DIY bathroom repair in Khrushchev

In detail: do-it-yourself repairs in a Khrushchev bathroom from a real master for the site

Renovation is generally not an easy undertaking. In the case of small-sized housing, everything is complicated by the small size, and in old houses the problem of worn-out engineering networks is still added. Their replacement is also the concern of the owners, since it can take a long time to wait for the control campaign to change them. So repairing a bathroom in a Khrushchev usually begins with replacing old risers.

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One of the options for what can happen as a result

A distinctive feature of Khrushchev apartments is the small size of all rooms. The bathroom and toilet are so small that even a minimal set - a bathtub + a sink - becomes only compact. Finding a place to install household appliances is a difficult task. The most popular solution is the redevelopment of the Khrushchev, which almost always affects the bathroom and toilet. One is made of two microscopic rooms - a combined bathroom. Due to the fact that the partition is removed, the area increases by almost a square meter, which is very significant in these conditions. In some versions, it turns out to increase the space due to the corridor or the adjacent storage room. This renovation of a bathroom in Khrushchev is more difficult technically and it is more difficult to get permission for such a change, but anything is possible.

If you decide to make a major overhaul of the bathroom in Khrushchev, the order of work will be almost identical with or without redevelopment. When redeveloping, the destruction of the partition, the transfer of the door, and the laying of an unnecessary doorway are added. Further, everything is like a blueprint.

In the following, the sequence of works is as follows:

Video (click to play).
  • Remove all finishing materials. If the walls and ceiling are crooked (drops of more than 3 cm) or there are voids under the plaster (when tapping, the sound is dull, when pressing, movement is felt), the plaster is also beaten.
  • Decide what kind of plumbing and household appliances will stand where, draw a plan in accordance with the scale. Draw on the plan the supply of electricity, water, sewerage.

Image - DIY repair in the bathroom Khrushchev

It is with this state that the repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev usually begins.

There are more and more options for finishing materials. For example, cork or PVC tiles can be laid on the bathroom floor. In this case, on top of the screed, another layer of self-leveling mixtures is needed to obtain a strong and even base, and the coating itself is laid last after all work is completed, but before installing plumbing. In general, the procedure for repairing a Khrushchev bathroom can vary significantly.

Renovation of a bathroom in Khrushchev is difficult not so much from the technical point of view, but from the point of view of creating a beautiful, functional and comfortable room. The small size of the room is the main challenge. We have to look for non-standard solutions in the selection of equipment, plumbing and furniture.

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A small bathtub can be beautiful too

During the renovation of the bathroom in Khrushchev, they very often abandon the bath in favor of a shower cabin. This allows you to carve out a place in a small room for installing a washing machine. The most successful solution is a corner shower. In this case, a pretty decent piece of space is freed up in which you can put a washbasin or washing machine.

Image - DIY repair in the bathroom Khrushchev

One of the options is to put a shower cabin with a deep tray or simply install glass doors on the bathroom.

If you still want to lie in the bathroom at times, you can compromise - choose a shower stall with a deep tray.But it is worth remembering that high sides are not very convenient for daily use if there are small children or elderly people. Why are they worse than a regular bathroom? The fact that it will not be possible to fully rely on them is plastic, and it will not withstand heavy loads.

It is not necessary to install a ready-made shower stall. Less space is taken up by a tile pallet and a partition. If the partition and doors are made of glass, the room will not be "congested" and will feel more spacious.

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Bathroom design in Khrushchev is a complicated matter

If, nevertheless, you are not ready to give up the bath, there are those that are much narrower in one part. A sink can be placed in this area. It will be convenient to use it, as well as a non-standard bathroom shape.

When developing a bathroom design in Khrushchev, they are trying to find a place for installing a washing machine. Yes, it rusts faster, but in other rooms it is even more difficult to find a place. One of the options has already been described - a corner shower, and in the vacant corner there is a washing machine. If this option is not suitable, you can install a specially shaped sink and a washing machine under it.

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To make the bathroom in Khrushchev more comfortable - the sink can be installed above the washing machine

Until you get used to it, it is not very convenient to use the sink - it is installed a little higher than usual, but much more convenient than if you put an undersized one to save space. By the way, this is also a solution, but not the best one.

To make the bathroom renovation in Khrushchev not only functional, but also beautiful, we correctly select the finishing materials, their color and texture.

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Using every centimeter is the challenge

Baths in the Khrushchevs are not only small, but also have low ceilings. Therefore, if suspended systems are installed, then only at a minimum distance, and this can be achieved by installing wall lamps or recessed ceiling lamps, but on LEDs that have a thickness of about 3-5 cm.This loss will be almost imperceptible, and the work will be much less than when plastering the ceiling and its subsequent putty.

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LED luminaires have a low height so that the ceiling can be lowered to a small height

It is not at all necessary to lay tiles on the walls. In this case, a smaller mosaic looks even better, since a large tile "makes" the room. Another option for wall decoration in a small bathroom is painting and finishing with decorative plaster. Bathroom paints create an equally reliable coating, but this option costs less money, especially if you will putty the walls for painting yourself. Decorative plaster is also moisture resistant, and this type of finish looks modern.

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Mosaic in a small room looks more organic than large tiles

In any case, the ceiling and walls in a small bathroom should be made in light colors, preferably with a slight gloss or pearlescent, silk sheen. This finishing option makes the room visually more spacious. Most often these are shades of beige. A very unobtrusive and democratic color that can be revived with some details of brighter colors.

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It is better to decorate the bathroom in Khrushchev in light colors. This example uses a calm shade of green.

Another technique is that the walls are plain and only approximately in the middle is a wide strip of a brighter or more contrasting color. This technique "pushes" the walls, the room seems to be larger than it really is.

If, while renovating a bathroom in Khrushchev, you decide to replace the bathtub with a shower cabin, refuse to install a ready-made cabin. Even the smallest takes up a lot of space, and the plastic walls load up the space heavily. You physically feel the lack of space. Making a pallet of tiles and installing glass partitions is a more practical solution.Doors can be made sliding - there are a sufficient number of systems that are easily installed by hand, but for craftsmen this is not a problem at all.

Image - DIY repair in the bathroom Khrushchev

The colors are light, vertical stripes break the monotony, but the highlight of the interior is a bathroom and a sink of a non-standard shape. They complement each other perfectly and both are convenient to use.

When choosing a sink, try to find the option that will best fit into your interior. They come in different shapes, sizes, colors. There are wide and narrow, deep and shallow, angular - in the form of a sector, such that are partially located above the bathroom. In general, there are many options. Yes, they are more expensive than the standard solution, but if possible, choose a beautiful and convenient plumbing.

Apartments in Khrushchevs are usually inherited or bought by young families. Their condition is usually deplorable, if repairs were made, it was 20 years ago. And in this apartment, the bathroom looks "not very".

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This renovation of the bathroom in Khrushchev is traditional - tiles on the floor and walls, the ceiling is made of PVC panels. It all starts with the removal of all finishing materials.

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Removing the old finish from the walls

The next step is to level the walls with plaster (without beacons, since the walls are relatively flat). A screed from a self-leveling mixture (self-leveling floor) is poured on the floor.

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A perfect surface is not needed - tiles will fit

After the screed has set, the tiles are laid on the floor. We lay it out diagonally. To make it easier, a plan was previously drawn on the floor (with a pencil).

Image - DIY repair in the bathroom Khrushchev

After laying the floor tiles, they took up the supply of water and sewerage, installed the bathtub and connected it.

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Water and sewerage connection

After that, they began to lay tiles on the walls. This is not always done. The second finishing option is to first lay out the wall with tiles, then put the bath, and close the gap between the wall and the side with a special border for the bathroom. The second option is preferable, since you can replace the bathtub or put a shower stall at any time. In the first case, you will have to redo everything.

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Tiles in the process of laying

After the walls were finished, the frame for the suspended ceiling was assembled from plastic panels. Economy option, but later you can change to any more expensive one.

Image - DIY repair in the bathroom Khrushchev

After that, there were only little things left - to hang a mirror, install and connect a sink with a built-in cabinet.

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We come to the final part

And the finishing touches are the stock near the bathtub, shelf and hooks.

Khrushchev is not an ideal apartment in terms of size and layout. But do not underestimate her: at one time she was the only opportunity for many of the communal apartment to move to a separate home.

The current generations of the owners of the Khrushchev houses are inherited from their grandmothers and grandfathers. And in the secondary housing market, these apartments are relatively inexpensive, although they are great for a small family or newlyweds. After all, even a small apartment can be made cozy with some effort. Start renovating the bathroom in Khrushchev, and make sure that these words are true.

The purpose of the construction of Khrushchev's buildings is clear and understandable: it was necessary to build as much housing as possible in a short time in order to provide them with Soviet citizens. Therefore, the layout of the apartments was standard, providing for a minimum amount of usable space for each family member. This housing was originally budgetary, without extra space and decorations.

Small bathroom areas are not a reason for frustration. Even with these shortcomings, it is quite possible to end up with a fully functional and beautiful space.

The main problems that arise with the new owners of Khrushchev are as follows:

  • Small area of ​​the room. The area of ​​the combined bathroom in Khrushchev allowed only the most minimal equipment to be in it: a bath, a toilet, a sink and a gas water heater.Over time, when the financial capabilities of the tenants of the apartment increased, there was a need for a washing machine, shelves and space for storing cosmetics and household chemicals. Placing everything you need in the bathroom without overloading a tiny room is a difficult task.
  • Decay of engineering communications. The houses of the Khrushchev layout were built up to 1985. It turns out that the newest of them are more than 30 years old. All engineering structures in houses have long been in need of, if not replacement, then at least major repairs. When carrying out repairs, it is advisable to replace all the wiring, since old communications can negate all efforts to improve the premises.
  • Uneven surfaces. Khrushchev's houses were built in a hurry, which means that the quality of the work performed did not really matter. If now, for example, tiling the walls, then you will have to pre-align the curved walls, deduce corners and perform other similar work.

All these problems are not a reason to refuse a purchase. They can be overcome. And how to do it, read this article.

In order to have a good idea of ​​what the renovated bathroom will be like, a design project should be developed. At this stage, you can, for example, provide for the possibility of redevelopment.

There are several redevelopment options that are popular with the owners of Khrushchev:

  • Option 1: Combine a separate bathroom by combining a toilet and a bathroom. In this case, the total area of ​​the room will increase due to the destroyed wall.
  • Option # 2: If the area of ​​the corridor allows for redevelopment, expand the bathroom at his expense.
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If for some reason the owners of the Khrushchev do not want to get involved with the redevelopment, you can use other methods of visually expanding the space.

Some people think that in the small room of the Khrushchev bathroom, designers literally have nowhere to turn around with their ideas. But this is not the case. On the contrary, the more difficult the task is, the brighter the skill of the specialist is manifested. Therefore, it is worth listening to their advice, it may very well be that they will be useful to you.

For example, so that the washing machine does not overload the bathroom with its presence, you can install it in the kitchen. Another option: if the size of the machine allows, you can place it under the sink. There is a third variant of placement, but for this they use special models of washing machines, which are called "flop". You can place the "flop" on the podium above the toilet by combining the toilet sink and cistern.

White and light shades of other colors always make the room look slightly larger than it actually is. Don't overuse white, but this effect should also be used to the maximum.

An interesting and modern solution is the installation, thanks to which you can hang the bidet and toilet. You quickly get used to an unusual design: the main thing is to realize that a wall mount can withstand a weight of up to 200 kg and it is absolutely reliable. A toilet without a bottom support and placed closer than usual to the wall provides a comfortable position and takes up less space.

Some more design goodies:

And also a few tips from the designer can be seen in this video: