DIY bumper dent repair

In detail: do-it-yourself repair of bumper dents from a real master for the site

Image - DIY bumper dent repair

"Minor" accidents are a kind of mass scourge, when something or something is hurt, hushed up, it seems as if it is not critical - on trifles, but unpleasant. As a result, if the damage in an accident is not significant, and as we understood the majority of such accidents, then the bumper suffers first. It doesn't matter if it is front or rear bumper. It is more important for us now that the bumper is made of plastic. Since if the bumper is plastic and bent, crumpled, changed its shape, then this is fixable ...
It is about this scenario, when the bumper was jammed in a minor accident and the process of its restoration, and we will talk in our article.

Before we start talking about how to restore the shape of plastic, we will tell you a little about the fact that almost all materials have some kind of "memory" of the original shape. Of course, the word memory is used here in a somewhat unusual context. It means that if a material has changed its shape under the influence of external forces, it means with a high degree of probability that it can be returned to its original forms if favorable conditions are created for the possibility of restoration. Well, if we put it too complicated or incomprehensible, then it is better to see once than read a hundred times. Let's just consider such an example, when the front plastic bumper was jammed in an accident, and then straightened with the help of improvised means.

So, in our case, we have a damaged, namely, jammed left corner of the front bumper. At the same time, it is important to note that it remained without cracks and gusts. If in your case there are similar damages (breaks, etc.), then it is better to turn to another article "Do-it-yourself plastic bumper repair". The integrity of the bumper surface will be a kind of guarantee that the bumper can still be straightened.

As we know, plastic is a plastic material, especially when exposed to temperature. So, in order to provoke this plasticity, it is necessary to warm up the plastic. There are many ways to heat plastic. You can use a hair dryer, or heat water in a kettle or saucepan on the stove. It was in this way that we used it in our case.

Pour the plastic with heated water up to about 90-95 degrees in the place where we need to deform it. Water the plastic until we warm it up. As we already said, plastic can be heated with a hairdryer. Here you need to be more careful, as you can locally overheat the plastic, while it can stretch, or the paint will bubble, peel off. The water will heat up more evenly and faster.
After that, you can try to restore the original shape by pushing the plastic in the opposite direction of the force that led to the real deformation. Just stick your hand on the inside of the bumper and press on the damaged area.

Video (click to play).

In most cases, the plastic will restore its original appearance, at least as close to it as possible.

He'll just be pliable and straighten out.
It should be noted that if the damage is not significant, that is, the bumper is not heavily jammed, then it can recover almost by itself. To do this, the car can be put on a sunny summer day in the sun, which will warm up the plastic and it will regain its shape. Such cases also occur! From this we can conclude that all recovery procedures are best carried out in the warm season, or in a warm room. In winter it will be much more difficult.

Image - DIY bumper dent repair

So, this option for restoring the bumper, if there were no sharp breaks, gusts, will be quite possible and even a desirable coincidence. What we wanted to tell in our article. Let's say more. This option can practically negate all the costs associated with repairing the bumper, thereby saving you money, time and nerves.

One of the most common situations, especially in the winter season, is the appearance of dents on the bumper of the car. They arise in the process of "collision" with snowdrifts. Even a small amount of such interaction can result in a decent amount that will have to be paid in a car service for its restoration. But straightening the plastic bumper is easy with your own hands. You need to purchase the necessary tools and familiarize yourself with the stages of the work.

Removing the bumper dent is carried out using the following tools:

  • electric kettle;
  • small magnet;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • thermometer.

In addition to the tools, you should prepare a place where the bumper will be straightened with your own hands. It is advisable to carry out work in a garage or box, where the temperature is maintained at 20-30 ° C.

Before you straighten a bumper, you need to know exactly what it is made of.

If the bumper material cannot be heated, then it will be problematic to squeeze out the defect with your own hands, and in this case it is better to seek help from a body repair professional.

For example, you should not heat the existing welded seam on the bumper, and it is also unacceptable to expose the fiberglass part to heat.

To remove the dent, you must first dismantle the bumper and slightly warm up the surface with a construction hairdryer. At the same time, the water in the kettle heats up to a temperature of 40 degrees. Heated water is poured over not only the defect itself, but also the area with a radius of 20 cm around it. After that, you need to reheat the water to a temperature of 50 degrees and repeat the procedure.

Do-it-yourself bumper dent removal should be started right away to prevent the water from drying out. The magnet must be brought to the surface and moved in different directions. Moreover, even if the bumper is plastic, it will magnetise, since the paint applied to it contains a large amount of metal particles.

From the inside, we gently press the dent with our own hands in order to straighten it to its previous position. This helps the magnet and at the same time distributes the force over the entire surface of the bumper. To remove a dent, you do not need to press too hard with your own hands, as you can damage the coating.

After the restoration is completely completed, you should not immediately remove your hands. Hold the straightened surface for a few minutes to secure the new shape.

But this is not the end of the restoration work. To completely remove the dent with your own hands, you need to reheat the water to a temperature of 35 degrees and pour it over the bumper. This procedure is carried out several times, and each time the temperature drops by 8 degrees. When the water temperature is 15 degrees, the bumper is left to dry in a cool and dry place. Here it must lie for 48 hours, after which it can be reinstalled in its place.

It happens that deeper dents appear on the bumper than those that remain after contact with snowdrifts. The reasons for their occurrence can be different, from children playing with a ball, to road accidents. To even out such a dent, it is not at all necessary to contact a specialist. All work can be done by hand.

There is an effective and uncomplicated method. To straighten the dent, you will need a powerful hairdryer, which heats up the area around the damage for a couple of minutes. Next, a heated dent is sprayed with a can of compressed air until traces of frost from the liquefied air appear.After that, you should wait for the frost to disappear and observe the self-straightening of the surface. It remains only to wipe the dent until it forms a natural shine.

So, you can always fix the dent on the bumper with your own hands, which will save significant money.

It is very easy to damage the plastic bumper of a car. And the most offensive thing is that even the smallest dent spoils the appearance of the car and, at first glance, requires professional repair in a specialized auto repair shop. It is worth noting that even minor repairs to bumper dents in a car workshop can require significant financial resources. Do you think you can remove the dent on the bumper yourself?

Many car enthusiasts like to self-service their car, as well as carry out minor maintenance repairs to their vehicle. But, unfortunately, not many can boast of knowledge about how it is possible, without outside help, to eliminate not severe damage to both the front and rear bumpers.

Fortunately, there are ways to remove a dent without the help of specialists. But first you need to determine whether the bumper is subject to self-restoration. To do this, inspect the bumper for torn chips, cracks and similar defects. If the bumper is cracked and generally badly damaged, then, unfortunately, you will not be able to restore it yourself. In this case, you need to seek professional help.

If, as a result of the accident, the bumper of the car has only a small dent, then you can try to fix it. Before proceeding with the restoration, it is necessary to remove (if any) the remnants of someone else's paint or dirt from the bumper. To do this, use a variety of paint removers. For example, nail polish remover (use more carefully, because you can damage the paintwork of the car - for this, the cleaning process should be as short as possible). Also, the WD-40 cleaner can help you to remove dirt. Another old proven way to remove paint or dirt from bumpers is to use brake fluid, which, like nail polish remover, should be used as quickly as possible. Despite the precautions when removing paint, you can still slightly damage the paint coat applied to your bumper. In order to restore the shine to the damaged area, it is necessary to polish it with the help of special products that are sold in many car dealerships.

Unlike dents on iron body elements, repairing damage to the bumper is not particularly difficult. We offer you a proven method that we found on the net that will help remove a dent on the bumper.

In order to start removing the dent, you need: rubber gloves, a kettle of boiling water and a large bottle (or saucepan) of cool water.