In detail: do-it-yourself bag repair from a real master for the site
The content of the article:
Leather and chain
Designer accessories
From old jeans
Patchwork style
The bag is an important accessory for any woman. But if the handles are frayed, you have to buy a new one. However, not everyone can afford such expenses in a crisis, but you can save money if you repair the bag yourself. There are many ideas that will help you make a stylish women's clutch bag yourself.
Usually, bag handles wear out first. There are a lot of ideas that will tell you how to make new ones. Here are some of them. You can convert to this part:
one or two waist belts;
pieces of leather, fabric;
beads, etc.
If the handles one and the other are made of leather or leatherette, and these elements have slight abrasions, then a product sold in some shoe stores will help out. It is called "liquid skin". The composition must be of a suitable color, then with the help of it you will carry out minor repairs of the bags. The tool will help mask stains, scuffs and on the main canvas.
If the handles are worn out thoroughly, then replace them with 2 identical waist belts, measuring and cutting them to size. This idea is also good because you can adjust the length of the handles, which is very convenient.
If you have one long handle on your bag, then use one strap, sewing it on with a thick needle and strong thread.
If you have strips of leather, strong braid, then wrap the handles with any of these materials, gradually greasing them with glue.
Video (click to play).
To implement the following idea you will need:
pieces of skin;
4 or 2 rings (depending on whether there are two or one long handle on the bag);
large chain;
strong thread.
Cut the leather into strips of equal width, sew them together on a typewriter or on your hands. Then grease the inside out with glue, fold in half. When the glue is dry, you can start designing.
First, wrap them around one and then the other side of the chain. The second leather and chain handle is made in the same way.
To attach them to your bag, thread the 2 free ends of the leather strap through the ring, fold and stitch there. To attach a ring with a handle to a bag, take a wide leather strip, thread it through the ring so that it is in the center of this strip, sew to the bag.
You can use a simpler option. For him you will need:
foam rubber;
needle and thread;
Cut out the strips to the desired length. Their width should be 2 times the desired one, plus seam allowances. Fold the first handle in half lengthwise, step back 5 cm from the end, stitch to the edge from the inside out. Leave the same amount unsewn on the other side of the workpiece.
Turn the handles right out. Tuck a strip of foam inside, using a piece of long, thick wire with a curved edge to help you. Use an awl to make holes on the two unsewn sides of the handle. By passing the needle through them, you will sew them to the bag.
Fashionistas pay big bucks to buy one-of-a-kind items. And you can, having carried out the repair of bags at home, turn them into stylish handiwork. Here's one idea.
You can turn ordinary bags into designer bags by replacing old handles with such original ones. They consist of:
These are the materials you need to prepare at the beginning of work.
So that the edge of the cord does not wrinkle, it is convenient to put on beads, grease it with glue or varnish. When these funds are dry, you can begin the main work.
String the beads onto decorative ropes so that the handles of the bag are identical. Tie to the free ends of the string around the ring, hiding the knot under the thread. Further, the rings are attached to the bag using strips of leather, as described above when describing how leather handles are made on a chain basis.
An interesting designer thing will turn out if you use a silk scarf. Old handles are wrapped around them, thus hiding flaws.
If the handles are not very worn out, then make turns at a small distance from one another, so that the material can be seen between them. Tie knots on the right and left, then the scarf will not slip.
If you have a bag with handles that are in very bad shape, fight back. Attach 2 scarves in their place. Tie the corner of the first one on the ring on which the first handle was attached. Do the same with the opposite corner, securing it to the second ring. You will create the second handle in the same way.
If you twist 3 cords, they will also create a new long handle for the bag. If you make two smaller sizes, they will also perfectly replace the old parts of the reticule.
If you have old wooden or plastic beads with the same round fragments, they will come in handy when you make a new one from an old bag.
Take a strip of fabric, wrap the beads with it, cut off the excess, leaving a seam allowance. Stitch the 2 edges of the fabric together, thread the beads inside the resulting steering wheel. Separate each from the next, marking the gaps between them, tying them with thread. It remains to sew the handles into place and praise yourself for making a new one out of the old bag.
With such a bag, you can go to nature, go to the store. It is very roomy, when you need it, you will unfasten the buttons on both sides, increasing the bag in size.
We start cutting out. Cut 2 large blanks out of dark fabric. You can sew a fabric bag with a rounded bottom or make it rectangular.
In addition to two canvases, cut out from the main fabric:
a rectangle for a pocket measuring 17x28 cm;
4 bag handles made of dark fabric measuring 5x76 cm;
2 white linen handles of the same size.
Fold the strips of pen fabric as follows: first in half lengthwise, then fold the edges inward. Iron the workpieces or sew on a typewriter to prevent the ribbons from unrolling.
Now take 2 strips of dark and one of light fabric, weave the first braid from them. Create the second one in the same way.
Align the edges of these parts, cut off, excess, sew along the edges. You should have 2 handles that are 58 cm long.
Take a piece of the pocket, frame it with tape for edging, and pin it with pins.
After finishing the pocket, pin the edging tape to the top of the canvas. Insert 2 edges of one handle between the edging and the canvas, pin them with pins, sew using white thread. In the same way, wrap and attach the handles to the second canvas of the bag.
On the seamy side of one of the knapsack cloths, attach the pocket, while still using pins.
Fold the top edge of the first and second sides of the bag inward by 2.5 cm, make 2 parallel stitches, the first along the edge, and the second will be 2 cm lower and go through the light edging.
Fold 2 canvas knapsacks right sides to each other, trim the edges and bottom with edging tape, sew.
This concludes the creation of the bag with our own hands. It remains to iron the sidewalls of the top, sew buttons to them, and a spacious and comfortable designer item that will always come in handy is ready.
Well, of course, a reticule, a simple pattern will help with this. You can create a new item from the tops of your pants. Spread them, cut out a rectangle with sides 28 and 42 cm. Then set aside 7 cm from the larger side, and 2 cm to the left and right. Cut out a semicircular "tongue".Fold the large side 2 times to create a small denim bag. One and the second of which have dimensions of 28 x 17.5 cm. Close the clutch by fastening it with a button with a loop.
But such a bag can be sewn from jeans, heavily frayed from time to time, or from several trousers. Strips are cut from integral pieces and intertwined with each other. If the ribbons are small, connect them while weaving from the back side by stitching.
For such a bag made of jeans, created using a checkerboard weaving, the canvas is folded in half, sewn on the sides. Then you need to sew on the handles, and another fashion accessory is ready.
Denim bags can be made not only of trousers, but also of a vest, shirt. In the latter case, the sleeves of this garment must be ripped off.
Cut the vest to the desired length, sew the front and back together at the bottom, and the armholes together. You will make such an original long handle to the bag from a piece of wire. Beads are strung on it, and metal rings are fixed at the ends, which are fixed on the bag in the holes. They can be framed with wide rings in metal repair.
If you will be doing this part of the work yourself, then sew the handles with two strips of strong tape or leather. They are pushed through the handle rings and then sewn onto the bag.
Check out some other ideas for inspiration, you might immediately want to make the same denim bags.
Fabric scraps will also help you create a stylish designer accessory. It can be created from jeans. For such a thing you will need:
pieces of jeans;
wide decorative braid;
the cloth;
2 wooden beads.
This ladies' accessory is made of old denim pieces. They are cut into squares, which are then sewn into ribbons. Now you need to sew these strips so that they turn into a complete canvas.
Attach it to the fabric, cut it to fit your jeans. Fold the fabric in half, sew on the wrong side of the sides, and turn it over your face. Do the same with the not yet fully finished denim bag. Insert a fabric knapsack into it, grind the edges of these two blanks.
Having stepped back 7-10 cm from the top, sew the braid to the front side. Pass a string through it, at the ends of which put on a bead so that they do not fall, tie a knot on this side of the rope.
It remains to grind the handles, and you have one more new thing made from the old ones. Now you know how to sew a bag from jeans of this style.
The patches will help us create another patchwork model. The stripes can be horizontal.
But on our model, they will be located vertically.
Cut strips 3–5 x 50 cm from fabrics. Sew them together on a sewing machine on the seamy side. Then attach a synthetic winterizer to the wrong side, iron everything together. Stitch from the right side along the seams of the fabric tape.
To sew the fabric bag further, proceed to cutting the handle. Cut a strip of 4 x 30 cm from a dense material. From a colored cloth - a tape 10x30 cm. Wrap a flying strip of dense fabric, wrap the side edges inward, sew.
Make the lining to fit the bag, sew on the handles, zipper, and this is the end of the job.
You can sew a bag not only from jeans and fabric, but also from leather. It's nice to create, for example, such a model with your own hands.
In conclusion, we offer you useful videos that will tell you how to sew a bag out of jeans, from a broken umbrella; how to make new handles for it: