In detail: do-it-yourself repair in the entrance where to start from a real master for the site
The concrete slabs of the walls, floor, and ceiling were nearly level - no tedious leveling was necessary. After letting the primer dry for 24 hours, we proceeded to plastering. Since our corridor is narrow, we decided to use different technologies when decorating the walls and paint them in different colors: this technique allows you to visually expand the space.
On one wall, we applied an inexpensive and very reliable decorative textured plaster Knauf Diamant in white. It is easily applied to the walls and, after a short exposure of 15 minutes, is trowelled to create the desired surface texture. The mineral granules contained in the plaster, up to 3 mm in size, leave a trail when rubbed, which creates the desired pattern.
For the sake of economy, we decided to apply decorative textured plaster on the rest of the walls, made according to our own recipe from a gypsum mixture left by the neighbors after the renovation of the apartments. For its application, a wide and narrow spatula was used. We applied the plaster mixture to the walls "in a free style", without worrying about the thickness of the layer. After applying the plaster, the surface was smoothed with a steel float. The texture of "Venetian" plaster can be any. It is important that the style is uniform throughout the wall. And since each person has his own "handwriting" in work, it is better to perform this operation by one master. When using gypsum plaster, no more than 2-2.5 m of wall length can be efficiently rubbed in one step. After finishing one section, you can move on to the next, smoothing the docking area.
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Video (click to play). |
Thus, in one evening, we plastered three walls in the corridor. And when the plaster was dry, we primed its surface with acrylic primer in two layers. After 24 hours for the primer to dry and polymerize, we started painting the walls.
- Application of textured Knauf Diamant plaster.
- Texture of Knauf Diamant decorative plaster after grouting.
To emphasize the pattern on the surface of the plaster, we applied the paint wiping technique. For it, we used a pigmented water-dispersion paint of a terracotta (brick) shade diluted with water 1: 2, a sponge, a rag and a bucket of water. The diluted paint was applied in a chaotic manner to the plaster. Then rubbed over the surface with a damp cloth. After letting the paint dry for about 30 minutes, wipe off the newly applied paint from the protruding surfaces using a semi-dry rag. On the wall there are darker "depressions" and lighter "ledges". After the paint had dried, a day later, we applied an eco-friendly water-based varnish for baths and saunas on the wall, which gave brightness to the color and depth of the decorative plaster pattern.
We have chosen inexpensive high-strength porcelain stoneware tiles for the flooring. Before the installation began, the position of the first rows was marked on the floor. The concrete surface of the subfloor was previously cleaned of paint and pieces of plaster, washed and carefully primed with acrylic primer.
The tiles were laid traditionally: tile adhesive was applied to the floor with a notched trowel and the tiles were laid on it. The position of the tiles was fixed with plastic crosses. After the glue had set, the seams were sealed and tinted and varnished wooden skirting boards were installed.
- Installation of porcelain stoneware floor tiles.
- Installation of wooden skirting boards.
Many enterprising citizens want to live in clean and beautiful entrances, but do not know how to make their dream come true.However, experts assure that it is not more difficult to improve the entrance than to make repairs in your own apartment, if you would like to. Representatives of management companies, board members of homeowners' associations and the main entrances told RIA Nedvizhimost about five important steps towards creating an exemplary entrance.
Initiative is not punishable
Many apartment owners in apartment buildings only care about their own living space, and everything behind the massive metal front door is considered a headache for the management company or any other organization.
“People can shake the air for years about the dirt in the entrance, be indignant at the walls damaged by vandals and still do nothing, expecting someone to come and do everything for them,” notes Yulia Danilina, the main entrance to one of the Moscow houses.
Meanwhile, each tenant can at any time take the initiative into their own hands. “We had a nominee senior at the entrance, but none of the tenants saw any signs of his activities. I came to him, met him, said that I wanted to put things in order at the entrance. He didn’t mind, however, and didn’t help, ”Danilina recalls.
She noted that after she began to actively work with the tenants, they themselves proposed to appoint her as the head of the entrance, and no one objected.
Experts assure that most residents are ready to provide passive assistance in creating an exemplary entrance - to keep clean, take care of flowers, even allocate some reasonable money for arranging the entrance, but many residents do not spend their own energy and time on organizing all this may or may not want to.
Cleanliness starts with acquaintance
First of all, the newly minted activist should establish contact with other tenants, draw up a list of owners and responsible tenants.
Danilina notes that such a simple thing as an information board will help to create a favorable psychological microclimate in the entrance. At the stand, in addition to posting important reference information, you can congratulate residents on birthdays, weddings or the birth of children.
“I myself bought and hung an information stand on the first floor, and then held a drawing competition among the children of the neighborhood. As a result, we organized a small exhibition by hanging the drawings on the board. You have no idea what a touching effect it had. Many neighbors immediately became friends, ”recalls Danilina.
However, a whip can be applied to any carrot. For example, on the information board, you can also post lists of irresponsible residents of the entrance.
“When I promised to post on the bulletin board the names of the owners who did not sign the application for repairs in the entrance, which means that it would not be done, they themselves came to me to sign the documents,” recalls the eldest at the entrance of one of the houses in Togliatti Yulia Chursina.
Repair first
To beautify a neglected staircase in need of repair is a useless exercise. Therefore, many activists have to start cleaning up with the organization of repairs.
To initiate repairs, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of residents and put this issue to a vote. The chairman of the board of the HOA “Kutuzovskaya Riviera” Aurika Pariy pointed out that even the consent of all residents of one entrance is not enough to make a decision on its repair - the general meeting is held throughout the apartment building.
Paradoxical as it may seem, but in a five-entrance residential building, each entrance is the joint property of all residents of the house. Therefore, neither the entrance council, nor the head of the entrance, nor the council of an apartment building can independently resolve such issues, explains Pariy. Thus, in order to carry out repairs in a separate entrance, the activist will have to enlist the support of each owner of the entire house.
All work in the entrance associated with routine and major repairs, which includes painting walls, repairing floors and replacing doors, must be performed by specialized organizations, hired by a homeowners' association (HOA) or a management company, adds Pariy.
"All illegal work can lead to penalties from the housing inspection to the management company or homeowners' association, which, in turn, can recover the amount of damage through the court from particularly initiative residents," the agency's interlocutor warns.
Repair of entrances in apartment buildings, where residents did not create HOAs or housing cooperatives, lies with the municipal authorities, since in this case the entrances are not the common property of residents.
Therefore, minimal redecoration of entrances, including painting walls, railings, whitewashing ceilings and replacing mailboxes, is regularly carried out in such houses without the participation of residents. If these works seem insufficient to tenants, then they have the right to send a letter to the head of the management company, attaching to it a list of problems requiring repair, explains a specialist in the secondary real estate department> Olesya Nikiforova.
As a rule, after such letters of happiness, management companies within a reasonable time frame take certain steps to organize and carry out repairs, the expert notes. “If the repair does not start, there is only one way out - to complain to higher authorities. For the Criminal Code, these are the district administration and the housing inspection. Usually, such actions force the management company to be quicker - no one wants to bring the case to court, ”Nikiforova notes.
At the same time, experts warn that the management company may require tenants to pay for additional repairs, including these costs in monthly receipts for paying utility bills. For example, over a period of time, residents will receive bills that are 2 thousand rubles higher than the usual monthly amounts.
Homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives carry out any repair work at the entrance at their own expense. The list of repair work and the estimate is approved at the general meeting of the tenants. There are usually few people willing to pay for repairs in the entrance from their own pockets, so activists have to resolve the issue diplomatically, explaining to the apartment owners the advantages of a well-maintained and clean entrance, Nikiforova warns.
The main thing is to stop on time
Measures to decorate the entrance, as a rule, cause approval from the tenants, but in everything you need to adhere to common sense, because everyone has different tastes, and if flowers and reproductions do not raise any questions from anyone, then a number of tenants may consider graffiti in the entrance to be hooliganism. notices Nikiforov.
In fact, work not related to major repairs, for example, decorating the walls and planting houseplants in the entrance, do not involve holding a general meeting, since they do not affect the common property of the apartment building, Pariy argues.
“Still, it's best to ask your neighbors if they share your creative impulses. How much formalization of their consent is necessary depends on your relations with your neighbors. If there is a possibility of post factum claims, it is better to obtain written consent, ”advises Nikiforova.
Further - a flight of imagination of the residents themselves. The most budget-friendly way to decorate an entrance is to ask tenants to bring extra indoor plants or paintings. However, it is important to remember that there are also restrictions on the design of the entrance. So, Pariy emphasizes that it is forbidden to install cabinets, large pots of flowers and spread carpets in the entrances. “Remember that the entrance is the passage to the living quarters in the house and at the same time the emergency exit. In the event of a fire, residents will be forced to flee, stumbling over this beauty, which is unacceptable from the point of view of fire safety, ”the expert recalls.
It should also be understood that the entrance becomes truly exemplary not when pictures appear on the walls, but flowers on the stairwells, but when all residents clearly observe the rules of decency, do not litter, do not paint the walls, do not arrange noisy gatherings in the driveways sites, leaving behind mountains of garbage, sums up Danilina.
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Each person is the smith of his own happiness - "Simplify Your Life"
Why did I decide to take on the responsibilities of utilities?
Firstly, I got tired of the noise of the elevator in the apartment and every time on a smoke break I fantasized about what to paste over the adjacent wall in the entrance to reduce the noise. The house is an ordinary nine-story building "Czech".
Secondly, I greatly infuriated the communication box on the ceiling and the wires from it. For some reason, providers don't really care about the aesthetics of these issues.
Thirdly, the tiles on the floor were peeled off and crumbled in places, but this is kind of normal, because the ZhEK did repairs recently.
Well, stuff like that: a painted elevator, spat on the walls, it's scary to approach the garbage chute - I think it makes no sense to describe it for a long time - most entrances look like this.
A couple of times I saw reports on this topic on the net. But the practical use of them was not very much. basically everything was done by the hands of the workers.
I started by replacing the tiles. At that time, I did not think of photographing, therefore, only a brief description. The process of laying tiles is clear to everyone, but there are nuances.
I tried to remove and clean the existing tiles. That. I saved about half of the tiles, but this is a lot of work - it's easier to buy a new one.
I tried to preserve a more or less lively part of the screed, the one that is not quite sand, but this also made life more difficult in the future - it is easier to knock everything down to the slabs.
Well, the main difficulty is people. 6 apartments go here and there - you have to do everything in pieces and for a long time. They often come and spoil the work.
So far, I have refrained from restoring the elevator inside. With difficulties. From the outside I cleaned off the dirt with a grinder and knocked down the wooden slopes, because found no way to improve them in any way.
The slopes exposed the openings and then it began. The people began to complain for the first time. First to the chairman, then to the lifters. As a result, the elevator was turned off. It took a long time to convince that you can turn off only one floor.
True, to the honor of the chairperson, it must be said that she is great. She said: do not pay attention to complaints - do it.
The most popular question I heard along the way is: Why do you need this? then there is no one for a long time, then the question: Will they do this everywhere?
I decided to gradually increase the slopes of the elevator. The process is not fast. You can't put a lot in one layer, but I had a lot of drywall scraps and various mixtures after repairs in the apartment.
Yes, at first it was hard to believe that it was possible to do something normal from the soviet entrance.
As a result, we got an intermediate result. Has grown by about 15 cm on each side. I just like straight slopes - that's why it is. This does not reduce the opening of the doors.
In this photo, I skipped ahead a bit to show the slopes, but before putting putty on the wall, you need to remove the previous layers of paint. Many layers of paint.
Yes, it turned out that the doors in the elevator are different colors.
There are two types of paint used in porches. Oil and lime or something (the one that is smeared). The ambush is that you need to remove both from the ceiling as well.
The photo shows how oil paint bubbles from chemistry, but chemistry only acts on one layer and works slowly. It is also toxic.
Therefore, everyone had to shoot down the oil paint. Grinder with met. a brush, a hammer drill with a mini jackhammer attachment. The cycle shows good results. paint peels off relatively easily in many places.
Lime is easier to remove. It is necessary to steam it with a steam generator, then it is relatively easy to clean with a spatula. At the same time, there is almost no dust. True, the surface area does not give enthusiasm. This is most likely the most tedious process in the whole venture. I attracted an assistant - I do not have enough strength for such feats on my own.
Preliminary result. I don't see the point of cleaning too much. There was also some kind of putty there initially - it holds well.
A hated communication box is visible in the background - a whole story came out through it. Will be lower.
Photo as it was. the tiles on the floor are already new.
People, where do they get these colors?
Wall adjacent to the apartment. This is the wall that I wanted to soundproof. Therefore, the paint did not peel off her. I just beat it off with a puncher for relief.
I myself once built the partition on the left, but they crept in when I was not there and painted it in their own corporate color. Although it was painted - well, so as not to get out of the g .. gamma.
I did the same with the wall near the garbage chute, because it is impossible to putty. Plastering requires a thick layer.
I just threw out the window. is of no value. To restore - you will spend a lot of time.
At this point, all the neighbors took up arms against me specifically. especially from below. By that time, it became clear that the entire entrance would not be done.
The slopes of the arch also had to be leveled with plaster and drywall - the concrete goods themselves were too crooked.
I wrote above about the story related to the communication box. There she is:
From the very beginning, I decided that he would not be. I didn’t know what I was facing. Since the start of the renovation, I terrorized a local Internet company on the topic of removing it to the technical floor. All their activity was reduced to the fact that they skillfully kick me. A complex scheme for the implementation of this task was proposed.
As a result, I just had to meet an installer from this company, who periodically ran by. Turned out to be a great guy. For a bottle of cognac, he helped to carry it. True, he seemed to have coordinated this with his foreman.
I am starting a mega-project of the season: do-it-yourself repairs at the entrance.
NB. The renovation in this entrance has been successfully completed long ago.
You can see what happened at the link
I'll make a reservation right away, this is not the entrance where I live. Although, my entrance also asks to be made divine. And even a cosmetic repair 2-3 years ago by the forces of DEZ did not make it better. (You can read about how that repair was done and how I had to give a magic pendel to the contracting office here)
Everyone remembers how Tyoma “made” repairs at the entrance of the Kiev house, where he lived for some time. A renovation office was hired.
Many people know about how Victor B. made repairs in the apartment with his own hands, and now he is completing the building.
This was the source of inspiration. We cross one with the other and get: building a house by a rented office ugh, not that crossed.
And we get: repair in the entrance with your own hands!
House of the 60s. Former communal apartment (according to the owner)
Plain Soviet design repair. The half-meter height of the painted part of the wall is to save paint. Metlakhskaya (I wonder if they knew such a word in those days?) Tiles, laid somehow. And on the lower platform, there is a completely different color scheme.
The steps look amazingly good.
And here is the scourge of our time: the forwarded wires in cable channels and without this entrance did not pass.
From the lamps, you can see that a couple of years ago, the bony hand of DEUZ reached here as well. With this lamp, purchased in bulk throughout Moscow, our descendants-archaeologists will be able to make a high-quality historical cut of the era.
The grill that DEZ installed on the way to his technical premises is hellish.
The window is well preserved. Asks to be restored.
Sketched sketches of how to improve. Natural colors, no quirks, but partly they have to dance from the color of the master's vestibule door.
Then I tried to ask the trusted construction team whether they would take on the repair of this floor (+ several flights of stairs) with a subsequent order for the repair of the first floor of this entrance, if the customer liked it. And the entrance group.
The brigade disagreed. Repairs performed by them would be fraught with a number of inconveniences, the main of which (and actually the only one) lack of access to water and sewerage. As you can imagine, this is not a renovation in an apartment where the above is available in abundance. There is no toilet on the landing and there is no tap to take water for wet processes too.
I had no desire to continue searching for the unknown brigade. I realized that "If you want to do well, do it yourself." There is more that, in fact, I am without work. And with this idea I just fired up.
And compared with third-party teams, I had a clear plus: a client, and also my friend, provides me with access to his apartment. Change clothes there, have a snack, and other needs.
On the appointed day and hour, I arrived with all the tools at the facility.
What happened next is already the second part of the story.
Don't switch. It will be interesting.
Most importantly, these are reality posts. The renovation is underway right now. Reports are no more than a week late.
You even have the ability to influence the progress of the renovation. Fresh ideas and advice are accepted. Brain storming.
The period of drawing up plans and estimates for the coming year has just come, and therefore we want to devote this article to one of the largest repairs - repairs at the entrance. If you are a member of an HOA (homeowners' association), then this article will probably be very useful to you, in it we will try to touch upon all the nuances that will be encountered when solving this issue.
So, let's start with the fact that repairs at the entrance can be cosmetic and major. They, in turn, are divided into two types: current and unplanned. Let's dwell on this in more detail.
Routine repairs are repairs that are carried out in accordance with the established frequency, which is specified in legislative or local regulatory legal acts. Thus, current repairs are carried out according to the established terms and plan, which is why current repairs are also called planned. As a rule, housing offices often ignore these deadlines and carry out planned repairs only when the residents of the entrance begin to write complaints, in the HOA this issue is strictly controlled.
Redecorating the entrance
Current redecoration of the entrance is carried out every 3-5 years. The frequency of the repair of entrances is clearly stated in the statutory documents of the HOA.
Redecoration involves:
- Restoration of a layer of plaster in places where it has cracked or crumbled;
- Sealing cracks and holes;
- Whitewashing the walls (in rare cases, wallpapering);
- Painting of panels and railings;
- Glass insertion into driveways;
- Painting windows;
- Painting of elevator slopes;
- Finishing and painting of entrance and attic doors.
This is the main list of cosmetic work that is performed during the repair of the entrance. If necessary, this list can be expanded.
Overhaul of the entrance
According to the standards, major repairs of the entrances are carried out every 25 years. Overhaul includes:
- Waterproofing of the roof and entrance vestibule;
- Repair of interpanel joints;
- Replacement of windows;
- Replacement of in-house communications: heating pipes, water supply and sewerage, electrical wiring, drain pipes;
- Repair of the technical floor;
- Exhaust system repair;
- Redecorating;
- External home renovation;
- House insulation;
- Parapet repair and installation of roof rails;
- Basement renovation.
This list can also be expanded depending on the circumstances.
Redecorating and major repairs of the entrance can also be unplanned, when for some reason it is necessary. If scheduled repairs are carried out as a whole, then unscheduled repairs can also be local, aimed at eliminating and restoring certain defects and destruction.
Repair at the entrance begins with a visual inspection of the entrance. Then a list and a work plan are drawn up, the required amount of materials is calculated. After that, an entrance or house meeting is held, at which the plan and estimate for the repair of the entrance are discussed. Also, at a meeting of tenants of the HOA, tenants can make adjustments to both the repair plan and the estimate. When all organizational issues are settled, an agreement is concluded for the provision of services with a repair team and all the necessary materials for repairs are purchased.
Before starting the finishing work, you must make sure that the entrance roof is reliably waterproofed, otherwise all the work done will go down the drain.
The first step is to replace communications. Then, if necessary, the window blocks are also replaced, or the glass in old windows is replaced.
The beginning of cosmetic repairs begins with washing the walls, to wash off the whitewash, or with cleaning off the old paint coating from the walls. All cracks and holes are covered up and a layer of scattered plaster is restored.
After that, the ceiling is whitewashed, and if provided by the plan, then the walls.In addition to whitewashing the walls, you can use painting, and if finances allow, then apply wallpaper. The final stage of renovation at the entrance will be painting the railings, baseboards and wooden windows.
Editorial office> with the support of Instep has launched a new special project. Its main goal is to show that a person's comfort zone is not limited to his own apartment. Today we'll talk about how to make a comfortable space for everyone out of an ordinary entrance of a high-rise building.
A typical entrance in almost every residential building is whitewash, rubbish in the corners and the obligatory graffiti on the walls. Meanwhile, this is a whole platform that can be used. We have selected five ideas on how to transform your entrance and make it as comfortable as possible - from a mini-garden to bicycle rooms and art space.
General Director of the company "Instep"
Whatever you improve in the entrances, the main thing is to remember about safety. First of all, you must not litter the escape routes. In the event of a fire, the slightest obstacle in the way can cost someone their life. Likewise, flammable materials must not be used in entrances and stairwells.
Let's discuss the entrance to the staircase - it is periodically repaired. It makes no sense to put a blank metal door at the entrance. These doors are so heavy that they injure the fingers and hands of children, and the tails and paws of pets. They do not save from intruders. And if a light bulb burns out in the vestibule, it turns out to be a dark corner. Much better is a door with glass. If you are afraid that it can be broken, you can use polycarbonate glass, it will not cost much more.
The combination lock and intercom must be installed not on the outer door, but on the second one, in the vestibule. It is convenient to open the intercom in bad weather in a dry room. And he serves indoors longer.
It's worth touching the lighting. We use luminaires with LEDs and sound and motion sensors. They cost a little more than conventional ones, but the energy savings are enormous, about 5-7 times.
An integral part of a modern entrance is a notice board. If it is not there, the advertisement will still be placed, but anywhere. In our projects, we even use two boards in each entrance. One - inside - for information from the management company (for residents of a particular entrance). The second is outside - for a wide variety of and more general announcements.
Convenient navigation is needed so that guests can quickly find their way. You often use taxi services, make online orders, invite friends to your place, hire any specialists. If the house plate is not visible, rusted, fell off - fold off and make a new one of a large size. At the entrance, you must indicate its number and the range of apartments located in it. In front of the elevator, you should hang a layout for the floors so that your guests do not have to figure out in their minds on which floor they are waiting.
We welcome you to the page of the Center for Information Support of the Housing and Communal Services Reform of the Volgograd State Training and Course Complex. The main goal.
In accordance with article 171 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the LC RF). In the case of the formation of a capital repair fund on the account of a regional operator, the owners of residential premises in an apartment building pay contributions for capital repairs at.
Many enterprising citizens want to live in clean and beautiful entrances, but do not know how to make their dream come true. However, experts assure that it is not more difficult to improve the entrance than to make repairs in your own apartment, there would be a desire. Representatives of management companies, board members of homeowners' associations and the main entrances told RIA Nedvizhimost about five important steps towards creating an exemplary entrance.
Initiative is not punishable
Many apartment owners in apartment buildings only care about their own living space, and everything behind the massive metal front door is considered a headache for the management company or any other organization.
“People can shake the air for years about the dirt in the entrance, be indignant at the walls damaged by vandals and still do nothing, expecting someone to come and do everything for them,” notes Yulia Danilina, the main entrance to one of the Moscow houses.
Meanwhile, each tenant can at any time take the initiative into their own hands. “We had a nominee senior at the entrance, but none of the tenants saw any signs of his activities. I came to him, met him, said that I wanted to put things in order at the entrance. He didn’t mind, however, and didn’t help, ”Danilina recalls.
She noted that after she began to actively work with the tenants, they themselves proposed to appoint her as the head of the entrance, and no one objected.
Experts assure that most residents are ready to provide passive assistance in creating an exemplary entrance - to keep clean, take care of flowers, even allocate some reasonable money for arranging the entrance, but many residents do not spend their own energy and time on organizing all this may or may not want to.
Cleanliness starts with acquaintance
First of all, the newly minted activist should establish contact with other tenants, draw up a list of owners and responsible tenants.
Danilina notes that such a simple thing as an information board will help to create a favorable psychological microclimate in the entrance. At the stand, in addition to posting important reference information, you can congratulate residents on birthdays, weddings or the birth of children.
“I myself bought and hung an information stand on the first floor, and then held a drawing competition among the children of the neighborhood. As a result, we organized a small exhibition by hanging the drawings on the board. You have no idea what a touching effect it had. Many neighbors immediately became friends, ”recalls Danilina.
However, a whip can be applied to any carrot. For example, on the information board, you can also post lists of irresponsible residents of the entrance.
“When I promised to post on the bulletin board the names of the owners who did not sign the application for repairs in the entrance, which means that it would not be done, they themselves came to me to sign the documents,” recalls the eldest at the entrance of one of the houses in Togliatti Yulia Chursina.
Repair first
To beautify a neglected staircase in need of repair is a useless exercise. Therefore, many activists have to start cleaning up with the organization of repairs.
To initiate repairs, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of residents and put this issue to a vote. The chairman of the board of the HOA “Kutuzovskaya Riviera” Aurika Pariy pointed out that even the consent of all residents of one entrance is not enough to make a decision on its repair - the general meeting is held throughout the apartment building.
Paradoxical as it may seem, but in a five-entrance residential building, each entrance is the joint property of all residents of the house. Therefore, neither the entrance council, nor the head of the entrance, nor the council of an apartment building can independently resolve such issues, explains Pariy. Thus, in order to carry out repairs in a separate entrance, the activist will have to enlist the support of each owner of the entire house.
All work in the entrance associated with routine and major repairs, which includes painting walls, repairing floors and replacing doors, must be performed by specialized organizations, hired by a homeowners' association (HOA) or a management company, adds Pariy.
"All illegal work can lead to penalties from the housing inspection to the management company or homeowners' association, which, in turn, can recover the amount of damage through the court from particularly initiative residents," the agency's interlocutor warns.
Repair of entrances in apartment buildings, where residents did not create HOAs or housing cooperatives, lies with the municipal authorities, since in this case the entrances are not the common property of residents.
Therefore, minimal redecoration of entrances, including painting walls, railings, whitewashing ceilings and replacing mailboxes, is regularly carried out in such houses without the participation of residents. If these works seem insufficient to tenants, then they have the right to send a letter to the head of the management company, attaching to it a list of problems requiring repair, explains a specialist in the secondary real estate department> Olesya Nikiforova.
As a rule, after such letters of happiness, management companies within a reasonable time frame take certain steps to organize and carry out repairs, the expert notes. “If the repair does not start, there is only one way out - to complain to higher authorities. For the Criminal Code, these are the district administration and the housing inspection. Usually, such actions force the management company to be quicker - no one wants to bring the case to court, ”notes Nikiforova.
At the same time, experts warn that the management company may require tenants to pay for additional repairs, including these costs in monthly receipts for paying utility bills. For example, over a period of time, residents will receive bills that are 2 thousand rubles higher than the usual monthly amounts.
Homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives carry out any repair work at the entrance at their own expense. The list of repair work and the estimate is approved at the general meeting of the tenants. There are usually few people willing to pay for repairs in the entrance from their own pockets, so activists have to resolve the issue diplomatically, explaining to the apartment owners the advantages of a well-maintained and clean entrance, Nikiforova warns.
The main thing is to stop on time
Measures to decorate the entrance, as a rule, cause approval from the tenants, but in everything you need to adhere to common sense, because everyone has different tastes, and if flowers and reproductions do not cause anyone's questions, then a number of tenants may consider graffiti in the entrance to be hooliganism. notices Nikiforov.
In fact, work not related to major repairs, for example, decorating the walls and planting houseplants in the entrance, do not involve holding a general meeting, since they do not affect the common property of the apartment building, Pariy argues.
“Still, it's best to ask your neighbors if they share your creative impulses. How much formalization of their consent is necessary depends on your relations with your neighbors. If there is a possibility of post factum claims, it is better to obtain written consent, ”Nikiforova advises.
Further - a flight of imagination of the residents themselves. The most budget-friendly way to decorate an entrance is to ask tenants to bring extra houseplants or paintings. However, it is important to remember that there are also restrictions on the design of the entrance. So, Pariy emphasizes that it is forbidden to install cabinets, large pots of flowers and spread carpets in the entrances. “Remember that the entrance is the passage to the living quarters in the house and at the same time the emergency exit. In the event of a fire, residents will be forced to flee, stumbling over this beauty, which is unacceptable from the point of view of fire safety, ”the expert recalls.
It should also be understood that the entrance becomes truly exemplary not when pictures appear on the walls, but flowers on the stairwells, but when all residents clearly observe the rules of decency, do not litter, do not paint the walls, do not arrange noisy gatherings in the driveways sites, leaving behind mountains of garbage, sums up Danilina.
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