DIY wall plaster repair

In detail: DIY repair of a plaster wall from a real master for the site

Very often, a well-known and affordable method is used for finishing the facade - plastering. Despite the fact that expensive compositions or budgetary ones are used, repair work still needs to be carried out.

Plaster repair can be reduced to trivial staining if the dye in the solution was of poor quality and quickly faded under the influence of the sun. But sometimes it is necessary to make a more complex restoration - to repair cracks or exfoliated areas.

There is nothing complicated here, it is enough to purchase paint for the facade, which can be applied to the plaster in the required amount. If you plan to radically change the color, then calculate the quantities for 2 or even 3 layers. But when choosing, be careful and consider what kind of plaster was used to decorate the facade earlier.

The work process is as follows:

  1. Cleaning the facade from dust and stains, if any.
  2. Primer can be applied.
  3. Wall covering with 1 coat of paint. To do this, you can use a wide brush, roller or spray gun. The latter option will significantly speed up restoration work, but such an apparatus will be difficult to find. Therefore, the best option would be to use a roller.
  4. Once dry, 1 layer can be applied 2.

Image - DIY plaster wall repair

It's a little more complicated here. To make repairs to plaster walls with your own hands, you will have to work longer.

  • First, you should purchase the same plaster that was used to decorate the facade. If a dry mix was used, it is not necessary to knead a large amount. Do as much as you can to deal with one bulky or a few small imperfections.
  • Secondly, you need to carefully examine the surface of the walls. This will help to assess the volume of repair work, and also to determine whether, in addition to cracks, there are also exfoliated areas. If such imperfections are present, then in that place the layer will swell. To check the suspicion, you need to knock with a rubber or wooden hammer, and the handle of a spatula will do. If there is a defect, a dull sound will be heard.
  • Third, the place of work should be well prepared. Cracks are cleaned of dust and dirt and treated with soil or soda solution.
  • While the treated area dries up, you can prepare a small amount of plastering solution.
Video (click to play).

After such preparatory work, you can begin to eliminate the shortcomings. If the layer was smooth, then there should not be any special problems in the process of repairing old plaster.

  • The crack is tightly filled with mortar.
  • The surplus is removed with a flat spatula and carefully rubbed to obtain a flat surface that does not protrude above the old layer.
  • Thus, all the disadvantages are handled.
  • After the solution has dried, the areas need to be properly sanded.
  • If the solution was gray, then on top of it you need to apply a thin layer of putty, then when staining, you will not have to apply the dye in several layers.
  • The last step in the partial renovation technology will be painting the facade. Professionals recommend, after repairing the plaster of the walls, to update the entire area in separate places. Thus, the decorative finish will look fresh, and after some time of use, the shade may change slightly. Therefore, when buying the same paint and the same color, the repaired area can stand out.

After the flaws were found during visual inspection and tapping, they must be removed.Plaster, which is crumbling or peeling from the base, is removed until there is a layer that adheres firmly to the wall. It is important not to miss a single piece, otherwise this method of repair work will bring bad results.

Image - DIY plaster wall repair

After a while, areas will appear again that spoil the appearance of the building. And this means you will need to repeat all over again. Therefore, you need to carefully inspect the facade and clearly follow certain instructions in order to properly repair the plaster.

  • After the old layer is removed, the area must be cleaned of dust. To do this, you can use a paint brush dampened with water or a medium pressure washer.
  • Dry the surface.
  • Treat the wall and elements of the old plaster that has remained with deep penetration soil. This is necessary so that the base does not absorb moisture from the plastering solution and to increase the adhesion of both the base and the old layer with a new composition.
  • Dry the surface.
  • Now you can start filling the desired areas with the solution. Everything is done in a standard way. The solution is taken up with a spatula and spread evenly over the surface. As in the previous version, it is imperative to ensure that the new surface is flat and does not protrude above the old layer.
  • After 30-60 minutes after applying a fresh layer of plaster, you need to wipe it thoroughly.
  • After the layer is completely dry, it is sanded and a perfectly flat surface is created.
  • The last stage of plaster repair will be staining. It is advisable to paint the entire facade in 2-3 layers.

In order to remove imperfections from structured plaster, and at the same time save the drawing, you will need to remember exactly how it was applied. To repair the "bark beetle" you will need to buy a specialized compound.

The preparatory stage and filling of cracks and other depressions is carried out according to the same scheme that was given above. But after the solution has set, it will be necessary to wipe it in such a way that a drawing is obtained that repeats the old one as much as possible.

If a special roller was selected to create a pattern on raw plaster, then everything should turn out quickly and easily. The main thing is to take the same tool and place it correctly so that the drawings clearly coincide. It is better to do this work in stages if there are several places with imperfections on the facade.

First, fill one area with a solution, wait for it to solidify and make a texture, and then move on to another. Otherwise, you can skip the moment when the solution lends itself to structuring.