DIY repair bark beetle

In detail: do-it-yourself bark beetle repair from a real master for the site

All rules for applying bark beetle

To begin with, let's decide that we are not talking about that bark beetle, which is an insect and eats your floors, but about a special textured plaster. Basically, such plaster is applied to facades, and less often indoors. But before you start using this composition for its intended purpose, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for applying this composition. In principle, there is nothing complicated and the technology of applying plaster bark beetle is simple, but it is still worth knowing some of the nuances, or even better, watch the video lesson that you will find just below this article on the website for renovating an apartment on your own. The work itself consists of several stages:

1. Primer.
2. Application to the surface of the bark beetle.
3. Grouting the bark beetle.

In order to learn how to properly apply this textured plaster, you can practice on the back wall of the facade of your house, using several bags of bark beetle.

It is best to choose autumn or spring to work with this mixture. You can do this in the summer, but it is still worth knowing that the plaster will dry quickly, and therefore you will need to work quickly. So in order to learn best, of course, choose a neutral season, that is, spring or autumn.

But before you start work, you need to prepare the necessary tools for the correct application of the bark beetle plaster:

1. Tray and roller, which are needed for the primer.
2. Drill with a whisk.
3. Bucket.
4. Trowel and trowel for applying plaster.
5. Splatter.
6. Grater. Preferably plastic.

Video (click to play).

Now let's get down to work. Firstwhat needs to be done is prime your wall... See our article on which primer to choose, types of primers. To do this, you must use a special paint-primer. Choose a white soil. All this is necessary so that the black color of the wall in the furrows does not shine through. If you have chosen an expensive paint-primer, then you can walk along the wall with it, just once, since it has a very thick and high-quality consistency. If your primer is cheaper, then apply it to the wall in several layers. All this is because cheap primers are more liquid, and in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to apply about two or three layers to the wall, that is, until your wall acquires a uniform white color. After you have applied the primer, you should wait until it dries, otherwise you risk wiping it black while working with the bark beetle.

The next stage is the application of the bark beetle... To do this, you need to mix the plaster in the bag, as indicated on the bag of the bark beetle you have chosen. But it is worth remembering that you do not need to knead too much, as you may not have time to work out all the material, and it will simply dry out. The bark beetle should be applied with a stainless steel spatula. Do everything neatly, in an even layer. Remember that the thickness of the layer should be in the size of the fraction of the bags of your plaster. A very important tip for you may be that it is worth applying the plaster in rows horizontally or vertically. During the application of one row, you should capture the entire height or width of the wall, then the result will be uniform and accurate.

If your wall is too high or wide, then you should limit in advance the level to which you can reach, and just as carefully apply the plaster, but already on the designated areas.This means that it is worth dividing the wall in half with masking tape and first reaching it, and the next day, tearing it off and gluing it to the treated part, apply the bark beetle in the same way to the second half of the wall.

After you have applied the bark beetle, you need to wait ten or twenty minutes for the plaster to set. It all depends on the weather, the warmer it is, the faster it will begin to grab. In principle, you can test this using a plastic grater prepared in advance. If the plaster does not stick to it, then you can safely proceed to the next stage of work, that is, to grout the bark beetle.

Bark beetle grouting technology just as simple and done with the same plastic float. To do this, you need to decide on the pattern, if you want to see the "rain", then you should wipe vertically - up and down. If you like the lamb pattern, then do it in a circular motion. After you rub the first row, you should immediately start applying the second row, while you need to spray the joints between the rows with water so that the transitions are not visible. The video below clearly demonstrates this.

If it happened that you did not have time to wipe the plaster and the bark beetle dried up, then use a spray gun, and the missing drawing can be completed with a nail.

As for painting, it is best to paint the bark beetle with a roller or brush in the furrows, and at least two layers. To find out how much plaster you need, an online calculator of the amount of plaster will help.

Very often, a well-known and affordable method is used for finishing the facade - plastering. Despite the fact that expensive compositions or budgetary ones are used, repair work still needs to be carried out.

Plaster repair can be reduced to trivial staining if the dye in the solution was of poor quality and quickly faded under the influence of the sun. But sometimes it is necessary to make a more complex restoration - to repair cracks or exfoliated areas.

There is nothing complicated here, it is enough to purchase paint for the facade, which can be applied to the plaster in the required amount. If you plan to radically change the color, then calculate the quantities for 2 or even 3 layers. But when choosing, be careful and consider what kind of plaster was used to decorate the facade earlier.

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The work process is as follows:

  1. Cleaning the facade from dust and stains, if any.
  2. Primer can be applied.
  3. Wall covering with 1 coat of paint. To do this, you can use a wide brush, roller or spray gun. The latter option will significantly speed up restoration work, but such an apparatus will be difficult to find. Therefore, the best option would be to use a roller.
  4. Once dry, 1 layer can be applied 2.

Image - DIY repair bark beetle

It's a little more complicated here. To make repairs to plaster walls with your own hands, you will have to work longer.

  • First, you should purchase the same plaster that was used to decorate the facade. If a dry mix was used, it is not necessary to knead a large amount. Do as much as you can to deal with one bulky or a few small imperfections.
  • Secondly, you need to carefully examine the surface of the walls. This will help to assess the volume of repair work, and also to determine whether, in addition to cracks, there are also exfoliated areas. If such imperfections are present, then in that place the layer will swell. To check the suspicion, you need to knock with a rubber or wooden hammer, and the handle of a spatula will do. If there is a defect, a dull sound will be heard.
  • Third, the place of work should be well prepared. Cracks are cleaned of dust and dirt and treated with soil or soda solution.
  • While the treated area dries up, you can prepare a small amount of plastering solution.

After such preparatory work, you can begin to eliminate the shortcomings. If the layer was smooth, then there should not be any special problems in the process of repairing old plaster.

  • The crack is tightly filled with mortar.
  • The surplus is removed with a flat spatula and carefully rubbed to obtain a flat surface that does not protrude above the old layer.
  • Thus, all the disadvantages are handled.
  • After the solution has dried, the areas need to be properly sanded.
  • If the solution was gray, then on top of it you need to apply a thin layer of putty, then when staining, you will not have to apply the dye in several layers.
  • The last step in the partial renovation technology will be painting the facade. Professionals recommend, after repairing the plaster of the walls, to update the entire area in separate places. Thus, the decorative finish will look fresh, and after some time of use, the shade may change slightly. Therefore, when buying the same paint and the same color, the repaired area can stand out.