DIY cooling fan repair

In detail: do-it-yourself cooling fan repair from a real master for the site

  • What to do if the radiator fan is not working?
  • Frequent malfunctions of the radiator fan
  • How to troubleshoot a radiator fan
  • Other radiator malfunctions

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No car system will work properly if the temperature is not optimal. This is especially true of the motor, which works very actively, which is why it gets very hot. In order for the unit not to overheat, a special cooling system is included in its design, which is responsible for removing heat. The system has such a device as a radiator through which the coolant moves.

Together with the radiator, a fan is also installed in the car, which drives air. Naturally, the fan can fail from time to time. What are the typical malfunctions of this fan? How do I fix them? Let's take a look at all this.

If the cooling fan breaks down, sooner or later the power unit will overheat. That is why you need to closely monitor the condition of the fan, or rather, its performance. If the fan is broken, then it is necessary to determine the cause of the breakdown and fix it as soon as possible. Most often, the car radiator fan either does not work at all, or runs constantly. Let us concretize the manifestations of these problems.

In the first case, the fan may either not turn on at all, or simply not turn off. Despite the fact that there are only two problems, there are several reasons for their occurrence. You can check for yourself how efficient the fan is. To do this, you just need to start the engine without moving.

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Wait a little until the coolant has warmed up to a temperature above optimum. When the temperature is sufficient, that is, it goes beyond the red line of the corresponding sensor, then the fan should turn on, which will cause additional noise under the hood. But if the temperature arrow has already gone beyond the red mark, and the fan has not turned on, then immediately stop the motor, wait until it cools down, and then start looking for the causes of the breakdown.

First, inspect the fan motor. To check, connect it directly to the battery if the engine is carbureted. In cases with injection engines, the connector must be removed from the sensor, after which the fan should work, and in emergency mode. If after connecting the fan does not turn on, then you will have to buy a new one. But if it works, then everything is fine with it, and you need to check not it, but, for example, a temperature sensor. Often, it is mounted in a radiator.

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Disconnect it by disconnecting the wires and short-circuit it together. If at this moment the fan turns on, then the sensor is broken and must be replaced. Check the fan power wires for breaks. Be sure to inspect the fuse and relay that supplies power to the fan. The fuse is responsible for sound signals, so to check its performance, just press the horn. The relay must be checked for sticking contacts. You should also check the performance of the device when the voltage goes to it. If the reactions are zero, then the relay needs to be changed. If you examine everything carefully, you will surely determine what the problem is.

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Now let's figure out the constant operation of the fan.One of the possible reasons for the constant operation of the cooling fan may be the sticking of the relay contacts in the position in which the voltage is applied to the electric motor. Such a situation is also possible when the thermostat is jammed in the position that corresponds to the movement of the liquid in a small circle. But this is possible only if the car does not have a separate temperature sensor that is responsible for driving the fan.

Then the liquid overheats, the fan turns on, but the coolant does not enter the radiator. The fluid temperature will remain high while the fan is running. The thermostat can also jam in an intermediate position, that is, the liquid will go to the radiator, but due to partial opening, it will not completely enter the radiator, that is, it will not cool completely. Still, if the fan runs constantly, then this is not as bad as its non-functioning. Therefore, you need to know exactly what to do if a unit breakdown is detected.

Before removing the fan, disconnect the ground terminal from the car battery along with all wires that go to the fan. Only then can the fan be dismantled. So that the breakdown does not recur, and the cooling process proceeds more efficiently, experts recommend from time to time to clean the fan, removing various kinds of contamination. You need to use a brush for cleaning.

It so happens that the fan breaks down due to ordinary dirt. To check if this is so, bend the engine cover and assess the condition of the equipment. As practice shows, you will have to buy new brushes, because they often break due to too much dirt and premature wear.

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Quite often the fan breaks down due to poor contacts. This phenomenon is typical for oxidized contacts, if you have never cleaned them. Therefore, before checking the fan, check the wires; if necessary, replace them.

The next step is to check the performance of the rotor and its winding. If an open or short circuit is detected, it will be necessary to inspect each loop in order to determine the breakdown. Clean the winding well in advance with a metal brush and a cloth soaked in solvent. It is forbidden to use products that contain aggressive elements.

If you determine that the fan motor is broken, you will have to buy a new device. If you are on the road, the engine temperature has become critical, and the radiator has not turned on, then first you need to stop the car, and then wait for the engine to cool down. Then you can try the following:

1) Accelerate more than 60 km / h, so the liquid will be cooled by oncoming air currents;

2) Short-circuit the wires that go to the sensor to forcibly turn on the fan;

3) Turn on the heating system of the passenger compartment at full power, so part of the heat from the liquid will go to the passenger compartment.

It so happens that the radiator fan turns on ahead of time. The temperature sensor is to blame for this. Often, it incorrectly determines the temperature, which is why it does not send a signal to the fan at the right time.

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In this matter, you need to choose the right sensor. They are of two types - summer and winter, and their temperature regime is different. For example, the winter sensor will be triggered later, and the summer one earlier. If you choose the wrong device, then do not be surprised that the fan in your car will turn on either earlier or later than necessary. The sensor may work correctly, but the temperature range is not suitable for the device.

Many car enthusiasts underestimate how important and useful a car radiator fan is. If you ignore the breakdown, you risk paying a decent amount for repairing an overheated engine.That is why you need to diagnose the fan problem in time and fix it as soon as possible.

The engine cooling fan is a special device that blows the radiator and the heated car engine by constantly and evenly removing excess heat into the atmosphere.

The design of this mechanism, which is often called a radiator fan, is quite simple. It provides for the presence of one pulley, on which four or more blades are located. In relation to the plane of rotation, they are mounted at a certain angle, due to which the intensity of air injection increases (below we will tell you exactly where the fan is blowing).

There is also a drive in the design. It can be: hydromechanical; mechanical; electric. The hydromechanical type drive is a hydraulic or special viscous coupling. The latter receives the required movement from the crankshaft. Such a sleeve is partially or completely blocked when the temperature of the silicone composition filling it rises.

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The temperature rise itself is caused by an increase in the load on the vehicle engine, which occurs when the number of crankshaft revolutions increases. The fan turns on when the clutch is blocked. But the block of the hydraulic clutch turns on when the volume of oil changes in it. This is its fundamental difference from the viscous adaptation.

Mechanical drive is understood as a drive carried out by a belt drive from the engine crankshaft. On modern cars, it is practically not used, since significant power of the internal combustion engine is expended to rotate the fan (the engine gives too much of its energy). But the electric drive, on the contrary, is used very often. It consists of two main components - the control system and the fan motor for the engine cooling system.

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The control system monitors the temperature of the car's engine and ensures the functioning of the cooling mechanism. The drive electric motor is connected to the on-board computer. The control circuit of a standard electric actuator consists of:

  • ECU (electronic control unit);
  • a temperature sensor that monitors the temperature of the cooling composition;
  • air flow meter;
  • a relay (in fact, a regulator), at whose command the fan turns on and off;
  • sensor for counting crankshaft revolutions.

In this case, the actuator is precisely the electric motor that provides the drive. The principle of operation of the sounded circuit is quite simple: the sensors transmit messages to the ECU; the electronic unit, where the signals go, processes them; after analyzing the messages, the ECU starts the fan controller (relay).

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Many cars of the last years of production in their design do not have a regulator, according to the commands of which the fan turns on and off, but a separate control unit. Its use guarantees a more economical and truly efficient operation of the entire cooling system (the unit always knows where the fan is blowing, at what angle it is located, when it is necessary to turn off the device, and so on).

Neither the most innovative electric motor with high power, nor the ultra-reliable unit or control regulator is able to one hundred percent protect the cooling system from damage. Considering that a failed cooling fan, which blows in the wrong place, or does not rotate at all, can become the culprit for engine overheating, it is required to constantly monitor its normal functioning.

A timely repair of the system components will save your car from many troubles, but here it is important to correctly establish the cause of the fan breakdown. In other words, first you need to find a problem for which, for example, the crankshaft speed controller or the control unit or the electric motor does not work.Any driver can diagnose fan malfunctions based on the following recommendations.

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The check should begin with dismantling the connector (plug) of the temperature sensor and examining it. In cases where the sensor is single, you need to take a small piece of ordinary wire and short-circuit it in the terminal plug. With a working fan, the control unit or relay must give a command to turn it on when it is closed. If the device of interest to us does not turn on during such a check, this means that it needs to be repaired or replaced.

In the presence of a double temperature sensor, the verification principle changes slightly, and is performed in two stages:

  1. The red and red and white wires are closed. In this case, the slow rotation of the fan should be recorded.
  2. Red and black wiring closes. The rotation should now speed up significantly.

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If there is no rotation, the fan will have to be dismantled and a new device installed in its place. If the radiator cooling fan is constantly running (blowing without interruption), there is a possibility that the sensor for its activation has failed. It is not difficult to verify such a suspicion. It is necessary to turn on the ignition, and then remove the tip of the wire from the sensor.

If the device did not turn off after that, you can safely buy a new regulator (sensor) for turning off the device. Situations where the radiator cooling fan is constantly running are not uncommon, and now you know how to solve this problem. It also makes sense to check the fuse in cases where you doubt the functionality of the mechanism described in the article. This is done like this:

  • from the positive terminal of the battery, power is supplied to the red-black or red-white wiring in the fan connector;
  • from the negative terminal, charge is applied to the brown wires.

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If the regulator or the unit did not respond (the device did not turn on), check the temperature sensor wire (all connectors and plugs on it). It may be necessary to make simple repairs to the cable (for example, insulating it, replacing the plug). If it's not about the wire, then you will have to purchase a new fan, since yours is broken.