DIY repair jileks fecalnik

In detail: do-it-yourself jileks fecalnik repair from a real master for the site

Do-it-yourself drainage pump repair, alas, is not always possible. Certain malfunctions can only be eliminated by specialists in a specialized workshop. Some breakdowns cannot be fixed at all - even replacing a part will not save, you will have to buy new equipment. The list of self-rectifiable faults is short, but still worthy of consideration.

The drain pump works simply:

  • the motor drives the impeller attached to the shaft;
  • impeller plates accelerate the liquid inside the pump housing;
  • under the action of centrifugal force, the liquid enters the outlet;
  • the vacated space is immediately occupied by the liquid entering through the inlet.

The holes are at different levels. It depends on the type of pump: submersible, surface. Submersibles take water from the bottom, not from the side.

Unplanned repairs with your own hands or in a workshop will not be needed if you follow the simple rules for operating the equipment, detailed in this video clip of the manufacturer. It also tells about the principle of operation of the devices.

  1. A short circuit occurred due to a sharp drop in voltage in the mains, the winding burned out.
  2. The float (if we are talking about a device with a float) is stuck below the response level (hold the walls of the well, hoses, power cable).
  3. The impeller is jammed by mechanical inclusions that have entered the housing.
  4. The capacitor is out of order.

The pump does not work, but hums if:

  1. The valve is out of order.
  2. The shock absorber is loose on the stem.
  3. The stem broke.
  4. The power cable is out of order (the wires inside the common cable are frayed).
Video (click to play).

The main malfunctions are listed. Diagnostics will be required to identify individual breakdowns.

Important! Before sounding the alarm, check the network first - maybe there is a problem with the electricity, not with the pump.

Of all the listed malfunctions of drainage pumps, only a few can be eliminated with your own hands. Really release the float (instructions are unlikely to be needed here), remove the mechanical inclusions that have jammed the impeller (you cannot tighten the impeller, as in the video below), fix the shock absorber, repair the cable. To fix the shock absorber, you need to disassemble the body and simply tighten the nuts on the mounting bolts, locking the top one. This is the simplest of all. Repairing the cable will take time, but it can be done. It is easy to replace the capacitor in some models.

Everything else cannot be done without masters, and it is generally so difficult to fix a broken stock that it is much more expedient to purchase new equipment. It will not be possible to replace the valve on your own (difficult, unprofitable) and repair the winding - you will need specialized tools. However, this does not apply to cheap Chinese pumps: either take new ones or repair them yourself, since highly qualified repairs will cost more.

A citizen tells us how to fix the device, and what mistakes he made in doing so - he damaged the anchor, broke the impeller (oh, and the Chinese impellers are strong). A person works cheerfully, together with a TV set, that's why it is problematic to hear a lot, but everything is perfectly visible. He broke with his own hands only at the beginning, and then he repaired.