In detail: do-it-yourself TV antenna repair from a real master for the site
This version of a homemade television antenna is the simplest and fastest to manufacture. The maximum number of channels that will be at your disposal is 7, but this figure may vary slightly depending on the region.
To make an antenna for a TV from beer cans, you will need the following materials:
- 2 small screws, also called "bugs";
- 2 prepared beer cans (empty, washed and dried);
- from 3 to 5 meters of television cable (can be taken from a failed device);
- soldering iron and tin (for better fixing of contacts), the presence is optional;
- screwdriver;
- wooden tremp;
- electrical tape or tape.
It will not be a problem to find all the materials in the house, therefore, having prepared them, we immediately get down to business.
In order to make a homemade antenna from cans, you need to follow these steps:
As you can see, the whole process is pretty simple and not complicated. The optimal distance is 75 mm between the ends of the cans, and the best installation location is near the window. In individual cases, the distance between the banks can be made more or less.
Another equally good option that is advisable to use in the village is a homemade copper wire antenna with an amplifier.
All you need for manufacturing is:
- amplifier (fit from an old device);
- two pieces of wire 180 cm each;
- a piece of metal (or wooden) plate 15 * 15 cm;
- an electric drill with a set of drills (or a welding machine);
- small bolts;
- hammer;
- iron pipe;
- TV cable of suitable length.
Video (click to play). |
So, in order to make a copper wire antenna for a TV yourself, you need to follow these steps:
- We prepare the catcher: we bend the wire with a diamond so that all sides are strictly 45 cm (the inventor of the homemade product claims that these are the optimal dimensions of the device).
- We fix the wire to the prepared plate: flatten the veins at the attachment points, drill holes and tighten the bolts. If you have a welding machine, things will go faster - you just need to grab the signal catchers to the plate. Immediately you need to connect the amplifier (as shown in the photo).
- We connect the cable. Everything is simple here, tk. you just need to insert the plug into the socket.
- We create a mast, for which we use a metal pipe of a suitable height. We dig it in and the homemade antenna for the TV is ready, you can start tuning channels.
Pay attention - in the photo examples, both the amplifier, and the reflector, and the wire are covered with paint. Painting protects the structure from corrosion and other adverse factors, significantly extending the life of a homemade TV antenna.
If the first 2 options worked at a frequency of no more than 270 MHz, then the next manufacturing method will allow you to enjoy a better picture, because the signal range can reach up to 490 MHz. The only detail that is unlikely to be found among the household trivia is the 300 to 75 ohm matching transformer. You will need to buy it in advance if you decide to make an antenna for your TV yourself as an experiment and improve your skills. Although there are instructions for making a homemade transformer, you can find and use it.
From the materials you will need:
- Scotch
- Cardboard
- Stationery knife
- Foil
- Stapler
- Scissors
- Marker
- Roulette
- Glue
Having prepared this entire school set, let's get down to business!
First you need to sketch (or print on a computer) this diagram:
Now, according to the scheme, we cut out all the parts, including the necessary pieces of foil:
Next, glue the cardboard butterfly with foil and, if desired, paint over the back with a marker.
After that, you need to make a reflector measuring 35 * 32.5 cm (height and width). We glue one of the sides with foil.
In the middle we cut out two identical rectangles, which are necessary in order to completely assemble the homemade antenna signal trap for the TV. The rectangle should be 3.5 cm long, its purpose is to maintain the distance between the reflector and the auxiliary parts.
We glue the parts on a rectangle, and when the cardboard homemade product hardens, we drill holes for the TV cable.
We connect the transformer and insert the cable into the plug. More powerful TV antenna is ready to use! It should also be noted that this homemade option is suitable only for indoor use, because the paper quickly deteriorates on the street.
Another option for a powerful home-made device:
There is another way to make a powerful antenna for a TV from improvised means, which is suitable for both street and apartment use.
To manufacture the device, you will need the following materials and tools:
- 4-meter copper wire with a cross section of 4 mm square;
- board of any thickness, 55 cm long and 7 cm wide;
- wood screws;
- ruler or tape measure;
- simple pencil;
- screwdriver;
- soldering iron;
- plug.
So, first, according to the drawing, we drill holes in the board:
Then we transfer the drawing data to the board and drill into the corresponding attachment points.
Next, the copper wire must be cut into 8 pieces of 37.5 cm each.
The insulation must be removed in the middle of each of the 37.5 cm lines (as shown in the picture).
We cut off 2 more copper wire pieces 22 cm long and conditionally divide them into 3 equal parts, while at the points of inflection, again, we remove the insulation.
We bend the prepared wire in bare places. We draw your attention to the fact that for those segments that are bent in half, the distance between the ends must be made 7.5 cm (the optimal value for receiving the signal of a homemade television antenna).
Next, we attach the plug to the finished homemade product, and we already connect the TV cable to it.
Here we have provided the most simple instructions. We hope that now you know how to make a home TV antenna with your own hands! We draw your attention to the fact that today on the Internet you can find many other options in which inventors do without cans and wires. Of the rest of the available tools, copper tubes, aluminum discs and electrodes are often used. The advantage of the options we have listed is that you can quickly make such TV antennas with your own hands, without spending the whole evening on it.
Related materials:
If after turning on the TV, you see only the inscription NO SIGNAL on its screen, it becomes clear that there are problems with the antenna.
Also, a poor-quality signal will tell about a malfunction of the antenna (although the reasons may not be in it).
In many cases, owners of television receivers manage to solve antenna problems with their own hands. Another issue is the literacy of the actions taken and their safety.
How to properly repair the antenna and when you cannot do without the help of a telemaster?
Depending on the type of antenna connected to the TV receiver, the television happens:
- analog,
- satellite,
- digital (terrestrial, cable digital, via satellite, IP-TV).
- The plug is firmly and in the correct connector.
- Is the antenna mechanically damaged?
- How well the cable is connected to the antenna, whether it is in proper position and condition. Defects, cable breaks, damaged contacts, corrosion at the antenna connection - all these are malfunctions that need to be eliminated.
- Are the channels configured correctly? Whether in principle all or some of them are configurable. Note! There may be a separate search for terrestrial and cable TV.
Often a new, newly installed TV does not pick up the signal. More often the problem is in the settings, but the likelihood of poor quality of the equipment itself is not excluded.
If you have been using a TV for a long time, first of all, double-check if you forgot to pay for TV! You can always call the operator to double-check the payment and at the same time to clarify whether there are any problems with his work.
If you made sure that everything is in order externally with the antenna and its connection and you paid for the TV, probably:
- The socket into which the antenna plug is inserted is damaged.
- The antenna itself is defective.
- The TV tuner is damaged.
- Something inside the TV is defective.
- Software problems.
To repair the antenna, tuner and TV, invite an experienced telemaster of the VseRemont24 company to your home!
If the channels are shown, but the signal reception is poor, it is highly discouraged to continue watching. It is unsafe for eyesight and psyche.
Characteristic poor quality signal faulty TV antenna:
- interference, ripples, noise,
- glitches, displacement, jumps, temporary disappearance of the image,
- inability to configure channels.
The same malfunctions, provided that the antenna is in good working order, indicate breakdowns inside the TV. Probably faulty:
Negative the operation of the antenna is affected by:
Everyone knows that during a thunderstorm, antennas attract lightning. But a lightning discharge destroys the amplifier of only those antennas that were originally incorrectly installed.
Note that the TV itself will only break down if a powerful lightning strike the antenna directly.
Attention! If your antenna is not on the ground, you need to ground. Check grounding. If not, invite a TV technician to reinstall the antenna.
During a thunderstorm, many people pull out the antenna plug from the TV, hoping to protect the equipment. While it is much more correct to close the braid with the center wire.
If you simply pull out the plug during a thunderstorm, then the next time you connect it to a TV receiver, a powerful discharge can slip through. It's deadly danger!
The television signal also deteriorates on a television that is too close or, on the contrary, far from the source of its distribution. This factor must also be taken into account when searching for the causes of an antenna malfunction.
In summer cottages, a television signal can rarely be received without amplification: it is too far from the repeater, the terrain, as a rule, is not uniform, and trees are in the way. For the normal quality of the "picture" antennas are needed. Anyone who knows at least a little how to handle a soldering iron can make an antenna for a summer residence with his own hands. Aesthetics outside the city is not given so much importance, the main thing is the quality of reception, simple design, cheapness and reliability. You can experiment and do it yourself.
If the repeater is within 30 km from your dacha, you can make the receiving part, which is the simplest in design. These are two identical tubes connected by a cable. The cable output goes to the corresponding input on the TV.
The design of an antenna for a TV in the country: it's very easy to do it yourself (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)
First of all, you need to find out at what frequency the nearest TV tower is broadcasting. The length of the "whiskers" depends on the frequency. The broadcasting band is in the range of 50-230 MHz. It is divided into 12 channels. Each needs its own tube length.The list of terrestrial television channels, their frequencies and parameters of a television antenna for self-production will be given in the table.
So, in order to make an antenna for a TV with your own hands, you need the following materials:
- A metal pipe with a length of 6-7 cm is shorter than indicated in the table. Material - any metal: brass, steel, duralumin, etc. Diameter - from 8 mm to 24 mm (usually 16 mm). The main condition: both "mustaches" must be the same: from the same material, the same length, from a pipe of the same diameter with the same wall thickness.
- TV cable with 75 ohm impedance. Its length is determined in place: from the antenna to the TV, plus one and a half meters for the sag and half a meter for the matching loop.
- A piece of thick PCB or getinax (at least 4 mm thick),
- Several clamps or metal strips to secure the pipes to the holder.
- Antenna rod (metal pipe or corner, if the height is not very high - a wooden block, etc.).
A simple antenna for a summer residence: even a schoolboy can make with his own hands
It would be nice to have a soldering iron, flux for soldering copper and solder on hand: it is advisable to solder all the connections of the central conductors: the image quality will be better and the antenna will work longer. Then the places of rations must be protected from oxidation: it is best to fill it with a layer of silicone, you can use it with epoxy resin, etc. As a last resort, stick it with electrical tape, but this is very unreliable.
This homemade TV antenna, even at home, will be made by a child. It is necessary to cut the tube of the length that corresponds to the broadcasting frequency of the nearby repeater, then cut it exactly in half.
The resulting tubes are flattened on one side. With these ends, they are attached to the holder - a piece of getinax or textolite 4-6 mm thick (see figure). The tubes are placed at a distance of 6-7 cm from each other, their far ends should be at the distance indicated in the table. They are fixed to the holder with clamps, they must be held firmly.
The installed vibrator is fixed to the mast. Now you need to connect the two "mustaches" through the matching device. This is a cable loop with a resistance of 75 Ohm (type RK-1, 3, 4). Its parameters are indicated in the far right column of the table, and how it is done is on the right side of the photo.
The middle cores of the cable are screwed (soldered) to the flattened ends of the tubes, their braid is connected with a piece of the same conductor. It is easy to get the wire: cut off a piece from the cable a little larger than the required size and free it from all the shells. Strip the ends and screw them to the cable conductors (it is better to solder).
Then the center conductors are connected from two pieces of the matching loop and the cable that goes to the TV. Their braid is also connected with a copper wire.
The last action: the loop in the middle is attached to the bar, and the cable going down is screwed to it. The bar is raised to the required height and there it is "tuned". To set up, two people are needed: one turns the antenna, the second watches TV and assesses the picture quality. Having determined where the signal is best received from, the hand-made antenna is fixed in this position. In order not to suffer with the "tuning" for a long time, look where the neighbors' receivers (terrestrial antennas) are directed. The simplest antenna for a summer residence is made by hand. Set and "catch" the direction by turning it along its axis.
Watch the video on how to cut a coaxial cable.
This antenna for giving with your own hands is a little more difficult to manufacture: you need a pipe bender, but the reception radius is greater - up to 40 km. The starting materials are practically the same: metal tube, cable and rod.
The bend radius of the pipe is not important. It is necessary that the pipe has the required length, and the distance between the ends is 65-70 mm. Both "wings" should be the same length and the ends should be symmetrical about the center.
Homemade antenna for TV: a TV signal receiver with a receiving radius of up to 40 km is made from a piece of pipe and cable (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)
The pipe and cable lengths are shown in the table. Find out on what frequency the nearest repeater is broadcasting, select the corresponding line. Saw off the pipe of the required size (the diameter is preferably 12-18 mm, the parameters of the matching loop are given for them).
The tube of the required length is bent, making it absolutely symmetrical about the center. One edge is flattened and welded / sealed. Fill in the sands, and close up the second side. If there is no welding, you can plug the ends, just put the plugs on good glue or silicone.
The resulting vibrator is fixed on the mast (rod). The central conductors of the matching loop and the cable that goes to the TV are screwed to the ends of the pipe, and then they are soldered. The next step is to connect a piece of uninsulated copper wire between the braided cables. The assembly is complete - you can proceed to the "setup".
If you don't feel like doing it yourself, read how to choose an antenna for a summer residence here.
Despite the fact that she looks frivolous, the image is much better. Checked repeatedly. Try it!
- two tin cans with a capacity of 0.5 liters,
- a piece of wood or plastic about 0.5 meters long,
- a piece of TV wire RG-58,
- soldering iron,
- flux for aluminum (if the cans are aluminum),
- solder.
How to make an antenna from cans
- In the bottom of the can, drill a hole (5-6 mm in diameter) strictly in the center.
- Pull the cable through this hole, take it out through the hole in the cover.
- We fix this jar to the left on the holder so that the cable is directed to the middle.
- We take out the cable from the can by about 5-6 cm, remove the insulation by about 3 cm, disassemble the braid.
- We cut the braid, its length should be about 1.5 cm.
- We distribute it over the surface of the can and solder it.
- The center conductor sticking out 3 cm must be soldered to the bottom of the second can.
- The distance between the two banks should be made as small as possible and fixed in some way. One option is sticky tape or duct tape.
- That's it, the homemade UHF antenna is ready.
End the other end of the cable with a suitable plug, plug it into the TV socket. This design, by the way, can be used to receive digital television. If your TV supports this signal format (DVB T2) or you have a special attachment to your old TV, you can pick up the signal from the nearest repeater. You just need to find out where it is and direct your TV antenna, made with your own hands from tin cans, there.
Simple homemade antennas can be made from cans (beer or drinks). Despite the frivolity of the "components", it works very well, and it is made very simply
The same design can be adapted to receive VHF channels. Instead of 0.5 liter cans, put on 1 liter. Will accept the MV range.
Another option: if you don't have a soldering iron, or you don't know how to solder, you can make it easier. Tie two cans at a distance of several centimeters to the holder. Strip the end of the cable by 4-5 centimeters (carefully remove the insulation). Separate the braid, twist it into a bundle, make a ring out of it, into which you push a self-tapping screw. Make a second ring from the central conductor and thread a second self-tapping screw through it. Now, at the bottom of one cans, clean (with a sandpaper) a speck to which you screw the screws.
In general, soldering is needed for better contact: it is better to tin and solder the braid ring, as well as the place of contact with the metal of the can. But it turns out well on self-tapping screws, however, the contact is periodically oxidized and needs to be cleaned. How "snow" you will know - why ...
You may be wondering how to make a brazier from a cylinder or barrel, you can read about it here.
Antenna design - loop.For this version of the receiver, you will need a wooden plank spider and a TV cable. You will also need electrical tape, a few nails. Everything.
We have already said that in order to receive a digital signal, you only need a decimeter terrestrial antenna and an appropriate decoder. It can be built into TVs (new generation) or made as a hotel device. If the TV has the function of receiving a signal in the DVB T2 code, connect the antenna output directly to the TV. If the TV does not have a decoder, you will need to purchase a digital set-top box and connect the output from the antenna to it, and connect it to the TV set.
In Russia, a program has been adopted according to which towers are constantly being built. By the end of 2015, the entire area should be covered with repeaters. Find the tower closest to you on the official website. The broadcast frequency and channel number are indicated there. The perimeter of the antenna frame depends on the channel number.
This is how the map of the location of digital television towers looks like
For example, on channel 37, broadcasting is carried out at a frequency of 602 MHz. The length of the wave is calculated as follows: 300/602 = 50 cm. This will be the perimeter of the frame. Let's calculate the other channel in the same way. Let it be 22 channel. Frequency 482 MHz, wavelength 300/482 = 62 cm.
Since this antenna consists of two frames, the length of the conductor should be equal to twice the wavelength, plus 5 cm for the connection:
- for channel 37, we take 105 cm of copper wire (50 cm * 2 + 5 cm = 105 cm);
- for channel 22, you need 129 cm (62 cm * 2 + 5 cm = 129 cm).
Maybe you are more interested in working with wood? How to make a birdhouse is written here, and about making a doghouse - in this article.
Copper wire is best used from the cable that goes to the receiver. That is, take the cable and remove the sheath and braid from it, freeing the central conductor of the required length. Proceed with care it cannot be damaged.
Next, we build a support from the boards, as shown in the figure. To do this, you need to determine the length of the side of the frame. Since this is an inverted square, we divide the found perimeter by 4:
- for channel 37: 50 cm / 4 = 12.5 cm;
- for channel 22: 62 cm / 4 = 15.5 cm.
The distance from one nail to another should correspond to these parameters. Laying copper wire begins on the right, from the middle, moving down and further along all points. Only in the place where the frames come close to one another, do not short-circuit the conductors. They should be at some distance (2-4 cm).
Homemade antenna for digital television
When the entire perimeter is laid, the braid from a cable several centimeters long is twisted into a bundle and soldered (wound, if it is impossible to solder) to the opposite edge of the frame. Next, the cable is laid as shown in the figure, wrapping it with electrical tape (it is possible more often, but the laying route cannot be changed). Then the cable goes to a decoder (separate or built-in). All the antenna for giving with your own hands for receiving digital television is ready.
How to make an antenna for digital television with your own hands - another design - is shown in the video.
Despite the rapid development of the Internet, television remains the main source of information for the majority of the population. But in order for your TV to have a high-quality picture, you need a good antenna. It is not at all necessary to buy a TV antenna in a store, because you can make it yourself and save a lot of money at the same time.
How to make high-quality antennas for various broadcasting ranges and what materials to use at the same time, you can find out by reading our article.
There are many types and shapes of television antennas, below are the main ones:
Antennas for receiving the "wave channel".
Antennas receiving the "traveling wave".
The whole world, including our country, switched from analogue to digital broadcasting.Therefore, making an antenna with your own hands or buying it in a store, you need to know which antenna is best suited for receiving DVB-T2 format:
Indoor antenna - suitable for receiving a signal in the DVB-T2 format only at a distance of up to 10 kilometers from the repeater. In principle, at this distance, the signal can be received even by an ordinary bare wire inserted into the antenna connector of the TV and directed in the right direction, but for a more stable and stable signal, it is better to use a room antenna.
Antenna of the "Crow" type - capable of receiving a digital signal at a distance of up to 30 kilometers. This type of antenna is installed outside the home and does not require a clear direction to the repeater. But in cases where the distance from the signal source is more than 30 kilometers or there are interference generators nearby, it is advisable to direct the antenna towards the TV tower.
If you live not far from a TV tower, then you can easily make the simplest antenna for receiving a signal in DVB-T2 format with your own hands:
- Measure 15 centimeters of the antenna cable from the connector.
- Remove 13 centimeters of outer insulation and braid from the cut edge, leaving only the copper rod.
- Referring to the TV picture, align the rod in the desired direction.
All antenna is ready! It should be noted that such a primitive antenna is not capable of providing a high-quality and stable signal at a distance from the TV tower and in places with sources of interference.
Let's look at several options for television antennas that you can make yourself from scrap materials:
An antenna from beer cans can be made in literally half an hour, using the funds at your fingertips. Of course, such an antenna will not provide a super-stable signal, but for temporary use in the country or in a rented apartment it will do quite well.
To make an antenna you will need:
- Two aluminum cans for beer or other drink.
- Five meters of television cable.
- Plug.
- Two screws.
- A wooden or plastic base on which the cans will be attached (many use a wooden hanger or mop).
- Knife, pliers, screwdriver, electrical tape.
After making sure that you have all of the above items in stock, do the following:
- Strip one end of the cable and attach the plug to it.
- Take the other end of the cable and strip 10 centimeters of insulation from it.
- Unbraid the braid and twist it into a cord.
- Peel off the plastic layer of the cable insulating shaft one centimeter.
- Take the cans and twist the screws in them in the center of the bottom or lid.
- Attach a rod to one can, and a cable sheathing cord to the other, screwing them onto the screws.
- Attach the cans to the base with electrical tape.
- Fasten the cable to the base.
- Insert the plug into the TV.
- As you move around the room, determine the place with the best signal reception and fix the antenna there.
There are other variations of this antenna, with four or even eight banks, but no obvious effect of the number of cans on the signal quality was found.
You can also learn how to make an antenna out of beer cans from the video:
The antenna received its name in 1961, by the name of its inventor K.P. Kharchenko, who proposed using zigzag antennas for receiving television broadcasts. This antenna is very well suited for receiving digital signals.
To make a zigzag antenna you will need:
- Copper wire with a diameter of 3-5 mm.
- TV cable 3-5 meters.
- Solder.
- Soldering iron.
- Plug.
- Insulating tape.
- A piece of plastic or plywood for the base.
- Fastening bolts.
First you need to make an antenna frame. To do this, take the wire and cut off a piece of 109 centimeters. Next, we bend the wire so that we get a frame of two parallel rhombuses, each side of the rhombus should be 13.5 centimeters, from the remaining centimeter make loops to fasten the wire. Using a soldering iron and solder, join the ends of the wire and close the frame.
Take the cable and strip the end so that you can solder the cable rod and shield to the frame. Next, solder the rod and cable shield in the center of the frame. Please note that the shield and the rod must not touch.
Place the frame on the base. The distance between the corners of the frame at the junction with the cable should be two centimeters. Make the base about 10 by 10 centimeters.
Strip the other end of the cable and install the plug.
If necessary, attach the antenna base to the rack for further roof installation.
You can see more detailed instructions for making Kharchenko's antenna in the video:
To make the antenna, you will need a standard 75-ohm coaxial cable. To calculate the cable length required for the antenna, you need to find out the digital broadcasting frequency and divide it in megahertz by 7500, and round the resulting amount.
After obtaining the cable length, do the following:
- Strip the cable on one side and plug into the antenna connector.
- Step two centimeters from the edge of the connector and make a mark from which you will measure the length of the antenna.
- After measuring the desired length, bite off the excess with pliers.
- In the area of the mark, remove the insulation and braiding of the cable, leave only the inner insulation.
- Fold the cleaned part at a 90-degree angle.
- Set up your TV with a new antenna.
You can visually consolidate the information by watching the video:
It should be noted right away that a tuner and a special set-top box are needed to receive a satellite signal. Therefore, if you do not have this equipment available, then creating a satellite dish with your own hands will not be possible, since you yourself can only make a parabolic reflector:
- Plexiglas parabola - made by heating. The plexiglass is placed on a piece that follows the shape of a parabolic reflector and placed in a high temperature chamber. After softening the plexiglass, it takes the form of a blank. After the plexiglass has cooled, it is taken out of the mold and pasted over with foil. The disadvantage of such a production of a homemade parabola is that the cost of manufacturing it exceeds the market value of the factory reflector.
- Reflector made of metal sheet - made of a sheet of galvanized iron, meter by meter. The leaf is given a round shape and cuts are made from the edge to the center in the shape of the petals. After that, the sheet is placed on the curved reflector template and the "petals" are fastened by spot welding or rivets.
- Mesh reflector - made of frame and mesh. First, a template is made, the parameters of which are calculated by the formula. Radial parabolas are made from copper wire according to the template. The wire cross-section is selected based on the antenna diameter. For example, for an antenna with a diameter of 1.5 meters, a wire with a diameter of 4-5 mm is taken. It is also necessary to make circular belts. The diameter of the belts changes in increments of 10-30 cm. After the frame is made, it is covered with a fine copper mesh.
All of the above methods can be considered seriously only out of sports interest, since the manufacture of a parabolic reflector by hand is a very time-consuming and expensive process.In addition, it is very difficult to make accurate calculations of the parameters of a satellite dish at home. Therefore, we advise you not to be original and buy a complete set of satellite dishes.
- The gain is 25 dB. at a voltage of 12.6 volts.
- The consumed current is not more than 20 milliamperes.
- The counter-parallel connection of diodes D1 and D2 protects the transistor from failure in the event of a lightning strike.
- The stages have a common emitter.
- Capacitor C6 provides correction of the constant characteristics of the amplifier in the high frequency region.
- To stabilize the mode of the transistors, the amplifier is covered with negative feedback from the emitter of the second transistor to the base of the first.
- To avoid self-excitation of the amplifier, an R4 C1 decoupling filter is used.
We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the decimeter amplifier circuit:
- Antenna amplifier of the decimeter range 470-790 megahertz.
- Gain 30 dB. at a voltage of 12 volts.
- The consumed current is 12 milliamperes.
- The stages have a common emitter and low noise microwave transistors.
- Resistors R1 and R3 provide temperature compensation for the mode of the transistors.
- The amplifier is powered via a coaxial cable.
You can get acquainted with the principle of operation of the antenna amplifier in the video:
Now, having familiarized yourself with the diagrams and armed with a soldering iron, you can safely start making the antenna amplifier.
We hope that our article on TV antennas was useful to you!
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Video (click to play). |
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