Repair of a vaz 2109 do it yourself electrician

In detail: do-it-yourself electrician repair of a vaz 2109 from a real master for the site

  • nuts are very hard to unscrew (just a normal key will not work) - they stick;
  • in order to remove the SHPUS, a special tool is required - it is almost impossible to remove it with the help of the hands;
  • The replacement procedure may take less than 2 hours for you, and in the service it will take 20 minutes.
  • carry out technical maintenance and change fluids;
  • Use the transport media in a cool manner.

I have a problem in my clutch when I press the clutch pedal, does it whistle?

Some "successful" change of the BB wires can lead to the replacement of the starter, the carburetor, the air filter and its casing, when the engine is ejected or For cranking without start-up, the most safe option is the option with disconnection of the input of the commutator from the output of the distributor or disconnection of the power supply from the commutator.
The engine temperature is determined by the temperature and during the correct cooling system must not depend on the load.
Replacing the release bearing

The elements of the design of the car are the things that are sufficiently serious and hard to remember. For example, do you know what an interculer is? If not, then take a look at this article. Here you will know what it is for the device, why it is necessary and many other things.

The article is dedicated to the repair of Chevrolet Niva. You will know what to do with the problems that got you in the way. Among the illuminated faults you will find: the engine does not start or ignite, the car moves in jerks and much more.

Of course, the wheel is an important part of the engine. Its defects are often caused by the fact that the engine does not work. But in this case it is absolutely unnecessary to buy a new piece. You can grind it. This is what will be discussed.

Video (click to play).

Car owners of domestic cars often encounter wiring faults, which can lead not only to the inoperability of certain systems, but also to the impossibility of movement in general. To prevent this, the owners of "nines" need to know what the VAZ 2109 wiring diagram is and what symptoms indicate its malfunction.

There are several types of vehicle wiring conditions, in which the owners of the VAZ 2109 are forced to look for breakdowns:

  1. The vehicle does not allow performing its primary function, that is, it cannot drive. Either the wiring diagram of the VAZ 2109 is damaged, or one of the main components of the machine does not work.
  2. The car can go, but the systems sometimes start to junk or do not work correctly.

If, when trying to start the engine, the driver does not succeed, while the fuel normally enters the injector or carburetor, then most likely the problem lies in the wiring:

  1. If the car is running on a carburetor, the first step is to check the spark plugs and high-voltage wiring harness. It will not be superfluous to diagnose the distributor, as well as the ignition coil. It also makes sense to check the engine compartment wiring on carburetors.
  2. When it comes to the injector, the electronic motor control system is often the main cause of the problem. If the system does not allow processing signals from sensors and subsequently cannot issue commands for additional units or mechanisms, then the problem must be looked for in it.

Image - Repair of a vaz 2109 do it yourself electrician

Posting on the domestic "nine"

In both carburetors and injectors, burned contacts, in particular, in the ignition lock, are often the cause of electrical malfunction. If the ignition switch or the mounting block cannot work fully, at least the lighting lamps in the passenger compartment will not work. In addition, with faulty devices, other electrical equipment, for example, washers, fans, glass cleaners, etc., may malfunction.

Before we talk about the breakdowns of carburetors and electrical equipment, we suggest you understand the scheme according to which the system works:

  1. When the driver turns on the ignition but does not start the engine, power is supplied through the high-voltage wire harness to the motor terminals, and indicators on the instrument panel light up.
  2. Further, the starter activates the operation of the crankshaft, as well as the entire piston group. In the same way, the voltage across the high-voltage wire harness also starts the generator. The panel continues to work.
  3. Then the power from the device goes to the ignition coil, which starts to generate a pulse. The impulse goes through the high-voltage wire harness to the distributor, the instrument panel is working.
  4. After that, the crankshaft of the motors begins to rotate the distributor drive. The device begins to close the contacts, thus transmitting the discharge through the same high-voltage wiring harness to the carburetor spark plugs. The instrument panel continues to operate normally.

In the event that you cannot start the engine on the carburetor, you must pay attention to the diagnosis of the following elements:

  1. Inspect electrical wiring between coil and generator. You need to check the contacts for breaks or oxidation, sometimes they can just be cleaned, in some cases they need to be replaced. If the electrical circuit itself is in a sad state, then it may make sense to replace the wires.
  2. You should also diagnose the ignition coil. First of all, you need to check for a spark. To do this, remove the high-voltage wire from the distributor harness and bring it to the metal elements of the engine compartment. When you try to start the engine by turning the key in the ignition, a spark should appear from the high-voltage wire. If it is not there, then the coil is out of order, it needs to be repaired or replaced.
  3. In addition, you need to check the distributor circuit and the candles themselves. If you see that the high-voltage wires in the bundle are in a sad state, then it may make sense to change them. Diagnose the internal slider, as well as the carburetor plugs themselves (video by MR. Boroda).

The VAZ 2109 can be equipped with an electronic, that is, a contactless switch that is mounted between the coil itself and the distributor. The electronic system is designed to provide a better spark when the engine is running lean. In the event that the impulse is too low or absent altogether, as you were able to verify during the spark check, then it would be better to change the switch. In the event that the installation of a new device did not allow solving the malfunction, it will be necessary to completely or partially change the wiring. There is a chance that the resistance level in the circuit is very high, and this contributes to a too weak spark.

Injectors differ from the above-described internal combustion engines by the presence of many electronic devices. In the case of an injector, breakdowns are usually associated with the operation of the sensors or the wiring itself.

To accurately identify the cause of the failure on the injector, the following steps must be followed:

  • first disconnect the cable from the sensor;
  • then, using an ohmmeter, measure the resistance level;
  • after that, the data obtained will need to be verified with those indicated in the table in the operating instructions for the car.
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You will be able to identify a malfunction much faster if you thoroughly know the wiring diagram of a VAZ 2109 car. Such knowledge will help not only correctly identify errors, but also quickly solve the problem if it occurs while driving.

A detailed interactive wiring diagram of a VAZ 2109 car is shown in the video (video by Alexander Vakhteev).

Perhaps it is no exaggeration to say that the most popular model of AvtoVAZ is the family of front-wheel drive vehicles. And many owners are striving to change the VAZ 2109 on their own, making various improvements affecting the standard wiring.

But are they all justified? This is what will be discussed in this article.

Front-wheel drive VAZ 2109 is the leader in the number of successful tuning experiments

Today you can find several modifications of the car, in which the wiring diagram for the VAZ 2109 has significant differences.

In particular, the vehicle is equipped with:

  1. Carburetor power unit;
  2. Injection power unit.

Generalized wiring diagram of a VAZ 2109 with a carburetor type

In addition to the desire to change or improve something, the owners of early models of this car are faced with the need to replace the motor in connection with the development of the last of its resource.
Read also the article "Wiring the Gazelle-405 for self-service."

Accordingly, the choice is given to:

  1. more modern power units, which include injection motors;
  2. an improved injection system, which is equipped with multiple control sensors, for which you will definitely need to replace the wiring of the VAZ 2109 with your own hands;
  3. even replacing individual units (generator, starter) with more modern ones also requires new wires, because the manufacturer changed the terminal blocks on the new nodes.

Image - Repair of a vaz 2109 do it yourself electrician

The wiring of the VAZ 2109 must be replaced after the modification of the main components and assemblies

For reference: when operating a car in difficult climatic conditions, the manufacturer recommends replacing the sets of wires before the service life. Replacing the wiring with a VAZ 2109 with your own hands is allowed, provided that all safety requirements are met.

Let's see what exactly car owners are reworking.

Moreover, we will indicate only those alterations that are not prohibited by the manufacturer and current regulations:

  1. Installing a new dashboard;
  2. Alteration of internal (vnutrisalonny) lighting;
  3. Installation of additional repeaters of turns in the rear-view mirrors;
  4. Installation of additional headlights (fog lights);
  5. Installation of acoustic and multimedia systems;
  6. Immobilizer installation.

Wiring diagram VAZ 2109i with a high panel

For reference: the visual differences between the standard panel and the "high" one are in the transfer of the radio compartment to the level of the dashboard. Accordingly, the wiring on the VAZ 2109 under the dashboard must be replaced.

Many car owners want to improve their interior lighting.

As a reminder, there are several places inside a light vehicle equipped with light sources:

  1. The salon itself (interior lighting);
  2. Glove compartment;
  3. Cigarette lighter;
  4. Instrument panel (instrument cluster illumination lamp and symbol illumination lamp)

Layout of incandescent lamps of a VAZ 2109 car

If you, as the owner, like a high panel in the cabin, then you cannot do without replacing the standard wiring. Insofar as:

  1. Control devices have a different arrangement on the panel;
  2. The standard length of the wires is not enough;
  3. Terminal blocks can also be different.

Image - Repair of a vaz 2109 do it yourself electrician

Wiring on a VAZ 2109 in the process of connecting to devices

Accordingly, without replacing the electrical wires, it will not be possible to use:

  1. instrumentation;
  2. on / off buttons for various devices.

Differences in the terminal blocks of the "low" and "high" instrument panel

As for making changes to the lighting of the instrument panel, today there are sets of special lamps on sale along with the wiring with which they are connected to the car's electrical network.

Tuned instrument panel illumination VAZ 2109

You can install such kits with your own hands, it is only important to adhere to accuracy and safety rules.

Advice: all replacements of electrical wiring and connection of instrumentation should be carried out only with the battery disconnected.

In addition to replacing the power unit after it depletes a resource, there are many nodes in the engine compartment, the wiring of which also needs to be replaced:

  1. high-voltage wires from the ignition unit;
  2. wiring of various control sensors;
  3. battery power cables (joints are most susceptible to corrosion).

Image - Repair of a vaz 2109 do it yourself electrician

If there is no spark, repair of the VAZ 2109 wiring is inevitable

Numerous sensors in the engine compartment require special monitoring:

  1. Coolant temperature sensor - if the wiring is faulty, the driver will not notice overheating of the power unit;
  2. Brake fluid level sensor in the expansion tank - a leak or a low level can lead to brake system failure;
  3. ABC system sensors - oxidation of contacts or violation of the integrity of the wiring can lead to system failure;
  4. Exhaust gas sensor - on the basis of its readings, the electronic unit "prepares" the fuel-air mixture. If the sensor does not work, then the gas mileage will increase.

The only wireless car alarm element

A useful addition to the functionality of the car is the purchase of a modern anti-theft system.

The installation of a modern alarm is a special topic, since its work affects several main units and systems of a car of the VAZ family at once:

  1. General electrical system;
  2. Supply system;
  3. Sound and light circuit and actuators (side lights, headlights, sound signals);
  4. Standard immobilizer.

For the installation of the alarm, the electrical wiring diagram of the VAZ 2109 is required

Tip: often manufacturers of alarm systems accompany the installation process with video and photo materials, for each specific model of a particular car family. Read them carefully before starting installation.

The installation of additional fog lights is a general rework, because:

  1. Affects equipment in the engine compartment;
  2. Interferes with the dashboard inside the passenger compartment;
  3. Connects to the standard vehicle power supply system;
  4. Attached to the power body.

The kit must contain instructions for connecting

To install and connect fog lights, you will need a wiring diagram for a VAZ 2109, because the package includes:

  1. Connecting wires;
  2. Terminal blocks;
  3. Turn-on relay;
  4. Actuators (buttons);
  5. Backlight lamp (or LED), signaling the status of lighting fixtures.

It is forbidden to make any changes to a number of electronic components and systems of the car.

In particular, it is prohibited to change or make changes:

  1. In the head light - change the shape of the headlamp or install it from other cars;
  2. In the rear license plate lights - change the brightness of the glow, change the color, direction, etc .;
  3. In sound devices - to install sound special signals of emergency services, etc.

The wiring diagram of the VAZ 2109 is necessary without any intention of making changes to the car's device, because during operation the wiring is subjected to:

  1. Temperature effects - both climatic changes and daily heating and cooling cycles;
  2. Mechanical stress - the wiring passes through the entire body of the car, being exposed to components and mechanisms, passengers and transported goods
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