In detail: do-it-yourself repair of a Hankai 6 outboard motor from a real master for the site
Two-stroke boat motors have proven themselves to be reliable and inexpensive, and the Hankai brand is considered one of the best in terms of value for money. These motors are produced in China, they are quite popular in European countries and will be an excellent option for speeding up a pleasure or fishing boat.
The Hangkai 6.0 model is considered one of the most popular, has an average power and an affordable price. The design and many parts were created using Japanese technologies, thanks to which the working life and efficiency remained at a decent level. Maintenance of such a motor is quite simple.
Hangkai 6.0 has received several design changes, the tiller is provided with an accelerator handle. About the outboard motor Khankai 6 forces respond quite positively, despite its budgetary cost, the fuel consumption was reduced to satisfactory indicators.
The standard version is equipped with a 2.5 liter fuel tank; if desired, a remote 12 liter tank can be supplied. If you combine two such gas tanks, their resource will be enough for 7-14 hours of trouble-free use.
And despite the simplicity of the design, it was possible to install a water cooling system, it fully copes with its duties. The advantages of the motor also include the ability to drive it without registration and license. New Hangkai 6.0 comes with a 1 year warranty from the manufacturer.
According to its characteristics and dimensions, the motor should be used on inflatable boats with an average length of 3-4 meters. If a hull boat is used, you can choose with a length of up to 5 meters. A big advantage is the weight of 21 kg, so you can carry the outboard motor in your hands and install it on the boat yourself.
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Video (click to play). |
Power of 6 hp more than enough for pleasure boats, fishing and similar activities, the working volume was 102 cm3. The two-stroke engine runs at an average speed of 5500 rpm.
If there is 1 passenger on board the boat, you can accelerate the maximum speed of 30 km / h, if the boat is fully equipped with 3 passengers, the speed will decrease to 15 km / h. Which is also more than satisfactory. The length of the motor was 700 mm, the indicator of the width was 310 mm, the height was indicated as 1007 mm. 1 regular cylinder is installed as standard.
The boat will be an excellent helper for those who want to increase the speed potential at the lowest cost. The Hangkai 6.0 engine uses A-92 fuel, you can also fill in 2-stroke mineral oil. The gearbox must contain within 195 ml of oil. The outboard motor is controlled by a tiller, manually. Shifting gears is also manual; for this, there is a lever on the body of the device. Gear shifting is performed as standard: neutral-front-rear.
Practice shows that in the presence of 1 passenger, the power is 6 hp. on the Hangkai 6.0 motor it is enough to start planing. The performance and dimensions of the motor allow it to be used in shallow water. During long-term operation, the motor does not overheat; for this, a combined air-water system is provided. The demand for this model is always quite large, many dealers sell motors in Russia. The average price of a Hankai 6 outboard motor is 28,000 rubles.
The operation of the outboard motor in shallow water is ensured due to the complete absence of forcing. The design is thought out more than decently, for example, when operating the motor on reservoirs with sediment, mud or foliage, the channels of the device are not clogged at all. According to statistics, the Hangkai 6.0 outboard engine consumes 2.2 liters of fuel per hour.For full-fledged operation, it is required to create a mixture of oil and gasoline, the ratio indicated in the operating instructions is 50 to 1.
This question often arises. I decided to describe my situation.
There were the same symptoms. I worked perfectly at idle, both with gas and without gas. I also twisted the screw on the water, twisted with effort.
The mot was under warranty, took it to the service. Everything worked perfectly at the stand. We got into the gearbox - the emulsion. After the repair, everything was okay, the carb was not removed, only adjusted.
Hence the question: can poor lubrication of the gearbox turn off the motor?
I suppose that the mot had gone to bed before the service, and the water had time to separate from the oil, so everything worked perfectly at the service.
Take hdx they are better, with hunks you will be like on a powder keg. although having a zip tool and a bit of skill in repair is essentially nothing to worry about, or the impeller or the comut is their sore spot, but they also have a price to eliminate these shortcomings, if there is money, then it's better a Jap, albeit 3-4, but a Jap, although this is already under 70tysch only one motor and khan 5-6 to 30k fits. and what is the guarantee? I've bought a comut for 1500, and take it and hand it over to the service for a couple of weeks so that it can also be changed there, in fact there is no guarantee for the hunk, especially for the one bought in the internet store.
———- Post posted at 01:15 ———- Previous post posted at 01:11 ———-
Bad lubrication in the gearbox, no, but the dying comut is very even.
Message niruyt »28 June 2016, 18:12
in short.
The motor has its own birth injuries.
1. Immediately change the gearbox oil seals fit Honda's for 400-500 rubles. a piece. solutions 11 * 21 * 8 parts 91251-ZW6-013.
2. The gap on the drive gear of the reducer must be selected by selecting a washer (installed on the drive shaft between the drive gear and the bushing) and still the contact patch leaves much to be desired.
3. Cooling is insufficient, it is treated by replacing the cooling jacket with a modernized larger one (ordered from a turner). This is the answer to the question of everyone who asks - “why should he start twitching after 15-20 minutes of driving at full speed. “. These are grips from overheating gentlemen!
4. It is better to replace the clamps on the cooling hoses with spring strips. After the engine stops cooling, the hoses become too soft. at the subsequent start-up and reaching full speed, the water pressure tears them off the fittings.
5. The spring on the clutch can still be stretched.
6. Everything generally needs to be reassembled with the use of sealants and thread clamps, files, etc. (for people with hands).
7. The diameter of the shaft is smaller than the hole in the screw. At least roll up some tape.
Seven feet under the keel of the Lord.
it is not clear how to add pictures here, so write, I will send it.
Message Igor 63 »June 29, 2016 10:02 pm
Message Aleksandrr »29 Jan 2017, 13:18
Message Aleksandrr »29 Jan 2017, 13:25
Message Igor 63 »Jan 29, 2017 6:54 pm
Message Aleksandrr »29 Jan 2017, 19:30

For the author of a popular science video: you urgently tell the Chinese from the Hankai plant about your improvements. And the fact that we suffer, that the poor Chinese suffer, do not sleep at night. They think how we could modify something with a file. Round off, so to speak, corners, remove roughness.

SEARCHING FOR ADVENTURE DV. Tricky question: how much horsepower is in the Hankai 6.0 engine?

You are only clever and masters, but their own hands grow out of their ass, they stalled and it scratches their turnips, but what can it be that immediately flies to the service? will help.

You don't like something, don't look!

I hope I took the motor for myself?

Eugene, well, for whom I could take a Chinese, for my father's tunnels, and I did not see any special problems with a good economical one, this is the third navigation.

What's the hole on the gearbox near the bottom drain bolt?

I put an additional rubber ring on the reverse thrust, and everything went away, and so the water was fed into the gearbox,

SEARCHING FOR ADVENTURE DV. From there, oil drips in

Near the control top bolt, these are the water drain holes from the boot, everything is factory-made.

Does the wing give anything? In my opinion, it is too small, people attach whole shovels with shovels, there you can see in the video that the wing is working. Did you take measurements with and without a wing?

Igor Bykov, yes, I did it for a test, really not enough, but still it goes better on glis

Write down which boat and whether the transom was built or not.

Hey! Boat Taimyr 290, keel, transom did not build up, the motor has a standard leg 381cm.

Write down which candle you put.

Cool, well done, with your own hands for yourself, for the soul it's nice.

Well done, I liked the attitude to technology. Although I am not a supporter of Chinese motors.

Put a starter in your head so that your brains are not troilted.

and still had to remove the starter. nah. he is needed. there is just a rope.

Great respect for such people! subscription and like from me

1. Shumka is of course good, but you have completely closed the air intake slot, which is located on the back of the hood where there is a recess for the handle, the motor has nothing to breathe anyway.
2. The wing is done incorrectly, at least the bend needs to be removed.
Everything else is correct.

drilled somewhere else a hole in the case (preferably several), drive in a nail 200 mm, shoot the dowel, and wind the electrical tape somewhere. in general, make a few more alterations and throw off the vidos, I'll subscribe to you! honestly. and you dolbaeb and do not spread such a dick. gimmick.

Sergei Bad. Fuck you sofa crap you schmuck current lying on the couch can smear people and in fact you are a piece of GAVNA. Good vidos keep it up

to such idiots as you do not fuck it means to look. I made a vidos for those who have such motors.

Fuck fucked. You would have installed a spare motor right away. would be cheaper. Fuckers will take Chinese fuckers and fuck with them.

go jerk off to Yamaha for the night, friend.

If you are from this category, then don’t fuck the motor.

3 ″ 48 - “who knows he will find”. minus to you "who understood that - not a moron" - it can be understood that way, but there are people who are absolutely suckers and are looking for help on such videos. question what for did you put this crap if you don’t know why you need a wing on an anti-cavitation plate !?

the diameter of the hole remained the same as the native one, the gases do not go, I will throw off the video later.

Interested in your homemade control, make a video of the motor. No gases coming from the new control? And what is the pressure of the water?
Why can't a person find the videos they want on Youtube? The thing is that a person cannot come up with something new and look for it. He was out of fantasy. He has already watched a lot of various channels, and he no longer wants to watch anything (from what he watched earlier), but what to do in this situation?
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Remember that you only need to find a few channels (interesting), and you can watch them for a whole week or even a month. Therefore, in the absence of imagination and unwillingness to search, you can ask your friends and acquaintances what they are looking at on Youtube. Perhaps they will suggest original vloggers that they like. You, too, may like them, and you will become their subscriber!
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- The starter does not work due to a defect in parts.
- The unit does not start during normal starter operation.
- The engine starts, but does not idle and stalls.
- The engine is not running at its declared power.
- The unit vibrates very strongly in working order.
If one of the above malfunctions occurs, you can always have the product repaired by a HANGKAI dealer, or, if you find the cause yourself, the problem can be easily solved on your own according to the instruction manual.
2. There are several reasons when outboard motors do not idle and stall:
+ Plug contamination or use of the wrong fuel is eliminated by cleaning and changing the brand of gasoline.
+ Poor fuel flow may be due to pinched or kinked fuel lines, which are easily repaired.
+ Incorrect screwing in of the spark plug can be adjusted by unscrewing and re-screwing it into the thread.
+ Damaged or poor connection to the ignition wiring can be repaired by stripping the contacts, correctly connecting or replacing the wires.
+ Using the wrong type of oil, which is better to replace with the correct composition.
+ Closing the enrichment flap, which should be put into working position.

► A damaged screw can always be repaired or replaced.
► Incorrect height setting must be adjusted.
► The coating of the boat bottom with deposits can be cleaned.
► The winding of algae on the crankcase must be cleaned.
► Any contamination of the spark plug must be removed and replaced with the wrong type.
► Poor fuel flow is excluded by checking if the fuel line is pinched or kinked.
► Damage to the wiring is repaired by replacing the wires or cleaning the contacts.
► Failure of parts of the ignition system is best dealt with by your dealer.
In addition to these points, outboard motors may not have traction for a number of other reasons, which can be considered in the attached operating instructions for the unit.
4. Power plants from the HANGKAI company can be used in 3 difficult modes of movement on water, when the following features should be considered. Driving in shallow water. In this case, the Hangkai outboard must be in a slightly raised position, but the cooling system inlet must be kept below the surface of the water, otherwise the engine will overheat and fail. In this case, the speed of the boat or other floating craft must be kept at a minimum level without raising the engine above the water, which can lead to loss of control. Driving in reverse - the HANGKAI engine [15 hp] operates in reverse mode.

From the sales experience, we note 4 main sores of the Hangkai 3.5 HP Outboard Motor.
1. This is of course the Starter
2.Fracture of the drive shaft at the place of the cooling impeller key (occurred several times)
3. Gears of the reducer (grinding of teeth)
4. Overheating at idle.
As for the starter.
How to use it so that it lasts as long as possible.
Firstly: with a slight movement, pull the Starter out until the first resistance appears, (you do not need to jerk immediately with a sharp jerk. Second, pull the starter rope to the end, and visually measure the length of the rope, Take into account the amplitude of the jerk, so as not to break the rope on subsequent starts.
Drive shaft fracture:
Occurs due to untimely replacement of the oil in the gearbox, or when the gearbox oil seal fails. Change the oil more often (there is not much of it there), and also watch out for the oil seals, water that gets into the gearbox may be the result of expensive repairs.
Gears of a reducer (grinding of teeth)
It occurs solely either due to an untimely oil change in the gearbox, or when water gets into the gearbox. Change the Oil on time, as well as monitor the condition of the gearbox oil seal.
Overheating at idle.
Specifically, the Hankai 3.5 engine, as many people know, has a combined cooling.
Due to the cam clutch, the cooling impeller rotates only when the drive shaft rotates. This does not happen at idle. We strongly advise against using the motor at idle speed for a long time, in hot weather this can easily lead to overheating. Even during running-in, we recommend giving a little gas so that the screw turns, only in this case the pump pumps water through the motor.
admin »28 Feb 2014, 18:23
admin »01 Mar 2014, 13:05
Mikhail22: 08 02.24.2013 #
I could not resist: yesterday I removed the cover from the motor (three screws for a Phillips screwdriver and four screws for a Torx T25 socket), after removing the air filter cover and photographed everything in detail. Visual inspection gives hope for trouble-free operation of the motor:
1. The assembly is quite high-quality, all the fasteners will stretch well, there are no backlashes and "snot". True, one small burr remained on a couple of edges.
2. The materials look good.
3. There was residual fuel in the carburetor, which means that all motors are checked before leaving the factory.
4. RUI * ING carburetor (China).
5. The engine (China) is not impersonal - it has a license plate (the engine as a whole is also).
6. Candle - L8RTF.
7. Air filter - foam rubber.
8. Propeller - aluminum, 7-1 / 4 x 5 A (copy of the YAMAHA 2 PLM propeller).
Now I can't wait for the warmth to test the motor on the water.
admin »01 Mar 2014, 13:05
admin »01 Mar 2014, 13:06
admin »01 Mar 2014, 13:07
admin »01 Mar 2014, 13:09
admin »01 Mar 2014, 13:10
admin »01 Mar 2014, 13:11
admin »01 Mar 2014, 13:12
admin »01 Mar 2014, 13:30
Two-stroke boat motors have proven themselves to be reliable and inexpensive, and the Hankai brand is considered one of the best in terms of value for money. These motors are produced in China, they are quite popular in European countries and will be an excellent option for speeding up a pleasure or fishing boat.
The Hangkai 6.0 model is considered one of the most popular, has an average power and an affordable price. The design and many parts were created using Japanese technologies, thanks to which the working life and efficiency remained at a decent level. Maintenance of such a motor is quite simple.
Hangkai 6.0 has received several design changes, the tiller is provided with an accelerator handle. About the outboard motor Khankai 6 forces respond quite positively, despite its budgetary cost, the fuel consumption was reduced to satisfactory indicators.
The standard version is equipped with a 2.5 liter fuel tank; if desired, a remote 12 liter tank can be supplied. If you combine two such gas tanks, their resource will be enough for 7-14 hours of trouble-free use.
And despite the simplicity of the design, it was possible to install a water cooling system, it fully copes with its duties. The advantages of the motor also include the ability to drive it without registration and license. New Hangkai 6.0 comes with a 1 year warranty from the manufacturer.
According to its characteristics and dimensions, the motor should be used on inflatable boats with an average length of 3-4 meters. If a hull boat is used, you can choose with a length of up to 5 meters.A big advantage is the weight of 21 kg, so you can carry the outboard motor in your hands and install it on the boat yourself.
Power of 6 hp more than enough for pleasure boats, fishing and similar activities, the working volume was 102 cm3. The two-stroke engine runs at an average speed of 5500 rpm.
If there is 1 passenger on board the boat, you can accelerate the maximum speed of 30 km / h, if the boat is fully equipped with 3 passengers, the speed will decrease to 15 km / h. Which is also more than satisfactory. The length of the motor was 700 mm, the indicator of the width was 310 mm, the height was indicated as 1007 mm. 1 regular cylinder is installed as standard.
The boat will be an excellent helper for those who want to increase the speed potential at the lowest cost. The Hangkai 6.0 engine uses A-92 fuel, you can also fill in 2-stroke mineral oil. The gearbox must contain within 195 ml of oil. The outboard motor is controlled by a tiller, manually. Shifting gears is also manual; for this, there is a lever on the body of the device. Gear shifting is performed as standard: neutral-front-rear.
Practice shows that in the presence of 1 passenger, the power is 6 hp. on the Hangkai 6.0 motor it is enough to start planing. The performance and dimensions of the motor allow it to be used in shallow water. During long-term operation, the motor does not overheat; for this, a combined air-water system is provided. The demand for this model is always quite large, many dealers sell motors in Russia. The average price of a Hankai 6 outboard motor is 28,000 rubles.
The operation of the outboard motor in shallow water is ensured due to the complete absence of forcing. The design is thought out more than decently, for example, when operating the motor on reservoirs with sediment, mud or foliage, the channels of the device are not clogged at all. According to statistics, the Hangkai 6.0 outboard engine consumes 2.2 liters of fuel per hour. For full-fledged operation, it is required to create a mixture of oil and gasoline, the ratio indicated in the operating instructions is 50 to 1.
If the spark plugs are dry, then the carburetor is the culprit and needs cleaning. The causes of the malfunction may be: a knocked-out ignition timing or a gas distribution mechanism.
To adjust the advance angle, turn the motor without gear and change the value (slightly increase or decrease) using the adjustment screws. The upper screw adjusts the idle speed and the lower one adjusts the fuel flow at full throttle. Be careful when adjusting: change no more than a quarter of a turn at a time. Tightening the screw leads to a depletion of the air-fuel mixture - this option is suitable when the outboard motor works well until it warms up and then stalls. Loosening leads to enrichment and is suitable if the motor runs stably at medium speeds. And with an increase in power, it starts to twitch.
Please note that for the correct operation of the engine, the carburetor of the Hangkai outboard motor must be adjusted depending on the ambient temperature, i.e. the procedure must be repeated at the beginning of the season and at the end.
Online shop for boats and outboard motors:
Instructions for the outboard motor HANGKAI 4: Online shop of boats, etc.
This video was processed in YouTube Video Editor ()
In this video we run in the Chinese engine Hankai 6 and test the boat Monsoon 3200 - first impressions.
Online store of outboard motors HANGKAI:
Online store of outboard motors HANGKAI:
The outboard motor “does not run”, does not develop revs, or power is lost. We show one of the possible reasons.
We disassemble the leg of the Hangkai outboard motor 9.9.
The cooling of the outboard motor is gone. The video showed how to disassemble and change the cooling impeller of a 5-strong outboard motor. But in the end it turned out that it was different.If you want to make money on YouTube, subscribe, write in a personal message and follow the referral link in the description to my channel.
how much does such a motor cost here!
We decided to test the new boat with my dad, well, look what happened. SVD Market. Pa we bathe there for the second motor, no complaints. link to store - # hunter # boat # pvc # inflatable # river # glider # boat # motor # reviews # lk # l # 6 # 320 #hunterboat #hangkai
A video on how to “pair” a boat with a motor for optimal results. Video on how to “pair” the boat with the motor in order to get optimal results Help channel: private card 4149 4991 1546 0022 WebMoney: R284688890943 Z126544110128 U302467326626
Using the example of the Chinese HANGKAI, we identify one of the reasons why the outboard motor may not work correctly.
We ran our 3.5 strong, in the wild. We left 60 km from the city, honorably inflated a boat for him, tied it to the bushes with a string ... launched with a crash and ... sailed on the spot :)))
For a season and a half, I didn't have to pick anything ... lucky
normal apparatus?
I can set it up to 3.6 ... - I'm thinking - will 2.5 differ from 3.5 a lot ...
In fact, he does not shade with his numbers.
3.5 was equal to 3 with a stretch ...
So judge for yourself ...
We ran our 3.5 strong, in the wild. We left 60 km from the city, honorably inflated a boat for him, tied it to the bushes with a string ... launched with a crash and ... sailed on the spot :)))
For a season and a half, I didn't have to pick anything ... lucky
Please tell us more about your khankai 3.5l.s. very interested in this motor.
We came across a very worthy specimen.
Initially, my husband, having searched the Internet for offers, found it for very little money (three or four years ago for 6-9 tr.) Closer to the manufacturer in the Far East. However, they refused to buy, because delivery across the whole country ... the guarantee on time is ridiculous.
Found in St. Petersburg, for 12 tr, with a normal warranty period, with a spare propeller and ssm, which is required when buying ...
We ran in ourselves, at first I went with the Hunter 280 on a hinged transom and with NDND. Then they bought the Flagman 320 and also put it under this motor.
No complaints. The truth is VERY noisy and, as I wrote above, clearly less than the stated relics. Having bought it to replace the Mercury 5-ku, Hankai was immediately torn off with his hands by buyers. Then my husband regretted that he had sold: small, light, trouble-free. As a spare in a boat would be very useful
In general, you have no negative left from him? Only good memories. So for small rivers and lakes for infrequent trips to nature, you can safely buy it? Another question, there were no problems with air cooling, did the motor overheat?
Yeah and nope!
We went to our northern rivers-lakes, and even loaded a full boat of a shmurdyak with three adults into Karelia, and slowly, in the sense - not quickly but loudly, they sawed them off with a slow-moving boat! By frequency of use? Bought in June, June and finished the following year. We left every Friday until Monday all our rainy summer until October. My husband did not climb out of the water, nothing ever overheated, we didn’t climb inside. He changed the candle after running in, as expected and ... that's all
Thank you very much for the information!
Will soon be looking for a spring for the starter. Strange logic in people, such as the harder you pull, the faster it starts.
I bought two Hidea motors from a new store, both two-stroke. The first 5 forces, the second 9.9, already blown out at the factory to 15. For the first time, both motors were started directly on the water, installed on a boat. The first motor started from the second broach, the second from the fourth. But I didn't have such hemorrhoids. And in general, I did not understand the figure of a man climbed to twist something there in a new motor. Start it up, see how it works, and then climb if you want. If the engine does not start from 4-5 times, then further attempts are useless, at least pull yourself off. The problem is either the lack of a spark or the fuel. The standard clamps on both motors are exactly the same. The first engine lived with me for 3 years, the second skated only one season.Nothing flows anywhere, no filters get clogged. I'm HZ, can the dude just be unlucky?
Many of our consumers are faced with a large number of questions and problems regarding the correct running-in of a 3.5 hp HANGKAI outboard motor. We decided to write a small instruction and point out the main problems that are allowed during this moment, which is important for the motor.
Let's start with how to properly install the outboard motor, as well as prepare the working mixture. The motor must be run-in for at least 6 hours in water. It is advisable to install it in a garden barrel and remove the screw to prevent water from draining from the barrel. We securely fix the motor and prepare the mixture.
1) In each box, to facilitate mixing of oil with gasoline, there is a measuring canister with two compartments and the indicated proportions. The correct break-in mixture is 25: 1 (i.e. 200 ml of oil for every 5 liters of gasoline). Pour oil for 2-stroke engines at the level of the upper mark “10” into the small compartment, then fill in the gasoline of the AI92 brand up to the upper mark “10” into a large container. Then carefully move and let stand for 3 minutes.
2) After that, pour the ready-made mixture into the gas tank and prepare the engine for the first start. To do this, move the choke lever to the “OFF” position. This is a mandatory procedure for the first “cold” start of the motor.
3) Next, manually pump fuel into the carburetor. Once it is full, the engine is ready to start.
4) We turn the starter manually, without any special efforts, 4 times, for the fifth time we pull it with effort.
5) After the engine has started, let it idle for at least 2-3 minutes to warm up the engine. Then we muffle with the red button, be sure to transfer the damper from the “OFF” position to the “ON” position and restart it. Attention! For a hot engine, the throttle must always be in the “ON” position.
6) For the first 2 hours, let the motor run at idle speed with periodic re-gasing for 5 minutes for 1/2 turn of gas, so that water flows from the control hole on the leg. This will allow the motor to cool down to the desired temperature. After 2 hours of operation, we hum the engine and let it cool for 40 minutes.
7) Next, we transfer the power to 1/2 turn and continue running for the next 2 hours. At this and subsequent stages of running in, it is imperative to control the exit of water from the control hole, which is on the leg. The water must go along with the exhaust gases.
8) After 4 hours of running in, we turn off the engine and let it rest again for 40 minutes. Then we start and continue to run in the remaining 2 hours in position 1/2.
Dear Clients! Strong recommendation!
Check the engine cooling system during break-in. At increased rpm from 1/2 of the gas, watch out for the water outlet from the control hole in order to exclude overheating of the engine, the water should come out together in the exhaust gases. If the water does not flow, then there is a problem with the cooling system. Stop the motor immediately, unscrew the gearbox and check the system. Frequent problems are either the cooling impeller or the nylon bushings that are located in the aluminum pump (block on the shaft) collapsed. The nylon bushings are very dense, they melt from friction with the drive shaft and block the flow of water and can destroy the impeller. Also, the bushings in the pump lead to overheating of the transmission (clutch), high revs, the shaft is clamped, the clutch slips. To eliminate all these problems, you just need to check how the aluminum pump walks along the shaft, if the pump runs tightly, then you need to bore out a little nylon bushings that are pressed into it, this can be done with a file or sandpaper. This procedure will allow you to avoid global problems and not ditch the engine, both from the lack of water and from slipping of the clutch.
8) For the remaining 2 hours, we continue running in the same way in the 1/2 position, but with short episodes of increasing power in the 3/4 position for 3-5 minutes.
9) After 6 hours of running-in, the motor is ready for operation, but it is imperative to change the oil in the gearbox. The recommended grade of gear oil is Molul Translube SAE80W90.
The correct proportion of the mixture of gasoline and oil in operating mode is 1:50. During the first walk on the water, you do not need to turn on the motor at full power and load the boat to the maximum - the maximum power position is 3/4. Remember, the more accurately you follow all our recommendations, the better for your motor!
Frequent problems and mistakes when running in the Hangkai 3.5.
1) The motor stalls after working for 15-20 minutes
2) The motor gets very hot and stalls
3) The revolutions are floating, the engine is unstable
4) Throws the spark plug
5) Throws the air filter
6) Smokes a lot and smells like burning
Dear customers, nowadays the most common reason lies in the fact that you bought bad oil, or bought a fake. There are a lot of counterfeit products in our market. Most likely, your prepared mixture does not meet the required requirement for this motor. The mixture turns out to be either thick, or, on the contrary, liquid. Hence, the main reasons for overheating, throwing candles and filters, uneven engine operation. Therefore, we strongly recommend that if you encounter such a problem, do not force the motor further. Drain the gasoline and mix with new oil. Clean the spark plug from burning and old fuel residues.
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Our recommendation is not to experiment and buy quality oil. We recommend the usual Russian mineral oils for two-stroke engines Lukoil MOTO 2T, Luxoil M-12TP, SibiMotor M-12TPu they are least of all counterfeited and, as practice has shown, the running-in takes place with “Hurray”. Correct break-in and well-chosen oil are the key to the long-term service of your trusted friend.