundation structure from time to time,
- heterogeneous composition of the soil under the house,
- exceeding the permissible load on the soil (with narrow foundations, especially at the corners of the house),
- slope of the terrain,
- change in the level of groundwater,
Strengthening, repair of foundations for wooden and brick houses have significant differences.
So, if the foundations of a wooden house can be replaced almost completely and even raised above the previous level using jacks, then the foundations of a brick house can only be strengthened.
Repairing the foundation of a stone house is the most important and requires special care when carrying out work. The main task in this case is to prevent further subsidence of the already weakened foundation.
In this regard, when repairing the foundation of a stone house (in order to strengthen it or bulkhead), it is not allowed to dig under the base of the foundation.
Strengthening the foundation can only be carried out by erecting from the outside or better on both sides of a monolithic enclosing and reinforcing belt - lining.
See Figure 1: Repairing and Reinforcing the Foundation of a Stone House
When the foundation is destroyed along the entire perimeter along the strip foundations, a trench is torn off with a base width of 40-50 cm, at an angle of 35 °. In this case, the sole of the foundation is not touched.
The surface of the foundation and the basement is thoroughly cleaned of dirt, old plaster, and the destroyed parts of the foundation and basement are removed.
The surface of the cleaned foundation is treated with deep penetration soil.
Further, the reinforced part or the entire foundation is anchored with reinforcement through punched or drilled through holes in the foundation with a horizontal step of 60 - 120 cm in 3 - 4 rows in height. When strengthening the rubble foundation, the anchors are driven in between the stones.
Then all the anchors around the perimeter of the house (or that part of the foundation that is being strengthened) are scalded with reinforcement in the horizontal direction. The diameter of the reinforcement is taken from 10 to 14 mm. Concrete is poured into deep cracks and instead of crumbling stone (using local formwork).
Further, on top of the reinforcement, it is possible to use a metal mesh with a large mesh size.
In case of slight destruction of the foundation, it is possible to use a conventional solution of 1: 3.
In case of significant destruction of the foundation, the formwork is installed at a distance of 5-15 cm from the foundation and the gap between the foundation and the formwork is poured with concrete.
After the concrete has hardened, waterproofing is applied and the trench is filled up with careful layer-by-layer compaction.
Thus, an increase in the bearing capacity of the entire foundation or sections of the foundation is achieved. New reinforced concrete "clips" fastened to the foundation with anchors perform several important functions:
- in joint "work" with the main foundation, they increase the support surface on the ground surface, perceive part of the load from the house;
- new reinforced concrete "clips" reliably protect the main foundation from the effects of an external aggressive environment and exclude its further destruction;
- the old foundation in a double-sided reinforced concrete "cage" receives signs of a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation (the device of a reinforced concrete "cage" only on the outside of the foundation with the obligatory installation of anchors works well);
- the foundation after repairs (of course, done conscientiously) will bear on itself and successfully withstand heavy loads. This, in turn, does not exclude the possibility, provided that the walls are repaired and strengthened, the device of an armpole - the construction of a light second floor.
However, it should be borne in mind that at first the installed cage around the old foundation will give natural shrinkage.
Like a regular new foundation. Therefore, it is recommended to repair the walls of the house in a year, when the foundation will take a new stable position.

You can also visit> and choose the best option for your home. Cinder block material was widespread in Russia, thanks to its positive features:
• Thermal insulation - achieved through the presence of internal cavities.
• Increased strength and durability. More than half a century can serve without changes.

Learn to distinguish between cinder blocks and pouring construction. Blocks are stronger because they are compacted with vibration. And flooded houses have a much shorter service period. What is slag? In metallurgy, the vitreous mass encloses the molten metal, protecting it. Solid waste from production is called slag, which is mixed with sand and concrete.
To reduce the cost of building materials, lime, expanded clay and other mixtures were added in different proportions, which negatively affected the service life of buildings. The wall covering cracks, pieces fall out and even the remaining ore "shoots". How to deal with such housing?
It may be easier to build a new home. But it is not always possible to invest large finances at once. Therefore, one of the solutions is a consistent overhaul.
Commissioning should start in the summer season.
1. Digging a trench around the old base
2. We clean it from dust and sand
3. We make a metal mesh and fix it with anchors to the old frame
4. We install the formwork and fill it with cement mortar
For external walls, experts recommend the creation of reinforced belts along the top of the walls above the windows and around the entire perimeter. The reinforcement is connected with a knitting wire and fixed to the facade. The recommended length of the rods is at least six meters, the thickness is 12-14 mm. Brick posts on the bases of the walls must also be tied up, having previously been gutted.
Next, plastering is done with a cement-sand mixture. Guides are installed in the corners, giving the corners an even look.
On the plaster, the walls are covered with a facade putty, having primed them.
The absence of a blind area in the foundations of houses with gable roofs can also serve as a reason for cracking the walls. The flowing water washes away the soil on one side, which leads to a gradual distortion of the entire building and cracks in the walls.
To give a modern look, siding or blockhouse can be hung over the plaster, and inside it can be sheathed with plasterboard.
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All these manipulations require considerable investments, therefore, before starting such global alterations, invite a specialist and calculate the cost of the project.