To identify and eliminate the cause of the malfunction, the body of the device is opened and its filling is visually inspected. Sometimes the whole point is only in poor-quality soldering of parts, wires, other contacts on the circuit boards, and it is enough to re-solder them to make the device work.At first, they try to identify damaged parts visually - they may be cracked, have a darkened case or pins burned out on the board, electrolytic capacitors will be swollen at the top. All identified faulty elements are soldered and replaced with the same or similar ones with suitable characteristics. The selection is made according to the markings on the case or according to tables. When soldering parts, the use of a soldering iron with suction will provide maximum speed and convenience of work.
If the visual inspection did not bring any result, then proceed to ringing (testing) the parts using an ohmmeter or multimeter. The most vulnerable elements of inverter modules are transistors. Therefore, the repair of the apparatus usually begins with their inspection and verification. Power transistors rarely fail by themselves - as a rule, this is preceded by a failure of the elements of the "swinging" circuit (driver), the details of which are checked first. In the same way, by means of the tester, they call the rest of the board elements.
On the board, it is necessary to check the condition of all printed conductors for the absence of breaks and burns. The burnt areas are removed and the jumpers are soldered, as in the case of breaks, with a PEL wire (with a cross section corresponding to the board conductor). You should also check and, if necessary, clean (with a white eraser) the contacts of all connectors in the device.
Rectifiers (input and output), which are conventional diode bridges mounted on a heatsink, are considered to be quite reliable components of inverters. But sometimes they fail. It is most convenient to check the diode bridge after unsoldering the wires from it and removing it from the board. If the entire group of diodes rings for a short time, then you should look for a broken (faulty) diode.
The key management board is checked last. In the inverter module, this is the most complex element and the operation of all other components of the apparatus depends on its functioning. The final stage in the repair of the inverter welding device should be to check the presence of control signals arriving at the busbars of the gates of the key block. Diagnose this signal using an oscilloscope.
In cases that are unclear and more complex than those described above, the intervention of specialists will be required. Trying to fix the malfunction yourself is not worth it, especially when the inverter is under warranty.
Inverter welding machines are gaining more and more popularity among master welders due to their compact size, low weight and reasonable prices. Like any other equipment, these devices can fail due to improper operation or due to design flaws. In some cases, the repair of inverter welding machines can be carried out independently by examining the inverter device, but there are breakdowns that are eliminated only at the service center.
Welding inverters, depending on the models, operate both from a household electrical network (220 V) and from a three-phase (380 V). The only thing to consider when connecting the device to a household network is its power consumption. If it exceeds the capabilities of the wiring, then the unit will not work with a sagging network.
So, the following main modules are included in the device of an inverter welding machine.
Just like diodes, transistors are installed on radiators for better heat dissipation from them. To protect the transistor unit from voltage surges, an RC filter is installed in front of it.
Below is a diagram that clearly shows the principle of operation of the welding inverter.
So, the principle of operation of this module of the welding machine is as follows.The primary rectifier of the inverter is supplied with voltage from the household electrical network or from generators, gasoline or diesel. The incoming current is alternating, but passing through the diode block, becomes permanent ... The rectified current is fed to the inverter, where it is converted back to alternating current, but with changed frequency characteristics, that is, it becomes high-frequency. Further, the high-frequency voltage is reduced by a transformer to 60-70 V with a simultaneous increase in the current strength. At the next stage, the current again enters the rectifier, where it is converted to DC, after which it is supplied to the output terminals of the unit. All current conversions controlled by a microprocessor control unit.
Modern inverters, especially those based on the IGBT module, are quite demanding on the rules of operation. This is explained by the fact that when the unit is operating, its internal modules give off a lot of heat ... Although both radiators and a fan are used to remove heat from power units and electronic boards, these measures are sometimes not enough, especially in inexpensive units. Therefore, you need to strictly follow the rules that are indicated in the instructions for the device, implying periodic shutdown of the installation for cooling.
This rule is usually referred to as the “Duty Cycle” (Duty Cycle), which is measured as a percentage. Not observing the PV, overheating of the main units of the apparatus occurs and their failure occurs. If this happens with a new unit, then this breakdown is not subject to warranty repair.
Also, if the inverter welding machine is working in dusty rooms , dust settles on its radiators and interferes with normal heat transfer, which inevitably leads to overheating and breakdown of electrical components. If it is impossible to get rid of the presence of dust in the air, it is necessary to open the inverter case more often and clean all the components of the device from accumulated dirt.
But most often inverters fail when they work at low temperatures. Breakdowns occur due to the appearance of condensation on the heated control board, as a result of which a short circuit occurs between the parts of this electronic module.
A distinctive feature of inverters is the presence of an electronic control board, therefore, only a qualified specialist can diagnose and eliminate a malfunction in this unit. ... In addition, diode bridges, transistor blocks, transformers and other parts of the electrical circuit of the apparatus can fail. To carry out diagnostics with your own hands, you need to have certain knowledge and skills in working with measuring instruments such as an oscilloscope and a multimeter.
From the above, it becomes clear that, without the necessary skills and knowledge, it is not recommended to start repairing the device, especially electronics. Otherwise, it can be completely disabled, and repairing the welding inverter will cost half the cost of a new unit.
As already mentioned, inverters fail due to external factors affecting the “vital” units of the apparatus. Also, malfunctions of the welding inverter can occur due to improper operation of the equipment or errors in its settings. The most common malfunctions or interruptions in inverter operation are as follows.
Very often, this breakdown is caused by faulty network cable apparatus. Therefore, first you need to remove the cover from the unit and ring each wire of the cable with a tester. But if everything is in order with the cable, then more serious diagnostics of the inverter will be required. Perhaps the problem lies in the standby power source of the device. The repair technique for the “duty room” using the example of a Resant brand inverter is shown in this video.
This malfunction can be caused by an incorrect setting of the amperage for a certain diameter of the electrode.
You should also consider and welding speed ... The smaller it is, the lower the current value must be set on the control panel of the unit. In addition, to match the current strength to the diameter of the additive, you can use the table below.
If the welding current is not regulated, the cause may be breakdown of the regulator or violation of the contacts of the wires connected to it. It is necessary to remove the cover of the unit and check the reliability of the connection of the conductors, and, if necessary, ring the regulator with a multimeter. If everything is in order with him, then this breakdown can be caused by a short circuit in the inductor or a malfunction of the secondary transformer, which will need to be checked with a multimeter. If a malfunction is found in these modules, they must be replaced or rewound to a specialist.
Excessive power consumption, even when the device is not loaded, most often causes turn-to-turn closure in one of the transformers. In this case, you will not be able to repair them yourself. It is necessary to take the transformer to the master for rewinding.
This happens if the voltage drops in the network ... To get rid of the sticking of the electrode to the parts to be welded, you will need to correctly select and set up the welding mode (according to the instructions for the device). Also, the voltage in the network may sag if the device is connected to an extension cord with a small wire cross-section (less than 2.5 mm 2).
It is not uncommon for a voltage drop that causes the electrode to stick when using a power strip that is too long. In this case, the problem is solved by connecting the inverter to the generator.
If the indicator is on, this indicates overheating of the main modules of the unit. Also, the device can turn off spontaneously, which indicates tripping of thermal protection ... So that these interruptions in the operation of the unit do not occur in the future, again, it is necessary to adhere to the correct mode of the duration of the on (DC). For example, if duty cycle = 70%, then the device should work in the following mode: after 7 minutes of operation, the unit will have 3 minutes to cool down.
In fact, there can be a lot of various breakdowns and the reasons that cause them, and it is difficult to list them all. Therefore, it is better to immediately understand what algorithm is used to diagnose the welding inverter in search of faults. You can find out how the device is diagnosed by watching the following training video.
Quite often, home craftsmen are faced with the need to perform welding. To do this, they need special welding equipment.
Today, welding inverters are a fairly common type of similar apparatus, which can increasingly be found among many owners. However, at a certain moment, this equipment may fail, which makes one think about repairs.
Moreover, in this case, it is not necessary to contact the specialists; in some cases, you can return the welding machine to working condition on your own. The main thing is to know what exactly led to the malfunction and how you can eliminate it yourself without incurring unnecessary service costs.
One of the main qualities that ensured the popularity of inverter welding machines is high quality welding , which can be provided by any person who does not have sufficient skills in handling it. At the same time, the operating conditions of this unit themselves are distinguished by a high level of convenience.
It should be mentioned that this equipment has a more complex design when compared with welding rectifiers and transformers. This, in turn, negatively affects their reliability. It should also be said that the predecessors listed above are electrical devices. In contrast, inverter devices are one of the varieties of complex electronic devices.
For this reason, if the owner is faced with malfunctions in the operation of the welding inverter, in order to find the cause of the malfunction and carry out the repair itself, it is necessary to make sure that its constituent elements are working: diodes, transistors, zener diodes , resistors, as well as other elements of the inverter electronic circuit. You should also be prepared for the fact that the user will be faced with the need to use devices such as a voltmeter, digital multimeter, as well as other ordinary measuring equipment, including an oscilloscope.
When starting to repair inverter welding machines, you need to remember the following point: it is often difficult to understand, focusing only on the nature of the problem that has arisen, what exactly led to the termination of the operation of the machine.
In such a situation, the owner has no choice but to take turns check each element of the circuit ... Therefore, in order for the repair to justify the efforts and time spent on it and to ensure the necessary result, the owner of such a device must have certain knowledge of electronics, as well as at least minimal skills in working with electrical circuits.
If he does not understand this plan, then, having decided on an independent repair of the inverter welding machine, he only risks wasting time in vain, without having achieved his goal. It is possible that his initiative may worsen the operation of the device, and the actions performed by him will cause new problems.
If we consider all the problems that are diagnosed during the operation of welding inverters of any type, then they can be classified into several groups:
malfunctions resulting from an illiterate choice of the welding operating mode;
malfunctions caused by a malfunction or improper operation of the electronic components of the equipment.
Regardless of the nature of the malfunction, such a situation will not allow the owner to continue welding in the usual mode. Various factors can cause a malfunction in the operation of the welding inverter. To determine the exact cause, it is necessary to check each of them in turn, and at the beginning they start with simple operations and gradually move on to more complex ones. After carrying out all the recommended diagnostic procedures, it may happen that the welding machine is still inoperative. In this case, it can be assumed that the problem is related to the inoperative electrical circuit of the inverter module. The most common failure of an electronic circuit occurs for the following reasons:
Penetration of moisture into the device. In most cases, precipitation contributes to this.
In the event of dust accumulation under the housing, favorable conditions arise for disrupting the correct cooling of the components of the electronic circuit. Equipment used on construction sites is most often at greatest risk of contamination. To prevent damage to the inverter under these operating conditions, clean it regularly.
Disregard of the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the proper use of the inverter without interruption. This can also be one of the causes of malfunctions in the operation of the electronics of the equipment, arising against the background of its overheating.
Usually, inverter devices fail due to external factors, as well as incorrect settings and neglect of the recommendations for using the device. Among such situations, the following can most often be observed:
A burning odor from the cabinet of the unit may be a sign of a serious problem with the inverter module. In such a situation, the best solution would be service call ... To fix such a malfunction with your own hands, the owner must have certain skills and knowledge.
The do-it-yourself repair procedure consists in gaining access to the body of the device, further examining its filling. In some cases, the cause of the malfunction may be poor soldering of elements, cables, and other contacts on the circuit boards.
Therefore, in such a situation, return the device to working condition. can be by soldering ... At the initial stage, you need to try to find out which elements are out of order. This may be indicated by cracks, dark spots on the case, or signs of burnout on the terminal board, as well as swelling of the top of the electrolytic capacitors.
After it was possible to establish the faulty nodes, they must be evaporated, then replaced with parts identical or similar to them in terms of characteristics. When choosing replacement parts, pay attention to the markings on the body, or use tables. When removing damaged elements, it is recommended to use a soldering iron with suction. This will allow you to complete the work with a minimum amount of time and avoid serious problems.
In some cases, the survey may not produce results. In a situation like this, it makes sense to start ring out elements using an ohmmeter or multimeter. Transistors have the lowest level of protection. For this reason, during the repair of the device, it is necessary first of all to examine them and check their operability. Most power transistors are highly reliable. And if, nevertheless, they turned out to be faulty, then the most often favorable factor for this is the failure of the elements of the "swinging" their circuit. The elements of the latter must be checked at the very beginning. After completing the check, it is necessary to subject the nickname and other elements of the board.
When examining the board, attention should be paid to the state each printed conductor where you need to make sure that they do not have breaks and burns. If burnt areas were found, they must be removed and the jumpers soldered. This operation is performed by hand in the same way as in the case of damage to the PEL cable. If necessary, then the contacts of each of the connectors present in the device should also be checked. In some cases, they will need to be cleaned.
Inverter welding machines can greatly simplify the welding procedure for various products. The failure of this equipment can upset any owner. However, you should not contact the service center specialists ahead of time. In some cases, you can return the device to a working condition with your own hands. Often this equipment has quite simple faults that can be easily eliminated. The main thing is to clearly understand what exactly led to the failure of the device and how to properly repair it.
Video (click to play).