DIY repair of satellite receivers

In detail: do-it-yourself repair of satellite receivers from a real master for the site

Let's consider some of the nuances of the repair in more detail. If the receiver works, but not correctly, then at the beginning of the repair, first of all, you should check (or reinstall again) all the necessary software settings of the equipment. If this does not help, we proceed to check the antenna-feeder path - we check the antenna settings (whether it has moved, is there any damage or deformation). Next, we check the converter and the lead-in cable.

The converter can be checked using Satfinder or another receiver - if there is a problem in it, you will have to spend money on buying a new one (although some, especially inquisitive home-builders, manage to cut the internal silumin case of the converter and get to its insides). I would especially like to draw your attention to the choice of an antenna cable - the use of a low-quality (China or Poland) antenna cable of the RG-6U type can lead to very serious consequences.

This cable does not stand up to any criticism - the outer insulation can be torn off by hand, a violation of the insulation at least in one place leads to the fact that the inner sheath of the cable is filled with water! The use of bimetal as a material for the central core leads to corrosion in the first season. As a result of external factors, the cable may fail in a week (there have been cases!) After installation. Professionals in the field of satellite reception will advise you to use a cable from the Italian company Cavel, which is much more expensive than a proven cable from domestic manufacturers, also suitable for use.

The most common malfunction of a satellite receiver is a malfunction of the power supply, as the most unreliable part of any electronic equipment. The power supply generates voltages to power the internal circuitry of the receiver as well as to power the external LNBs and the drive (if installed). We start repairing the power supply unit by checking the fuses and protective breaking resistors. Burning out of these parts does not necessarily indicate a malfunction of the circuit - it may have happened as a result of a surge in the AC mains, or these parts originally had a manufacturing defect. If the malfunction was not eliminated, we begin to "dig" further. To do this, consider the principle of operation of a pulsed power supply unit on a block diagram.

Video (click to play).

The equipment of European manufacturers in this regard is certainly out of competition (in comparison with Chinese) - the simplest receiver shown in the picture (with the cover removed) from the German company Golden Interstar has been working without repair in my dacha for many years. Consider all the above criteria for choosing equipment and you will not have to repair it!

During operation satellite receivers Globo, Bigsat, Allsat, Yumatu, Lumax, Digital, Boston and others like them, one malfunction inherent in all of them was noticed:

the tuner does not start, the front panel LED is on, and the digital display is off or flickering weakly. The reason for this behavior of the tuners was a malfunction of the power supplies in the + 3.3V circuits, much less often in the + 5V circuits.

In more than 90%, the reason was poor quality capacitors (C15) of the power supply in 3.3 volt circuits.

It is important to remember that the stabilization of the group of voltages of the entire power supply is carried out precisely along the + 3.3V circuit, and it is in it that the optocoupler LED (PC817) is installed.

Defective capacitors often swell and become spherical at the end. A swollen condenser can be identified visually.

Image - DIY repair of satellite receivers

Image - DIY repair of satellite receivers Image - DIY repair of satellite receivers Image - DIY repair of satellite receivers

At the initial stage of drying of the capacitor (C15), the voltage of + 3.3V is normal (the feedback is still able to compensate for the decrease in the capacitance of the capacitor), (but the rest of the voltages will be higher than normal). The voltages in the + 5V, + 12V and + 22V circuits (in case of malfunctions in the + 3.3V circuit) will be overestimated. (The stabilization circuit seeks to maintain the voltage in the + 3.3V circuit in the norm, simultaneously increasing the voltage in all secondary voltage circuits)

After replacing faulty elements, all voltages return to normal both at idle and under load.

Image - DIY repair of satellite receivers

voltage to diode D8 Image - DIY repair of satellite receivers voltage after diode D8 Image - DIY repair of satellite receivers winding voltage

On the oscillogram “voltage after diode D8” (there should be a straight horizontal line at the level of +3.3 V);

Replacing faulty containers is usually enough to restore the tuner's functionality. Motherboards of this type of equipment have a fairly high reliability.

Note: Once, in addition to replacing capacitors, it was necessary to replace the rectifier diode (D8) in the +3.3 V circuit. In some models of tuners, the power supply circuit has a different numbering of elements.

In some cases, due to overvoltage in the network, 2 diodes in the bridge on the high-voltage side and a fuse burned out. Diodes burn in pairs. Burnt diodes are short-circuited, so they only pull the fuse with them, the rest of the circuit usually remains intact.

  • - when the supply voltage (310 V) appears on the capacitor C1 and pin 5 of the microcircuit through the internal current limiting circuit, the built-in key, pin 2 of the microcircuit, the capacitor C8 is charged to a voltage of 12 V. Then the key breaks the described circuit;
  • - the PWM generator starts up and the circuit is already powered by the circuit: additional transformer winding, R5, D6, capacitor C8.
  • - when the supply voltage (310 V) appears on the capacitor C1 through the resistors R1, R2, the capacitor C8 is charged, supplying the supply voltage to pin 3 of the microcircuit.
  • - the PWM generator starts up and the circuit is already powered by the circuit: additional transformer winding, R5, D6, capacitor C8.

Part of the stabilization circuit located on the low voltage side of the UPS.

  • R53, R54 - voltage divider (in normal mode provides voltage division of 3.3 V / 2.5 V);
  • IC51, C51 - TL431 microcircuit. In the normal state, the input is 2 2.5 V. With an increase in the voltage in the circuit +3.3 V, the voltage at input 2 of the TL431 microcircuit also increases. In this case, the output transistor opens and the LED of the PC81 optocoupler lights up;
  • R51, PC81 - The limiting resistance provides the normal mode for the LED of the PC817 optocoupler.
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    Image - DIY repair of satellite receivers

    • DC battery charge, battery voltage rises to 14.4 V (2.4 V per cell)
    • Charging the battery with a constant voltage of 14.4 V (while the charge current gradually decreases and at 100% charge is close to 0)

    YKF25225-2 is a three-point capacitive generator. The active element of the generator is transistor Q1.

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    Launched the video player program, selected the video signal source WEB-camera. The microscope connected with no problem.

    Home >> Electronics >> Repair of power supplies for satellite tuners

    Satellite equipment is also technology. And any technique, as you know, breaks down.

    A satellite receiver is a receiver that is quite complex in its addition and a circuit may be needed to repair it. Rather, in most cases you cannot do without it. Here I will lay out the diagrams for satellite tuners.

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