DIY Venetian plaster repair

In detail: DIY repair of Venetian plaster from a real master for the site

If you are tired of the familiar wallpaper, it's time to master a new wall decoration technique. After all, DIY Venetian plaster is a creative and very exciting process. You can get the most unusual options both with the help of ready-made mixtures and compositions of your own preparation.

The way of decorating walls like stone (marble, malachite, jasper or granite) is called Venetian plaster. This sophisticated and highly elegant technique can be used in any home and any type of interior decoration. It perfectly matches even the most modern styles, such as hi-tech or techno. True, in this case, it is better to choose light pastel or almost white shades for decoration.

By varying the types of techniques, with the help of the Venetian, you can also get the effects of canvas, aged silver, copper or bronze. It can even paint whole pictures. You can plaster in this way not only walls, but also any decorative elements, panels or frescoes. Moreover, the Venetian is able to easily withstand temperature changes, and it is easy and simple to take care of her. You can wash it with a brush with ordinary soapy water.

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Venetian plaster

Since the time of ancient Rome, little has changed in her technique: slaked lime is also introduced into the composition of the solution (it can be replaced with acrylic putty), stone flour and coloring pigments. At the end of the work, the surface is covered with a layer of natural wax. Expensive wax, if desired, can be replaced with an ordinary colorless varnish.

Venetian plaster can be purchased as a ready-made solution or prepared by yourself. For this you will need:

Video (click to play).

• dry slaked lime or putty;

• stone chips of fine fraction;

• color tint (depending on the finishing method, one or more shades may be needed);

To achieve the desired color, paints are first mixed with a dry base, and then combined together. Please note that each batch of mortar may have a different shade. If you plan to plaster a significant surface, and it is not possible to immediately dilute the required amount of the mixture, you should accurately measure the components introduced.

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Ready mix

Before finishing the walls, you must carefully prepare: putty and sand. The surface should be perfectly flat - after all, the smallest bumps, pits and roughness will be visible on it. Experienced craftsmen, before starting work, cover the walls with fiberglass or wallpaper for painting. To obtain a smooth surface, the seams are leveled before this.

The last layer is applied white primergiving a uniform color. It prevents the surface from cracking and provides a secure adhesion between the wall and the mortar. The primer wall must be thoroughly dried prior to application.

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Working with a Venetian woman is a rather painstaking and time-consuming task: for 1 sq. m, an experienced master spends five to six times more time than when working with ordinary plaster. To get your hands on it, it is better to master this technique from small sections of the wall or individual decorative elements: paintings, panels or frescoes.

1. To obtain a high-quality coating, the mixture is applied in several stages - there can be from 3-4 to 10 such layers.

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Each layer can have a different shade

2. For convenience, the wall must be visually divided into separate sections of 0.5-1 m.

3.After applying each layer, it is necessary to let it dry thoroughly, sand it with a construction float to remove excess plaster, and only then apply the second one.

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4. All layers must be thin, almost transparent... The first and last coat is applied with slightly reduced pressure.

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Plaster spreads randomly over the surface

5. The solution is applied in small strokes using a trowel in a chaotic manner. dry to wet... In this case, the movements should be arched. If desired, strokes can have the same tone, but different shades.

6. Spatula after each smear carefully wiped off with a rag.

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Colors are selected depending on the desired result

7. When moving to the next section, it is necessary to "cling" the boundaries of the previous section.

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The main stages of work

8. After the final drying of the solution within 24 hours, it is processed to give the surface water resistance, gloss and matte shine. natural wax... It, like the solution, is applied with a thin layer of soft cloth in smooth circular movements. Colors after such processing become more vivid and saturated.

9. After the wax has dried, the surface is polished with a soft flannel.

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Venetian wax

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Venetian plaster is not only an attractive but very durable coating

The appearance of the surface depends on the composition of the solution and the methods of its application. There are many Venetian plastering techniques.

We list just a few of them:

• Carrara marble: this stone is practically not found in its natural form, however, it is possible to create a completely high-quality imitation; this requires very painstaking work and the application of up to 12 layers of plaster from several colors; the meaning of the method lies in the selection of similar and contrasting shades;

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Carrara marble

• craquelure: you can get a cracked "aged" coating by applying a special finishing compound - a special varnish, which, when dried, "pulls together" the plaster; even a beginner can master this technique;

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Craquelure technique

• Marseille wax: using this method they imitate tree bark or old stone; the walls are tinted with wax twice; to create contrast, the second layer can have a different shade from the first.

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Marseille wax

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Imitation of Venetian plaster using a sponge, brush or bag

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Imitation canvas

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You can create chaotic patterns on the wall using special printing.

Master class: Venetian plaster