In detail: do-it-yourself repair of TNT from a real master for the site
There are six repair programs on TV. "My District" figured out how to become the hero of such a program.
“Several applications come to the project every day, - says Olga Savchenko, chief designer of the School of Repair at TNT. - Many owners of one-room apartments are suitable. The program covers apartments from 65 square meters ”.
But even if the apartment is suitable, it is not a fact that the application will be taken away - you still have to go through the casting. At the casting on camera, they are asked to tell about yourself, about the apartment, about the reasons for participation and wishes for repairs. Many are nervous, their application is rejected.
For Andrey Belkovsky, the casting was easy. The main thing is to tune in to a benevolent mood. The Belkovskys said that in 2009 their daughter was born. Doctors advised them to be outdoors more often. But the 60-year-old country house has not been renovated for a long time. Andrey decided to apply for the Dachny Answer.
The next stage of selection is the coordination of the renovation project with the designer. He has to inspect the accommodation and decide if he can come up with something interesting that would please the participants. Sometimes candidates are screened out at this stage.
The shooting, in which the owners need to participate, takes two full days. At the beginning, they film how they spend time in the house, at the end - how they react to changes. Many episodes are filmed several times.
The only moment that is actually filmed once and from the first take is the first entry into the room. “They don't make you admire,” says Belkovsky. "Just before entering, they give instructions on which words are best not to use."
Video (click to play).
The final renovation is not to everyone's liking. “After repairing them, we made our own,” says Anastasia Trofimova, for whom in 2006 the “School of Repair” redesigned the nursery. Some parts of the interior were falling off, the walls were not painted.
Not everything was going smoothly with the Belkovskys either. Their battery was shortened and incorrectly welded, a leak appeared. The owners noticed this only after three months. “Despite this, I consider participation in the program a gift of fate,” says Andrey. “It's ugly to complain when you have had a free repair done.”
At least three living rooms in an apartment or house. The exception is the Clean Work program.
Freight lift (if the apartment is not on the ground floor).
Electricity, cold and hot water, working plumbing.
Seating for all workers and crew members (15-30 people). If there is not enough, then you need to bring chairs.
The living room area should be at least 14 square meters, the kitchen area - from 9 square meters.
The room in which they are asked to make repairs must be habitable.
Housing issue, NTV
What they do: major repairs in the apartment.
How long does it take: 2-2.5 months.
House requirements: within 40 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, preferably a new building Apartment requirement: from 70 square meters, preferably with an atypical layout. Where to apply:
Dachny answer, NTV
What they do: major repairs in a country house. How long: 1-2.5 months.
Home requirement: from 70 square meters, within 40 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road Where to apply:
School of repair, TNT
What they do: cosmetic repairs in the apartment. How long does it take: 5-6 days. House requirements: new building; to get from the metro to the house you could walk in 15 minutes.
Requirements for the apartment: from 65 square meters. Where to apply:
Prodecor, TNT
What they do: decorate one of the rooms in the house. How long does it take: 5 days. At the time of finishing, one of the family members (the one who decided to arrange a surprise for the other) may be present in the apartment. House requirements: new building, Requirements for an apartment: from 65 square meters, typical layout, ceiling height no more than 4 meters Where to apply: you need to attach a two-three-minute video about yourself, the room and wishes for renovation to it.
Fazenda, Channel One
What they do: renovation of a room in the country, renovation of a gazebo, a swimming pool. How long does it take: 1 month. House requirements: no further than 30 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. Where to apply:
Clean work, REN TV
What they do: renovate rooms in apartments and country houses How long: 1 month House requirements: dachas within 50 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, apartments in Moscow, Podolsk, Khimki, Balashikha and other cities close to Moscow
Requirements for the apartment: economy class, ceiling height of at least 2.5 meters
Room requirements: 10 to 50 meters Where to apply:
And also read how the Muscovite did repairs worth a million is free!
We teach people how to make repairs "according to their minds" with the help of video tutorials and technical support from expert repairmen.
supervises the work of repairmen at construction sites
evaluates and selects master finishers for its facilities
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repairs achieve the ideal quality of work, save time and money.
Receive a step-by-step guide on organizing turnkey repairs and developing an interior style; practical skills in the selection of craftsmen and quality control of repair work
They make a fast-paced career.
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Want to know more? order
200,000 rubles is the price of new settlers' mistakes during the renovation of a 3-room apartment. You can save this amount armed with knowledge.
If the owner of the apartment not worked as a foreman, expensive mistakes lie in wait for him at every step.
The main reasons for monetary losses:
Improper planning of repair stages.
Unqualified crew.
Insufficient control over the progress of work.
Do you want to know at what stages of the renovation unpleasant surprises await you and how to avoid them?
Fill out the application and receive a video tutorial by e-mail for free.
Finding a professional in the field of repair is more difficult than a five in a loser's diary.
95% of workers are only capable of finishing the entrances of houses and public buildings.
Good craftsmen are always loaded with work - they have a line of customers. Newcomers and workers who do not receive recommendations are looking for orders.
But we know how to separate professionals from shabashniki. Our guide will help you evaluate the foreman or foreman in just 3 minutes.
Fill out the application and receive a video tutorial by e-mail for free.
3x15 = 100 optimal repair formula
Optimal repair is when you achieve maximum results with minimal effort.
3 site visits per week for 15 min. provide 100% quality of repair.
It's easy if you know what to focus on: technology, quick control methods and bottlenecks to test.
This methodology concentrates my many years of experience as a designer, who had to become a foreman.
When I created a repair team in my design bureau EVdesign, it turned everything upside down. Customer satisfaction increased and customer numbers tripled despite higher rates. At the peak of the load, I was simultaneously managing five objects, so I had to figure out how to optimize the management of objects.
Most foremen will not reveal to you the secrets of their profession, they will not tell you about repair traps and hidden defects.Their task is to make repairs at minimal cost.
On the contrary, fulfilling the functions of a foreman, I became, by my convictions, an Anti-foreman - for me the quality of work is most important so that the customers of the design bureau are satisfied.
Based on my experience, I have developed a training course on repair management, complementing it with design techniques.
Renovation and design of a small kitchen 10 sq.m. All photos of the project ...
Kitchen design 12 sq.m. All project photos ...
Kitchen interior design 8 sq.m. All photos of the project ...
Living room design 15 sq.m. All photos of the project ...
Living room interior design 20 sq.m. All photos of the project ...
Interior design of a small bedroom 12 sq. m. All photos of the project ...
Living room interior design 18 sq.m. All photos of the project ...
Modern kitchen design 11 sq.m. All photos of the project ...
Living room - office design (Moscow) All photos of the project ...
Living room decoration and decor (Moscow) All project photos ...
Bedroom design from `School of repair` All photos of the project ...
There are many tribes on earth that still live far from civilization and adhere to primitive rituals and traditions. Some communities are famous for their gesture.
Sea summer does not let go. I'll show you another walk today .. This time after sunset. I remind you that to watch the sunset you need to climb the “mountain”, because.
I know that no one can tell us HOW to love our child, but I believe that our different wise Love can become a powerful support for a child. O.
Russian pre-retirees will be retrained within the framework of the advanced training program and will be paid a scholarship. Such proposals are contained in the draft fed.
Hero of the Soviet Union, Orlovsky, wrote to Stalin that his moral life was bad and asked for help. By what? Be sure to read this statement, a copy of which.
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Sano posted a blog entry in Slab Furniture, Wednesday at 9:16 pm, blog entry
Filling the slab with epoxy resin. First pouring resin onto the slab.
It is necessary to put the slabs on a flat base, for me it is a chipboard sheet, while the base sheet itself should lie strictly horizontally.
Nikolay911 posted a topic in Plumbing, plumbing, heating, sewerage, October 1, topic
Sano posted a blog entry in Slab Furniture, September 27th, blog post
So I lived to see my workshop, which needs to be equipped and supplemented with various instruments for a long time and persistently.
But the main thing is there is a warm room, although not your own, there is where to work until they are kicked out.
This warehouse is quite spacious, if you remove everything you don't need, so you have to do a lot to get to work at least somehow. And the first thing I did was take out too much and started assembling a large desktop.
windsor posted a topic in Our works, August 8, 2017, topic
Emerald posted a topic in Tools and Equipment, September 25, 2008, Topic
KGB has published an article in Tools and Equipment, October 3, article
SB3 posted a blog post to Interesting by SB3, Oct 7, blog post
Greetings, I will continue what I started in the entry “Electrician. How things really are. ”.
The record will be gradually updated). "Pictures" will be
Sano posted a blog post in Slab Furniture, Oct 6, blog post
The first attempts to make something out of the brought slabs. Although there may be attempts, the material costs money and the margin for error is as much as there is money in your pocket. Train at your own expense, as they say.
Therefore, each board is carefully examined and measured, the proverb about seven times measure in action.
The work itself is not tricky, creative, there are several boards and you need to pick them up so that it looks beautiful and there is no overrun. All adjustments to the size and trimming are done with the minimum possible removal of material, just sawed off a bit here, cut a little there with a chisel.
Like many people in our country who are related to design (I am an interior designer with 10 years of experience) or are simply not indifferent, on weekends I watch the main shows of our entertainment channels "School of Repair" and the novelty "Made with taste". And the other day the TNT TV channel showed a new series "Made with taste" and something strongly reminded me of the release of the "School of Repair", released a few months ago.
I think many attentive people will immediately notice the "original" design solution for decorating the Soviet wall with striped wallpaper. This does not occur to everyone. And I began to dig further ... And the more carefully I looked through the plots, the more mysterious coincidences I found. Here is a shot from the School of Repair, where a decorator sculpts a chest of drawers, and against the background of green wallpaper, a “striped” sideboard and a wooden door with glass, so characteristic of the late Soviet era.
Renovation school: 22:10
But from this shot from "Made with taste" we understand that the decorator worked in the very kitchen in which the next program was filmed.
Naturally, further I began to peer into faces. Well, you never know? Maybe we were warned that a "gift" for these participants has already been made ... But no. The TV people are trying to hide this by changing the main characters from the daughter and her friends to the eldest son with his girlfriend.
Tasteful: 41:50 and 47:12
But it is difficult to hide the obvious from an attentive person: the backgrounds on which the interviews of the “Made in Taste” participants were recorded are the same freshly made living room from the “School of Renovation”
So, as you have noticed, the same family, in the framework of two different TV shows, but on the same channel, made repairs to 2 rooms at once. From the program "School of Repair" I learn that this is a family consisting of a single mother with 4 children. In the second program "Made with taste" there is not a hint of the continuation of the history of this family, but everything starts anew, with other family members. As if they are trying to hide the facts. I admit that they urgently need this repair in their life situation. But how many such families are there in Moscow ?! Thousands, tens of thousands. I myself personally know many similar situations.
On the sites of these programs, you can fill out an application for participation. Millions of sufferers fill out such questionnaires, make ratings for these programs, but all in vain. Why? Someone has been waiting for years and never gets anything, but some make "free" repairs right away in 2 rooms (kitchen + living room). Strange coincidence, no. But this is more a question for the authors of the programs and their conscience ...
And there is also the other side of the coin: every time, designers and architects are also invited to fill out questionnaires and participate in programs. Have you ever tried it? 😉 At one time I don’t know how many times I filled out the questionnaire as a designer and silence ... No answer, no hello ... Although those who make projects can not always be called super-professionals 😉
As a result, we all over the country are unanimously winding up the rating of these programs and the traffic to the sites.
Although I rarely watch such programs, for me they are a way to get inspired, to see that repairs are not so scary, to spy on some technologies, color and texture solutions, and in the hundred the families made repairs. I have no illusions about how applicants for repairs are selected. Television specialists and a lot of people associated with these projects have a lot of their friends. Well, or celebrities. But at the same time, I do not see anything wrong with the fact that they took one apartment and showed it in TWO PASSES. Why not? This significantly reduces the cost and effort of producing the gear.
And in your “cry about injustice” one can hear, first of all, resentment for the fact that you were not noted and not invited to the project. I assure you that there are a lot of good and different designers, who have now become almost more lawyers and economists combined, among TV people and others like them. If not direct acquaintances, then acquaintances, acquaintances, and so on. And the organizers will most likely look for the project in this environment. The normal desire of a person to organize their activities with minimal risks and resource costs. This has always been the case in all areas. And it will always and everywhere.
Therefore, if your desire to get on TV is so burning, all you have to do is wish you to make acquaintance with TV people and make sure that one of them remembers before a convenient opportunity that it is YOU that he has a familiar designer who can match the given format.
Renovation and design of a small kitchen 10 sq.m. All photos of the project ...
Kitchen design 12 sq.m. All project photos ...
Kitchen interior design 8 sq.m. All photos of the project ...
Living room design 15 sq.m. All photos of the project ...
Living room interior design 20 sq.m. All photos of the project ...
Interior design of a small bedroom 12 sq. m. All photos of the project ...
Living room interior design 18 sq.m. All photos of the project ...
Modern kitchen design 11 sq.m. All photos of the project ...
Living room - office design (Moscow) All photos of the project ...
Living room decoration and decor (Moscow) All project photos ...
Bedroom design from `School of repair` All photos of the project ...
In the summer, TNT continues to change life for the better along with the new construction season of the School of Repair. Now it is even simpler, more functional and more accessible! Still not sure where to start? Start with a good idea! The main thing is the concept, not the cost.
In the new construction season, the "School of Repair" operates according to the principle: "it costs little - it looks cool." Designers of the project give preference to high-quality, simple, convenient, but at the same time budget materials - mainly Russian-made. And designers develop creative ideas that any viewer can independently bring to life.
In the new season, "School of Repair" will talk about how to make expensive repairs inexpensively
Erica Galimurza, producer of the School of Repair program:
“We at the“ School of Repair ”are well aware that the services of a designer are expensive and not everyone can afford designer repairs. And we believe that this is unfair. Everyone should be able to live beautifully. Therefore, we invite the best designers to the program and tell you how to implement their projects with your own hands, using the available materials. We talk about inexpensive analogs of chic coatings and construction tricks with which you can make decorative coatings and art objects yourself. We show you how to create interiors of European level using Russian furniture and Russian finishing materials. "
Wherever you spend your summer, the School of Renovation program will make this place cozy and comfortable. In the new season, a large and friendly team of the show will make several "forays" into nature and show how you can improve a country house, a veranda or even an ordinary garage.
In the new editions of the program, new co-hosts, Eleonora Lyubimova and Vakhtang Beridze, the main assistants in the world of repair, will join the permanent host of the "School of Repair" San Sanych. It is they who will give clear instructions, show useful life hacks and tell you about the types of putty, the possibilities of drywall, the intricacies of flooring and other construction technologies.
“I watch with great curiosity, interest and trepidation how the“ School of Repair ”transforms not only the dwelling of the heroes of the project, but also their whole future life. In the new nest, new plans are born, in new living rooms and kitchens, friends and family are increasingly gathering together, and in new bedrooms. well, you know, love grows stronger.Sometimes the creativity of the “School of Renovation” designers inspires the heroes to remodel the entire apartment, and the ideas and experience gained on the project help them to believe in themselves and cope with the renovation on their own. I have always loved the phrase L.N. Tolstoy "Happy is he who is happy at home." And now I am very glad that I have the opportunity to build their new happiness together with the heroes of the “School of Repair”.
New presenters of the "School of Repair" program Eleonora Lyubimova and Vakhtang Beridze
“When I started building my first house, I remembered with pleasure my student hobby and began to understand the intricacies and technologies of repair and construction. Then I still did not understand that space sends me this experience for a reason. Today in the "School of Repair" with the acquired knowledge I can easily distinguish roofing material from a perforator. But, most importantly, I am engaged in a real man's business - construction. "
The person is greeted according to his clothes, and the new season of the "School of Repair" - according to the new schedule. TNT designers came up with unusual graphics for the new image of the program, the concept of which was to create a miracle from nothing. However, this is exactly what happens in each edition of the "School of Repair"!
TV shows about apartment renovation.
Details Published: October 14, 2014.
Do-it-yourself apartment renovation is a complex process that requires the maximum amount of knowledge and skills from the performers. Of course, not all homeowners who have decided to transform their property on their own have the necessary experience.
Amateurs in matters of repair draw information from a variety of sources: stories of friends, publications in online magazines, print publications - all this can help in resolving emerging issues. But, as they say, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times, therefore television programs about repairs are very popular, and we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular of them.
Program “Ideal renovation.
Published on Channel One, it is dedicated to the process of transforming standard city apartments into true masterpieces of design ideas. All work is carried out exclusively by professionals in their field, the design is developed taking into account the wishes of the owner of the home. As part of the program, you can find out a lot of information about the latest trends in the design of premises. Very often Ideal Renovation carries out changes in the apartments of famous people.
The program “Housing issue.
Broadcast on the NTV channel, the concept of the program is that the transformation is an absolute surprise for the apartment owners. The owners do not in any way influence the choice of the design of the premises, all changes are carried out solely at the discretion of the professionals. Often eminent designers take part in the filming, and the culmination of the program is the reaction of the participants to the repairs carried out.
It is published on the TNT TV channel and talks about the methods of express apartment renovation, therefore, it affects only cosmetic transformation. It differs from other television programs in that the owner of the dwelling is directly involved in all the work. The entire process often takes about a week, but the broadcasts claim that it takes only 72 hours. Many ideas can be gleaned from this program for implementing quick repairs.
Our heroes are a young couple who dreamed of a personal space and a place for romantic retreat. Therefore, right under the roof, we made an attic for dating, where Christina and Ivan can sit by the fire in the evenings and gaze at the stars.
Ether: 14 / 10 / 18
Our heroes decided to take a bold step and handed over a third of the second floor into the hands of Dachny Answer. The task corresponded to the area: instead of the originally planned small bathroom, a real spa center with a large bathtub, a spacious shower room, spacious storage systems and a full-fledged hamam were supposed to appear on an impressive area!
It is generally accepted (and not without reason!) That renovation is a protracted and expensive story, and that you cannot guess what will turn out in the final.Therefore, as the slogan of one of the TV programs says, "the best way to make repairs is to do it by someone else's hands." “TN” visited the filming of the programs “School of Repair”, “Housing Question”, “Fazenda” and found out why the participants sometimes threaten to grab the ax.
The programs making repairs have no end to those wishing to participate in them. But only homeowners in Moscow and the Moscow region have chances, in whose houses there is a freight elevator, and they themselves are ready to leave their apartment for a while while work is underway. And finally, the last, but perhaps the most important thing: the heroes of the program are always contact, positive people who do not hide in front of television cameras - modesty in the expression of emotions is not welcome here.
Over the 11 years of its existence, the "School of Repair" (TNT) has made over 500 repairs by the hands of construction teams and designers. Someone has ennobled the living room, someone has got a more functional version of the kitchen, and someone - a bedroom in the style of shabby chic ("shabby chic").
Christmas tree in Italian style from the "School of Repair" During this time, only one family took part in the program twice. In gratitude, the heroes came to the set with two pans ... borscht.
But it also happens otherwise. The chief editor of the program, Tatyana Sashina, recalls how the "School of Repair" worked in the apartment of a married couple - intelligent academicians. They renovated the old kitchen: they made it in the spirit of a French salon, which the hostess has always dreamed of. In front of the camera, the couple expressed gratitude in every possible way, but two days later a woman called the editorial office: “I want to tell you that now I’ll take an ax and chop everything that your designer has made in the kitchen!” The worried editor urgently went to the site of a possible "felling" and found out that the lady had recently been visited by her friends who, over a cup of tea, pronounced the verdict: "Nice, of course, but more like a salon, not a kitchen!" Plus, the designer cut the rope under the ceiling, on which the intelligent hostess was used to drying clothes.
But most often the neighbors of the program participants are unhappy. Some, in revenge, also start repairs, others scandal, and still others call the police without unnecessary noise and dust.
“The police are our old friends,” says Aleksandr Grishaev (San Sanych), the host of the School of Repair. - They come, take pictures with us and leave. (Laughs.) We always warn the heroes: please take it upon yourself to clarify relations with neighbors. But I have a favorite story. On the last day of work, at about midnight, the designer remembered that he had not hung 16 paintings on the wall, and for them, accordingly, 16 holes were needed. The foreman picks up a drill ... And then
What to watch on TV for summer residents? A review of popular programs about repair and gardening, we count every drilled hole and wonder which one will hear the knock on the door from the neighbors. Well, we apologize, we explain to people that we are shooting, these inconveniences are temporary ...
Grishaev himself moved three times in 11 years and made repairs at his place as many times. When you see an updated interior every week, ideas on how to improve your own home appear constantly.
“You know, sometimes you come to a new object, you see cracks on the ceiling or long-peeled wallpaper, you think:“ Perhaps people have just moved in and have not had time to change anything yet, ”the TV presenter continues. - But no, it turns out they live like this for years. Because there is a stereotype: repair is something capital, expensive and always stretches for centuries. And now it is not at all difficult to refresh the interior, and on your own. If you don't know how to glue wallpaper exactly, paint the walls. There is no money for expensive parquet - there are a lot of budget coatings. For example, good old linoleum, which will look like wood.By the way, the new brands have a natural composition - in one of the programs I even ate linoleum made from wood flour and linseed oil. You can easily find an inexpensive option for furniture, and sometimes it is enough to throw out the excess trash - and now, it turns out, how spacious it has become!
The host of the popular program Ideal Repair (Channel One) Natasha Barbier is sure that the main thing in renovation is a sense of proportion. And he advises: a floral ornament, especially if it is expressive, should be the only one in the interior. If you use it in wallpaper, it is better to make upholstery and curtains in one color, matching in color. If roses are already flickering in the design, draperies, then you should not add lilies of the valley to the company. And you shouldn't be afraid of bright and dark colors: nothing is more boring than everything “light and beige”.
Victoria Daineko: “Renovation of the house is a reason to meet friends” is recorded in front of the camera for half an hour. The wind is ready to ruffle the hair in the frame or twist the scarf around the neck, the sun will dazzle, and there is no need to talk about rain.
But there are bloopers that cannot be blamed on the weather.
“They filmed a story about paint from one of the manufacturers,” the TV presenter recalls. - In order to visually demonstrate the goods, the banks were placed on a step-ladder, and I had to say a short text nearby. I don’t remember for what reason, but suddenly one of the cans fell down - the lawn cut the day before, the stepladder and, of course, my jeans were flooded with paint of a nice looking pistachio color! (Laughs.)
Now "Fazenda" has a real suffering: someone is erecting a long-awaited gazebo, someone is making a veranda, on someone's site the landscape designer conjures.
“Not so long ago, we were making repairs at the dacha, the owners of which have a bulldog — a powerful dog,” says Budnikov. - I myself, being the owner of a cat, am not indifferent to animals. So, the dog had a banal bed, and our designer made a house for him (the language does not dare to name
Alena Vodonaeva started repairs in her new apartment with a booth) under the stairs - with lighting. When the dog enters there, the light automatically comes on. I hope the four-legged hero was satisfied.
Viewers of such programs are happy to discuss each broadcast on the forums and sometimes besiege the presenters with questions: where to buy a lampshade that flashed at the twentieth minute of the program? how did the designers find a cute polka dot sofa for a young couple?
“Once, in all social networks, a young man wrote to me at once, who really wanted to know where I got the shirt that I was wearing in one of the programs,” recalls Roman Budnikov. - I answered him, called a store located in another city. After a while, he sent me a photo of himself - in exactly the same shirt, surrounded by balloons and with a birthday cake: the guy looked pleased.
But project designers receive not only compliments: “Burn this couple at the stake and deprive them of their diplomas!”, “How can you use such a dark blue color in the kitchen ?! It is clear that white would be more appropriate "," Toilet cubicles instead of cabinets, and a tree made of polyurethane foam above the bed would kill! " - indifferent spectators are indignant.
Sometimes it is only towards the end of the program that it turns out that the participants and the designers initially talked about different things. This happened with Irina Muravyova and her husband Leonid Eidlin. In 2007
Ashton Kutcher took up the housing issue; repairs were done by the program "Housing Problem" (NTV). The celebrity couple was left at a loss: the kitchen "in the Russian style with a cozy fireplace" did not look at all the way they imagined ...
“The sight that we saw shocked us,” the actress's husband Leonid Danilovich later told reporters. - Our far from small kitchen was turned into a dark closet, life-threatening. The only thing my wife could say was the word "Horror!" Instead of the promised fireplace, we received a dummy with a built-in electric monster, which blocked off half of the space.My priceless tiles (made in real Dutch ovens in 1902) were simply stuck on the walls, mixed with four other types of modern tiles. The floors have been raised a whole level. This is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. To be honest, our ceiling looks like the floor. By the way, as we were later told, the builders far exceeded the program budget ”.
When Oksana Kozyreva became the host of the Dachny Answer (NTV) program, she could feel all the "charms" of the renovation on herself. The TV presenter has just begun to equip her home. Despite the opportunity to take advantage of her official position, that is, the advice of the program designers, Oksana clearly decided to rely solely on her own ideas. The master, whom she found on the ad, did not share most of them, the desire for minimalism seemed to him a mistake.
Nikolai Baskov postponed the renovation because of the opera - The foreman kept repeating that "architecture is frozen music", so the rush to renovate is completely inappropriate, - laughing, Oksana recalls. - By the way, I didn’t tell him that I was broadcasting a program on TV (I was afraid that the price for services would suddenly rise), but once the master saw it and shared his impression: “Look at you, so the repair is chpok-chpok, and everything is in openwork!” He hinted at what kind of builders we have in the frame are clean - always in beautiful overalls. Of course, we do not show the viewers the whole inside out of the work: and so it is clear that renovation is a rather troublesome and messy business.
The project team works on each apartment for one, or even two months. The owners do not see how the work is going.
“We are filming the reaction of the heroes returning home from the first take,” says Kozyreva. - That's the whole point! Often, faces reflect a range of emotions, but more often - surprise. People do not realize that something fundamentally different can be done from a small room to which they have long been accustomed. It happens that they want to bring to life a picture from a magazine about interiors, but in reality they have no idea how to live in this space later. And here a lot depends on the professionalism of the designers.
Most TV viewers do not believe that participation in such projects is free. But it is so.
Prince William and Kate Middleton took over the renovation First, there is always a certain budget, and secondly, the producers are actively cooperating with advertisers.
- Often, even in the finale, when everything is filmed, the hero whispers in my ear: "Do I owe you something?" - says the host of the program "Clean Work" (REN TV) Yegor Pirogov. - And when you once again explain that it is absolutely free, people literally cry with joy. Of course, they try to thank: "Oh, at least take a jar of jam, guys!" Or: “Tell me, what should you collect for your trip? Why do you eat so little, my God! " (Laughs.) During the three television seasons that there is a program, the worst thing for me is when the owners see the premises after renovation and say: "Egor, we have no words!" And that's it! I think this is due to the peculiarities of our mentality: we are rather closed and are afraid to express emotions. But when the camera stops filming, people relax and start clapping their hands, jumping for joy - they say, it was indecent to do it in the frame, but what would people think ?!
And the neighbors of "Clean Work" are surprisingly understanding.
“They are always keenly interested in what is happening,” Pirogov continues. Well, how can you refuse ?! I myself never refuse my friends and acquaintances advice on where to start repairs in the nursery or how to remodel the living room. I can already read a lecture on this topic. Moreover, for three years he was doing repairs in his own house.